Fine Arts Production Don Peasley Photo •-(REAM viz///,/ The three members in the cast of\ "The Moon Is Blue" rehearse a scene from the delightful play. It will be presented at the Woodstock Opera House this Friday and Saturday evenings, directed by Jim Matthews. Bob Bender on the phone as Kathleen Grennan a)id Wallace Norin listen in. Robert Bender, Wallace Norin and Kathleen Grennan are busy rehearsing "The Moon is Blue" which can be seen at the Opera House Oct. 29 and 30. Bender as Donald Gresham, Norin as- David Slater and Miss Grennan as Patty O'Neil comprise the cast of this everpopular comedy. Not only is there a small cast, but there are only two sets and the MARIAN HIGH HOMECOMING TiS WBIEND i • \\V BMM sow entire action happens in a 24-hour period. The curtain rises for Saturday's performance of "The Moon is Blue" at 8:30 and for Sunday's at 7:30. HONOR COURT CHARTER MEMBERS ON ANNIVERSARY Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573, Catholic Daughters of America, at the business meeting Oct. 20, initiated a new member, Marie Thelen, into the court. Sara Meyers, district deputy, presided with Grand Regent Elvina Latimer at the ceremony. A business meeting followed, during which the district deputy congratulated the new member, and spoke briefly on the fall workshop to be held Nov. 6. Charter members of the court were honored at the forty-sixth anniversary of the court. Each member was presented with a gift by Grand Regent Latimer. Charter members honored were Anna belle Aicher, Dorothy Weber, Coletta Adams, Gertrude Weber, Evelyn Carey, Laura Weber, Nellie Doherty, Rose Huemann, Eleanor Foley, Eleanor Nye, Florence Knox, Florence Carey and Genevieve Knox. Refreshments, including a beautifully decorated cake, were served by the committee, headed by Rosalie Doherty and Van Diedrich. SCOUT KICK-OFF The camping committee of the Blackhawk Area council, Boy Scouts of America, will hold the kick-off meeting of their 1967 summer camp promotion at Camp Lowden, near Oregon, on Saturday evening, Oct. 29, it was announced by Dana M. Dawes, council camping chairman. Several hundred scoutmasters, •Explorer advisors and the camping man from their unit committees have been invited to this activity as guest of the Council. Hsamcanes Will Tik© On Opponents Sunday Afternoon As Marian Central's Student Council members scurry about preparing for homecoming weekend, the mighty Hurricane football players are readying themselves for the clash of helmets on Sunday, Oct. 30. Carmel is to be t h e ' C a n e s ' o p p o n e n t s f o r their '66 homecoming game. President Joe Moerschbaecher, along with the other council members, have been prep a r i n g s i n c e S e p t e m b e r f o r their biggest event of the year. To start off the weekend's - activities there will be a bonfire and pep session on Saturday evening, followed by a sockhop. .Queen Candidates Monday, Oct. 24, ten girls were chosen by the senior class to reign over homecoming activities. On Friday the entire school will vote on the ten nominees, and the five finalists will be announced at the sockhop. * On Sunday, the. juniorvar- '4 sity game begins at 12 ;3Q. Between this game and the varsity game which begins at 2 o'clock, the floats will be judged. During half time, the floats and queen candidates will parade around the school and the winning float will be announced. Also, one ot the f i v e c a n d i d a t e s w i l l be crowned queen by Joe Moerschbaecher. Hold Duce "Hurricane Hallucinations", the name of this year's homecoming dance, will start off in "rocking" style. Sandy Rohr and Mary Joe Byrnes, chairmen of decorations committee .have decided to combine Halloween with the usual football theme this year when they decorate the cafeteria. The weekend activities will come to a close at 11 Suhday evening as the band packs up, the parking lot empties, and the lights in the cafeteria go off, one by one. $ CHECK & COMPARE OUR PRICE 80 s $4 49 Geritol Tablets ••••IT 365's C/ QQ One-A-Day Vitamins .... ^*TT Chock's Vitamins $2.1® Heet Liniment 5-oz. .... $1*35 Tablets -- 1000's « Sucaryl Sodium Ointment White's A&D 'Vick's Rub SVa-oz. 5 88^ 3-Oz. $1 CJL Ben Gay Greaeelea I,w Ointment -- 2-Oz. ri M Preparation H ••/T Suppositories -- 24's A J Preparation H Congestaid -- lO-Oz. £1 Room Vaporiser I#f 1 Children's MB Si. 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