PAGE 2, SECTION 1 - MCHENRY PLAINDEALER - OCTOBER 27, Wedding Bells EXCHANGE VOWS 1 ' NEW GRADUATE CANDY STRIPERS Leonard Freund Baby Christened The new son of Mr. and M r s . L e o n a r d F r e u n d w a s baptized by Rev. Fr. Eugene Baumhofer at St. Mary's Catholic church on Oct. 16. Mrs. William Hamil and Donald Blake served as sponsors. The new baby was born at Memorial hospital on Sept. 25 and was welcomed home by three brothers and three sisters, John, 16, Darlette, 15, Ronald, 13, Marlette, 10, Donald, 8, and Charlette, 6. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Freund and Mr. and Mrs. John J. McCarthy of St. Petersburg Fla. Gail Meyer Feted At Bridal Shower Miss Gail Meyer was honored at a miscellaneous bridal shower last Wednesday evening at the Wheelock home. Mrs. Gwen Wheelock and Mrs. Betty Knaack were co-hostesses. A large white papier-maehe bride trimmed with lavender chrysanthemums was the centerpiece of the buffet table from which a lunch with a green and white motif was served by candle-light. Miss Meyer will become the bride of Richard Madden of Wonder Lake on Nov. 5. HOLD BENEFIT LUNCHEON FOR MENTAL CENTER The public is invited to a dessert-luncheon to be held Wednesday, Nov. 9, at 1:30 o'clock at the McHenry Country club, sponsored by the auxiliary to the Mental Health center. The event will benefit the center. Numerous prizes will be given away during the party. Tickets are available from Mrs. Jack Phelan or Mrs. John Nolan. Attead BlinSsfey Party Of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schaf- •er attended the first birthday party celebration for their grandson, Gary Onley, son of Diane and Jerry Onley, in Wheeling earlier this month. Others attending were g r e a t - g r a n d p a r e n t s , F r a n k Schafer, Sr., 93 years old, and Mrs. Mae Weber of Chicago and relatives from Rockford, Chicago and Crystal Lake. Marirlag® licenses Gary Besserud and Janet Haney, both of McHenry. HOLD BENEFIT FOR FINE ARTS NEXT WEDNESDAY The Woodstock Welcome Wagon club benefit entitled "Maurice Marche' Salon" will be presented Wed nesday, Nov. 2, at 8 p.m. at the Woodstock Opera House. Jim'^latthews will be the master of ceremony and musical entertainment wity be provided by the five children of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kuenster of Crystal Lake. Wedding gowns dating from the mid 1800's to the present time will also be shown. The proceeds from the benefit will be donated to the Woodstock Fine Arts association and the Woodstock Children's home. Everyone is invited. Tickets will be available at the door. ON GOVERNORS' BOARD. Douglas Jack Sellek of Wonder Lake was recently elected to the board of governors to the student center at Blackburn college, Carlinville, 111. Sellek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sellek, 46- 08 E. Lake Shore drive, is a 1963 graduate of McHenry high school. DeWiane Studio Photo MR. AND MRS. THOMAS M. O'BRIEN Christ the King Catholic church was the setting for a beautiful wedding on Oct. 1 which united "in marriage Miss Walterine Rochowicz and Mr. Thomas M. O'Brien. Miss Rochowicz is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rochwicz of 7612 Hancock drive, Wonder Lake. The bride is a graduate of Marian Central Catholic high tschool and attended St. Dominic college for one year. Her husband graduated from McHenry high school and attended Pierce agricultural college in Los Angeles. He is now serving with the Navy, based in Charleston, S. C. He recently completed his skuba diving and tire control training. The newlyweds are residing in Charleston, S. C. TURKEY DINNER The Greenwood Methodist church will hold its annua] turkey dinner on Saturday, Oct. 29 with seatings at 5, 6 and 7 p.m. Dinner will be served family style-- Choice turkey with dressing, gravy, s q u a s h , c r a n b e r r y m o l d , home-made pies, etc. Make reservations early as there will be no ticket sales at door.. For reservations: call O. W a l k i n g t o n , 6 4 8 - 2 0 9 2 ; F . Brown, 338-3028; or L. Hallstrom, 653-5304. BRIDAL Q IE Miss Hettermaaa Engaged To Wed MARRIED OCTOBER 15 THERESA HETTERMANN Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hettermann of 505 N. Front street, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Theresa, to Seaman First Class James R. Binz of the Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Binz of 507 Pennwood drive, Pittsburg, ?a. Miss Hettermann is a 1963 graduate of McHenry high school and for the past two and one-half years has been employed as reservationist of commercial accounts for one of the leading airlines, working in Chicago. No immediate plans for the wedding have been made. LtiM . 4 i Miss Csiceson Engaged To Wed Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glosson of 915 N. Center street, McHenry, of the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Ann, to William Comstock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karpinski of 3803 N. Weingart road, McHenry. M i s s G l o s s o n g r a d u a t e d from Marian Central high school in 1963 and of a Chicago Beauty school. She is employed as a beautician at Woodstock^ Her fiance is a 1959 graduate of McHenry high school and is employed locally. The young people have set no date for the wedding. Langdon Studio Photo MR. AND MRS. RAYMOND GILE Miss Carol Ann Charles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Charles of 1905 Greenwood road, Woodstock, became the bride of Mr. Raymond G. Gile, son of Mr. anid Mrs. Smith Gile of 10517 Johnson road, Hebron, in a lovely doiible ring candlelight service solemnized Saturday evening, Oct. 15, in the First Methodist church, Woodstock. Following a two-week honeymoon trip to California, the couple will make their home at 13917 Hebron road, Hebron. TTie bride is a 1961 graduate of Woodstock high school and is employed in the McHenry County A.S.C.S. office, Woodstock. Her husband served two years in the Army after graduating from high school and is engaged in dairy and grain farming with his father. The bride's mother is the former Yvonne Benwell of McHenry Leonard Studio Photo MR. AND MRS. STANLEY RADER Before her marriage on Oct. 15 in Immanuel Lutheran church, Crystal Lake, this lovely bride was Miss Sandra Irene Fell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fell of 6703 W. Bull Valley road, McHenry. Attending the bride were Dian Fell, her sister, as maid of honor, Sue Rader, his sister, Linda Amann of McHenry and Joanne Erber of Peoria as bridesmaids. Leon Trask of Fox River Grove served as best man. James Kelly of McHenry and Gary Fell of Peoria, brother of the bride, were groomsmen and Marvin Fell, another brother, and Michael Walikup of Crystal Lake acted as ushers. Small Lisa Kirchak of Crystal Lake was flower girl and Cary Schultz was ring bearer. The bride is a 1965 graduate of McHenry high school and has been employed at the Barrington Jewel store. Her husband, a 1962 graduate of Crystal Lake high school, is employed by Illinois Bell Telephone company of Barrington. He is the son of the William Raders of Cary. Two of the girls undergoing training as a nurse's aide watch as Mrs. Roslyn Griesbach, R. N., instructor for the seventy girls, makes A record class of seventy- teer emblem, two girls completed the McHenry hospital Candy -Striper training course given in October. The course included lectures on required duties, hospital policy and professional ethics. There were procedure demonstrations and return demonstrations by the Candy Stripers. After a twenty-two hour probation period, the girls will receive a junior volun- Don Peasley Photo a bed the right way. From left: Diane Studley and Janet Johns, Crystal Lake, and Mrs. Griesbach. HISTORICAL OPEN HOUSE ATTENDED BY LARGE CROWD Open house at the headquarters of the McHenry County Historical society was well attended and many were agreeably surprised at the fine collection of historical items on display at 101 N. Jefferson, Woodstock. The surveying instrument used by John Brink, later of Crystal Lake, back in the early 1830's was of interest. It was on the basis of his early surveys that the government opened up the lands for sale to settlers. The many items of clothing attracted the attention of many women who marveled at the amount of fine sewing put into each garment. Wedd i n g dresses, accessories, elaborately embroidered and tucked under garments, all brought smiles and admiration. Also the children's garments, somber colors' for little girls and black velvet suit for boys. A collapsible opera hat for a man charmed one boy visitor. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Gladys Gruszczynski and Mrs. Vera Perry. Mrs. Hedwig Welander, acted as official model and wore a long linen duster used in the early automobile touring days, around 1915, along with wide straw hat, tied under the chin with a veil. Later, she was dressed in a black lace dress and a black velvet plumed hat and fancy parasol. The above women, along with other members of the Woodstock Business and Professional Women's club, who spnsored the Open House, are from Woodstock. For 100 hours of service, a blue star is given; 250 hours, crescent emblem; and 500 hours, junior volunteer pin. This rewarding program of voluntary service gives high school girls experience which will aid them in their vocation or profession, and prepare them to become better homemakers and citizens. They derive satisfaction from the comfort and aid they give to those who need it and free highly-trained personnel for their tasks of caring for the seriously ill patients. List Graduates "Graduate" Candy Stripers from McHenry are Cathyx Hawkins, Lynn Johnson, Sherry Jones, Kathy Klapper- ( ich, Lynda Kommer, Janetv Larkin, Maureen Ann Moore, Jane McCrary, Peggy McMillan, Bonnie McWilliams, Lorraine Nicolai, Margie Osborne, Doreen Patterson, Caryn Peterson, Susan Shustitsky, Pauline Starzyk, Peggy Tomlinson, Mary Uttich, Darcy Watson, Nancy Winters and Cheryl Ziszik. Also Char Sutton, Pam Afeld, Patti J. Baird, Kathy Becker, Christine Biggs, Karen Blake, Linda Blundell, Gayle Braun, Jill Crosier, Coleen Doherty, Marcia Dolby, Pamela Eurich, Linda Exline, Jacqueline Fisher, Jo Ann Freund, Sue Freund, Patricia Ann Harms and Marybeth Idstein. From Crystal Lake they are Lana Beach, Diane Dearmont, Lisa M. Duvall, Ann Erickson, Ka«n Hagen, Elly Henry, Janet Johns, Jill !• Jollie, Jean Glee Jones, Jean Kahle, Cathy Kowalski, Susan Pheiffer, Lynn Poore, Char Soberg, Diane Studley, Jill Tucker, Linda Uthoff and Leslie Caryn White. Francine Hillendahl, Jane Kengott, Kim Kengott, Karen Magnuson, F -a i 1 . Mathews. Patricia J. O'Keefe, Judith Ann Smith and Carol Boehike completed the course from Ingleside. Others are Linda Huhn, Ann Fox and Donna Harrison, Fox Lake; Sharon Brenner, Wonder Lake; Karen Murphy Spring Grove, Catherine Poblocki, Ringwood; and Nancy Venerable, Huntley. DRAMA-D1AM>GUE Churches throughout the nation celebrated laymen Sunday this week. Ten men of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church presented a dramadialogue called "Every Man's Servant" at both services. Dressed in working clothes, the cast included Wally Schultz and Phil Helwig, narrators; and Jim Boelens, Ed Riley, Jim Cole, Don Tueber, Charles Heis, C h a r l e s W h i t n e y , W a l t e r Mueller and Joe Shanor. ^ObrnFULLSmfimimkl ENROLLED IN COLLEGE Nancy Steinbach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Steinbach of 3804 W. Oak avenue, McHenry, is a junior majoring in elementary education at Marycrest college, Davenport, Iowa. GRANTED DIVORCE John Howard Hachmeister has been granted a divorce from Linda Site Hachmeister. k- Thin/ n 50% OFF or for the PRICE OF ONE! In the following sizes -- B l a c k w & l l * 6.00x13 8.50x13 7.00x13 7.00x14 8.00x14 9.00 x 14 6.00x15 <• Plus Tax PASSENGER CAR & TRUCK TIRES (all sizes) men may see more to laugh at, but fat men have mdre to laugh with. McHenry Tire Mart S@S1 W. Main St. PHONE 385-0294 McHenry, I1L We're Bewitched ... You Will Be Too... Wtyte Walls 6.00 X 13 on our Orlons ami Fall Cotton Sportswear and Casual Wear vv .U J*. U I&J2/JZ*r5J OX ao A • mmmv! v, 3-V "• i LOANS Finance your car for! Yes, you can save momy on the OY«f-all cost of your next caie sight be?*... whes© immediate action, cleaHys#o$ed terms, low hmh iates, budget-easy payments, and iadiasi©si of your initial car insurance premium (if desked) spell. resl economy. Gome in now and Me! 7.00 x 13 6.00 x 15 &00 x 15 6 or 12 Volt Batteries for All Cars Up to $S Trade I CAPTURE IT ALL! From tkc firtt ray of l i g h t , This on* day it alive. This one day it to full, You thould eaptur«it all. For the photofriphic r«cord of yew widdinf, the services of a qualified professional photofrapher are essential. Call us today, won't you? GO MODERN GO WITH <*feLEONMl!> STUDIO "jfS? 815-385-5759 WALK-BP fc DRIVE-IN WINDOWS OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGtS 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. M 'lENRY STATE BANK "Where Family Money Matters" PHONE 385-1040 t