-/ Thursday, September 1. 196B H3iV3aNIVTd*H|13IPW 3HX Seciion Three -- Page Five Joi'nsburg News BETTY HEjlTI. RMANN 885-1294 CLUB MEETING NIGHT CHANGED DUE TO HOLIDAY Because of the Laboi1 Day holiday, the regular meeting of the Johnsburg Community Club members will be held the following Monday, Sept. 12, at the usual time. Members serving on the committee for this meeting have been notified. It "lg hoped that there will be a large tturnout for this first fall meeting. All members are cordially invited to participate. Entertained At Family Gathering Mrs; Evelyn Deidrich was the "center of attraction" recently when she was surrounded by her family in observance of her natal day. Besides her children and grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Thennes and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Deidrich and .daughters of Richmond were present to make the celebration more festive. First Grandchild Welcomed The buttons are really "popping" at the home of Bill and Lorraine Meyer of Spring Grove Road. They are the everso proud grandparents of their fint grandchild. Brian John Odell arrived on Aug. 21 at the naval hospital in Norfolk, Va. This young man weighed in at a robust 10 lbs. 3V2 oz. at birth. His parents are Clifford and Lynn Odell. His father is stationed with the navy in Norfolk. We wish to extend our sincere best wishes to the newparents and the not-to-be-forgotten proud proud grandparents. Town Barber Passes On We in this vicinity were very aorry to hear of the death of one of our town barbers, Walter Durrenberg. Mr. Durrenberg passed away last Saturday afternoon in the Victory Memorial hospital in Waukegan where he had been a patient for over two weeks. He had undergone surgery there after several days of. hospitalization. Funeral services wore conducted in McHenry on Tuesday. Mr. Durrenberg, who was 72 *t the time of death, is survived by his wife, Margaret, and a »son, Fred, who was called home from his army duties in Germany when his father became ill. All of us join in extending our heartfelt sympathies to Margaret and Fred, as we know how they will feel the loss of someone so dear. Our family will miss Walter very much as we have been immediate neighbors for almost fourteen years. You can not live that close to a person, for that many years and not form some kind of attachment. Attends Family Reunion Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith of Johnsburg Road were picked up by her son recently to attend the family reunion which was held at Blackhawk Park in Rockfprd. It was the gettogether bf the Zimmermann- Helms families and forty members were in attendance. The Smiths spent a couple of days in Rockford and then another of her sons provided return transportation for them. Needless to say, they all had a real good time. Juvenile Foresters Hold Meeting The first meeting of the fall season for the junior members of St. Agatha court No. 777, will be held on Monday, Sept. 19 at 7 p.m. AH members participating at this meeting are asked to come prepared as it will be "Talent Night." This is always quite a popular topic for all the girls who are inclined to be "stage struck". The directors hope that this meeting will be a large one and invite all their members to be there. Former Resident's Death Shocks All The untimely death of Mrs. Lois Shannon of Van Nuys Calif., shocked all the friends the family made during their residence here several years back. Mrs. Shannon suffered a stroke earlier last week and passed away without regaining consciousness on Saturday at a Burbank hospital. She was 45 at the time of death and is survived by her husband, eleven children, Mary Denise, Patricia, Lois, Caryl, Susan, Betty, Diane, Colleen, Micliael, Wil* liam and Tommy ranging in age from 20 down to three. Her father, JBill Shay of Suiinyside Beach Drive, and a brother, William, of Evanston, also survive. Funeral services were scheduled for Tuesday of this week at St. Elizabeth's church. The Shannon family moved to California seven -ye^r? ago, but were residents of Sunnyside Beach Drive previous to that. They attended St. John's church and the children attended school here. Words cannot express the sorrow all of us feel for this family at this time. Our sincere sympathies are sent to them all. Back Front New York So glad to see lights at night in the Chuck Hiller home on Hillcrest Place. Pam and Stephanie spent the summer in New York to be near Chuck. Now they are home and getting ready for the school term. Chuck was home for a few days during the time the Mets played ball against the Cubs. Soon the baseball season. will be over and this little, family will be reunited once again. Hospital Patients Mrs. "Bud" Miller entered St. Therese hospital on Monday and was to undergo ear surgery on Tuesday. The best of get-well wishes are sent to her from all her many friends. We hope her recovery is swift and complete. Many people of this area will be interested to learn that Jack Keenan of Pompano Beach, Fla., entered the hospital last Sunday. He was also to be a surgical patient. Please drop him a card at the Holy Cross Hospital in« Fort Lauderdale. I'm sure he will appreciate it. Burl, two sons, Don of Minneapolis, and Dick of Denver and a daughter, Mrs. Mariiyn Tate of Glen Ellyn. Natal Day Wishes A very happy birthday to Joe Smith who will be doing his celebrating on September. Many happy returns of the day to him. How Can I? Holy Name Meets All the members of St. John's Holy Name Society are invited to attend the next regular meeting which will be held Thursday, Sept. 10 at 8 p.m. in the Johnsburg Community Club hall. Hiller Reunion Held The members of the John and Catherine Hiller family turned out in great numbers for a reunion which was held on Sunday, on the grounds of the Johnsburg Community Club. Of the 234 members, 197 were in attendance on this afternoon. The group enjoyed baseball, and other ways of amusement, along with lots of talk, talk, talk. This is the first time in five years that the Hillers held a reunion. Now Registering for fall Term ^}anta5y 5; arm CHILD CARE COMPLETE CHILD CARE For Children of Working Mothers Or While You Go Shopping • 6 Acres of Playground with Slides, Swing, Merry- Go-Round, etc. 9 Story Telling, Reading and Inside Play • Hot Meals -- Morning and Afternoon Snacks • Napping Facilities • An Opportunity for Your Child to Play with and Get Along with Others. Call 385-2499 for Daily and Weekly Rates You Can Afford State Licensed Located Vi mile South of McHenry on the old Crystal Lake Black Top Road People On The Go Sandy and Jean Hettermann spent several days over last weekend in Kansas. They made the trip to visit Sandy's fiance, Dick Bowe, who is stationed with the army at Fort Riley. Frank and Judy Oeffling played host to Dan and Bev Green of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., in their home one evening last week. Later in the week the Oefflings invited a number of friends of the Greens to their home so the entire group could discuss "the good old days". The Tom Oeffling home has really been a-buzz with company for the past month. Pat and Girard Brennan of New Jersey brought their two daughters, Kathleen and Margaret up here for a months visit. The girls spent this time visiting between Tom's home and the Al Oeffling home. For the past two weeks Andy's sister, Sister Catherine Rita, of Washington, D.C. and her aunt Mrs. Margaret McKendry, of New York were their guests. The four visitors will' all be flying home on Tuesday of this week. Dick Himplemann was due to arrive home last weekend for his first furlough since entering Uncle Sam's service. He was able to spend a short time with his brother, Joel, who is also on furlough. Joel will be leaving this week for his new assignment in Hawaii. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freund. Joe S. Schmitt, and Gerald Schmitt attended the wake of Mrs. Olive Rinkenberger in El Paso, 111., on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Rinkenberger and her family were former residents of this area years ago. She passed away very suddenly at the age of 54 and is survived by her husband, Riverdale Resident Succumbs Mrs. Marie Bergis, - age 56, passed away suddenly at her home at 4536 N. RiVerdale last Sunday. Funeral was conducted in Chicago on Wednesday. Mrs. Bergis was a member of St. John's church and is survived by her husband, Ignatz (Edward) and her mother Mrs. Mary Philipps, who resided in their home. Sympathies from all their friends are extended to the survivors. Bakeless Bake Sale The officers and members of the Blessed Virgin Sodality will not hold their usual bake sale over the holiday weekend. In stead the ladies will be present after all the Masses next Sunday hopihg for generous donations' from th6 parishioners. Try to give them as much as you can. ^ Reeeptiori Held In Home The Frank Oeffling home was the scene of a lovely wedding reception on Saturday, Aug. 27. Judy's father, Ed Gallas, claimed Evelyn Hawkinsen of Crystal Lake as his bride. Some forty-five relatives and friends of the bride and groom were present in the Oeffling home for the festivities. A buffet supper was served to all in attendance. Shopping .center .parking areas are proving to be grounds for more caution than you'd think. An increasing rate of car accidents and nearmisses is keeping things lively is minor even a crumpled in these wide-open spaces. Although most of the damage fender or a broken taillight ill add to any family's cash outlay. According to the American Automobile Association, these areas are off the highways and normal right-of-way laws do not prevail. Real .headaches result when it comes to collectin ^insurance. Police have no authority to determine who is at fault in a fender-scraping, etc. Better drive on those parking areas vsrith all the caution you'd use on the open road or city street! Fishermen can dye fishhook leaders by soaking them for 24 hours in strong coffee or tea. Before closing a roam and starting the air conditioner, leave windows open for a few minutes while the unit runs on fan. This drives out warm air, and the room will cool faster. If you fee} you've gotten a sunburn at the beach or pool, first wet yourself with cold water or take a cold shower... this sometimes relieves the pain. Speaking of the beach, how are you coming on the graceful poise and charm bit? Here's another helpful... Cream you must...so do it gracefully, extending the arms and applying the tanning lotion with a relaxed hand (no curled little finger), smoothing the lotion on with the fingertips. Sit with knees together and held to one side, feet together and held to the opposite side to give a turn to the torso; one thigh is slightly forward to take any emphasisxoff the hips! (I'll try to "throw you a few curves" each week!) A plastic catsup dispenser is Just the thing to use when filling your steam iron... you'll never have a spill! Be sure t get the one with the long point, tioner in both the wash and rinse water. This makes the difference between a clean wash and a dull ,one! Pr.rk tones In fabric can make large furniture appear smaller. Rough textures m-ikt a room seem more crowded and heavy pieces appear' les> bulky wh"n smooth surfaced fabrics are used.'. (Watch for Maggie every week!) NT'RSES' CONGRESS The deadline for reservations for the third Diocesan Nurses congress will close Sept. 7. The event is planned to t:'kc place Sept. 14 at St. Joseph hospital, Elgin beginning at 5 p.m. The theme will be "The Nurse - The Person." Reser vations may be made with the following contact nurses: Aurora, Helen Rippinger, St. Joseph Mercy hospital; " Phyllis Prusick, St. Charles hospital; Leone Zahner, Mercyville; Elgin Vicki Behan, St. Joseph hospital; Belvidere, Lucy Medhjlm St. Joseph hospital; Rockford, Leta Edwards St. Anthony hospital. Q. How can I make my own rug shampoo at home? j A. Simply mix up a bucket I '»f lukewarm wivler with rich, ! mild soapsuds -- soak a cloth . ><r brush in the suds, and usin^ only the suds, scrub a small ; :sr;'a of the carpet with this. Dip another rough cloth in a bucket of lukewarm clear water to which a' little powdered alum has been arttietl and wipe off the suds with that. Q: Ilt>w can I clean imitation leather upholstery? A. Mild snap and lukewarm .\ater are safest and l>est for this. To prevent cracking and peeling, follow the washing u ith a" thin coating of petroleum jelly. Q. How can I clean jyaxed artificial flowers? A. By wiping them gently with benzine. kerosene, or naphtha. But for the sake of safety, do this outdoors! Q. What can I do about a scorched white shirt? A. A scorch is, of course, not really a stain but a burn. Ht.wever, if the shirt has not been tuo deeply burned, it can lonn't'.i.i.'S be rectified by sponging with a cloth dipped in peroxVl«\ then iv.;:sed a train over the blemished area with a clean dry cloth over it. Q. My gravy always tastes good enough, but it has an unappetizing color. What can you suggest ? A. You can give your gravy more eye appeal by adding leftover coffee to it, stirring In a teaspoonful of powdered instant coffee. This darkens the !.',ra\y nicely, without affecting its taste. Q. How can I make a good glass cement? A. Just melt common alum in a glass spoon -• and you'll iu:ve a very efficient cement for mending glass, china, or metal articles. Q. How can I clean unwashable leather gloves? A. Try soaking a , flannel cloth in milk, rubbing over a cake of soap, then rub the gloves vigorously with this. Other such hints on the care and cleaning of gloves of all kinds are dealt with in detail in my new household-hints book. Q. How can I remove printing ink stains from materials? A. By working lard, shortening, or petroleum Jelly Into the stains, then laundering with} plenty of soap and water. If not washable,' sponge with carbon tetrachloride. How can I take proper care of marble table tops, lamp bases and such? A. Wash these marble articles with water and synthetic. detergent, rinsing carefully, wiping dry, then buffing. If you wish, you can wax them, using a pure, white water-wax emulsion, not ordinary furniture or floor wax -- this helping to retard soil. To polish marble, such as a table top, you can use putty powder or jeweler's rouge. Shop In McHenry USE T CLASSIFIEDS Have You Visited Our SURPRISE ROOM lately? -- NOVELTY WALL PLAQUES -- 'Clod Bless Our Lousy Apartment" $1.00 "Promise Me Anything, But Get Me A Dishwasher" • • 80c Many Other Gift Items RIVERSIDE RETAIL OUTLET 1402 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. That's it for this week folks. Please keep in mind the early deadline for next week. Items for next week's paper should be called to me no later than Friday, Sept. 2 by noon. Legal NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Monday, October 3, 1966 is the claim date in the Estate of Joseph Krettler deceased, No. 66P149, Circuit Court, McHenry County, Illinois. Joseph J. Krettler of 924 S. Courtland, Park Ridge, Illinois is the Executor; Leroy J. Welter of McHenry, 111. is the attorney. (Pub. Sept. 1, 8. 15, W tfStifll Make us your one-stop headquarters for school supplies . . everything you need at student-budget prices! NO MONEY DOWN 5 YEARS TO PAY ONE-CAR WITH STORAGE TWO-CARS WITH STORAGE IXT'fi.*- "RIGID FRAME" CONSTRUCTION IT'S NEW - AND SO DIFFERENT - AND-WILL SAVE TIME AND MONEY YOU CAN BUILD IT YOURSELF ON A WEEKEND-- OR, WE HAVE RELIABLE LOCAL BUILDERS READY TO BUILD YOUR GARAGE ^01 Compare the Features! Compare the Quality! COMPARE THE PRICE! AND REMEMBER --- IT'S FULLY GUARANTEED BY ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER / On Highway 31 South of Main Street - McHenry. Illinois Phone 385-1424 1