turaday. September 15. 1966 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section One -- Page Three MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Phone 885-0170 ... Established 1875 8812 West *Um Street McHenry, Illinois -- 60050 Published Every Thursday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E. Lund -- Publisher Adele Froehlich, Editor NATION Al EDITORIAL r#c6T'5w Sabacrlptton Bates 1 Yefflr 35.00 1 Year |5.50 ® Mos* t*. 12.75 6 Mas. $3.00 3 12.00 3 Mos $2.25 In McHenry County Outside McHenry County BRIDAL COUPLE •W"i **k vv» KotaUk Studio Photo BIB. AND MBS. ANTON CAJTHAML In a pretty wedding which took place in Faith Presbyterian church, McHenry, Saturday, Sept. 3, Miss Kathleen Murray became the bride of Mr. Anton R. Cajthaml. They will make their home at 4904 W. Orchard drive, McCullom Lake. MARRIED IN AUGUST mm i % v $ I -fet Kotalik Studio Photo ^ MB. AND MBS. MICHAEL HALEY This lovely bride is the former Cynthia Tomasello, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Tomasello of McHenry, who exchanged nuptial vows with Mr. Michael Haley in a pretty wedding solemnized in St. Patrick's Catholic church on Aug. 6. The couple are residing on Chicago's north side, where he is teaching history in the Chicago public school system. WED IN AUGUST . DeWane Studio Photo MR. and MBS. FRANK DIEDRJCH Miss Priscilla Hahn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hahn of Woodstock, became the birde of Mr. Frank Diedrich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Diedrich of McHenry, in a lovely wedding ceremony solemnized Aug. 27 in St. Mary's Catholic churchT^Voodstock. 0SRITAL McHenry Hospital Patients admitted to McHenry hospital, McHenry, during the past week included Daniel F. Lugge, Leonard Asher, Arthur Collins, Richard Pursley Deb-" orah A. Narusis, Minnie M. Mackeben, James Riley and Lillian K. Shriver, Crystal Lake; Stanley, Johan and Scott Parfrey, Spring Grove; Mary Kutza, Dolores M. Zihala and Patrick Sullivan, Chicago; John K. Panzer, Barrington. Also Marion N. Giek Marie M. Jung and Peggy L. Nelson, Wauconda; Patricia Herzberg, Cary; Loretta Waynaskas, Fox Lake; Vincent Cina, Dundee; Patricia Karls and Glen Jackson, Richmond; Charles Oakley and Ellen Miller, Wonder Lake; Martin Rzeczkowski Ringwood. Also Jerry D. Meusling, Woodstock; John T. Ament, Mundelein; William Larson Ingle side; Brook E. Lagerwall, Wilmot, Wis.; Catherine Cross, Algonquin; Mary Lou Ronzone, Elgin; Andrew R. Mayes, Zion; Kay A. Sonnenberg, Roselyn Young and Edward A. Bushman, Milwaukee. And Violet H. Rozanek, Kenneth Farman, Gwen Ahrens Rev. John C. Atherton, Nancy Marcotte, Richard Wiegman. Sr., Marie B. McKim, Elizabeth Fenske, Ruth M. Redmond, Marion Moser, Gerald E. Smith William S. Weyland, Betty J. Blenner. And Antoinette Chvatal, Patricia Blake, Howatrd Secord, Martin Wright, Josef Romer, Anton F. Quilico, Richard L. Mickelson, Carl L. Harrington Mary Delores Overton, and Clara Voght, all of McHenry. Harvard Hospital Mrs. Earl Schultz of McHenry was a patient during the past week in Harvard hospital. Memorial Hospital During the past week patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included David Harrison, Ringwood; Jill and Lynn Stelter, Antonina Gignac and Anna Kasper, Wonder Lake; Janice Janquart, Diane Maziarka and Charles McCthy, McHenry. tBIRTH&A McHenry Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Silvio Donat are parents of a daughter Sept. 5. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward "Bourdage of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. James Stay of Round Lake Beach became parents of a daughter Sept. 5. A daughter was born Sept. 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pretzrtian. A Wauconda couple, Mr. and Mrs. William White, became parents of a daughter Sept. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tatro of Round Lake welcomed a son an Sept. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller of Spring Grove announce the birth of their third son, Kip Vincent. He was born Sept. 8 and weighed 6 lbs. 7oz. and measured 19% inches long. His brothers are Michael, 7, and Bryan, 3. Paternal grandmother is Mrs. Nora Miller and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Komar, all of Spring Grove. •v The baby's mother is the former Sonia Komar. Other Births Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Major are- parents of a son, Stephen Michael, bom- Sept. 7 in Sherman hospital, Elgin. Other children in the family are .Margaret, Dawn and Jeffrey. (Grandparents are Mrs. Margaret Oik and Mrs. Stephen Major. Memorial Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Terry Tvaroh announce the birth, of a son Sept. 10. On Sept. 12 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burmann. | Goodwill Pick-up The Goodwill Industries truck will be in McHenry Friday Sept. 23, to collect repairable clothing, shoes and housewares for the handicapped workers, according to Agnes T. Adams, local representative. For pickup arrangements, bags, club club programs and information about Goodwill Industries, call 385-0863. ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY Surprise Party Fc^Mrsu.. Oorgo Mrs. Marie Gorgo of 1239A N. Green street, McHenry, was guest of honor at a surprise birthday party given Sunday on the lawn of the Mrs. Jack (Tiny) Reese home at Burton's Bridge; Mrs. Reese famous for her roast beef buffets, is a granddaughter of Mrs. Gorgo. Helping with arrangements were Mrs. Joseph Gorgo, Carmella and Florence Aurima of Chicago, Mrs. James Dercole Jr., of Burton's Bridge, Mrs. William Gorgo of LaGrange Park, Mrs. Peter Gorgo of Lakemoor, Mrs. Donna Mascari of McHenry, Mrs. John Mascari, Sr., and Mrs. Andrew Dercole of Des Plaines. Guest sincluded Mr. and Mrs. Ben DeCicco Sr., of Eastwood Manor, Mr. and Mrs. John Long, Mrx and Mrs. Rocky DeCicco of Oak gark, Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeCicco. Mrs. Gorgo who was 76 years of age on Sept. 14, uses as her motto for gracious living: "Don't wear forever young clothes to hide your age, work and keep active in order to look forever young." \ She keeps busy in the coffee shop in McHenry hospital to "forget her age." Fall Meeting Of District Women's Clubs Is Planned The fall meeting of the Eleventh district of the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs will be held at the Hunter1 Country club in Richmond on Thursday, Sept. 22 ,with the Lotus Woman's club of Spring Grove serving as hostess. The morning session will start promptly at 9:45. Luncheon will be served at 12:30,\ followed by an interesting talk on "Power of the Women's Part in Politics." The meeting will adjourn at 2:30. Locker at 385-2300. Reservations be made by calling Mrs. Hugh Luncheon reservations may will be accepted up to noon on Friday, Sept. 16. Shop In McHenry 7" EEMEHTK WHEN PRESERVES WERE DIFFICULT 1CBUTI You do, if yo*a pemember the 1920's. In those days preserves wore a seasonal item. Not enough berries were grown because producers didn't know how to keep them. So, we sent an expert to the Northwest (that's great berry country!), who assisted the growers in developing a method of freezing the berries as soon as they were harvested. We experimented for a year. The results were great Now, at last, we could buy enough quality berries to make Ann Page Preserves available to everyone--all the time. Today, we buy berries by the train-load. We have to. Our Ann Page Preserves are that popular. As a nutter of fact, if you took a year's production of Ann Page Preserves, Jams, and Jellies, they would cover a piece of toast ten square miles in size. Are Ann Page Preserves a good reason for shopping A&P? They're one of many. Super-Right, Top Quality Meats! AAP*s SUPER RIOHT COOKED HAMS SHANK PORTION Butt Fortien ». 49* LB 39 AAP's SUPER RI^IT Boneless ffQ Chuck J09 't ROAST 'A&Ps SUPER RIGHT - FULLY COOKED WHOLE sHAMS Fresh Ground CWk Perk Chops Fryer Legs OR SHANK >'s SUPER RIGHT RESH SPARE RIBS LB. • mem &uNe»@ON • C@@M> SA&AMI tt to* Ufa flkW OR BREAST AVi Supor Right Sliced Oven-Beady Ducks teaks Selected for Goodness--Fresh Fruits & Vegetables! CALIFORNIA RED TOKAY APES .copmrgoll rr ® 1966, THE GREAT ATLANTIC A PACIFIC TEA CO.. INC./ OR BARTLETT PEARS 2-29 » tt nI VALUABLI COUPONS | 100 EATRA jf PLAID STTJ _ az With this coupon I $2.50 pureCssoo oH FRESH FRUITS A M VEGETABLES @0 AiP Food store thro Sept. 17, 1963. ZZ i : w a r e s e m f f a m n m a s « Fresh Mian Prune Plums G®MI®a fans SOUTHERN GROWN 2 29c Red lip 2 »>»• 29c (fell) Sweelf WnfermslMS ,©m (MSW -59* 5 --• 291 Savings A-Plenty on Fine-Quality Groceries REG. $1.99 SAVE 20c Eight O'Clock COFFEE * $179 bag • Snack Crackers mmmi rouniiis (L@w PVisoS F§0D • Pink • Yellow • White mm 12-oz. pkg. Contains Beef Gravy o 8 -- 16-oz. blls. For Tha Bathroom 2 16-oz. cam 25' 29 fo)£ 6 ^69c -- y«we©t PINEAPPLE JUICE 0 $J00 Dutch Almond Ce®ld@s "KT3T 35 Stroagfeiart S®f Food IfM® iipe §fc@s Prorata Saifisis Wyandotte Largo Brand pkg. L" 35' IS* ox. can Nobieco Brand £ 35c Nibblefs Corn Green Gtast Mexfeorn Sliced Peaches ChHi & teas Oiant lono Yellow Cling 2 49' 2 49' Broadcast Brand 29-01. can 15-ox. can 27* 43' Green Giant Peas - 27c Ctrtsu Plastic Wrap 'IT 33* Sliced Beef """EXr""' 49* Cut-Rite Plastic lap 29* Gold Mai Flour 5 £ 65* Lady Scott Tissue £ Folgers C@fci 2*„$143 Facial Tissue n» 2ftks®0 .$3T 29* 12 BH. 35' '*«• OQc Aunt Jemima pkg. 47 Dele Pineapple Ciwlwd Aunt Jemima Syrup Pancake Mix Pancake Mix V 29* rDvAiatf«r«oAeAs« m (wing. ^11 OwCc 44 ox. 29< 3J5l$1°° !;39« Bakery Buys! l->^ Dairy Foods y WHITE BREAD 19e \ Jan* Parirar Reg. 21c 16-oz. loaf \ BOllll'S Y06I 2-- AQc ctns. J \ Hoalthful and Dolidowt NUTLEY MARGARINE Lbs. Case $| ^ 30-lbs. < iilby's Tomato Margarine Chicken ft Bgg Niilw College Inn A&P Cm CI^sso ri ® CW-O-Sil O fUrnliw o tkmf Sliced Cbit§@ . Natural Swbs Slices bf. 4* Q CHARLOTTE FREEZE | ICE CR] Vi GsL HaiBia NOK^S€SlRK WHITE FOTATOES 2 ^ 29" PeasEaPh 2^99- CC&n Cab 'X 65' Iced Jsly iomto HZ. ^ 99* Brown & S«rv« HSL JUMBO -- 8 S22E HOMEYDEWS Lb. •Bag 69c Ea. f 43* Ricfe^s Cifte RfcEa 'T19" 59* kM iiiEi|Q like 3H59" 5%39* Atl?iragsslike ^ 2S3f SmyfieM Woffles ^ H-f Q a ANOTHER GOOD REMON TO SHOP AT A & F each smt Plaid Stomps ISaa nw MtaMk • fgdfk IM c^, Inc n» Men Sffccrtv* Thni s*p». i7,«6» IIBIVSSiiBlBl&a a i 1 I