I Thursday, September 8,1966 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section Two -- Page Five MCHENRY SHORES BERNfCE WILSON List Workers For Beach Duty On Sept. 10 M. Zeimet is the boss of clean-up duty at the beach and his coworkers are H. Clausen, R. Dobbertin, G. Hattan, H. Paulin and C. Whitney. There are only two more weeks to gO/after this one, could it be that fall is almost here? Parties Cathy Musielak made her first communion at St. Mary's church on Sunday and fiftyfour relatives attended a buffet dinner and made merry after the big event. David Hinspater invited some of his friends in to help him celebrate his fiftn birthday and the children who enjoyed the games and goodies were Scotty and Dale Houghton, Maryann Winters Bonnie and Billy Pinkonsly, and Dawn and. Chuckiel Whitney. J Michelle Calvert entertained Cathy Musielak, Susie Ewald, Beth Lexow and Dorothy Koleno on Wednesday in honor of her seventh birthday. Games were played and luncheon was served to all the girls. Birthdays Best wishes for a wonderful birthday to Ruth Jenner' on Sept. 8; Kathleen Harper and Mrs. Ruth Miller on Sept. 9; Kathy wiii be 3 years old, Donald ]V|gsielak on» Sept. 11; Lawrence Hicks, Trent Middlekauff, Emily Reznicek, William 'Bill' Zeikert and Frank Camasta on Sept. 12; Jackie Mc- Dermott on Sept. 13; ^and Evelyn Kobernus and Ellen Tiggemann on Sept. 14. Legals RlNMOOD Nils DEI/ORES BBENNAN 653-9046 LOCAL PLAYERS CHAMPIONS OF SOFTBALL LEAGUE The former Ringwood Softball team, now known as Richmond Bowl captured the league's first place trophy, last week. This week they were in the playoffs and after being defeated by Genoa City in the best of three games, they won the second place play-o f f trophy. Players include John Hogan, Bill Huff, Charlie Sowers, Ed Skidmore, Russ Carr, Don Harris, Gerry Freund, Allen Spencer Roger Barker, Bob Klapperich and Lyle Andreeson, and managed by Bernie Klapperich. Congratulations to our local boys. Around Town On Monday, Mrs. Leonard Ackerman and children and Mrs. Wesley Bruce and daughter visited Lord's Park and Museum at Elgin. Mrs. J.C. Pearson, Jim Pearson and Mrs. L.E. Hawley called on Ruth Rieke and Agnes Jencks at Barrington on Monday. The Paul Walkington family spent the weekend on a camping trip. Special Days Happy birthday to Mrs. Virginia Bruce who celebrated her natal day on Sept. 12. Also happy birthday wishes to Jim Etten on Sept. 13. Jim is in the U.S. Army. Ringwood Church News OnSept. 8 the young mothers group will meet at the home of Corine Weizs in Hartland for business meeting and weenie roast. Anyone wishing to atten d may contact Mary Brink, 653-6223. The "Lord's Cellar" will take place on Sept. 8 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. The menu is chicken and dumplings. On Sept. 9-10-11. The senior high program is planning a retreat, a camp out at Pistakee Island. They will leave Fri day night and will break up early Sunday morning after all have attended church together. Sept. 11 the men's breakfast will be held from 8 to 9 a.m. There will be a junior high picnic with parents, 3 to 5 p.m. at Mt. Hope. There will be an officers training session for the W.S.C.S. Officers from eight churches will meet from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Women's society will meet at 12:3 0 beginning with dessert and coffee. Due to the holiday weekend and early deadline, the news quite brief. Hope all had a Anniversaries C o n g r a t ulations to our couples celebrating their anniversaries this week, Harry and Pearl Paulin on Sept. 9, Edward and Dorothy Vilim who will be having their eighteenth on Sept. 11; Clarence and Agnes Schweikert on Sept. 12, it will be the thirty-fourth for the Schweikerts, and Christopher and Bertha Quinh who will observe their thirty-ninth on Sept. 14. Meet The Stanells Dr. Robert Stanell, his wife Barbara, and their children, Christy and Bobby, have been living in their new home or Miller Drive for a few weeks and have been welcomed into the Shores. Dr. Stanell is an anesthetist at McHenry hospital. Barbara's mother, Mrs. O'Callaghan, also residps with the family. The StaneUs are from Great Lakes and the doctor has recently been discharged from the Navy. We wish them the best in their new home and hope that they will be very happy here. Around The Shores Mrs. Dousjlas Leight was the guest of Mrs. Herbert Berry at the Woodstock Country Club for golf and lunch on Aug. 30. On Aug. 20 thirty-eight friends and relatives gathered at the Woodstock Country Club to honor Herbert C. Berry on his birthday. Doris and Fred Wetzel had a family reunion last Sunday in honor of their son's homecoming and twenty guests enjoyed the visit with Terry. NOTICE OF CLAIM D^TE Monday, October 3, I9l>6 is the claim date in the estate of Joseph Krettler deceased, No. 86P149, Circuit Court, McHenry County, Illinois. Joseph J. Krettler of 924 S. Courtlaod, ^ark Kidge, Illinois is the Executor; Leroy J. Welter of McHenry, 111. is the attorney. (Pub. Sept. 1, 8, 15, '66) * jr NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE October 3, 1966 is the claim date in the estate of AGNES WEBER deceased, No. 66-P- 176, Circuit Court, McHenry County, Illinois. Martin A. Weber of 2517 W. Johnsburg Rd. McHenry, HI. is the Executor; Carroll, Leali & Gitlin of 329 Lake Av.e., Woodstock, 111. are the attorneys. (Pub. Aug. 25, Sept. 1, 8, 1966) . NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Monday, October 3, 1966 is the claim date in the estate of \nna Diedrich deceased, ^No. 56P178, Circuit Court, McHenry County, Illinois. Alfons Diedrich of 3405 W. 3rd Ave., McHenry, 111. and Loretta Adams of 1616 N. Court, McHen-< ry, Illinois are the Executors; \llen & Herrmann of Woodstock, 111. are the attorneys. tPub. Sept. 1, 8, 15 1966) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Monday, October 3, 1966 is f.he claim date in the er.tate of Alvina A. Johnson deceased, No. 66P195, Circuit Court, McHenry County, Illinois. Launne Arvidson of 5420 '^est Lakewood, McHenry, 111. is the Executor; Leroy .T. Welter of McHenry, 111. ,is the attorney. (Pub. Aug. 25, Sept. 1, 8, '66) SHOP IN McHENRY umn had to be in a day early this week so I wasn't able to gather any more news than Due to the holiday the col- this. See you next week. In the interest of your good health and good appearance this article which appeared in newspapers rationally* is reprinted by safe and enjoyable holiday. See you next week. WttVulifrtSSIWMWftilWiWiw " r-i FASHIONED TO FIT Sure to rate ffn A+ in all assignments ... so take notes for the fashion test and wear these camptis-wht styles. . *8.00 Pnlpmi^o . . , *<*.00 E S MENS Shop "STOP KILLIN& /OUBSEH " Abdominal Support •FOR LONGER LIFEFEEL BETTER LOOK SLIMMER LESSEN FATIGUE i ' Miy do widows outnumber widowers? To the traditional team of work and worry, long branded the guilty pair, weight hat been so strongly linked by science that dieting, once a woman's pastime, has become a male preoccupation. And now comes evidence that it isnt just the paunch, but the sag, that brings on the pallbearers--that the girdles that give the ladies their girlish figures may also be extending their lives. The idea that control under shorts, tightening the abdominal muscles and expanding the chest, improve not merely appearance but health isn't exactly a new one. Long before modern drugs came on the market, doctors prescribed abdominal belts for men with heart ailments. But new research, reported in • (he Journal of the American Medical Association, tends to show that the new drugs may be no more effective than the oltMasMoned belli-- or the modem control shorts. Scripps Institute scientists found that "application of the belt previous to exercise reduced or prevented the abnormal postexercise increase in the amplitude of the A-wave of the apex /cardiogram." just as popularly-prescribed glyceryl trinitrate. How do control shorts help the heart? One famed medical writer, Dr. P. J. £teincrohn, writes that it helps the circulation of the blood, And "thereby takes an unnecessary load" off the heart. And when one multiplies this by the heartbeats which add up to a few billion in the normal lifetime, one can understand how .a simple abdominal support might add years to a man's life." Many doctors are suggesting the increasingly popular new types of men's control shorts to their patients, and finding back and breathy fng as well as circulation benefits. The most popular type, Mandate, "underwear that slims," meets the Medical Journal's prescription of a bdt "tightly applied to the abdomen In each a ramner that it does mot disturb the patient's respiration or produce discomfort" * Reprinted by permission of Central Feature News, Inc. MANDATE ABDOMINAL UNDERSHORTS THAT SUM Abdominal support aids circulation • MANDATE! instantly takes 1 to 2 inches off your waistline! • MANDATE! comfortably provides vital masculine support, braces-up tired back muscles. • MANDATE! improves posture -- lessens fatigue. • MANDATE! travels wellquick washing, fast drying! only I | NAME. | STREETJ CITYI ORDER BY | WAIST SIZE I S (30-34) [ M (35-37) ! ML (38-40) | . L (41-43) I XL (44-46) I _ZONE_ -STATESIZE circle one STYLE circle one or both circle QUANTITY you desire S M ML L XL BRIEF CONTINENTAL BOXER (as shown) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 • Charge to my acct. or • C.O.D. or I enclose • Check or • Money Order toat Meat Buys AT YOUR McHENRY JEWEL! i 1'* v.. '*<*>? i -\\\ T> ' S.D.A. CHOICE Perk Cho U.S. CHOICE -- Bonless RoSied Rrngj Roost Center Cut -- Sfaioked lb. 89* HAM ! OS. CHOICE WHOLE OR WEDGE CUT BEEF BRISKET lb. 69* 79* FR heads R ettuce U as JEWEL'S OWN rm Stand" doz 1246 N. Green St. Phone 385-6112 We Give S&H Green Stamps 4214 N. Green St. , McHenry I PHONE 385-0019 CHUCK CAMPBELL'S NOODLE SOUP KRAFT ©RAPE JELLY RED ALASKA DSM1NGS SALMOND "10c OFF" LABEL AJAX DETERGENT BLUEBROOK TOMATOES "VEL maid J ETASLE OIL SANDWICH BREAD LOi SSIANA CRUNCH CAKE Reg. 79c ea. • . ©iff 10 ' 2 oz. can l-ll> 2-oz. jar 3-lb. 2-oz. pkg. 16-oz. can 48-oz. btl. 1-lb. 4-oz. loaves BI TTER FILLED DFFEE' CM 69c ea.