} Thursday, September 15, 1966 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section Two -- Page On* Wo MI 11 LIME NEWS EVELYN RASKE PHONE 658-4362 CUBS. SCOUTS SPEND DAY AT WHEATON MUSEUM T w e n t y b o y s o f C u b p a c k 145 under the direction of Den Mothers Mabel Pike and Marilyn Bacon and twenty-three "boys Scout troop 145 with Scout M a s t e r J o h n D o h e r t y a n d Neighborh o o d Commissioner Ward Ehredt visited .the Colonel McCormick War Museum in Wheaton. The boys viewed films on the Normandy Landing, Battle of the Bulge, and the signing of the German surrender. The high light of the day was when the boys were allowed to play on several,, of the tanks and half tracks on display there. The Cub Scouts will receive their patch for the two mile hike they took on that day while the Boy Scouts will receive their patch for making the ten mile hike. Braddocks Return Home Bill and June Braddock with their son, Eddie, have returned home after a week's vacation at June's home town, Beaver Falls, Pa. It's good to have you folks back. Visit Ozarks Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Raske and Mr. and Mrs. John Gustek have returned after a week's rest in the Ozarks. The Raskes and Gusteks planned on fishing and relaxing while they were away. HOLIDAY HILLS NEWS INEZ YOUNG 585-4672 AREA RESIDENTS MOURN DEATH OF FRED FRANTZ, SR. . Fred Frantz, Sr., will be missed by many area residents who knew him, worked with him and enjoyed his company. He died early Tuesday morning, Sept. 6, in his home at 1401 West Pine Street. Succumbing to a heart attack, he had been in ill health for some time. During the years that he lived here in Holiday Hills he had Jt>een active in both the Holiday Hills Property Owner's Association and the Griswold Lake Athletic Club and had held office in both organizations. Surviving are his wife, Catherine, and seven sons, Fred Arthur, Richard, Robert, Donald, Frank and Wayne, Funeral services were held Friday, Sept. 9, at Immanual Community Congregational church and interment at Oak Ridge cemetery in Hillside. Father-Son Outing Members of Boy Scout troop 132 and their fathers spent the weekend at Palisades State Park recently. Driving the 130 miles by car, some left on Friday night and the remainder going out on Saturday morning. The group enjoyed camping out, cooking fishing and hiking in the park located on the banks of the Mississippi River. Included in the group were Scoutmaster Joe Catanzaro, Ed Janik and his sons, Mike and Tom, Chuck Heise and Dean, Lou Laskawski and John, Roy and Scott Lundelius, Phillip Notoli, Barney Belpedio and Roy, Fred Quilico and Mike, Pat Carlson, Con Kasprzyk, Jeff and Steve, John Connell, Johnny and Gary, Bill Schmidt. Billy and Steve. and satisfaction of doing for some one else. This time they're collecting funds to help research for the St. Jude Children's Research hospital founded by Danny Thomas. The funds will go to ALSAC (Aiding Leukemia Stricken Amerir can Children). The group from Holiday Hills marching, who will also be going into McHenry, are Bonnie McWilliams, Linda Uhlman, Patty Schmidt, Debbie Ohlson, Holly Thursten and Nadine Graf. The girls are working under the direction of former resident Mrs. Raymond Baird, whose daughter, Patty, is also marching. We are especially proud of these young people who prove to the world that you cannot categorize all teenagers as self-centered and lazy. St. Jude Marchers A group of our teenagers have done it again! They have come thru and volunteered for a worthy cause. More important they have learned the joy Home On Furlough Ron Zank came home with his bride of just 2 months for a 14 day furlough before going back to Ft. Reiley, Kansas City to await further orders. Ron and Kathleen were married on JnJy^2»-=and~-she has been with him at Ft. Reiley since the wedding. She will be back at home at 1516 Catalpa with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Konecny, until Ron comes back or is permanently stationed where she can join him. Vacation Furlough Jim Dowhin is spending his furlough from Ft. Knox, Ky., taking in the sights in and around New York. Greetings A belated but happy birthday to Estelle Foreman who celebfated her birthday on Sept. 6, greetings to John Connell whose birthday is Friday, Sept. 16, and to Diane Weiss and Virginia Lundelius both celebrating on Sunday Sept. 18. Anniversary greetings to Marge and Jack Connell whose fifteenth anniversary is today, Sept. 15, and to Helen and Bill Boettcher celebrating on Sept. 17. Angela's A-O.K. ' A near tragedy was prevented when the Wonder Lake Rescue Squad answered thtf call at the Robert Andersonlhome. Angie, who is nine months old, suffered convulsions when cong^ Stljion due to a cold built up in neb lungs. Due to the fine work of the rescue squad, Angie is now doing well and is back home now after a short stay in the hospital. Luncheon Is Served How would you like to go to lunch real soon? Why not make arrangements with some of your friends to meet down at Christ the King school hall on Sept. 22 a-^ 1 o'clock. The Altar and Rosary is sponsoring the luncheon which will be served to you at your table. I can't imagine a nicer way of relaxing after the hustle and bustle of getting the kids back in school. See you there? MCHENRY SHORES anUIKI WILSON MMin SERVE OVER 300 AT SUM FRY The SAC Club commends all the lovely ladies who helped out with the relish trays for their steak fry, also to all the boys who volunteered to help on various jobs. Orchids to Kenny and Bonnie Schopp who brought all the corn eaten later in the evening. The boys served over 300 steaks and everything went off perfectly. The weather couldn't have been better, although a few drops of rain fell at one time it soon cleared up and no one left the tables. The band played for the younger group who were getting a work out doing the latest dances. There is no report on the profit at this time as the club will be having a meeting next week to balance the books. Beach Duty On Sept. 17 E. Munroe is in charge of beach duty and his co-workers are F. Fox, D. La- Jone, R. Olszewski, H. Peters, and K. Schopp. High School C.C.D. The high school of religion will begin on Sept. 18 with a meeting for the parents of the students, at 11 a.m. tn the school hall. Zok! Pow! Wham! Have you seen many small flying bats around lately? Six of them congregated in our backyard Sept. 3 to help our son, Jerry, celebrate his sixth birthday. After the games were played the boys wejfe served sandwiches, ice cream> cupcakes with bat rings stuck in them and soda. Each boy was then given a batman cape. The final touch was when our nephew, Ed, gave the boys a small ride on a Honda in our back yard. When the party was over the boys were still full of vigor, but not me, I was ready for bed. But the parties didn't end there. We had Jerry's paternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Raske, his Aunts and Uncles, Mr. and Mrs. John Gustek and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Raske. On Monday, we entertained my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wojcieckowski, Sr., Mr. and Mi's. Bernard Wojciechowski, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bushell and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wojciechowski, Jerry's aunts and uncles. Meet The Pretzmans Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pretzman have moved into their home on McHenry Avenue and are busy painting and cleaning. They are from Wonder Woods in Wonder Lake. The Pretzmans have one married daugh- College Bound Donna Raske, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Raske 7416 Wooded Shore Drive will be leaving for college this weekend. Donna is planning to at tend Southern. Good luck and all our best wishes go with you, Donna. Its Clearance time in Ford Country Ford Galaxie 500 Door Hardtop time at your Ford Dealers o ter and two grandchildren who reside in Island Lake. Welcome to them and we wish them all the best in their new home. McHenry Shores Club' Meeting The club held its September meeting ^on Sept. 1 to a group of just Sixteen members. The dance of Oct. 1 was discussed briefly and sometime in the coming week you will be contacted to turn in any money for tickets you have sold. The Club is purchasing some speed limit signs to be put up in section 4 and 5 which does not have any at this- time. It is hoped that drivers coming through the area will slow down and protect our small children. Harpers Entertain The Harpers welcomed a group of forty-five relatives on Sunday for a family reunion and a picnic lunch in the garden of their home. All the guests were Hemzaceks which is Shirley's side of the family a n d f o u r g e n e r a t i o n s w e r e spanned. Old and young joined in making it a wonderful gettogether. come back folks nice to see you again. Glen dnd Janet Anderson and their little daughter, Sonia, have moved out of the Shores iS|pg»rt:heir new home which tjney are building in Country ,(plub/Estates. We wish them trie best of luck and hope they come back and visit us when they get a chance. Shower For Judy Wevik A shower was given for Judith Wevik on Sunday git the home of Mrs. • Leo Floros in Mt. Prospect and fifteen friends attended. Judy received many lovely gifts and was quite surprised. and Julie Zeimet will be celebrating their thirty-sixth. wedding anniversary, congratulations to them and may the years continue to b6 good to them. On Sept. 21 Ronald and Beverly Verstege will have their ninth. Best wishes to both couples. Birthday Greetings Many happy returns of the day to Francis 'Frank' Lamerand and Robert Schopp on Sept. 15, Mildred Snively and Theresa Mack on Sept. 17, Carrie Kdnzer who will be 5 on Sept. 18, and Judith Wevik on Sept. 20. News Items / Mickey, Jackie, Heather and Schatzi McDermott have come back to their housey in the Shores from Neenah, Wis. Wei- Anniversaries On Sept. 20 Matthew 'Sam' DOPE STILL A PROBLEM The unlawful possession of r;>uotic drugs and of hallucinatory drugs continues to be the chief concern of the Division of Narcotic Control of the Illinois Department of Public Safety, according to reports to Ross V. Randolph, director of the department. In the last two months - June and July -- the unlawful possession of marihuana caused the arrest of 20 person^, the largest category rrsos rrrr rtrd in the t\vmonth period by Joseph J. Healy, superintendent of the division. On the brighter side of the narcotic control picture, is the report that in June and Julj, 97 persons were admitted for treatment to the narcotic ward of the Chicago House of Correction. Shop In McHenry ALUMINUM SIDING Fireproof -- Waterproof -- Rusiproot Reynolds -- Alsco ALSCO Premium "SO" Siding with the DuPnnt Finish 30 Year Written Guarantee Storm Windows, Doors A Awninga »w & Awning Co. .*(818 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, 111 PHONE 885-1180 McHenry POWER PARTNER SERVICE • Tune-up • Wa* • Tires • Muffler • Minor Mechanical Repairs • Batteries • Lube Service • Towing at your neighborhmd... Jim's Service 4002 West Waukegan Road McHenry, Illinois 885-2640 That once-a-year time is here! The one time --the last time--to get gargantuan savings on all '66 Fords. Falcons, Fairlanes, Mustangs! Hurry! for QUIET QUALITY buy FORD see yourv Eager Beaver Dealer S FORD 3936 WEST IMAM STREET MeHEHHY, ILLIMOIS Straight answers and full truths; about electric heat (for the p@<o>p!e wfro© plan to buy or build this year) Frank answers about electric heat for those of you who are planning to spend 20 thousand dollars, or more, for a new home that you'll probably live in for the next 10 or 20 years. You owe it to yourself to investigate the mafiV advantages of electric heat. As a background, you should know there are 8 million people in the United States now living in electrically heated homes. Estimates indicate that this year 27% of homes being built will have electric heat. And, by 1970, over half of all new homes will be heated electrically. Let's look into the why's and wherefore's. Just how happily can you live \ with electric heat? Properly installed, the comfort and convenience of electric heat far surpasses anything you've ever experienced before. For example: you can step fjpm your shower in the dead of winter and still feel warm. Baby can play on the floor when it's 20 below outside, and not be chilled. You'll even discover yourself cleaning less because electric heat is so dirtfree. Proper installation assures comfort Commonwealth Edison will be pleased to consult with your architect or contractor to assure that your electric heating system is designed for your house and installed in accordance with approved engineering standards. Insulation should also be installed acaLL: i •] '-•)£* hi! Heavy black line indicates proper insulation. cording to recommended standards. When an average six-room house is properly insulated at the time of construction, it will add less than 1% to the total cost. Good insulation will not only repay this investment in less than 4 years by cutting heat loss, but will add greatly to your comfort. And in the summer your home will be cooler, too. With electric heat, you can pick the type of heat you want for your new home. There are 5 basic types of flameless electric heating equipment. Depending on your heating requirements, one system can be used separately, or several may be teamed together. If space is at a premium, or you want room-by-room temperature control, electric baseboard units or ceiling cable probably will work best. The electric heat pump either heats or cools, depending on the outside temperature. Electric central heating systems which use electrically-heated warm air or electrically- heated hot water are available in a variety of types to fit any need. They can be combined w ith electric central airconditioning systems to provide yearround comfort. Electric wall panel heaters provide radiant heat and are best suited for bath and dressing rooms or other areas whene space is limited. What about the cost of electric heat? All things considered, electric heat will probably cost43 you somewhat more than gas heat. For example, you should expect to spend about $200 per year for electric heat in a properly insulated six-room house--or about $60 more than gas heat. This does not take into account main- " tenance and decorating savings with electric heat. However, electric heat r>tes have steadily declined. Since 1958, Commonwealth Edison has reduced electric heat rates more than 50% and still further reductions are expected for the future. Electric Heat is designed to outlast your mortgage (even if it's for 30 years). After 15 years of operation, during which you would have little, if any, maintenance, look what has happened to your friend with gas heat. During this same 15 years, chances are he will have replaced his furnace (at $300)--paid out another $40 to run the pilot light 15 summers, afid paid an additional $225 for furnace cleaning, maintenance, and a big supply of filters. Electric heat's great for growing families, too. How many of your friends have outgrown their homes a few short years after they bought them? They plan to add a room or two, and come face-to-face with the old bugaboo--heating the new area. With gas, frequently they must buy a new and bigger furnace or settle for Iessthan- satisfactory space heaters. Not so with electric heat". You add as much heating capacity as you need to your new wing almost as simply and inexpensively as adding new wiring. That's the story! Anyone about to spend the money a house costs these days ought to know he's spending his money wisely. We happen to think that your heating dollar will be far better invested in modern electric heat, and we've tried to show you why. If you'd like more information about electric heat, please call our nearest office. d Commonwealth Edison ; Company cc.E.c..