Faction One -- Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Wedding Bells Bridal Couple MR. AND MRS. DONALD F. KlItKK St. John the Baptist Catholic church, Johnsburg, was the scene of a beautiful wedding on Saturday afternoon, Aug. 20, when Miss Ruth Ann Schmitt and Mr. Donald F. Kibbe exchanged nuptial vows. They are residing on Main street. McHenry. Couple Recites Marriage Vows The Labor Day weekend was enhanced for Mr. and Mrs. Karl Murray of McCullom Lake when their daughter, Kathleen M., became the bride of Mr. Anton R. Cajthaml Saturday. Sept. 3, at . 5 p.m. in the Faith Presbyterian church McHenry. The bride's parents live at 5200 W. Maple Hill drive. McCullom Lake. The n e w groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Cajthaml, 1511 Sunnyside Beach drive, Sunnyside. The Rev. John O. Mclntvre officiated at the double ring ceremony. The altar and church were handsomely decorated with white gladioli. Escorted by her father, Miss Murray was a vision in a floor length gown of white silk organza over bridal taffeta and re-embroidered chantilly lace. The bodice was fashioned with a scalloped neckline and bridal point sleeves. The controlled skirt featured a front lace panel with a matching back panel forming a chapel length train. A crown of pearls and aurora borealis crystals secured the silk illusion veil and she carried stephanotis and African lilies. Serving her friend as maid of honor was Miss Marilyn Scarbrough of McCullom Lake, wearing a floor length gown of green-gold brocade and crepe. The bodice, was -fashioned with an oval neckline and trumpet sleeves. The empire w a i s t sheath skirt featured a detachable watteau panel. Her headpiece was of matching brocade petals with a blusher veil attached. The bride's sister, Miss Susan Murray, Miss Karen Viverito and Mrs. Diane Haupt were bridesmaids. Their ensembles were the same as the maid - of honor but of gold brocade with maize crepe skirts, and they carried bouquets of carnations and yellow roses . Albert Cajthaml was best man and Dale Bares, William Haupt and Terrence Murray were groomsmen. Three-year-old Denise Sima of Dojyner's Grove was flower gtfT and three-year-old Robert Haupt was ring bearer. Mrs. Murray wore a frock which featured a blue lace top fi with a chiffon skirt, clear vinyl shoes with silver leaf inserts, and complementing bag and hat. The groom's mother chose i a melon chilfon dress with melon accessories and both women wore matching corsages. One hundred twenty-f i v e guests were present for the reception at the McHenry Country club. The newlywedded couple drove to New Orleans for their honeymoon trip. When they return '-they will live at 45)04.W. Orchard drive, McCullom Lake. Roth young people are graduates of McHenry high school. The new Mrs. Cajthaml finished her studies in June, 1965, and the groom was a member of the class of '64. The bride is a secretary at Mattco Associates, Johnsburg, Snd the groom is an apprentice machinist for Northern Illinois Machinists. MARYELLEN NYE FALL BRIDE OF MILWAUKEE MAN Miss Maryellen Nye, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. William A. Nye of 3233 Bavview lane, McHenry, became the bride of Mr. Robert Fettig son of Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Fettig of Milwaukee, Wis., in a pretty wedding ceremony solemnized last Saturday, Sept. in St. Paul's Catholic church, Genesee Depot. Wis. Rev. Fr. Constantine Zielinski officiated at the 11 :IiO o'clock ceremony. Pretty, dark-haired Miss Nye chose a floor length gown of white silk, slyled with empire waist and featuring appliqued ( roses. An elbow length veil al- ! so worn by her sister, Mrs. j John Vesely. fell from a jewel- I ed crown and she carried a I white .prayer book .with stephanotis. Miss Jane Nye acted as maid of honor for her sister and bridesmaid was Peggy Nye, a n o t h e r s i s t e r . T h e y w o r e street lengtli dresses of a$o- .cado green color with matching head veils. Their flowers were white Fuji mums with white smilax. Little Carol Jean Vesely was flower girl for her aunt. Duane . Fettig served his brother as best man and groomsman was William A. JAMES CASSELL CLAIMS ELGIN ^ GIRL AS BRIDE The Church, of the Brefhreti, Elgin, was the settiha for a pretty, early fall Wedding on Saturday, Sept. 2, when Miss Judy Hein of Rt. 3, Elgin, bef'liiie (lie bride (if Mr. J unes II. Cassell of 200 South drive, McHenry. Rev. Donald Shank officiated at the 7 :30 o'clock evening nuptial rite. Miss Hein is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hein and Mi1. Cassell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cassell. The bride was radiant in a floor length dress of lace oVer satin, styled with long, pointed -Jeeves, full skirt with sequins •i round the hemline and scalloped neckline. Acting as maid of honor was R'vse Mary Kagel of Elgin, and bridesmaids were Harriett Johnson of Rt. 3, Elgin, Mrs. Connie Ki'hast of Elgin, sister of the bride, and Mary Lou Cassell of McHenry, sister of the groom. They were attired in dresses featuring blue brocade bodices and baby blue crepe skirts, • in empire style with floor length blue brocade coats. They carried blue and white colonial bouquets. Ken Ehrhardt of McHenry s e r v e d a s b e s t m a n a n d groomsmen were Tom Para, Dan Turner and LeRoy Sennet all of McHenry. Glen Hein, brother of the bridegroom, and Rich Kotiw of McHenry were ushers. Kim Kinast of Elgin, niece of the bride, acted as flower girl ! and the ring bearer was Grant Chislett of Aurora, nephew of the bride. Mrs. Hein selected for her daughter's wedding a turquoise chiffon dress and matching hat with white accessories. Mrs. Cassell wore a dress of the same color, white hat and gloves and black purse and shoes. A reception for 300 guests followed at the Blue Moon ballroom in Elgin, after which the couple left on a short trip to Wisconsin. Upon their return, the bride will make her home temporarily with her parents while her husband is stationed at the Navy base in Cuba. The bride is a graduate of Larkin high school in 1964 and attended Elgin Communtiy college. She is employed at Lee Wards. The groom is a graduate of the same year at McHenry high school. Rauen Family Observes 100 Years Of Marriage Marriage Licenses Edward A. Gallas. Wonder Lake, and Evelyn Hawkinsen, Crystal Lake. Kenneth Coss, Crystal Lake, and Jacqueline Sawisch, McHenry. Francis Leo Diedrich, McHenry and Priscilla Hahn, Woodstock. MM m DID I OTTR PRESCRIPTION" DEPARTMENT represents a larpe investment for your future health. But, prescrip tions alone will not support us in business. We ap preeiate your purchase of all your drup store items here so that we can continue to maintain as fine a prescription service as possible for you. 3720 W. Elm St. 385-7030 JEWEL SHOPPING PLAZA Gib Hargenjo*, R.Ph. Jerry Tovuuaint, R.Pb, Nye, Jr., brother of the bride. Two nephews of the groom acted as ushers. • Mrs. Nye selected a lemon ice silk suit, matching accessories and a green cymbidium orchid corsa'ge. Mrs. Fettig wore an avocado green lace dress, matching accessories and a similar corsage. A reception and lunch were njoyed by fifty guests followi ing the ceremony at the Avalon mote] in Waukesha. The newlyweds' are enjoying a two and one-half-week trip to Europe, and upon their return will reside in Milwaukee. The bride is a registered nurse, a graduate of Holy Cross college in South Bend, Ind. Her husband is a student of electrical engineering at Marquette university. MK. ANI) MISS. M. J. RAVEN Sunday, Sept. 4, was a most unusual day in the life of oi;ie McIIenry family, marking 100 years of marriage for the Rauens. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Rauen of 1610 N. Riverside drive. McHenry, wore observing their sixty-fifth anniversary, and for their son, Arnold and his wife, the former Leone Regner, of 2721 N. Regner road it was the thirty-fifth year. A family dinner was enjoyed at the M. J. Rauen home following Mass that morning at St. Patrick's Catholic church in their honor. Another Mass for their intentions was celebrated Monday. Attending the dinner in addition to the Arnold Rauens were the latters' daughter, Barbara, and son-in-law, Mr; and Mrs. Robert F. Hettermann and children. Robert and Julie Ann; two sisters of Mrs. M. F. Rauen, Mrs. Helen B i s h o p a n d M i s s E m m a Freund, both of McHenry; and | her brother, Fred P. Freund I and Mrs. Freund of John,sburg. I Because of heavy holiday traffic, Mr. Rauen's brother, William, of Kenosha, Wis., was unable to be present. The M. J. Rauens were married Sept. 4, 1901, the firsl couple to exchange nuptial vows in the "present St. John the Baptist church, Johnsburg, Fr. Mehring officiating. The first years of their marriage were spent in Spring Grove. They have resided for thirty years in McHenry, the last ten in their present home. Mr. Rauen at 92. and his wife, at 88, are a most remarkable couple. Both remain active and are unusually keen mentally, keeping abreast of the changing times while recalling happy memories of their long life together. Mrs. Rauen keeps up her home1 and walks j to church, a "distance of about | three blocks, each Sunday. • While accepting a ride to Mass | last Sunday, she insisted on a brisk walk home. Mr. Rauen still does some work around the : yard and manages to keep the 1 weeds frogn a fine lawn. The congratulations of the enire community are extended this wonderful couple. Thursday, September 3. 1966 BLOCK ROSARY: HECITED BEFORE FAMILY GROTTO (iathering Honors ' i'wo In Family - ' Sunday, Sept. 4, was an important day for Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Freund, whose daughter received her first Communion and whose son was christenod. Renee Freund received her irst Communion fn;m Rev. Fr. Eugene Baumhofer that morning. At 2 o'clock, Michael Robert was christened, also by Fr. Baumhofer, with Mrs. Mary Freund, the baby's grandmother, and Joseph Kalsh of Glencoe his uncle, as sponsors. Dinner was served later to twenty guests at the Robert Freund home. Present were Mr. and Mrs. George P. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. George Kalsh, grandparents of the children; Miss Rita Kalsch of Chicago. their aunt: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kalsch and family of Glencoe, Mr. and Mrs. James C. Freund and family and William Molnaire of McHenry. Plan GOP Luncheon Miss Ann Frisby Guefct At Pa:rty Miss Ann Frisby was guest of honor at a family dinner and party held at a local clubhouse on Sunday, Sept. 4, in observance of her eighty-fourth birthday anniversary. Attending the very special occasion were her. nieces and their husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. William Johns and Mf\ and Mrs. Harry Fred rickson of Elgin, Dr. and Mrs. James West of Itasca, Mr. and Mrs. David Haverkampt of Dundee and Mrs. Rita Ulrich and a nephew, Donald Givens. Miss Frisby received many gifts which she opened after a delicious dinner. One of the most treasured was a collection of poems she has written through the years, printed and placed in book form by her nieces. This has been a favorite hobby for many years, along with other types of writing. She has been contributing to the Plaindealer for more than thirty years, many of which she has been in charge of personal items. Surprise Shower For Mrs. Donald Dixon Mrs. Donald Dixon \vas guset of honor at""a surprise pTnk and blue shower held Aug. 31 at the home of Mrs. Ronald Tonyan. Co-hostess was Mrs. Robert Tonyan. Fourteen guests enjoyed games, after which lunch was served. Included among the tasty culinary treats was a cake in the form of a hobby horse, baked by Mrs. Ronald Tonyan. Pink and Mue daisies formed the centerpiece. REPORT TIIK1TS The looting of a juke box at a dance pavilion at Sha dy Shores " resort, in the McHenry area, has been announced by the sheriff's office, with a loss of about SiiQ. A large loss in auto accessories was reported through theft at 111e Herb Ilill garage at Holiday Hills. Now Registering for fall Term n ^}anla5y. h CHILD cmE COMPLETE CHILD CARE For Children of Working Mothers Or While You Go Shopping • 6 Acres of Playground wifh Slides, Swing, Merry- Go-Round, etc. • Story Telling, Reading and Inside Play • Hot Meals -- Morning and Afternoon Snacks • Napping Facilities • An Opportunity for Your Child to. Play with and Get Along with Others. Call 385-2499 for Daily and Weekly Rates You Can Afford State Licensed Located Va mile South of McIIenry on the old;Crystal Lake Black Top Road ^ Planning the barbecue buffet luncheon of the 12th Congressional District Women's Republican club to be held at Fox Trails sports area, near Cary, on Monday, Sept. 19, are Mrs. Grant Ernst, Wonder Lake; Mrs. Doroth McEachren, McHenry; and Mrs. Henry Nell also of McHenry, ticket chairman for the event. All women are invited to hear Congressman Robert McClory's Washington report .including a discussion of Viet Nam and related Presidential briefings, inflation and the high cost of living, and poverty, along with the Republican party's constructive proposals, at the 12th Congressional District Women's Republican club's "Republican Round-up". The barbecue buffet luncheon will be held at Fox Trails sports area, near Cary, on Monday, Sept. 19, at 12::!0 (social hour at 11:30). Casual dress with flats are suggested for touring the area. 'Prizes will be presented. Mrs. Arthur Jenner of Crystal Lake is general chairman and Mrs. Henry Nell", 1601 Sunnyside Beach McHenry, is ticket chairman. Deadline for reservations is Sept. 14. KIWANIS DOCUMENTARY "They Work For Peanuts," the first television documentary ever produced about the nationally-known Kiwanis Kids' Day Peanut sale, will premier on WBKB-TV (Channel 7), Sunday afternoon, Sept. 18, at 2:30 p.m. The progranV is narrated by veteran ABC-TV newscaster Joe Templeton and takes a first-hand look at some of the many youth projects s u p i * 0 r - t t ! < T b y m o r e t h a n $3,300,000 in peanut sale funds raised since 1951. Scenes of Kiwanis projects" used in the documentary were taken live by local clubs. More than 12,000 feet of contributed film was screened to produce the final 900-foot, half-hour program. Joy Marie Cope Observes Birthday Joy Marie Cope, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cope. Jr., of West Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake, celebrated her third birthday on Sunday, Sept. 4. Two of her great-aunts from Chicago were present for the occasion, as well as-her grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends, about twenty-five in all. A buffet dinner, featuring a lovely birthday cake, was enjoyed by everyone. A group of neighbors gathered at 1 lie home of the Norbert Yegges cn Main street Sunsay evening to recite the' block rosary in front of the beautiful grotto designed and bailt by Mr. Yee, re in honor '($ the Blessed Virgin Mary. Theugrot* ,o, made of ccmcnt, -stones, shell s and pieces of *^oker dishes and glass, feut"re»~thrc* statues, Ihe Blessed Vit*gln, St. Antlriry ard the Sacred Heart. A large flood light enhances its beauty at night. Following the rosary -a-cookmt v:s ci'oycd by the gathering including Mrs. Mabel Powers, Mrs. Kate Ix^w, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dobyns and daughter Mary Gr.-i e. Mrs. Elvina Latimer, Mr. and Mrs. • John Moiton arid the Yegges and their grandson, Jeffrey. Robert Allan Gende • Christened Roccitlv Robert Allan was Ihe name chosen for the eighth child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gende when lie was baptized at St. Mary's church last Wednesday with his un«•! \ Father Clarence Thenncs. of Stockton, officiating. Sponsors for the baby who was born in Sherman hospital, Elgin. Aug. 13, were his sister, Trudy, and brother, John, serving as proxy for another brother, David. Members of the Gende family j in the order in which they come are David, serving with the army in Germany, Francis iBud> with Ihe Navy in California, John, Trudy. Jean, Mary Relh and Michael at home. Following the service a gathering of relatives ; !hd friends was held at the home of the baby's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Therries. RENTED IT THROUGH TH BANTAM, ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY Auto Loans New or Used Cars Lowest Rates WALK-UP 8c DRIVE-IN WINDOWS OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 4:30 p.m. io 7:30 p.m. McHENRY STATE "Where Family Money Matters" PHONE 385-1040 WILD! HAS GONE WILD! WITH WILDP in fashion g .o Corduroy Brush Denim All Fabrics TO YOU FROM -- foikhe $8.00 & up Green Street Shopping Area