Page 4, Section 2 - McHenry Plaindealer - October 13, 1966 RINGWOOD NEWS DOLORES BRENNAN 653-9045 RINGWOOD CHURCH TO BENEFIT FROM TOUR OF HOME This is the weekend ol the <i|>en house at the John Belimiller's home in Johnsburg. As I have written in previous columns, this unusual home leatures >ovrial waterfalls, glass domed roof settions, loot bridge and plants and rocks from different parts of the country. Mr. Behmiller offers tours of his home, by appointment, only, which is turned over to different organizations. This weekend between 10 a.m. and noon, and 1 to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Ocl. 15, and Sunday, wet. 16. you will have the o|>- portunity io take the tour and help the local church. The Ringwood Cuhrch will benefit by your touring of this beautiful home. Church every Sunday at 10 a.m. . with Church School at 11 a.m. On Oct. 12, the W.S.C.S. will hold its month- 1> meeting at 12:30 at the church. Jean Docker will be in charge of the program. Servers for Lunelle* Oct. 19, servers for hot dogs will be Jane Griffith and Phyllis O'llalleran and Marion Winters. ('aril ('lull On Tuesday, the Card Club Diet in the home of Mrs. Anna Shadle. Bertha Peet of Richmond, was high scorer for the afternoon while Vivian Jackson, also of Richmond, was low for the day. They also extended birthday wishes to Mrs. Shadle. who celebrated her birthday <»n Tuesday. Cemetery Society To Hold Meeting All interested persons are invited to attend the meeting of the Ringwood Cemetery society on Oct. 25. at 8 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Mary Butler at 4305 West .South Street in McHenry. Hand Towel Wash Cloth *259 value )25 limit 6 sets per customer Itirthday* On 17 birthday* in« lude .luanit.i Ackerman and Bob Klapfieneh. Jean Timni and Marqo Andreas share Oct. IS as their natal days. Oct. 1M birthdays include Ila Hogan ;md Wolt Shadle Birthday wishes are extended to all. Hope your day is a mosi happ\ one Kirthdu.v Parly Cris Hopp enterlained a group of his friends at a birthday party, in his home, on Sunday afternoon. Cake and ice c ream were served following a game playing session. Cris was 6 years old. Around Town Mrs. L. K. Hawley. Mis- Mae Wiedrich. Mrs Flora "Carr and Mrs. Karl Kun/ attended the Card party'and luncheon at Richmond last week. Mrs. Ruby Shepard and Mrs. Nellie Hepburn were dinner guests on Sunday in the Allen Ainger home at Hebron. Mrs. Shepard's greatgrandchild was baptized on Sunday. Ida Mae Walkington' returned to her nursing studies at Madison after spending the weekend with her parents, the J.P. Walkingtons. On Thursday, Mr.and Mrs. Oscar Swanson and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley were callers in Wisconsin. On Friday evening. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn and Mrs. Ruby Shepard called on Will Claxton in McHenry in honor of his birthday. Mrs. Roy K. Dodd and sons of St. Louis spent the weekend visiting with her parents in McHenry and with the Roy W. Dodds. While here, she attended the wedding of a realtive. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hawley of Fox River Grove and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake and Kd Hawley of Tucson, Ariz., called on Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Hawley on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmitt of McHenry enjoyed cake and ice cream in the Bob Brennan home on Friday evening in honor of their grand-daughter Linda's fourth birthday. Lou Hawley and Andy Hawley were callers at Racine on Friday. Doris Low entertained a group of ladies in her home on Tuesday morning at a demonstration. That's it for another week. Knjoy 'he beautiful work of Mother Nature, by taking a sjood look at the gorgeous trees, and I'll see you next week ? from your HER PARTNER Jim's FS Service 4002 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry. Illinois Phone: 385-2640 STOP FROZEN fflWEK stop ru!» mm p. erJonalJ Mis> France- V\ w.i- 1'lucago visitor a few da\- Hie paM week where she attended the annual 'meeting nl Chapter of the lil.-liolt and Miii. returned to their returnweek's North- Even the statue of Venus ° de Milo is a shade unsymmetrical, showing that people had that trouble, then, too--most people now have one leg % to % of an inch longer than the other. 4PI W e i g h t * d E l e c t r i c Gvtter Cable melts eacepe channel for desintgt, Keeps 9utt6ri* doiwnspoutC open. -- SEE lit TODAY... VVCITAL'S Pro Hdwe. I Tin s. Green Street Fh «»n»*: JW5-0098 the Grand O.K.S .VI IN Call Tony, have home in Springfield alter a ten (1.r\ \ imi with her lather. Herb Simon, and oilier Mrllenry relative?.. Mis.s Kathleen Power* waa M overnight guest of her Iriend. Connie Freund. in Waukesha. Wi> . Tuesday <>l last week Mrs. Kdla Antoiison • •d recently from a visit ill Chicago and lirook. Mrs. Adelyn Kiotto of Geneva was a guest of Mr-. 'Rita Ulrich last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs . A.P Deli re ot Dubuque. Iowa. were visitors in the . home of his -ister. Mrs. James Powers, a lew days the past week. Mrs. Robert Conway spent a .recent day in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr> Carl Rlanner. in Rockford. Mr and Mrs. Alfred Hanipel and sons, Brian and Arthur. of Skokie, were guests of the Arthur Hoppes a few days the past week. Mesdames Charles Gibbs, .lames Doherty. Leroy Conway. James Powers, Lloyd Seharf and Miss Genevieve Knox attended a bridal shower at the home of Mrs. Marion Winters in Grayslake Friday evening honoring her niece. Miss Sheila O'Shea. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Shea of Grayslake who will be a November bride. Miss Mary Kllen Bacon, daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. Weston Bacon of Crystal Lake, a junior at St Xavier college. Chicago, was one of eighty-three students from fifty American universities who l>egan a year of study at the fall term at the University of Munich on Oct. 1, under Wayne State university's junior year program. The group left New York on the SS Rotterdam on Sept. 16 arriving at Rotterdam Sept. 24 and t o u r e d t h e N e t h e r l a n d s a n d West Germany before beginning their studiex. The .. Munich program vyas founded in 195:5 by the late John Ebelke. professor of German at Wayne State and the program features courses in philosophy, psychology, history, art, music. languages and literature, .all taught in German. Miss Genevieve Knox visited Chicago friends a few days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott of Bell, Calif, were guests in the home of her sister, Mrs. R.l. Overton, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steilan of LaGrange Park were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. F. J. Aicher. Mr. and Mrs. Louis lx>ckwuod of Crystal Lake, Miss Amanda Behrens of Woodstock and Miss Lillian Behrens of LaGrange were dinner guests in the Howard l^ockwood home Sunday. Miss Louise Evanson has returned to Chicago after a few days visit in the home of Clara Stoffel. . Mrs. A. P. Freund spent the weekend in Crystal Lake where she attended the christening of her forty-first grandchild. Ann Margaret Rooney, and also visited in the Richard Frett home. Shop In McHenry Women Of The Moose Tli'- Women ol the Moose held their Christina.- in O* - lolx-r meeting. Senior Regent Gloria l-' o| kih'kI Humecting with iwenty-n i n •• i'>eiiiber> present. Kleanor llacrle. MoomIi .m i i > hairnian. wa» in charge loi the evening Many gifts were brought for Moox.-he.irt and Mooseha veil. H you haven't brought >oui .iitts. pu-a.-e do -o at the flex! meeting. A surpri-e .mn-.-t lor the evening wa- Santa Clau.-. who >_;a\e candy to the ladies Bettv Walker re.eivcd the »pe«.ial award. Junior* Graduate, Regent Kunice Tobey received a letter Iroin Moosehea rt. saying -lie i> qualified to receive her Green Beanie at the convocation t.u l>e .held Oct :;o Collegian Alyce KoWal will be her capping officer. ' TlH»se who haven't broimht their gifts may do -o at the On. IS meeting. ' P leaVe don't these ini|>ortant date?.. Oct. la spaghetti dinner; On. _'R. children's Halloween party: adult Halloween party also. Nov. fi. Family Kun Fair Bazaar, i hicken dinner to l»e served. Carmella Miceli. I 'ublicity Chairman V SEEK REFERENDUM FUNDS TO BENEFIT MENTAL HEALTH Progress- -though evident in McHenry county's struggle to improve mental health is painfully slow. Most cases at the Mental Health Center for McHenry County must be of an emergency nature simply due to lack of facilities and enough l>ersons trained to provide psychiatric out-patient care in the county or at the center. With that background, plus much added informati6n available to those interested, the McHenry county board of supervisors last fall approved a referendum for the Nov. 8 election. This referendum will be printed on a buff-colored ballot. It is one of five separate ballots that will confront voters at the polls in less than a month. Strides have been made in mental health care in McHenry county George Mally. administrator for the Mental Health center, asserted this week. "We have more trained people and more persons aware of this illness who are in a position to help--as teachers. nurses, doctors and ministers,'" Mally said. "One of the big gains is that we are making strides in recognizing mental illness as a curable disease." Much needs to be done, but the money available Ls limit- • d. Mally continued. The volunteer board of directors re- < eive- iIk m i i tw.>-ihird- ot the, S80.000 a year budget from die -late, "with the rest comirii: Iroin private contribu- 'ion.-. Patient fees, when charged. are at a nominal rate, and per-on- unable to pay never .ire turned away The McHenry County A.s.-o- • i,ition for Retarded Children i- |»erforming considerable -ejvice with a minimum ot help and tund.-. Us memberconduct a school lor trainable > hildren. It ha.- aided more than 100 children in, it- briet period oi service. Funds raised through the adoption of the relerendum would be limited by law -o that an annual tax not to e.\- < eed one-tenth of one per cent 11| the a.syesssed Value of the property will be collected. The funds will be administered by a seven-member • ommunitN mental heal th Itoard named by the hoard of supervisors. Much study will "l>e required' before any money is allocated, although the need is urgent. Two organized private, notlor- prolit efforts dealing with merttal health and mental retardation' in this county are ihe Mental Health center and Retarded Children association. Their policies are determined by an elected board of directors who volunteer „their services. liOOl) Tt K.N WAV The Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts and Explorers of Kishwaukee d i s t r i c t . B l a c k l u i w k a r e a council, will stage a Good Turn Day in McHenry Saturday. Nov. a. according to a joint announcement by Dave Frisbie, Boy Scout activities chairman, and A1 Soldwish. director of community rela- ' lions. Goodwill Industries, Inc Available to you without a doctor's prescription, our product called Odrinex You must lose ugly fat or your money back. Odrinex is a tiny tablet and easily swallowed. Get rid of excess fat and and live longer. Odrinex costs $3.00 and is sold on this guarantee: If not satisfied for any reason, just return the package to your druggist and get your full money back. No questions asked. Odrinex is sold with this guarantee by: B o 1 g e r Drug Store, 1259 N. Green Street. DOLLAR S t r e t c l e r VALUES For This l?@ek! Reg. 59«' Acetate TRffCOT PRINTED IEFS r;:, 37* R*g. 99«- - 21-lb. Bag SiKMEDDED' rOAM Reg. 4#i- - 69c CERAMIC COFFEE MUGS Excellent Variety of Styles I* 44 Ea. BEN FRANKLIN STOfti wring Check 7 Not enou&lj^and overloaded outlets, wires under rugs and over doorways, unsafe extension cords, lights that dim, fuses that blow, television pictures that shrink -- these are among the signs that mean it's time to have an electrician check the electric system in your house. Be Wise Shop In McHENRY "m SOLDIER SETS 77c Includes vehicle, plenty of fighters. R«g.98c INTERCEPTOR SET With pilots, trailer 77c bomb, much more. Rag. 98c HOLSTER & GUN 77c Reg. 98c 8-in. cap pistol1 in real leather holster. COWBOY HAT •Just what he needs T7#»* flor his favorite game. / # * Engine and Three Cars TOOTSIETOY I! 7c Little boys (and girls) will have hours of fun as junior engineers. 24-Pc. TEA SET 77c Service for 4: you, a friend, 2 dolls. 3 MAGNETIC BOARDS Aids teaching alpha 77c bet or counting. Big 12'/i-Inches Long 1INGLE HORSE PULL TOY "He'll have music where're you goes" --from room to room, inside or out! PICTURE; BOOKS 77c Reg. 1.00 64 big pages with hard-cover binding. MAKE-UP KITS 77c Get your doll ready for a big party. *•«. tte BOARD GABIES Based on six favorite TT« television shows. #/ ® Reg. 98c M( H»-nrv, Illinois GO-GO GUITAR 77c Four strings really play. Plastic. McHenry ^5 "The Store That Plans With You In Mind On Green Street -- IVfcilenry's Only Complete Shopping Center WE STOCK THE FOLLOWING FURNITURE ITEMS - R EC LINERS, OCCASIONAL CHAIRS AND TABLES, LAMPS, BABY FURNITURE, RUGS, UNFINISHED FURNITURE, DRAPERIES AND MANY MORE ITEMS. Ill WIPB-CLBAN PLASTIC . . . i# NOW seconds any color paint f@si want y f i INTERIOR or EXTERIOR s with0 COLOR KiNG NO MORE COLOR PROBLEMS --. no more searching countless brands of paint for the exact shade you want. Come in -- we'll be proud to show you how you can get any one of thousands of colors in all of Elliott's nationally- known Quality Paints in just a matter of seconds! 1 WTERIOR UT EX ^ur vvau FINISH GLOSS OR SEMI-GLOSS , ENAMEL FI°OR .ENAMELJ Houst PAINT 1 VYCiTAL'S Pro. Hardware 1228 V. Orwn St. MeHenrv III. I'HONK SR.VOrt«W< Size 74 x 28 NOTE: Full Bolster instead WERE of type pictured T«u pay an •it«niMwnfly_ Uw pricc f*r thtM lownf* divant. Eoty-<er« wip* dt«n Moslonil Dwran it CorvfwHy r«inf*fc«4 l«r Iwif lif*. Full c*n«trvcti*n «Mi c*mf«rt far sittinf •rtlttping. Modern mrdicinc ha- ;k1 ( 1c<| a bonus ol in the >pan ol human life Maintain your ^oodhcalth and vigor b\ utlizint; the now miracle druus at ihe first sign of illness THERE'S A HANDY tE NIGHT 3720 W. Elm St. 385-7030 JEWEL SIIOl'I'IXG PLAZA Gib Haggenjos, R.Ph: Jerry Toiusalot. R.Ph- McHenry inois 2 wm SAIY BUDGET 1MMS FRAN KLI IMRotcne Hr "The Store That Plans With You In Mind" - Sunday Oct. 16 On Green Street -- McHenry's Only Complete Tickets Can Be Shopping Center Purchased Here