Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Oct 1966, p. 13

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THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER •SERVING THE CHAIN-O-LAKES REGION SINCE 1875 SIRRYSIDE ESTATES Sally Segerstrom--885-0964 Marlene Berg--385 3418 BROTHER, SISTER GODPARENTS FOR JULIE ANDERSON Julie Anderson, the new daughter of Herb and Lois, was christened at St. John »Jie Baptist church by Rev. Father Dording. Mary and Michael Anderson were especially excited and pleased since they were the new godparents. There was a small celebration later in the afternoon for a few close friends. Julie had a wonderful special day. BIRTHDAY JUBILATION Laurel i Jost celebrated her eighteenth birthday on Sept. 21. She and nine of her girl friends came from school to Jost residence where they enjoyed a delicous supper. The girls were entranced by the rhythm of th e drums when they finally persuaded Ted to play for them. Laureli is very fond of her horse so some of her gifts were riding equipment with which she was very delighte d . A f t e r h a v i n g c a k e a n d ice cream the girls went home and Laureli was left with a wonderful feeling and fond memories of her birthday. Wally Berg became a year older Sept. 24. To help him celebrate and see him blow out those candles were Marlene's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Freund, and brother and his family, Bob, Joan and Debbie Freund. Patti Williams was the guest of honor Saturday on her ninth birthday party. To .join in on the festivities were Janice Major. April Pritchard. Kelly Bute, Steve Farley, Mark Davis, cousins Billy and Susan Calhoun of Palatine, sister, ' Diane, and brothers, Jimmy and Danny. It started out to be a weenie roast in the yard but because of rain the party moved into the garage grill and all. Meanwhile in the house a certain four legged guest was enjoying « party all of his own. He was eating the birthday cake and no one cared for the leftovers, but there still was ice cream arid it was a very nice party in spite of Terry, their dog. Grandma Williams of Fox Lake came over Sunday, so Pat had baked another cake all beautifully decorated, for the occasion. It so happened Sunday morning little Danny got up and no one was around to make breakfast, so guess what? He sure did, but he did not eat the cake, iust the decorations and all ihe frosting. Pat refrosted the cake and Patti Jo was able to blow out candles and get a taste of her birthday cake after all. Vi and Tom Williams and girls spent Sunday in Woodstock at the home of Vi's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Young. It was Vi's birthday and her sister preapred a feast with all her favorite foods. Vi admits she overate but, gosh, what fun! Irene May thoroughly enjoyed her birthday. Alter a delicious luncheon with the girls at the office she found a stack of cards awaiting her arrival home and a freshly baked cake. Nine year old Rose Marie decided to try her luck at baking her first cake as a surprise for her itiom's birthday. It turned out. to be very good' and Grandma Spooner of Fox I,ake came over to make the day complete. Jerry and Fran Olsen weni out to dinner Saturday evening for a very excellent meal to celebrate Fran's birthday. A triple celebration was held at the Olsen home on Sunday. J e r r y's mother, grandmother and sister joined the birthday party. Fran. Krnie and grandmother were the guests Of honor. It looked like Christmas with all the gayly wrapped gifts. If you have noticed the bale of hay in their back yard, we assure you it is not for a horse. It is the target for Ernie's new fiberglass bow. Mother says this will he used under strict supervision. Picnie A company picnic that really was fun for everyone. The De Franc isoos went to Fox River Grove to attend the picnic given by a local company where Marge is employed. Everything was free and just great. A full chicken dinner was yours for the asking. Pam had the best time with all the children's rides and a siteseeing trip down the Fox River. It sure is - nice to spend a wonderful day out and not come home broke, right Lou? Anniversary Wishes Happy Anniversary to Ann and Ken Medeen who celebrate nineteen years on Oct. 8. Jim and Fran Fuqua ^vill have thirteen years of togetherness on Oct. 10. Congratulations on your special day and added good wishes for every day dhead of you. Good News We are glad to report that Millie Senkerik is up and around« again. .Millie feels more than rested now after spending two weeks in bed following a leg injury sustained at her place of employment. Double Treat Jim and Marie Leahy had their anniversary Sept. 2'J and Marie became a year younger Sept. 20 making a full week for them. Jim took her out for both occasions. Marie enjoyed a delightful dinner on her birthday and three days later they were out for an even more enjoyable evening. Jim, you had better be careful or Marie will Tt»e expecting such nice treatment more often! People oa the Go Lou, Masrge and Pam De Francisco visited in Norridge, Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Cucinatta and family at their home. The Cucinattas are relatives of the DeFranciscos. Pat Forrest and her two children, from Lombard, One thing to avoid losing is your health! Vitamins and other preventive medicines can help to keep you in the peak of health and vigor. m 3720 W. Elm Si. 385=7030 JEWEL SHOPPING PLAZA Gib Haggenjos, R.Ph. Jerry Touss&int. R-Ph. spent three days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frisl> y, in Sunnyside. While here Marten** Berg and Pat spent an afternoon in Crystal Lake visiting with Mrs. Elaine Ottis, whom they have not seen in three years. The girls had quite a lot of catching up to do. Farewell The Sibiski family has just recently moved and we wish them good luck in their new home in Winthrop Harbor. i Anniversary Celebration Bob and Karen McCauley went to a Country club for their anniversary where they had dinner and saw a marvelous play. They had thepleasant company of their best man and maid-of-honor who still have not taken the big step themselves. Physical Fitness John Lakowski went on a weekend camping and Hiking trip to Portage, Wis., with his Boy Scout Troop 162. The boys hiked for 17 miles on the Marquette trail along the Fox River. They stopped at various points of interest including a few museums. This was sponsored by the Portage Chamber of Commerce and each boy rec e i v e d a n i m p r e s s i v e medal and badge. Belated Wishes We would like to wish a belated happy anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. A1 Holtfodt who observed their anniversary Sept. 27. The Holtfodts are the parents of Loretta Mikkelsen and Joan Walczynski. Wait and See Please do not shop for Christmas cards until you have seen the cards that the Lucky Ladies Club have. A member of the club will contact each resident before Nov. 31. All profits will go toward the children's Christmas party. Birthday Salutation* Happy birthday today to Kelly Noah and tomorrow to Magnus Olson. On Oct. 9 is Stan Walczynski's day along with Ted Voight. Jr.. who will be seven. Alice Janicki celebrates on Oct. 12. On the same day Steve Wegner will bo thirteen. A birthday pomes but once a year so hope your special day is one you will long remember in a very pleasant way. 4-H Clovers The monthly meeting of the 4-H Clovers took placet at the Jolmsburg school Tuesday evening. An election of officers was held. Sherwood Palmer was elected president. vice prsident is Jerry Idstein, secretary for Home Economics is Debbie Von- Obstfelder. John Lakowski is secretary for agriculture and Mary Jane Lakowski1, is treasurer. The children gajve their .reports on the different summer events in which they participated. All par ents were invited to attend this special meeting. " Men leaders for the agriculture class are badly needed. If you are interested please call Betty Lakowski at 385-3985. Golden Jubilee A large hall in Chicago was the scene of the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Turenne, the pa rents of Bernice Fry. Bernice and her ten brothers and sisters gave the party in honor of their parents' anniversary. About 200 guests and relatives enjoyed a delicious buffet supper all prepared by the family. With a large family they find it very hard to all get together but for this occasion the T u r e n n e s ' c h i l d r e n , g r a n d - children and great-grandchildren were all there to help celebrate. Au Revoir The calls are not coming in like we had anticipated. We hope we are not annoying you people with our calls, but without them there would not be much of a column. So if you enjoy reading the news give us rinp und share your good times "Vith everyone. Tuesday if our deadline. MCHENRY SHORES BERNICE WILSON 383-4886 SECTION 2, PAGE 1 •l.l.INOIS EXPOKT DKKI'T Illinois. America's leading e\|x>rter of food and agricultural products, made its debut .'is an exhibitor in a major i iversea s trade fair at the International ! Exhibition ol Groceries" and Find Foods in Munich, West Germany, the past week. Theme of the exhibit was •Illinois - Shopping Center of the World," emphasizing that Illinois satisfy nearly every need of world buyers and fair visitors. Featured in the USA Pavilion were displays by i:'. Illinois food processing and manufacturing companies. SAC CLUB PLANS HALLOWEEN PARTY FOR CHILDREN The SAC Club invites all the children in the Shores to come down to the beach for a Halloween party on Oct. 29. There will be free hot dogs, cocoa and apples for all so start planning on your costume now; More on this in a later column as to the time of the party. News Items Karen Peters gave a birthday party for one of her girl friends at the Peters home and fifteen guests enjoyed the usual birthday refreshments. Doris Wetzel entertained fifteen relatives in honor of son Tim's sixth birthday on Sunday. Helen Barden Wed The marriage of Morris W. Crouch and Mrs. Helen S. Barden was solemnized in the Community Methodist Church at 5 p.m. in a candlelight ceremony on Oct. 1. Mrs. Barden's dress was aqua silk trimmed in crystal beads. The reception followi n g t h e c e r e m o n y w a s held'-"at Martinetti's restaurant in Crystal Lake. The best of everything to the happy couple. . Birthday Greetings Best wishes for a wonderful day to Michael Denigan oh Oct. 6. Susan Misiak. Richard Barrows, Christopher Koleno and Roger Palmer on Oct. 7, Chris will be 12. Christinannfe Clark on Oct. 9, Arthur Ruemelin, J o h n S c h m i t t , C h a r l e s (Chuck) Whitney, Thomas and Timothy Koleno on Oct. 10. Johnny will be 6, Chuck will be 6 and Tom and Tim will be 17, Anna Conner. Mary Anne Koleno and David Henshall on Oct. 11, Mary will be 7 and David will be 6. The Shores should be a happy place this week with all the birthday celebrations. Anniversaries Congratulations to Douglas and Gail Leicht on Oct. 6 as they have an anniversary, and George and Julie Kunzer who will have their big day on Oct. 8. Ham Dinner Julie Zeimet has tickets for the ham dinner to be held at the American Legion Hall on Oct. 16 from noon till 2:30. This is served family style, all you can eat including home made pies. Get in touch with Julie if you are interested as there are only a certain amount of tickets sold. We have heard raves about this for a couple of years so this time will go find cfut for ourselves just how delicious it is. REPORT OF CONDITION OF MeHENRY Alt BANK of McHenry, Illinois, 60050, a member of the Federal Reserve System, at the dote of business on Septesssfesr 20, 1918, published In accordance with a call made by tie IFederal Reserve Bank of this district pursuant to the prwMons of the Federal Reserve Aet. A S S E T S 1.Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection $ 1,448,815.60 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed • 8,542,656.09 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions $ 1,251,212.77 4. Securities of Federal agencies and corporations not guaranteed by United States 5. Other securities (including $36,000.00 • corporate stocks) 925,045.30 36,000.00 7. Other loans and discounts 16,991,074.14 8. Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises - - 9. Real estate own^d other than bank premises 11. Other assets ll 12. TOTAL ASS L I A B I L I T I E S 566,616.^7 1.00 19,374.63 $29,780,7%.20 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $ 8,033,178.45 14. Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 15,955,241.45 15. Deposits of United States Government • • • • 276,339.55 16. Deposits of States and polotical subdivisions 2,318,564.20 19. Certified and officers' checks, etc 405,130.60 20. TOTAL DEPOSITS (items 13 to 19) $26,987,454.25 (a) Total demand deposits 10,532,212.80 (b) Total time and savings deposits 16,455,241.45 24. Other liabilities (including $ NONE mortgages and other liens on bank premises and other real estate) 266,868.93 25. TOTAL LIABILITIES $27,254,323.18 C A P I T A L A C C O U N T S $ 400,000.00 800,000.00 576,473.02 750,000.00 2,526,473.02 26. <c) Common stock--total par value No. shares authorized 4000 No. shares outstanding 4000 27. Surplus 28. Undivided profits 29. Reserve for contingencies and other capital reserves 30. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 31. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $29,780,796.20 M E M O R A N D A 3. Loans as shown in "Assets" are after deduction of valuation reserves of $ 347,900.84 I, Thomas F. Bolger, Cashier, of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this report of condition is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. THOMAS F. BOLGER We, the undersigned directors, attest the correctness of this report of condition and declare that it has been examined by tts and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct. WILLAM M. CARROLL GERALD J. CAREY RICHARD J. ZIEMAN Directors. For '67, everything new that could happen. ..happenedJ Now, at your Chevrolet dealer's Chevelle SS 396 Sport Coupe NOW, as many kinds as there are kinds of drivers to enjoy them--from the SS 396 (the Chevelle for the DRIVING MAN) to the brand new Concours Custom Wagon! Long live Chevelle! And its trim dimensions, sharp performance and great maneuverability. For '67, there're a new grille, new wraparound taillights and distinctive sheet-metal changes. The effect is a newer, more contemporary look. As for specific models, one is completely new: the sumptuous Concours Custom Wagon shown below, featuring the rich look of wood outside. Then there's the SS396 with a 325-hp Turbo-Jet V8. Other models, too: Malibu, 300 Deluxe and 300. In addition, every '67 Chevelle carries a multitude of new safety features such as a GM-developed energy-absorbing steering column, four-way hazard warning flasher, dual master cylinder brake system with warning light (and more). Try a Quick-Size Chevelle at your Chevrolet dealer's. Chevelle Concours Custom Wagon--brand new for '67 CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 908 N. FRONT STREET McHENRY. ILLINOIS PHONE 385-0277

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