Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Oct 1966, p. 16

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Page 4, Section 2 - McHenry Plaindealer - O tober 6, ,1966 Ringwood New! YMCA Announ ces Fall Calendar DOLORES BRENNAN 658-9045 NEW OFFICERS FOR RINGWOOD COMMUNITY CLUB Club Last Tuesday evening, Kingwood Community held its meeting of the 1966- 67 school year. Officers for this year ace John Lanway. president. Phyllis ^O'Halleran. Vice President, E)oroi h y Betts, Secretary-Treasurer. The next meeting vfill Ixheld Oct. 25 at 8 p.m. when the Halloween party will be planned and discussed.. Tt will »m\ held on Oct. 28. Hot Lunch Servers Sheila Galli and Jane Griffith will be on the serving committee for barbecu^, on Oct. 12. Serving hot dogs on Oct. 19 will be Jane Griffith find Phyllis O'Halleran. Reports are that the sandwiches are going over very good. Schedules were sent home with the youngsters, so you can see at a glance what is being served on each Wednesday. Candy is sold on Fridays. Churcb News On Wednesday. Oct. 12, the W.S.C.S. will hold its monthly desseri-coffee lunch and meeting at 12:30. Robert Decker will be in charge of the worship service and program for the afternoon. Tour Behmiller's waterfall home on Oct. 15 and 16 with t h e Ringwood church as benefactors of all donation given by persons touring this unusual home at this time. The living area is entered by crossing a swinging bridge in front of a waterfall which is nearly three stories high, and pumps 100 gallons of <waler per minute. If is made of black lava rock brought in from California. Another falls flows into an indoor swimming pool and pumps 160 gallons per minute. Behind this falls is a cave-bar. which is entered thru a huge stone door. It has a sand floor with sections of tree for stools. This room is decorated in the Jamacan style with plants, rocks and t ikis. blow guns, masks, outrigger canoe, as well as pictures. The plants are very real and are kept alive by the use of artificial sunlight. Mr. Devine, who is Mr. Behmiller's nephew, tells of driving the plants back from Florida. and since he was coming back in the cold weather, he had to stop in a heated garage in southern Illinois on his way back to keep the plants: from freezing. Here's your chance to rour this unusual and beautiful home and help your local church. More will appear in next week's column. There will be women available to drive interested persons down for the tour. Special Days Tomorrow, Oct. 7, our Linda celebrates her fourth birthday. It is also the sixteenth anniversary of Georg- - ia and Rog Bauer on Oct. 7. On Oct. 9, Cris Hopp. John Winston and Judy Winston celebrate their natal days. On Oct. 12. Tony Wieser, Mary Beth Hopp. Charles and Ben Tonyan share their birthdays. Bill Cruickshank and Craig Ackerman share Oct. 14 as their birthdays. Best wishes to all on your day. t)ne birthday slipped up on me last week. Oct. 4 is also the birthday for Mrs. Clyde Wright. Happy belated birthday to you, Mrs. Wright. Attends Shower A pink and blue shower was held in honor of Mrs. Cheryl Hinkle in the home of Mrs. Pearl Greich at Poplar Grove on Sunday. Mrs. Flora farr attended from here. College Football John Winston sent word to his folks, that he has made first string kicker on the freshman football team at Azusa, Calif. This past week FALL FARM FIELD DAY IS SCHEDULED AT PLATO CENTER This Thursday, Oct. 6, from 9:45 a.m. to p.m., a fall farm field day will be held at the Robert Muirhead farm, 11 miles south of Huntley on Route 47 and Vi mile east on Rohrson road. The farm is just west of Plato Center. This field meeting is a part of the educational program of the University of Illinois Cooperative Extension service. Included in the day's program will be plowing, grain drying and storage, checking for harvest loss in field, herbicide plots, economics of corn storage and minimum tillage. A panel of local farmers will discuss their management practices. E i g h t f a r m m a c h i n e r y dealers will take part in the program. EXPERT >MIN© (All Breeds) • BOARDING (Individual KenneJ*> • TRAINING © BATHMG km<if S@@iker's 1018 W. Lincoln Rd. McHenry Phone 385-2436 (1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-In) For Your Information Dear friends. It may be of interest to know that, afjer the death of a sole holder of a safety deposit box, access to it may be had only to remove the will, and only in the presence of an officer of the bank. After the court has approved the executor of the estate, then only may any assets or valuables be removed. This safeguards the rights of the heirs, and assures the filing of the will, Respectfully, /vV:Henry, Illinois IERM.JUSTEN FVmmi [HOME Ambulance Service 383-0063 Of Activities Starting Oct. 8 he had the chance to play in the Rose Bowl stadium, when the Azusa Pacific team played against Gal Tech. Birthday Pa jama Party Miss Noreen Buer entertained twelve' of her friends in her home on Friday night with a pajania party in honor of her birthday. After snacking on all kinds of goodies. all supposedly turned in for bedtime, but not much sleeping was done, although a good time was enjoyed by nil the girls. Around Town Mis. Eleanor Howe of Crystal Lake and of Tucson. Ariz.} ca^ri^b^lNhe I.. K. Hawleys on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Appelt and children of Wadsworth stopped for a brief visit with the Bob Brennans on Sunday afternoon. Sunday guests in the Winston home were, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eurich of Island Lake. Johrt Winston is attending college with Hal Eurich in California. On Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Nettie Wiedrich and Alice Miller of Sharon. Wis., along with Mrs. Maude Strange and her daughter Irma of Idaho, called on Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr. Mrs. Flora Carr, Miss Mae Wiedrich and Charles Carr visited the Milwaukee Zoo on Thursday. Mrs. Earl Kunz, Mrs. Wolf Shadle, Miss Mae Wiedrich and Mrs. Flora Carr attended the card party in Johnsburg last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wiedrich and children of Burlington called on Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr.. on Sunday. Mrs. Merle Wiedrich called on Mrs. Wiedrich on Tuesday. That's it for another week. Keep well, and enjoy the beautiful Indian summer. See you next week? Next Saturday morning, itie fall activities uf the Lakr Ilcgion YMCA officially be- >.;in. A wide variety of physical education, special interest. and dub programs are l>ein;< offered to youth and adults. Generally, all activities will conducted lor ten weeks. A newly scheduled contract bridge class for teenagers and adults will be held on Wednesday evenings, beginning Oct. 12. at 65 North Williams street in Crystal l^ake from 8 to H p.m. Instruction in beginning bridge skills will be emphasized. A chartered bus will leaive thiV McHenry Junior high school at 11:45 a.m. for the Elgin Academy swimming I>ool. The Lake Region YMCA swimming instruc t i on • lasses cover most of the levels in the YMCA aquatic program. Classes will meet from 1 to p.m. and return home between 2:?.0 and :15 p.m. Boys and girls who will lw 7 a years old during this tail, through 15 years old, are welcome to register for the swimming instruction class- The gym class schedule for l>oys on Saturdays lists a group meeting from 10 to 1(1:45 a.m. Mclleny Junior high. Ballet tor girls troin 7 seals old and up will meet on Saturday mornings at the YMCA office in Crystal Lake from 9:."W to 10:30 a.m. This is a class requiring no equipment and is an introduction to ballet. Other activities! scheduled to begin during the coming week are Ixjwling for boys and girls at Metro Bowl from 4:?>0 to f»:?.0 p.m. on Mondays Bowling instruction will, be featured during the Iirst several weeks and then teams will Ik* formed to com|>eie lor Iirst place trophies. A dramatic arts class tor fourth through eighth grade Itoys and girls will meet on Tuesdays a,t Twilight Ridge theateV from ' 4.fJ0 to 5:15 p.m. «for new students and from 5:15 to b p.m. for experienced students. ^ A new program being ottered for the first time is ceramics. which is being held at Mrs. Pat Beasley's home at 710 Country Cluh road in Crystal Lake. The class is open to women lrom 9:.".0 to 11:.10 a.m. on Wed^ nesday and to boys and girls in fourth through eighth grade from 4:30 to 5 p.m. on Wednesday. Three or four ceramic projects will be created and completed by each registrant. Registrations' are accepted at the Lake Region YMCA office at 65 N. Williams street from 9 1o 5 p.m. week days and from 9 to noon on , Saturday. Presently Legals "1 L Chicago, 111. is the attorney, owning, conducting and trans- (Pub. Sept. 22-29 and Oct. acting the business known r.s 6, 1966). NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Monday, November 7, 1966 ^ is the claim date in the estate NOTICE of Theodora H. Tesnow de- Public Notice is hereby givceased, No. 66 P 184 Circuit en that °n September 15th Court, McHenry County, Iili- AD 1966« a certificate was nois. ' ' filed in the Office of the McHenry State Bank of Mc- County Clerk of McHenry Henry, 111. is the Administrat- County. Illinois, setting forth or with Will Annexed; Hamer the names and post-office ad- & Sdhuh of Woodstock, 111. are dressps °f a" the person? the attorneys. LAKELAND ENGINEERING COMPANY, "located at 518 N. Country Club Drive, McHenry Illinois. Dated t/his 15th day of September, A. D. 19^6 (Seal) VERNON W. KAYSCounty Clerk (Pub. Sept. 22, 29. Oct 6 1966). (Pub. Sept. 6, 1966). 22-29 and Oct. NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE „ Monday, November 7, 1966 is the claim date in the estate of Thomas P. Brennan, deceased, No. 66 P 193, Circuit Court, McHenry County, Illinois. Patrick Lynch of 8107 S. Hermitage Aye. Chicago, 111. is the Executor; Raymond W. Stauber of 134 N. LaSalle St., there is room for youth and adults the activities. additional in all of WATER SOFTENER SERVICE SAME DAY SERVICE ON MOST MAKES A MODELS • Service • Cleaning • Repair # SEQtallsftloa 9 Overhauling # Itaoral i Reconditioning 9 Rebuilding -- ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- Phone; 315-5566 WATER SOPTINER SALES NEW --" USED REBUILT WATER SOFTENER SERVICE/SALES McHenry, Illinois £kop JJeuse£- -Home, Of Mi^gcfe Foo^ £kop ^Jeu>e£- 7ke< -ffom& Of Mt/tacfe Fo&d T^ucea / •my My 2 WAYS TO SAVE THIS WEEK! "MIRACLE PRICES" AND a % • ATlmftyJewHHatn! \ Check and compare! The prices you'll find on Jewel shelves -- throughout the store --are really low. 5c, 10c, even 15c lower than the prices you've paid elsewhere. You save on the finest products, too -- both nationally advertised and Jewel's own famous brands. Come in and prove it to yourself. See just how much you can save on grocery bills by shopping at Jewel every week! MIMCUMtKB There's more fine eating meat and less fatty waste on Jewel's lean ham roasts. That's why they're always so thrifty -- and especially so this week at Jewel's unusually low price. Plan on serving ham for dinner one night this week. And stretch the good eating even further by getting a slightly larger roast than necessary for one meal. Then you'll have enough left over for delicious luncheon sandwiches the next day! ARE IM&NT OP THE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN! CHECK AND COMPARE HELLMANN S Mayonnaise YUMMY ©rape Jelly SKIPPY IpQSJErout Butter KRAFT Velveeta WELCH 10 oz. Jor 12 oi J or 20 ox p£Cll^° ft •• "MJtIWIAKCl li • MICH WAS YOU SAVE 64* 83c Mc 19< 23c 4< 39' 45c 6C 69c 79c 10e 38< 43< 5C GOODTHHU. SATURDAY, OCT. 8 JEWEL MAID JUDGE FOR YOURSELF White Bread 160Z. LOAF CARNATION [Evaporated Milk NESTLES Chocolate Quik KE HOGG'S - BLUEBERRY Pop Tarts ROYAL JEWEL Coffee Bisquick CROSSE & BLACKWELL Marmalade BROADCAST Ceraed Beef Hash BANQUET ©©used Chicken HORMEL Chili Con Carne 6 m Pk9 2 lb Con 40 oi Box 1 lb Jar 1 5 V» oi Con 5 oi Con 17e 3/55c 2' 35c 43£ 8C 45c 49c 4C $]19 2@c 46c 55< 34c 39c 5C 41c 53£ 12< 31c *o OC 8C 31c 39' 8C HEINZ Chili Sauce KRAFT French Dressing MA BROWN Apple Butter WISHBONE Italian Dressing MAYNOR Wine Vinegar KRAFT l$5eir®cle Whip OPEN PIT dese-foecue Sauce FRENCH'S Mustard MAZOLA Cooking Oil POMPEIAN ©Save Oil WISHBONE Russian Dressing BAKERS Shredded Coconut CHERRY VALLEY §@S<ad Pressing SEVEN SES - GREEN GODDESS Dressing 12 oi Btl 1 lb 1 2 oz 8 oi Btl 1 lb. 12oi Btl , i MJKIIWACIlL I MICIS WAS YOU SAVE 31< 39c 8e 24' 29£ 5e 34< 39£ Se f 31c 39£ 8C 29c 19c 10cl 55c 59£ 4C 55c 59e 4C 11' 13£ 2C 69' 79£ 10c 39' 47£ 8C 31' 39c 8C 21' 25c 4C 45' 49£ 4C 39' 49c 10c For Hearty Sandwiches HORWEL . ^_LB AQC Braunschweiger ECKRICH LB. Sousage HYGRADE BALL PARK « Af FRANKS OR Sliced Bologna"0® ' Your Favori" p«r,»! JEWEL • SMOKED Fully-Cooked Ham Choose GOV'T INSP .GRADE"A" olfi Coffee BONUS GOOD THRU SAT., OCT. 8th Snider* 14 OZ. HORMEL Chicken Ureases Chicken Legs Chicken Wings CENTERCUT LB LB LB 6 TO 8 LB. SHANK PORTION Bluebrook Tuna Pream LIPTON Onion Soup Mix AUNT JEMIMA - BUTTERMILK Pancake Mix AUNT JEMIMA Pancake Syrup BETTY CROCKER - "6c OH Lob.l Brownie Mix DEL MONTE Lima Beans Co"' MARY DUNBAR - PEELED Whole Apricots a."' DEL MONTE Fruits For Salad SPRUCE Mandarin Orcangesc0°n CHERRY VALLEY T HALVtb Bartlett Pears DEL MONTE Fruit Cocktail Co" _ ^>^Jeive£tr Mi/tiicfe hood 22', o Ptg 39c 45£ 6C 41c 49c 8C 30c 39£ 9C 42c 51c 9C 55c 65£ 10' 37c 43c 8C 31c 39c 8C 26c 29c 3C 59c 69c 10c 33£ 37c 4C 17c 2/45° 6C 23c 27£ 4C LB 6 TO 8 LB. BaotS P©[rfio@[ LB. Whole Bounty Beef Stew1 'caV" CAMPBELL'S Pork & Beans can CHICKEN \ Rice-A-Roni piTJ LIBBYS Beef Stew ' Co®" BETTY CROCKER "6c Off Label Noodles Romanoff 5ptg' Derby Tamales ,3V,°' 49c 59£ 45c 55c 14c 2/35c 29c 39c 51c 59c 33c 43c 31c 39c 'mane® WHY PAY MORE? YOU SAVE MIRACLE PRICE JUDGE FOR YOURSELF FRANCO-AMERICAN Spaghetti PINEAPPLE/GRAPEFRUIT Dole Drink CRYSTAL Apple Juice SUNSWEET Prune Juice DOLE Pineapple Juice 46 < Co 46 oi Con 32 oi Btl 15!/2OZ. CAN BONUS SPECIAL! GOOD THRU 1_J SAT., OCT. 8th BEEF-CHICKEN-TURKEY Fr®2@n Banwwc . ot Pies THI HOME OF KLEENEX - JUMBO Paper Towels 5COTK INS Napkins FRESHRAP Wax Paper Handi-Wrap "Miracle F©od ^Prices^ J^ucea ^wey Lfoto iv/tyce,. 59c 69c 17c 2/39c 23c 25c 43c 55£ 3S SPECIAL! LB 4( O'jS JIWII MltACll MKir WAS YOU SAVE 31' 35£ 4C 29' 39£ 10c 4)®' 49£ 9C 31' 37£ 6C GOOD THRU SAT., OCT. ».h BETTY CROCKER Cdk© ^iix PKG From Your Jewel Produce Mairkei!' FRESH CRISP . H( d Lattice *0uicfe Food, Lfoto HEADS J

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