: T* * '.k f; « • u- PAGE 6> SECTION 1 - MCHENRY PLAIN DEALER - NOVEMBER 3, 1966 y News Abont Oar Servicemen built from the keel up with an angled flight deck. She is 1039 feet long, weighs 78,000 tons, and is 255 feet wide. She has made seven Mediterranean cruises and participated in numerous NATO exercises. Forrestal was involved in the Suez crisis in November of 1956 and in the Lebonon crisis in July of 1958. The carrier completes her 50 million dollar overhaul in January of 1967. Pvt. CHARLES TOMASELLO Marine Private Charles L. .Tomasello, son of Mrs. Mary E. Tomasello of 4714 W. Lake Shore drive, McHenry, was graduated from eight weeks of recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot here. He will now undergo four weeks of individual combat training and four weeks of basic specialist training in his military job field before being assigned to a permanent unit. Marine Private Lawrence D. Schuerr, son of Mr. and' Mrs. Lawrence Schuerr of 413 N. Eastview, McHenry, has completed four weeks of individual combat training at Camp Pensielton, Calif. During the training period, he received more than 200 hours cf instruction in guerrilla warfare, the use of infantry weapons, combat patrols, and squ&4 tactics. Seaman Richard M. Moore, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert P. Moore of 2410 W. Coventry lane, McHenry, a crew member aboard the attack aircraft carrier Forrestal, observed the eleventh anniversary of the carrier at the home of its commissioning, the Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth, Va. Forrestal waa the first ship Fireman Apprentice Duane L. Fell, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Fell of 6703 W. Bull Valley road, McHenry, has reported to the U.S. Naval Air station, Norfolk, for a tour of duty. The Norfolk Naval Air station is the aviation center of one of the largest military complexes in the world. More aircraft takeoff and land at Chambers Field than any other military air station. Engineman Third Class Gerard A. Buss, USCG, .son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Buss, Sr., of Victoria avenue, McHenry, has completed training at the Coast Guard Outboard Motor school at the Coast Guard Training center, Groton, Conn. AH during th« Fall Football Mason, Jtpsra Tir© will be bringing you this Football Forecast. It is compiled bf Jo# Harris, loading football forecaster who has better than a 82* accuracy record. Look for this feature weekly JEPSEN TIRE ^Jorecadl of the Week SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5# 1966 PROBABLE WINNERS PROBABLE LOSERS & SCORES & SCORES Alabama. 17 Louisiana State 7 Arkansas•••••••••• Ricg • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 Army Beloit Florida State Florida • • • • • • • • • • Harvard Miami (Fla.) Michigan State ... Michigan Missouri Navy Nebraska Northwestern Notre Dame Ohio State Oklahoma State .. Oklahoma Purdue So. California.... Stanford ...»««.•« Syracuse «.•••»*•• U. C# L. • • • . . * . Yale*o. .28 .28 .17 .17^ .10 .10 .35 .17 .17 .20 .21 .14 .49 .17 .14 .24 .24 .24 .17 .14 .24 .21 George Washington Cornell (Iowa) South Carolina . •.. Georgia. . . . . . . . . . Princeton Tulane Iowa Illinois. Colorado Duke Kansas Minnesota Pittsburgh Indiana Texas Tech Kansas State W'N isconsin California Air Force Penn State Washington Pennsylvania 12 14 14 .7 .7 .0 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1966 NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE Baltimore 31 Washington Chicago .24 Cleveland 27 Dallas 31 Green Bay 24 St. Louis 23 San Francisco .24 Detroit Pittsburgh Philadelphia Minnesota New York Giants . Los Angeles 14 14 .7 13 .0 .7 13 .6 14 .7 14 13 14 14 .20 .13 .17 .24 .17 .19 .23 AMERICAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE Boston 27 Denver..... 14 Buffalo 24 Kansas City 34 Oakland .31 Miami . . . . . . • • • . . 1 7 San Diego 30 Houston ••••«•••• • 27 _ Cooper Tlit^S JEPSEN TIRE_AND AUTOMOTIVE CENTER 3314 W Elm St. Phone 385-0424 3331 W Elm Si Phone 385-0426 The two-week course included the study of repair and maintenance of outboard motors. WITNESSES TO HEAR SERIES OP BIBLE TALKS M a r i n e R e s e r v e S e c o n d Lieutenant Harold T. Foss Jr., son bf Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foss, Sr., of 1285 Sheridan road, McHenry, is a t t e n d i n g p r i m a r y f l i g h t training at the Naval Sir station in Pensacola, Fla. During the 11-week course, he will study mathematics, physics, naval orientation, navigation, engineering, leadership and other subjects essential to becoming a Naval Officer. ABSENTEE BAIAOT The County Clerk's office will hs open Saturday, Nov. 5, between the hours of 8 a.m. 4 p.m. to enable any registered voter of McHenry County to vote in person on an absentee ballot. In order to qualify, you must be absent from the county during the hours ci 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Nov. 8, the day of the general election. IK. H. OLSON "Congregate the people, the men and women and the little ones" was a commmaiisS written down by Moses over thirty centuries ago, the Woodstock Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses was told by representative of the Watchtower Bible and Tract society. "It's a command that Jehovah's Witnesses will be obeying Nov. 11, 12 and 13 when they assemble at the Cary Grove high school in Cary for a series of Bible discussions, lectures and demonstrations," Olson said. Mr. Olson said that -family group® of Witnesses from this area will attend the sessions for the same reason that the Israelites of Moses day congregated: "In order that t(iey may listen and in order that they may learn, as they must fear Jehovah your God and take care to carry out all the words of this law." (Deut. 31:12). Some 1,500 are expected to attend. "Conventions of Jehovah's Witnesses are a family affair," stated Olson. "The reason for this is that whole families attend as a unit and the program is also planned with all members of the family in mind. Bible instruction is given to all regardless of age or sex," he continued. "Juvenile delinquency is virtually unknown among Jehovah's Witnesses and this is because parents take their children right along with them to congregatfamal meetings and to conventions like the one that will be held in Cary," Olson remarked. "A special film titled "Heritage" will be shown Friday evening, Nov. 11, at the assembly. It is designed to show Why each family unit among Christians must learn the will of God together, the parents leading the way," 01' son said; "All families in this,, ~ area are invited to come see 7 the film and to attend the oth- 2 er sessions, too. There is no charge and no collection is ever taken." folklore, and in modern retellings. In 1912 George Bernard Shaw turned it into one of his wittiest and most charming plays. Part fable and part parable, the tale delivers its l e s s o n l i g h t l y ; W i t h o u t preaching it says something unforgettable about gratitude and the surprising rewards of kindness. GRANTED DIVORCE Li a counter-claim of cruelty, Linda Hachmelster was granted a divorce from John Hachmelster. CHILD'S CLASSIC TO BE PRESENTED AT OPERA HOUSE The second children's program of the current BS3-67 season will be presented at the Woodstock Opera House on Saturday, Nov. 12, at 2 p . m . M i l w a u k e e ' s f a m o u s Pick-A-Pack Players, an adult troupe, will bring their musical version of the childhood classic "Androcles and the Lion" for an afternoon performance only. The tale of Androcles and the Lion is one of the oldest of animal stories. Variations of it are found in Aesop, who lived six centuries before the Christian era, in Roman For "Your Information Dear friends. As ii maay other profeMfcHU, funeral directors must cdEiere to strict codes of ethics .In the coatee of their business. The laws of the various state® tfiey operate In mast be obeyed. They must ffMjuct wsd ©Srserve all creeds and religious easterns of those ttiejr serve. Only In this way do fitaaesal dlp ©ctt®(?s merit the respect and support of the fnrasSBIcw In their rommnnltv. Respectfully, McHenry. Ilflnoti Ambi PETER M.JUSTEN & SON FUNERAL HOME McHanry, Illinois Ambulonce Servlco 385-0063 P - a pledge from the management ofAP What we are about to say is not new. Matter of fact, it's over 100 years old. A*P IS DEDICATED TO BRINGING THE MOST GOOD FOOD, TO THE MOST PEOPLE, FOR THE LEAST AMOUNT OF MONEY. That is the basis on which our company has grown and prospered over the years. We think it's important during this period of time to reiterate that pledge. We want there to be no doubt in your mind about our policy with respect to food costs. We want you to know we are concerned. We want you to know we're doing our level best. We v^ant you to know that above all, "We Care... About You." COPYRIGHT ® IMC. THE GREAT ATLANTIC * PACIFIC TEA CO., INC. A&P's Super Right -- Top Quality Meats! A&P's SUPER RIGHT BEEF RIB ROAST 4th ft 5th Ribs M MBS b. 7* 69 ' Airs SUPER RIGHT Wholt Hams OR SHANK HALF •vrr POITISM 53 \ c l>. lb. A&P's SUPIR RIGHT Beef Rib Steaks Delmonico Steaks Sliced Beef Liver Fresh Fryer Legs Large Chunk Bologna 7-INCH cur •VAll A&P'S SUPER RIGHT SHANK PORTION 79 FULLY-COOKED HAMS39 AiriB OSNUEMLBEtS SM ONT Airs sum MOOT OK MKAST AWs SUrat MONT b. M4* Center Ham Slices arowT* 89* ». 49* Canned Picnic Hams 3 £. ». 55* Ocean Perch Fillets JOHN'S pkg. 39* b. 59* Fancy hfal ibut- Steaks ». 59* A&P's SUPER RIGHT PORK LOIN sues© • 9 to 11 €h®p» in Pkg. HICKORY SMOKED Never Never, Discount A&P-Check And Compare! / Buy Now & Save Mil INHPl JUICE W. 14-e*. 29< 31 f(pedal Low Price! users TOMATO JUICE P lH|». 14-ei. 4 44-es. cans m yfter CON CARNE WITH BEANS CRANBERRY JUICE Jane Parker Baked Foods / Jan* Parker - frssh . 2M White Sread# 49' Skippy Peanut § Br©o<dc@stChili Spray Re@!hmon Lemon .Juice Hi C Fruit Drinks j--: Gr@p§ ieffy Aprk@® Preserves T2-oi Jar IS ft-«s. can quart btl. 39< OR HALVED IONA BRAND ASSORTH) FLAVORS "m" 47' 46-ez. ij7e can 27' RBO. 09c D:~ BAKED FRESH DAILY V©OOl trl® _ JANE PARKEQ Breakfast" Cinnarai©n R©!!§ PAMCSR Cherry Iced Gold Cake DwEfraS Brown 'N Serve Twin i®SI§ PARJCER WikII Jk six* 43 tin pkg. 39c be* 89* it 29< EHMW Macaroni Large Staffed Oftves Aim Page Spaghetti UP COiOMMAM Coffee MM&VM igg Nog Oar Tea Bags M MACAKOMI OUI FINiST OUAUTY OCOUDAV fAVOaiTQ • DCUCKMIt 2£39* 2£59- £»• IT 65' '*79" 59* -frl Sliced Peaches A&P ™ Coffee Arm©yr Tir^t A&P §@uce Tide Detergent Fruits and Vegetables! 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Welch's Grape Jelly Heinz Ketchup aAVoi Heinz Cider Vinegar Heinz Diatilled Vinegar Royal Instant PdAng 2 Salerno Royal Grahams '"JZT Mabiss® Vousill® Wafers T 59* 30* Kleenex Facial Tissue , 2 43c Northern Tissue .33' PAIN RiUEVER < 100-et. bH. & 39< £ 29' 31e 45e 7'A-oi. Cut Rite Wax Paper Imperial Marpriie Parkay Margarine Regwlai Listerine Antiseptic Medi-Qukk Scon Hair Cream Buffein Charmin Tissue' unnoaM 4 Bathroom Tissue CLOUD 2 3 in 97c Puffs Facial Tissue ran 25' FOR YOUR m red pkg. W X. 41 rell pkg. 29' ^ 24' pkg tt-gal. dn. 69* mT 69* Ajax Cleanser 2c OFF LABEL 2^29* Sweepstakes BACH wsm 816,000 WINNER® • WIN WIN WW k 4 P PwCCwSII WIPUUI87/OJ >If •« 3KUM^ij.tsUo.aT,d ssIotegts, t etess A a p ^•tfucls. Plold Stamps, upaa caifatea. iwu tmi too I--din»l) kr 0» FOR WHITR a r o Another good reason The Greet . . _ DiCJ flcj oedritsooabQ a assa Vscjftkn es 1 onEAia TBIP FOR 2 I Jfc ® CVtiathOf !QU cficsw Colilornli M I DICIUrA Or M m if] K Ciia eTrc:iftdi.n ( npktmiu* o pvce£r}; mvztsria-UJ*m otf I ^ A*... PLAID STAMPS! | W M Hf* onioynwnt! ' I ^ .» Atlantic A Pacific Tea C. , Inc. The Prices Effective thru Nev. 5, 1964. ICVt&THf KMlf&HBCTM Mr. Manager jl i i ! Please insert | I I I list local I I I I Winners