Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Nov 1966, p. 18

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PAGE 6, SECTION 2 - MCHENRY PLAINDEALER - NOVEMBER 3, 1966 Legak N O T I C E IN THE MATTER OF THE) PETITION OF JOHN M.) STANGARONE and LEOLA) 5TANGARONE, his wife,) FOR AN AMENDMENT OF) THE ZONING ORDINANCE) OF MCHENRY COUNTY.) AND FOR THE ISSU-) ANCE OF A CONDITION-) AL USE PERMIT. ) Notice is hereby given in compliance with the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance that a public hearing will be had before the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals in regard to Petitioners application for an amendment of .the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, and for issuance af a conditional use permit, concerning the following described premises: Lots 21, 22 and 23 in Kelter Estate Subdivision Unit No. 1, a Subdivision of part of Section 34, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded March 14, 1949 as Document No. 218953 in Book 10 of Plats page 112, in McHenry County. Illinois. These premises are general- ( ly known as the "Fantasy 1 Farm Day Nursery," 4719 West Crystal Lake Road, directly East of and 825 feet •South of the City limits of the City of McHenry, Illinois. The above-described premises are presently classified "F" Farming under the Zoning Ordinance o f McHenry County, and Petitioners desire an amendment of the said Ordinance to effect a reclassification of these premises t "R" Residence District, and Petitioners further request that a conditional use permit be authorized and directed which will allow Petitioners to continue the present use and to expand same, as a child care day nursery business. The hearing will take place 3n Wednesday, the 23rd day ->f November, 1966 at the hour :>f 3:00 p.m. in the City Hall Df the City of McHenry, Illinois .at which time and place any person desiring to be heard may be present. McHENRY COUNTY ^>NING BOARD OF APPEALS, By: JOSEPH L. CRABB Chairman Attorneys for Petitioners: Looze and Kinne 3431 West Elm Street NtcHenry, Illinois Telephone: 385-1580 (area 815) flfub. Nov. 3, 1966) NOTICE OF CLAIM. DATE MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1966 is the claim date in the estate of WALTER H. SALA deceased, No. 66 p 194 Circuit Court. McHenry County, Illinois. WALTER E. SALA of 9400 Lotus, Skokie, 111. is the Executor; Jerome Lerner of 19 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. is the attorney. (Pub. Oct. 27-Nov. 3-10-1966 SUSPEND 13 LICENSES OF AREA DRIVERS Secretary of State Paul Powell has announced the suspension of the driver licenses of James W. Ambrose of 1119 S. Barreville and Malcolm P. Flood, both of McHenry, Wesley D. Doolen, Marianne T. Ferrentino, Howard R. Keith, James B. Nies and Robin D. Preston of Crystal Lake, Noel D. Hampton of Marengp, Elmer M. Olson and David L. Sporleder of Woodstock, John W. Waggoner of Huntley and John R. sWenzel of Fox River Grove, alt-for three violations, and James A. Umbarger of 914 Laluna drive, McHenry, for suspension or revocation reentered for driving while suspended or revoked. Probationary permits have been issued to William A. Covey of 3712 Waukegan street, McHenry, and William J. McGain of Crystal Lake. Ma We only give our seal to carefully screened local businessmen. Ybur local businessman who's got it, proudly displays it in his window, on his trucks, in his local advertising and is listed below. PETER M. JUSTEN FUNERAL HOME 3807 W. Elm St. - McHenry SNUG HARBOR BOAT CLUB Vi Mile South of McHenry McHenry, Illinois CHAIN-O-LAKES TRAVEL SERVICE 3405 W. Elm St., McHenry HERB P. FREUND PLUMBING & HEATING Phone 385-0481, McHenry EARL R. & JACK WALSH INSURANCE 8429 W. Elm St., McHenry McHENRY BAKERY 1238 N. Green St., McHenry McHENRY COUNTY WELL & PUMP CO. Phone 385-5252, McHenry JOMMSBURG NEWS McHENRY STATE BANK Corner Elm & Green, McHenry BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 N. Green St., McHenry McHENRY OIL CO., INC. Phone 385-1400 McHenry MILLER FEED A SEEDS 4105 W. Crystal Lake Rd., McHenry BEN ARVIDSON & SONS, INC. 4520 VV. Lakewood Rd. McHenry COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLI 3021 XV. Route 120, McIIenrj LEE Si RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N. Front St., McHenry THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry BETTY HETTERMANN. YOUNG FORESTERS COLLECT TOYS FOR ORPHANS The next regular meeting of the Junior members of the St. Agatha, court 777, of the National Catholic Society of Foresters (Formerly W o men's Catholic Order of Foresters) will be held in the; Johns burg Community Club hall on Monday, evening, Nov. 14. At this time Father Weidemann will be present to speak to the girls. His presence is in connection with the current collection of usable toys for the orphans. All m e m b e r s ^ a t t e n d i n g t h i s meeting^are urged to bring as many toys with them as possible so they can be distributed to the less fortunate children at Christmas time. If there is anyone else who would like to donate toys for this collection, please contact any of the directors or any of the junior members. Please be certain they are not broken. It's a Boy for the Michelses Mr. and Mrs. Richard Michels welcomed their first born, a son, at the McHenry hospital recently. The young lad weighed almost 8% lbs. at birth. The Michelses, along with both sets of grandparents, the Ben Schmitts and the Charlie Micheles, are in line for our sincerest congratulations. May they always be as happy as they are right now. New York Visitor 1virs. Emil Debrcht spent this past week with her daughter and family in Buffalo. Pete, Joan, and their three youngsters were up here for a few days visit and Mrs. Debect made the return trip with them. I'm sure Grandma is having a great time with Marie, Pat and Mike. Dinner-Dance Needs Willing Workers T h e a n n u a l d i n n e r - d a n c e sponsored by the Johnsburg Community Club will be in full swing next Saturday night. Many hours of planning by the committee has gone into this endeavor and all are hoping it will be a huge success. And the only way it can be successful if everyone works together. It isn't very often , the club calls upon the women for help, but this time the help is badly needed, pies for the dinner are in demand as well as help cleaning up after dinner. Each lady just has to put in an hour and everyone would be finished at the same time in order to enjoy the dance music later. Let's all put our "might" behind the "wheel", so to speak and really pitch in and get things cleaned. All the help for this evening, the cooks, waitresses, bartenders, etc., is donated, so why should just a few work when we could all give a helping hand. Please contact Marie Oeffling or Jackie Freund about the pies. Tickets are still available. Congratulations Corner Little Debbie Sobiesk turned two on Oct. 25. She was the center of attraction when her grandparents, Bud and Rita Miller, along with her aunt and uncle, Nancy Kay and Johnny Miller, were pres »-im sent to celebrate with her. Also joining in on the party fun were her great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Freund, her little brother, Greg, and her parents. Gerry and Georgette. Two big candles will be lighted on Jody Buetels' birthday cake when she observes natal day number two this week. Two is also the magic number for Jeff Bartmann. He will celebrate his birthday on Nov. 7. Belated anniversary congratulations to Harry and Jackie Freund. They celebrated 23 years of "Man and Wifeship" on OS. 30. Chuck and Pam Hiller celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary by being surprised by a group of their friends and relatives last Sunday evening. The some thirty celebrants arrived unexpectedly at the Hiller home and really surprised the occupants. The Hillers actual anniversary date is Nov. 3. Dick and Dorothy Hiller's son, Mark, will observe his first birthday on Nov. 16. Much happiness to all the above celebrants. Attests Heard Meeting Marie Oeffling and Virginia Pitzen represented St. Agatha court 777, of the National Catholic Society of Foresters, (formerly Women's Catholic Order of Foresters) at the advisory board meeting of the Diocesan Association in McHenry Wednesday. Courts from Aurora, Elgin, Rockford and McH e n r y were present as well as the N a t i o n a l P r e s i d e n t , M r s . Lucy Domino of Rockford. Notes From ike . Businessmen's Association A special meeting of the Johnsburg Businessmen's Association was held Wednesday evening, Oct. 26. Informative guest speakers present were Thomas J. Hanahan, Jr., A. B. McConnellp im& Joseph Gitlin. Equal time was given to Mr. Hanahan and Mr. McConnell who spoke pro and con on the revenue referendum to be voted on Nov. 8. Even though they voiced a loud difference of opinion, they still ended up by shaking hands -- which always proves to be a genUemanly trait. Mr. Gitlin, who Is president of the Mental Health Chapter, spoke on the proposed mental health referendum also to be voted on by the general public Nov. 8. A unanimous vote was taken by the association to stand behind the mental health bill. The next regular meeting will be held Tuesday, Dec. 20. The business at hand will be the annual election ct officers for the coming year. All members are urged to be present at this time. Visitors Alfred and Marie Oeffling, along with Tom and Andy Oeffling, spent last Saturday in DeKalb where they enjoyed the homecoming football game. They were amazed at the beautiful floats that participated in the festivities. Holy Name Meets Thwsday All members of the Holy Name are invited to participate at the meeting, tonight, (Thursday) in the community club hall. There will be installation of new officers for Q. How can I clean discolored brick walls? A. Dissolve .an .ounce of glue In a gallon of hot vmter, add a piece of alum about the size of an egg, plus a toalfpound of Venetian red, and a pound of Spanish brown. Apply this mixture to the brick n surface with a brush, .and your brinks should emerge as bright as when new. Q. How should furs be dried? A. Never dry a fur that has been worn in rain or snow near. any heat. Intense heat injures the fur. tatead, remove .the .excess moHotare with a dry cloth, then hattg the fur in a cool place to dry. Q. How can I forestall the danger of white enamel paint's turning yellow later after its application? A. Usually, .by .mixing a teanpoonful of black enamel with a quart of white enamel. Q. How can I repair loose drawer knobs? N A. Where the screw holes have become enlarged, remove the knob, fill the hole with a silver of wood (such as a piece of match stick), preferably dipped • In glue, then ocf0CT the knob back in position. For knobs with wooden screws, apply glue to the threaded part. Q. How can I remove insects from vegetables? A. When washSag the vegetables, pit a UltMe vinegar or a pinch of bin's in the water -- which will bring the live Insects to the surface of the water almost Immediately. Q. What can I do about cracks in old wallpaper when I am applying new paper over it? A. Use masking tape over these cracks, which will prethe year. A program of activity for the coming year will be discussed at this time. If you are a member, you should take an interest. You can show your interest by attending these meetings. It's sign-off time once again. Stay well in the forthcoming week and I will be right here again next week --will you? vent their showing through the new paper or cracking the new paper at these same places. 9- Wh^t is the best way to clean the keys on pianos and organs? A. A good cleaing wax is letter than soap or detergent, because it -eliminates the danger of too much water being used, causing wood to swell and waTp. Avoid ammonia or harsh cleaning solutions) -- they turn Ivory keys yellow! Q. Haw can I stiffen the bristles of a hairbrush after washing it? A . Dip . the bristles into milk and water, using equal parts of each, then dry, preferably before a fire. Dipping the bristles into a strong solution of .aluni .water is also effective.. can I quickly imsubstitute for sour Q. How provise cream? A. By beating a tablespoon of vlnega!r with a cup of evaporated milk. Many other such kitchen tips and shortcuts are contained in my new household book. Q. How can I make an oak stain? A. By mixing a quart of boiled linseed. oil, three gills of turpentine, f'aix tablespoons of raw umber, and six tablespoons of whiting. Q. How can I keep a beret shapely after washing it? A. Put it over a large flat plate or over a pot cover, depending on the size of the IK*ret -- until thorouchiy dry. Q. I have plastic material that has become wrinkled and refuses to iron out. How can I deal with this? A. Try passing your Iron over the Ironing board cover until the cover is quite warm, then spread the plastic over It, smoothing it over with your hands. This often lias a surprising way of smoothing out these wrinkles. Q. How can I remove burned bacon drippings from my oven? A. Turn off the pilot light, place a bowl of ammonia inside the oven, close the door, and the ammonia fumes will loosen those charred drippings and make the oven easier to clean out. Q. Is there any way to add "burning life" to candles? A. Codies will burn con- Got the itch to switch to Gas heat? We'll put up the KSFOfrslrO There's no need to let the lack of ready cash stand in your way of enjoying today s greatest heating bargain. The reason? We'll finance your conversion to gas heat through your heating contractor. You'll make no down payment, and have up to 5 years to pay with payments as low as $3 a month. And remember: gas is clean, comfortable, and unaffected by winter storms. Call your heating contractor for details. Today. Before cold weather sets in. NORTHERN 6ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY slderably longer If given a coat of shellac, "j,which ^tends to retain the molten wax around the wick, Instead of its running down the side of the candle. Q. How can I clean stained. wallpaper? A. Fingermarks can sometimes be removed by rubbing over them with a piece of bread. A fresh grease spot will often come off If you hold a piece of white blotting paper or a facial tissue over it with a warm Iron. Also, many marks can be obliterated by careful use of a soft art-gum eraser. What is a suggested recipe for a good "company" soup? A. Combine one can -of black bean soup with one can of condensed tomato soup, and dilute with two cans of water. Add one teaspoon of sherry for each serving, Chill. When ready to serve, garnish with lemon w e d g e s o r c h o p p e d h a r d - cooked eggs. Q. How can I make a good job of washing out dress shields? A. Use lukewarm #'«ter and a teaspoon of baking soda for this. Rub soap on a small brush, and brush both sides of the shields. Then rinse in water of the same temperature. gp i m m S. What is a good way to prevent a washed sweater from stretching? ' A. One such preventive involves your rinsing procedure. Try rinsing the sweater W a coiander, squeeiing out the excess water gently. One section of my new household manual deals with launder g techniques. .. Q. Howl can I forestall the danger of yellowing in white clothing I am storing ^ay • A. Dip a sheet into bluing water, using enogh hlulng to make the sheet quite blue, then spread over the top of the chest in which the clothes are stored. Q. How can I keep the bottom crusts of my fruit pies from becoming soggy Wlt" the juice of the fruits? A. Bake the shell of the pie for about five minutes before putting in the fruit filling _ and this will keep the juice from penetrating. Q. How can I remove rust stains from an enameled sink or bathtub? A. One very good rust remover Is a mixture of '/l-eup of grapefruit juice and one tttWespoon of salt. Shop In McHenry I I I I I I I I I *MI. AT LAST! The PANT SUIT you have been waiting for Is back | in stock. ... I PEA COAT JACKET with No Zipper Pants - Bonded Orion Knit • ROYAL. • PLUM • BRASS • Sizes US $13.98 Beautifully Tailored and Really Sharp! RIVERSIDE Rif AIL OUTLET 1402 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. SALVI IS THE MAN For STATE SENAT©! ALBERT S. SALVI A New Trier MAN '42 A Notre Dame MAN '48 A Northwestern MAN '51 A MAN who has practiced Law 15 years A MAN Who is a success in Business VOTE {x] ALBERT S. SALVI Your Man For STATE Sm^SATTc The next time you need almost anything: appliances, repairs, clothes, food ... from any kind of shop to any kind of service... look for the NAMCO APPROVED seal. Your local businessman who's got it has agreed in writing to "give you the best possible service and value, run a business you ca% be proud to patronize and take care of any complaints promptly." NAMCO . . . Grid's largttt tniorttmtnt company Wiihshy, Mm*. • Omm Wise. • Sm Frmtcisco, CM/. US0CMT*H tf NttftStl •MIMtlMI 4+ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TIDY Carpets and Rugs 16th Aoiniw^rgsry 'Sale - NOW IN fPFSCT - Low Prices On ASI Cari itlfM and I These Are Early Inventory Clearance Prices For Our Gigantic 16th Anniversary Celebration -- I\Fow in Progr 350 ROLLS NYLON. WOOL or ACSILAW 500 RfftSMAWTS - SKIS T® 15' x 21' *<3 Same Location and Management as Tidy Maglkist Rug Cleaners -- 200 Washington Street -- Junction Rte. 120 and Bus. 14, Woodstock, Illinois. Northern Illinois' Largest Handlers of Carpets and Rugs TISJY CARPETS • RUGS Regular Hours 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Tues., Wed., Sat. -- 8 A.M. to 0 P.M. Mon., Thurs., Fri -- Closed Sunday. PHONE 815 - S85-1000

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