PAGE 8, SECTION 2 - MCHENRY PIAINDEALER - OCTOBER 20, 1966 MCCULLOM LAKE NEWS EVE LEVESQUE 385-4141 WILFRED GUMM , ESCAPES DEATH IN AUTO CRASH Wilfred D. (W h i t e y t (.•umm, 52, of 5216 VV. West L a n e , n a r r o w l y a v o i d e d death when his auto collided with- a utility pole on Barnard Mill Road, Tuesday, Oct. 11. He was rushed to McHenry hospital by ambufantO where it was discovered that 1m* suffered from a concussion and a scalp wound. His condition improved, and with the doctor's co-operation, his wife Ruth had him transferred to Hines Veteran's Hospital. Hines, 111., where he has been an out heart patient for some lime. McHenry County Sheriff's Deputy Foster Glorch investigated the accident which completely totalled the _c^r. Mr. Gumm's dog. Lucky, was with him at ihe time, but was not injured. During arid after- her husband's accident, Ruth Bumm received invaluable assistance from next door neighbors Linda and Carl Bergstrom and from Dick Pickett of the American Legion. For those wishing to send cards to the injured man, he is in section F3-365. Our sincere wishes that Whitey will make a speedy and complete recovery. (•ertrude Murpliy lfen»K Ladies' Club Mrs. Gertrude Murphy w;is unanimously acclaimed president at the Ladies of the Lake meeting held Thursday, Oct. 13, in the beachhouse. second in command is Alice Guslafson, as v.p. and Lois Parenti retains her office of secretary- treasurer. Emma Pyritz was named sunshine chairm a n. Outgoing president Marie McKim surrendered her gavel to her successor, but deserves honorable mention for the efficient and dedicated service she gave to the organization. Verbal orchids to Marie. The gals will not have their annual Thanksgiving public party. Instead, they will have a special meeting Sunday. Oct. 19 in the beachhouse. Following the meeting, the evening was taken over by hostesses Mary Kantorski and Carrie Kurth. Women in costume were judged and prizes were awarded. Carrie Kurth received first prize as a "senior go-go girl" complete with teased hairdo. Lois Parenti, second, was outstanding as a gal from Mars. Her brief full skirted black costume had asteroids -and stars hanging from the waist with antennae tucked into her "long blond braids," and high black boots completed the outfit. Gertrude Murphy took third as a painted clown. Others in costume were Marge Stacknick as a geisha girl. Marie McKim as Grandma Moses, Mary Kantorski was a hobo, and Sally Olsen was a rag doll. Judges were Louise Berquist, Laura Slater and Emma Pyritz. The gals played "rebbor ognib" and Marie McKim. Marge Stacknick, Louise Berquist, Hattie Crick. Carrie Kurth, Emma Pyritz and this reporter "lucked out." Scouta are Out, But Boys Will Organise Sorry to report that Boy and Cub Scout groups for lo- SAVE a few $$ FOR NEXT TIME Mc H E N R Y cal lads are out, in spite"clf the diligent work of Bud Brendle. He investigated every possibility but was stymied by the lack of adult stij>- jiort. "Never say die" and the young lads will get their cham-c for organized play ana activities. Youn^ boys ages 7-1?. will meet in the lieachhouse tonight (Thursday). Oct. 20, at 7 p.m. Mrs. Bonnie Morris and Mrs. Ethel < Butch > Brendle will register and outline a program. Probably, mothers will plan to accompany the younger fellas. and this is A-OK. There are plenty of male children in this age brackei and it should be a good organization. More later. j Young I'atient Thirteen year old Garry Kumpula entered McHenry hospital Saturday noon, complaining of abdominal pains. He has been under doctor's <are for this condition, but it became worse over the weekend. As of Monday, he was undergoing tests and x-rays and surgery may be indicated. Born on Relative*' Anniversary Kaaren and Chuck Gies of- Ponca Drive. McHenry. . joyously welcomed the birth of their^ iirst daughter Gret-. chen Ahn on Tuesday. Oct. 11. at 8:0?. p.m. in McHenry hospital. The plump little missy tipped the scales at 8 lbs.. 11 oz. She made her apl »earance while Aunt Thresa and Uncle Willard Schultz of Fountain Lane were celebrating their thirty-sixth wedding anniversary. The young (and very handsome!) couple were especially gratified with their daughter because they are the parents of Johnny ?. and Jeff L'l months. Rejoicing with them are maternal grandparents- Shirley and Art Olsen and paternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gies. Third grandchild for both couples. Maternal great-grandfather is Theodore Olsen of W. Fountain Lane. This reporter is very happy also with the birth of our first grand-niece! Cutest Quip of the Week Jaws dropped and eye balls popped around our house when adorable 8 year old Patt y M u r r a y c r o s s e d o u r threshhold to call for son Matthew fhe other a.m. She began discussing one of their mutual playmates and said. "He is a 'romper room' retard!" Have you heard that expression before? P.S. The lad in question - isn't really! Alert, But Badly Shaken Dorothy Cunningham was the alert, employee who sounded the alarm for the lire at her place of employment recently. The experience was unnerving lor her. but she deserves commendation for her rapid observation. More on tlie African Trip In addition lo the fabulous places, they visited. Nada and Bill Klapperich were very much impressed with the scenery they viewed on their recent South African jaunt. Flowers such as orchids. gardenias, and Arum' lilies which cost ;• small fortune for brides to purchase, gfow in yieir natural state in wild profusion, among ferns, looking just like a bridal bouquet. The two, accompanied by Nada's relatives, visited Port Klizal>eth and then to the Transkei. The Transkei is the S.A. Government's first test for separate development where the Bantu people have their own doctors, lawyers, and teachers. We quote an excellent source when we say that the far seeing prime minister who was murdered Dr. Verwoerd- understood the need lo train these l»eople, first to understand l>ower and how to use it. The women of this area till the lands, grind the corn, real the babies and are proud to work for their men who are the kings of their small domain. The trip took them through all the provinces, they viewed the snow mountains of Basoetoland and were ready for the homeward trip. Tickets Available for ( K Dinner Dance All officers and trustees ol the CuUom-Knoll association have tickets for the buffetdinner dance to be held Saturday. Nov. 12. at Spojna Polish camp. For reservations, you may also call Allan McKim, :i85-:»141. who is chairman of the event. It promises to l)c a great night of fun and you won't.want to miss out on it. Welcome Home To Mrs. Margaret Graff, formerly of St. Petersburg, Fla., who has returned to our shores. She i*» making her home with daughter and husband, Marge and Ed Stacknick, since Sept. 18. She settled her affairs in that southern state following her husband's death, and we extend a cordial "welcome home." Ilayride Party for Teens The newly formed youth club (a formal name is still under discussion) is making plans for a hayride party, Sunday. Oct. 23, at 6:30 p.m. F i n a l a r r a n g e m e n t s w e r e made at last Tuesday s meeting. They meet every Tuesday. at 7 p.m. in the beachhouse. Young guys 'n' gals 14 or over, or now attending high school, are eligible to join. "(Js Gals" Plan |- Halloween Party A combined Halloween parly will be held for young ladies--7 to 1.1 years old. Wednesday. Oct. 26. at 7 p.m. in the beachhouse. The following week the group will be split thusly--seven year olds through fourth graders will meet in the afternoon after school In the beachhouse. Fifth graders and up will continue to meet Wednesday evenings from 7 p.m. to 8:30 The division will occur on Nov. 2. Spelling Queen Karen Betts brought honor to her family and joy to mom Jeanette and dad Ken's heart the other day when she delivered the news that she was spelling queen in hei sixth grade class at Valley- View school. Her teacher is Mr. Perino and she is "proud as punch" with her accomplishment. Getting Autographs Hardly the fun way, but Peter John Klapperich and Don Nelson are collecting autographs on their casts! As you know, P.J. fell from a ladder and fractured his heel. Two months in cast for him. Don Nelson was blowing up a wheelbarrow tire for a customer at his place of employment. At the customer's urging and against his better judgment, he added just that "too much" and the tire blew! He cracked the bones in his left hand and will be wearing a cast for several weeks, from the flying debris. Bowling Don Hayes was high man with a 208 and Ron Godina, right behind him with a 202 game last Friday night in Johnsburg when the bowling teams mei. Gerry Jensen had high score for women with a 159. Don Hayes had high series with 540 pins. Two women deserve mention for high series--Jo Skutek with 384 and Barb Caron with 381. Don Hayes' team took two Irom Len Jensen, Bill Gleeson took two from Kay Godina and Jeanette Betts dropped two to Elaine Gleeson. Congrats Corner Belated happy birthday to Sgt. Ken Loesch. as of Oct. How Can I ? rs • Banana SBCDSIS 1 °@ad wrappers • Wood • Milk containers *TV cores • BE shavings Rubber bands • Wooden fruit boxes • Animal fat Shoes • Carrot tops Chicken bones Tissue paper A U D I O AN A S S O C I A T I O N A Warm Morning gas incinerator consumes anything that burns . . . automatically. Has two burners: one burns the refuse, the second consumes the smoke and odor. Try one for 60 days on our PROOF OF PERFORMANCE OFFER. rNo money down. Up to 48 months to pay. Special savings offered through November 30. Phone or visit our nearest store or office for details. Your Warm Morning dealer also has attractive offers on I modern gas incinerators. (Phone 385-2081 Q. What can I do about wallpaper that has loosened and come away from the wall? A. Mix a paste of flour and water thill enough to be picked up in a medicine dropper. If the bulge in the paper in at a seam, gently lift the frig** of the paper with a paring knife and squirt paste underneath. If the bulge is in the middle of a sheet of paper^ puncture the paper at tintop of the bulge so that the tip of the medicine dropper can lie inserted. Rub the area gently with a damp sponge „or cloth to smooth the paper and remove the excess paste. Q. How can I prevent the formation of a "skin" over my freshly-mixed"starch solution? A. After you've prepared your starch, 'cover J^lie bow' with a piece of cloth stretched tight. Q. How can I improvise a padding under my carpets if I don't have the real thing? 16...Sandy Kinsey has 2 candles on her cake, today, Oct. 20....Debbie Damiano will be 8 and Jack Morris turns 14. Oct. 21.!..53! years wed for Wilma and Roy Zody on Oct. 22 and natal day congrats lo Wilma, Oct. 24...Mr. and Mrs. Gene Huff celebrate 6 years wed. Oct. 22, and happy birthday to Theresa Schultz;, Oct. 2.1...Joe De Mar marks the anniversary of his birth. Oct. 24...Bobby Michels will be 6. John Mass will be 2. Betty and Larry Murray are wed 23 years, and Pauline and Ray Etten celebrate 19 years of marriage--all on Oct. 25...Timmy Hocin will be 6 and birthday congrats to Jean Reid, Oct. 26. Best wishes to all. Plenty of activity and more to come in the months ahead. Keep those calls coming and we'll see you next week. A. With several layers of newspaper. One excellent feature of this kind of padding is that moths detest the smell of printer's ink! Q. Do you have any suggestions for dealing with scorch on cottons? A. This is sometimes removable by wetting the spot first with water, then covering with a thick paste of starch and water, letting dry, then using a clean cloth and peroxide to sponge it off. Press the article again, and hang in the sun for several hours. Q. How can I clean shrimp quickly and efficiently? A. Try using a toothpick for this chore. Slip the pick under the fine black thread along the back of the shrimp and lift it o'f in one piece, using a knife for this job often spoils the shape of the delicacy. Q. Is there something I can d(» about a mirror that has acquired a scratch i^i the coating on its back? A. One usually effective repair can be effected liv smoothing a piece of aluminum foil over the back of the mirror, a piece the size of the scratch, then coating over this with plain shellac. What is a quick and easy and economical way lo wax a linoleum floor? A. 'Iry scrubbing it with very hot water into which a candle has been shaved. This is a good way to use up those old candle stubs. Be sure all these shavings are melted be- (nr you start. Many other such handy hints are included in my new household manual now on the market. . Q. How can I make brightly- colored fabrics stay bright when washing? A. You can prevent their I, raying if you'll add a tablespoonful of vinegar to the next-to-last rinse. A UNICF:F Hallo ween "treat" of 51 provides home treatment for a TB patient for one year. • * * * * * • • •• • • ••••••• General Insurance • Life • Auto •HeaSfte * Fire * Casualty * Boat 3812 WS ELM ST. -- McHENRY PHONE 815-385-1066 "In The McHenry Plaindealer Building" •••••••••••• • * + * * * * * • A MESSAGE TO CLASSIFIED USERS Before you call an ad-visor io place your McHenry PLAINDEALER AD consider this: You are about to invest money for an ad and you are entitled to get results. To accomplish this it is necessary for you to TELL ALL about the details of your offer. Be sure you don't make any of the following errors that prevent results: 1. DON'T OMIT THE AP Many out-of-town readers will write you, but will not spend money for a long distance call. m ...ONL I THE UMBER Many readers will call you but do not find it convenient to come to your home. 3. DOHTBENJND BOtWMBtKi Remember last Fa Avoid them if at all possible. They are difficult to answer and many people are suspicious of them. Surveys show that a high percentage of readers will not answer an ad unless the price is given. Many good prospects will not call the second time if your phone is unanswered. GAS X \ we chose alcoa aluminum Readers can't guess on important details. Remember, a well written informative ad will get results faster and amount to much less in the long run. TTER SCREEN Easy to install! Fits all Box and Halfround Gutters! Rustproof Aluminum! Lasts forever! Now is the time to beat the leaves! Come in today! COAST-to-COAST- 1327 N. Riverside Dri ve McHenry, Illinois I SEF You'll get the biggest parade of readers at the lowest price. Your Needs Satisfied thru a McHenry Plaindealer Classified. Plai.Jeaie CLASSIFIED DEPT. 385-0170 J i