Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Sep 1966, p. 14

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Thursday, September 1,1966 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section Three,-- Page On* TWICE TOLD TALES Forty Years Ago (Taken from the files of Sept. 2, 1926) The many friends of Bernard Flrett were grieved to hear of his sudden death on Wednesday at the home of his mother, Mrs. John Frett. Death was attributed to inflamation of the stomach. Pistakee Fair date, Sept. 4, Will be bigger and better than ever ^before. The Fair will be held at the Pistakee Yacht club on Pistakee Bay. A beautiful 192? Hudson coach will be given away and there will be hundreds of other valuable prizes. With the acquisition of the George Sayer Farm No. 3 consisting of 280 acres, the Pistaqua Heights country club now becomes the largest club in the whole Chicago territory in jthe amount of acres. The total acres are 796. Miss Hazel Heimer entertained a number of friends on her birthday last Friday. Three young boys from Johnsburg were injured in a Green street crash Sunday afternoon in front of the Dr. H. Floyd Cannon residence when a Ford truck driven by Frederick Mueller crashed into the Ford coupe of Dr. Cannon. The Mueller boy lost control of the truck when the wishbone broke. With the Mueller boy were two other youngsters, Alfred Thelen and Emil Simon. The old landmark, • the Creek school on Coles Corners, was torn down last week. The old residents of this vicinity, a good many of whom received their education there, will miss the old familiar spot. K. Lopeman. expects to build a bungalow on the site in the near future. The annual mission festival of Zion Ev. Lutheran church will be celebrated next Sunday afternoon at the church. Rev. Otto Hizeroth of Hampshire, 111., will preach the German sermon and the Rev. William Bramscher of Genoa, 111., will sermonize in English. Twenty-Five Years Ago (Taken from the files of Aug. 28, 1941) For the bravery they displayed in rescuing a man and his daughter from drowning in Mc- Cullom Lake, George Goranson, age 12 and James Freebum, about the same age, were presented with medals. The Methodist parsonage on Main street was recently converted into two apartments. 221 students have registered at the McHenry Community high schbol this week for the fall term. A large barn on the Bert W. Colby farm in Bull Valley was struck by lightning. The building was' completely destroyed taking with it 1,400 bushels of oats, baled straw, hay, £ silo filler, corn binder, a large straw stack and two small calves. . After a partnership of eight years duration, Otto Adams and Augustine M. Freund have dissolved due to illness in the Adams family who have moved to Florida. Adams and Freund have operated a farm implement shop on Pearl street. "Rex Chief" the prize horse owned by Dr. and Mrs. J.P. Frey of Pistakee Bay, was returned home from the Wisconsin state fair at Milwaukee with four ribbons. The horse was entered in four shows receiving a rating in each show. A group of nine ladies who attended the McHenry public grade school together several years ago held a reunion at the Wayside Inn at Liberty ville where they enjoyed a luncheon. Those who attended were Mrs. Louis McDonald and Mrs. William Belcher of Woodstock; Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron; Mrs. Chauncey Harrison of Ringwood; Mrs. George M. Johnson, Mrs. George Shepard, Mrs. Robert Thompson, Miss Clara Stoffel and Miss Florence Carey, all of McHenry. Ten Yean Ag* (Taken frofn the files of Aug. 24, 1996) The Sons of the American Legion will hold installation ceremonies at the Legion home with State of Illinois Detachment Commander Allan Goldstein as installing officer. Paul Seeber will be Installed as captain, Richard Gray first lieutenant, Edwin (Buddy) Reid, second lieutenant; James Meyer, finance officer; Edward Mars, adjutant; • Michael Dillon, chaplain; Charles (Butch) Miller, historian; rtoiv aid Meyer, sergeant-at-arms. Charles Schlottman, 7, of Wonder Lake, who received superior rating and a beautiful gold medal as the result of his accordion playing in the Class D finals of the Chicago Music festival. St. Patrick's church was the scene of a beautiful wedding Aug. 18 when Miss Rita Bolgef became the bride of Mr. Raymond Gaylord of Woodstock. Jo Ann Reuter, 14 years old of Wonder Lake, proudly presents Silver, her tea year old trick horse. The two plan to tour the country this fall showing all of Silver's thirty-two tricks. The horse has already appeared' on several television programs and stages even before his training was completed. He was trained for eight years by a famous instructor in Lily Lake. Awards recognizing the long service and business success of Service station dealers handling Standard Oil products ^ are being presented to five dealers in the McHenry area. The senior dealer is R.F. Justen by whose family the service sta tion has beerf operated for thirty-t w o years, Fred J. Smith, Johnsburg, twenty-seven years, C. H. Westlake, Solon Mills, seventeen years, W. J. Schreiner and L. J. Huck, fifteen years. FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO KOENEMANN SAUSAGE CO. • 88 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES Phone 385-6260 Route 120 -- Just East of Route 13 --Volo, ID. SUNNYSIDE VILLAGE BUSY CROWLEY PHONE 385-266* BETTY LEHMAN HEADS CYSTIC FIBROSIS DRIVE Betty Lehman will knock at your door between now and Sept. 10, so be sure to give what you can because it is for the purpose of our annual Cystic Fibrosis fund drive. Looking For Owner As of now we have not located the rightful owner of the three wheel tricycle and 2 wheel bike which is parked up at George Seibert's home and I know things like that can take up jl lot of room. So if you know of any one that is missing either of these items please call the Chief of Police at 385-2151 or pay him a visit next to Sunnyside Grocery store. FAIR WINNER Miss Jacqueline Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence "Bud" Freund, attended the Springfield State fair Sunday to participate in the organ competetion held in the Illinois building. She returned home with a red ribbon for second place. McHOTY SHOP IN Forget that Gas is cheaper A gas incinerator "takes out" your garbage for you No matter what the weather •-the only door you'll have to open to get rid of your garbage is the one on your gas incinerator. Your garbagesavingdays will be over. Nevermore will messy, soggy, unsanitary garbage clutter up your life. No more unpleasant stale garbage odors either. You'll be able to dispose of gar bage and all burnable trash daily--conveniently and automatically. Now's the time to buy--before winter sets in. Special Introductory Offer • 60-day Proof of Performance. • W® raioraQy dovjra; 48 crjofiths to pay. • Save $55 if you have us install your gas incinerator between Ssptomfeor 15 and November 30, 1966. Put in the garbage and burnabi* trash and set the timer dial. Automatically the gas flame wiU consume everything burnablemeat and fish bones, paper, boxes, corn husks, even old shoes. A second gas flame consumes smoke and odors. After the burning cycle is completed, the incinerator shuts itself off. 885-2081 Splashy Affair "Pat", my daughter, had a family party on her new huge harp shaped patio which is inlayed with pebbles and strips of red wood. Chicken and ribs were barbecued outside, besides salads, vegetables and a huge cream cheese cake. Participants were Ches. and I, Pat's five children, Jimmy, Bobby, Joanne, Mark, and Patty Luci Puci from Elmhurst and husband, Dr. Copeland and his wife of River Forest, Joanne's steady boy friend, Richard Jansen, of Burlington, Wis., and a couple of Pat's neighbors. The occasion was a farewell to son Jimmy who jetted in from London on his way to Hampden, Va., where he will attend Sydney College. A Heart-Broken Boy All those who attended the picnic a couple weeks ago had a grand time but not a 6 year old, who's name is Dale Ambrose resides at 1323 W. Lakeview with his young parents. Dale's Daddy bought him a new bike a few weeks ago and a pretty on? with some extras. He rode it to the picnic and safely parked it with all the other bikes - but when he want to get it to go home, there was no bike for Dale...some one had taken it, maybe by mistuko si? If any of you know of itn whereabouts please call me at .'185*2662 and I will notify the parents of this heart broken little boy. Picnic Sue Benoche returned home after a three weeks visit in Berwyn with her Aunt Ruthie and family. They visited Old Town and many other fun spots. The Benoche family attended a picnic at Twin Lakes, Wis., which was held for the employees where Jeanie works. Vacation Ended Eddy and Betty Lehman and their two children have returned home from a vacation at Wisconsin Rapids. cottage so • the children could get their fill of fishing, boating and swimming. Got Word Millie Mondl is still in the Chicago hospital where she is undergoing therapy treatment, but spends all her weekends at home with her darling son and husband. < Danny says that she may come home to stay by the end of September and believe me - we all send our most sincere wishes to the most courageous little gal in town. Visitors , The Schuberths entertained some of their relatives last weekend. Mrs. Schuberth's sister, her husband and Children came up from El Paso, Texas which was part of their vacation. Looks like I'm" at the end of another column. I'll be with you again next week. So long for now. MOT'S n FBtT Meeting Next Monday a meeting will be held at the village hall on the highway and it is for the benefit of our villagers, so how's 'bout donning your bonnet and go to the meet'n. More Vacationers Back Home The Pflug family, Bud and Marion, and their four children have returned home from a week's vacation in Waters Meet, Mich. They rented a MU.ENRY SHORES BERNICE WILSON S85-4S80 SCHOOL PHYSICALS With the opening of schools drawing near, Dr. Franklin D. Yoder, director of the Illinois department of Public Health, issued a reminder to parents concerning the physical examination requirements. If a child is entering school for the first time, whether in kindergarten or first grade, a physical examination as prescribed by the department is required immediately prior to or upon entrance. A physical examination is also required if a child is entering the fifth or ninth grades, or if a child is entering an Illinois school for the first time, regardless of the grade. Shop In McHenry •# *** WHALE OF ATRIP! Ifts 6ABLY AS 1598 WHAUNG VESSELS EXPLORED THE VAST ARCTIC REGIONS SEARCH5N& FOR THE MONSTER MAMMALS. IN 184O CHARLES WILKES, IN HIS HUNT FOR WHALES, COVERED I0OO MILES OP THFE MYSTERIOUS ARCTIC SEAST LATE SIOOMER t*fosEPM CONRAD, ONE OF THE MASTERS OF OUR LANGUAGE, HARDLY SPOKE A WORD OF ENGU£H A&6 Of 17 i CO-OWNERS ? ©F COURSEF rue U s. swm&z BOND BUYER & FREE TO DESIGNATE A CO-OWNER OF HIS CHOICE. OR HE MAY NKME A BENEFICIARY, OR. HOLD FHE BOND IN HIS OWN NAME ALONE. CHOICE OFR.E6ISTRAT10H IS A BIG BOND A&/AMTAGE. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 * "SEORCiE L THOMPSON? General Insurance . • Life e Auto *. • Health s Fire *, • Casualty * Boat 3813 W. ELM ST. -- McHENRY PHONE 815-385-1066 "In The McHenry Plaindealer Building" * * 4j *-V * * * •••••••••••••• SHORES GLUB MEETS TO DISCUSS FUTURE PROGRAMS The McHenry Shores Club will hold a meeting on Sept. 1 at the VFW hall. Since we have had a two months vacation there will be much to take care of so try to attend and join the regulars. Our upcoming dance will be discussed, how are you doing on the sale of tickets? .This affair will be the last money making event of the year so we are hopeful that all residents will make a special effort to make this a, success. As is the usual custom at our meeting home made cake and coffee will be served. Birthdays A happy birthday to William Dostal, Clare Schubert and Georgeanna Filman on Sept. 1 William Verstege who will be 8 on Sept. 4, Thordis Wevik on Sept. 5, Christopher Quinn on Sept. 6, and William Lokay on Sept. 7. Bill Lokay is far from home in the service but we all wish him a happy day. Anniversaries Congratulations to Jack and Elsie Schmitt who will be celebrating their twelfth anniversary on Sept. 4, many happy returns of the day. Beach Duty On Sept. 3 W. Pinkonsly, Sr., is in charge of clean up duty at the beach and his co-workers are T. Henshall, J. Mathews, W. Pinkonsly, Jr., C. Ramage and W. Weber. Farewell To The Whitesldes The best of luck to the Whiteside family who have moved back to their former neighborhood. 4^*Fonnd: Pair of Glasses A pair of glasses, not sun glasses, have bee nturned in to me by Charles Ramage, J r., who found them while digging in the sand at our beach. Any^ one knowing anything about them may contact me. - Around The Shores Spec. 4th Class Terry Wetzel surprised his parents last week by coming home on leave unannounced. He has been stationed in the Canal Zone at Ft. Gulick and will be here for 30 days which will pass all too quickly for everyone concerned. On Saturday the Wetzels, Sandi and Tom Ballowe, Terry and his fiance, Judy Makowski, went out to dinner to celebrate his homecoming. Pinky Pinkonsly has been under observation in McHenry hospital for a few days. He should be home this weekend and we hope he will be feeling fine by the time this comes out. In dosing, don't forget the steak fry on Sept. 3 and have a nice Labor Day weekend. Would appreciate any news items you may have, call me anytime. See you next week. u SiYfS Big selection of Girls School OPEN DAILY SUNDAYS 9 to 0 9 to G FASHIONS ...ON THE GO! Styles that match the stride of every "Going"0 family choose now while selections are besiL In the Newest Shades for fall U40IES SWEATERS Imported knits - Domestics knits - Bulky - Cardigans - Pull Overs - Shrugs. Orlons - Wools - Acrylics Heather ones, solids & novelties. Regular and Extra sizes W to ;797 SOLIDS - PRINTS - STRIPS * IN LADIES BLOUSES from short sleeves, roll - ups three quarter and long sleeves. Over blouse Tuck - ins - Pant tops All sizes: 32 to 38; Extra sizes 40 to 44 Forget that gas is cheaper... remember that gas is modern. a Pretty prints and solids in long wearing, easy care c o t t o n s , s i z e s ( 3 - 6 - 7 - 1 4 1 (iirs A Ladle:* Mordul Cuff ANKBJTS White - sites 811 - 11 EVERY DAY U *Labor Day* ID our Prescription Department. \Y'e appreciate the opportunity to help yon retain or regain your health with our medical perserlptions. 3720 W. Elm St. 385-7030 JEWEL SHOPPING PLAZA Olb Ilaggenjos,. R.Ph. Jerry Touuaint, R-Ph. com 100% Virgin Wool Perk up your fall wardrobe with SKIRTS Choose from dacrons, cottons, wool, nylons. Beautiful corduroys, solids tweeds and plaids. Regular sizes: 22 to SO Petite sizes: 8 to 16 297 to Mien's and Boy's Sport Smarts The most colorfull selection ever in every talked about style for fall. All styles- All sizes for Men & Boys. $197 10*397 4 Pe. Set Flreklng <.lass S0WLS Consists of quart lv2 Qt., 2 and 3 Qt. I Health & Beauty Aid Values $1.17 Trig De§d@rant Re£. $1.7o Sew 13 oz. Plastic Btl. WITAIUS Reg. $1.39 Giant Men's Spray NG WORSTED 4 Oz. Many color* Reg. $1.39 Butterscotch Re^. .S3.2-3 7 oz. Hidden Magic 1 SPiAY 77c 61c H0RNSBYS Free Parking In Our Storeside Lot Open Daily 9 to 9 -- Sundays 9 to 8 Shop'n save at Hornsby's here In McHenry And In Nearby Buffalo Orove

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