/ Thursday, September 8,1966 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section Two -- Page Three LAKELAND PARK NEWS Barbara Meurer--385-4356 Carole flumann--385-1605 WOMAN'S CLUB HOLDS INITIAL MEET OF SEASON The Lakeland Park Woman's club held their first meeting last Thursday evening with about twenty-five women coming out. Richard Walinski president of the LPPOA stopped in to tell us of the improvements which have been done and are going to be done to the community house, and also to have thej women spread the word about the general meeting Which is planned for Oct. 9. The report on the smorgasbord was given. The committee on the ad book asked for help in getting ads and a chairman with Helen Strandquisf taking for well-wishers was appointed on this job. Things are getting under way for the dessert luncheon and style show which will be held at the VFW on Wednesday, Sept. 28, with serving time at 11:45 a.rri. This will be a combined project for the Lakeland Park Woman's Club and the Women's auxiliary of Lilymoor. Our next meeting, which will be on Oct. G is to be a costume1 party with our annual decorated pumpkins putting us in the Halloween mood. Attending her first meeting since she moved here was Marie Matchen, and we hope she enjoyed herself enough to come back d^jd join US next month. Coffee and cake were enjoyed by all the ladies at the close of the meeting. Girl Scout Registration I hope that all the girls who are interested in joining Girl Scouts have called Mrs. Bierman at 385-3404 or Mrs. George at' 385-3206. They would like to know what girls are coming back or joining new this year by Sept. 10. Their first meeting is next Wednesday, Sept. 14 at the community house from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Mothers are requested to accomy^iny their daughters at this iirst meeting. If anyone has a Girl Scout uniform or a Brownie Uniform which will not be used this year, please notify the leaders as there is a great demand for both. Cub Scouts •• A Cub committee meeting was planned for last night, Wednesday, Sept. 7, to get the Cub Scout program going. If there are any boys who would like to become Cub Scouts, please give our Cub Master. George Hendle a call at 385- 6213 or if you know of a den mother close by you, contact her. There is a possibility that we will need some new den mothers this year, depending on the number of boys who wish to join, so if you have a b o y i n t e r e s t e d , g i v e s o m e thought to joining with him as a Den Mother. Brownies Troop No. 464 There are still a few openings for girls who would like to join the Brownie troop this year so why don't you give Mrs. Wickenkamp a call at -385-3069. She has as her assistant, Mrs. Helen Brooks. The first meeting of the year will be on Sept. 27, and will be held at Mrs. Wickenkamp's at 4316 W. Clearview, at 3:15 p.m. Little League Banquet Boys! Have you got your reservations and your money in for the Little League banquet yet? They have to be in to Mr. Wickenkamp by Saturday, Sept. 10 so he can notify the cooks at the church. All boys who played in the Little League last year, in either the major or minor leagues are eligible to come, along with their fathers. The dinner will be held at the Ringwood Methodist church with dinner being served promptly at 6:30 p.m. The speaker of the evening will be Paul Morenz, an all-around athlete from McHenry, who now goes to the University of Wisconsin. Belated Anniversary Wishes Belated anniversary wishes go to Kay and Leslie Luing who celebrated their forty-seventh wedding anniversary last Saturday Sept. 3. We also want to wish Ted and Evelyn Kaminski belated anniversary wishes on their fifteenth anniversary on Sept. 1. Congratulations to you both and may you have many more years of happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Piasecki will celebrate their twentyninth wedding anniversary on Sept. 9 while Sam and Connie Parisi will celebrate fifty-two years of togetherness on Sept. 10. On Sept. 14, Helen and Genes. Kraskiewicz will be together thirty years. Congratulations and best wishes for many more years of happiness go to these couples on their anniversaries. Birthday Wishes Sept. 10 has Marv George celebrating along with Russell Rede who will be 15. Donald Kaminski will be 12 on Sept. 11 and on Sept. 12, Dennis and David Johnson will be 15, Karen Slonina will be 10, Barbara Humann will be 4 and Shirley Koch will add another year. Sept. 13 has Mark Slonina celebrating his fourth birthday and Allen Plucinski his eleventh. Karen Johnson celebrates on Sept. 14, sharing the day with Cathy Knor who is 4 and Darlene Gladman who will. be 11 and Sept. 15 will see Junior Przctacznik turning 9 and Mrs. John Thilges adding another year. Best wishes to all of these people and to those we don't know about. Strolling Through The Park George and Kitty Hendle and Rita and Roger Hahn celebrated Kitty's birthday last. week by dining and dancing in Waukegan. They ended up the evening at a discotheque in Johnsburg. Get-well wishes to 6 month old Elizabeth Brooks who is suffering from a light case of whooping cough. We hope it doesn't get too serious. The Rogers family had a very eventful camping trip last week with Jerry spending three days of it in a hospital in Tennessee having his appendix removed. If you went away to get rested, Jerry, that was a good way to do it. The rest of the family spent the days swimming in a nearby pool where they were camping. The Osmon family also returned from a trip East, but they were in New York where they saw and were much impressed with the Statue of Liberty and then went to Washington, D.C., where they wore out much shoe leather walking a n d s i g h t s e e i n g . T h e l a s t couple of days they were out there, they attended the National Drum and Bugle and Color Guard contests which were being held out there and were really pleased to see the Cavaliers take first place in one of them. Kitty Hendle, the gardener, had a surprise birthday celebration at work last Wednesday. Some of the staff presented her with a birthday cake which they proceeded to eat and had a great party. Anything is better than work! Speaking of birthdays, Marion Duffy celebrated hers at the donkey baseball game on Friday night. After she finished her washing, that is. The Cadette troop camped at Fis h Lake last week from Monday through Wednesday. Some ^ of the gals who had school registration managed to arrive after the tents were pitched much to their delight. Kathy Becker and Joahn Schabow were among the girls. They were rained upon with a little hail thrown in for variety during meal preparations, and their sleeping bags were pretty wet, biit they were Girl Scouts together! Their spirits couldn't have been too dampened because a few of them got up at 5 a.m. to go fishing. The Becker family had an unexpected visit from their old friend Father Welch, on Sunday afternoon. Marion Duffy entertained a large group of ladies last week with cake and coffee. The wallto- wall ladies enjoyed the demonstration. Present were La- Verne Hromec, Adele Kroening, June Gilbertsen, Jane Grothman, Wilma Crane, Phyllis Hintz, Rose Dolenski, Rose Schiddel, Kay Brooks, Grace Campo, Aggie Prazak, Wilma Atkinson, Virginia and Karen Karls Gloria Vanek, Lorraine Arient, Beula Hoard, Mary Murphy, Carol Cynowa, Alice ANGELO'S SUN « fl • • • Specializing in BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCH 12 noon to 2 p.m. FINE FOODS -- COUBTEOUS SERVICE 1 Mile North of Wauconda on Old Rout© 12 Phone JA 6-2929 J "What can I do about these rude sales calls?" When your problem is a rude or overly insistent salesperson who won't take your "no" for an answer, just hang up. Many people who sell by phone, of course, do so in a courteous and considerate manner. And they often have really good buys to offer. We're trying hard to help businesses use the phone without offending. We offer all interested business people free information and training. We suggest they call at times most likely to be convenient for you and to call only bona-fide prospects. We remind them that offensive calls make enemies, not sales. But some salespeople continue to make annoying or "pushy" calls. So if you do receive an offensive sales call... hang up. I i,, Just hang up! y Illinois Bell Telephone Part of the Nationwide Bell System Pro$ok and Lil Benes, whew!, The walls have a slightly bulging appearance now, but they all had fun. The donkey ball game was the big attraction on Friday evening. The Oukfords brought Rosemary Haas and family, and the Arvid Andersen family. Exciting entertainment expecially for the kids, who haven't seen too much of this type of ball. Was very popular back in the good old days when I was a girl. The Oakford family is spending Labor Day at Petey's sister, Marilyn McCuHough's. The occasion is Marilyn's birthday and a good reason for the gathering of the clan. A baby shower was held last week for Mi Sook Crose „pf Woodstock at the home of Jiidy Yearton in Crystal Lake. The new baby will be the recipient of many lovely gifts received by his mother, a native 6f Seoul, Korea. A marvelous whipped cream and strawberry torte was served to the guests who included Mrs. foNelson, Carol Cynowa, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Seymour, Carol Thompson and the grandmother-to-be, Mrs. Crose. The Abbott household was in an uproar for a few days with the arrival of their favorite son Richard, and grandsons, Jim,Gregory and Jeffrey. They camped at Zion to take advantage of the Lake beaches and commuted to McHenry for meals and visiting. They also made a side trip to Palatine to visit o 1 d neighbor s and school friends. On their way back home they stopped at Niagara Falls for more camping before returning to their home in Portland, Maine. The Oakford family hacl a marvelous vacation with Petey spending a week in Chicago with hier sister and Jack and the kids going camping. The city contingent indulged in a week of shopping and sightseeing with a few movies thrown in for good. measure, to say nothing of those delightful meals in restaurants cooked by someone else to say nothing of getting out of dishes. Jack took Larry, Billy and Meg on a round trip starting- at Apple River Canyon, to the Mississippi Palisades and ending in White Pines State Park. They did all their, cooking out and had a perfect time. This was Meg's first experience with camping. At the end of the week they all returned and everyone was happy to be Jjome together again. Home Safe Happiness is being together. After a two year separation, the Tibbs family is all together again. Their husband and father, Sp-5 Ben Tibbs is home after a tour of duty in Viet Nam and Korea. While in Viet Nam he received a commendation for bravery but returned home on Tuesday safe and sound. Ben and Sharon have three daughters, Debbie, 7, Julie, 4%, and Nancy 2M>. While he is waiting for orders they are spending the time getting reacquainted. Best of luck to the family. COLLEGE DAY The highly successful "Opportunity for College Graduates Day", sponsored for the first time Nlast December by the Rockford Chamber of Commerce, is scheduled for a repeat performance on Wednesday, Dec. 28, Marvin Johnson chairman of the Chamber's Student Opportunity committee, has announced. ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY M o s t o f us d o n ' t d r i n k enough water. Everyone "needs at least two quarts of water a day, more on warmer days, to function normally", says Dr. Chas. Glen King, Associate Director, Columbia University Institute of Nutrional Sciences. "Less water than that may cause dehydration, resulting in fatigue, headaches, sullenness, and in extreme cases, collapse." HOLD INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ONE DAY CONFERENCE James Craig, district superintendent for Northern Illinois Gas company, has invited all area persons interested in industrial development to attend a one-day conference at DoJton 111., on Sept. 22. Craig said the conference, which will be held at Dorchester Inn, wip be of particular interest to^city and county officials, land developers, industrial brokers and Chamber of Commerce people who serve on industrial development committees. Some of the state's outstanding industrial" development experts will speak at the conference and outline programs for securing new industry. The event, which is being sponsored by NI-Gas, is expected to attract over .600, persons. Further details on the conference may. be obtained by contacting Craig at Iib Crystal Lake -office. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TOPIC Solomon's prayer for "an understanding heart" rather than ; riches will introduce the Bible Lesson on "Substance" to be read at McHenry Christian Science church this Sunday. Own the BEST GARAGE i. Neighborhood BRICK or FRAME SPEC We don't think we can be undersold on quality or price . . . try us and see. OVER 50 STYLES! Priced from $775 -- NO MOHEY DOWN -- Terms to suit your budget • Black Topping • Concrete Work LOOK! With Every Garag® During This Sale! • CONDUIT PIPE # WINDOW (SHUTTERS • FLOWER BOXES • PAIJ^ • M@ MONEY DOWN PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOU! Over 30 Years Experience Our Representative Will Call Day or Night -- No Obligation --• SPECIAL LOW PRICES • RECREATION ROOMS © DORMERS © PORCHES © ALUMINUM SIDING ® BASEMENT ROOMS • ADDITIONS • ATTIC ROOMS Complete Remodeling & Repair Service Painting & Decorating 3720 W. Elm. St. 885-7030 Jewel Shopping Plaza PHONE 815-853-8161 Wosider Lake, 11L ~V fiJaJv £0/ THE GOOD GUYS IN WHITE HATS HAVE GREAT YEAR-END DEALS! THE GHIGAGOIAND DODGE BOYS "KSNKDffir ARE HERE! SAVINGS GA10RE DDRIIilHEIR YEAR END IfOF'MDGlu Those Good Guys are havin* their year-end BIG SAVE DAYS I sale! You know what that means! Lower prices--higher trade-ins--on the Success Cars of 1966. Dodge!, see the Dodge Boys Toddy! \ x THE SUNNYSIDE DODGE xD0DGE 4810 W. Route 120 - McHenry - Phone 385-7220 BOYS NO WONDER EVERY600Y LOVES A GOOD GUY! OPEN Sundays a.m. to 4 p.m.