0 LAKELAND PARK NEWS bara Meurer - S85-4S36 Carole Humann - 885-1605 PASS SPECIAL ROAD ASSESSMENT AT GENERAL MEET Our board members were very gratified to see the big turnout at the general meeting lust Wednesday evening. The main topic of mads and the upkeep of I hem was well hashed over and then a motion was made for a $10 x|m-- cial road assessment for all Lakeland Park pro|>erty owners to be paid as soon as possible. Cards will be in the mail this week informing the residents and we hope there will be 100 |»er cent co-o|ieration. It Was also brought up that there have been boys seen shooting bow and arrows at each other as well, as the shooting of guns in the area. We hope that any parent who has given his child a weapon has also given him instructions on the care and use of same and knows just what is being done with it. Many complaints on the speed of drivers throughout the subdivision were also noted and we would like to add our own caution to slow down and let live. Community House Schedule All bookings and cancellations for our Community house must be made through Mrs. Jo Rizzo at 385-2728. Wednesday, Nov. 16 - Girl Scouts 6:30 to 8 p.m. Regular LPPOA board meeting - 8 p.m. Friday, Nov. 18 - Boy Scout meeting - 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. T.\ - Little league open meeting - 8 p.m. Happy Birthday Wlslies A happy birthday wish goes to Steve Knor who will be 8 years old on Nov. 16 and will share the day with Paulette Rizzo. On Nov. 18 Scott Kuhns and Michelle Ann Wohlert celebrate with Michelle turning 2. On Nov. 19 Billy Perry will be an active 2 years old Beulah Hoard and John Zimny celebrate and Paul Rogers will be 11 years old. Belated greetings to Mary Daurio whose birthday was Nov. 15. Wilma Crane will celebrate her birthday on Nov. 16. Nov. 20 has Patti Ann McCarthy turning and on Nov. 21 Mark Koch will be 6. Nov. 22 has Dottie Becker sharing the day with Jay Albert Wimmer who will be and on Nov. 2.'5 Donna Lee Barwig will be 8 and Bobby Minor who we had down as having a birthday on Nov. 11 will celebrate his fourteenth birthday. Sorry about the goof Bob but we have it corrected now and it shouldn't happen again. Happy Anniversary Happy anniversary to Kleanor and Clar Haerle who will be celebrating their twenty- first anniversary on Nov. 24. A belated anniversary wish goes to Bud and Jan Walker who celebrated thirty years of togetherness on Nov. 14. May you both have many more years of happiness together. Christmas Time at Dixon Several times in the past, drives for gifts and clothing for the children and adults of Dixon have been made. This year a group of private individuals are conducting a new drive. They hope that each member of the cottage will have a gift of their own. Many things that don't mean much to us will make these children happy. As it is Christmas time, new things are preferred. Things that you would give to your own child. One girl was so happy last Christmas time because she had received a Christmas card and this was her treasured possession. Can't you help to make her Christmas happier »this year with a real gift? It could be a new pair of bright mittens or a simple game or puzzle. Feminine things like a pretty hanky or a bar of soap or some cologne to delight the girlish heart. Pretty necklaces and bracelets or a sturdy comb or brush to have for her very own, these are the things that spell Christmas to a girl who is delighted with a Christmas card. The cottage that has been adopted this year shelters women and girls who would be so happy to receive just one gift of their very own. Won't you help? Everything must be picked up by Dec. so that each article can be wrapped and delivery made in time for the Lord's birthday. If you want to help, please call Jim and Mary Daurio at 385-3160, or Drumls at 385-3796, L^s and Nedra Ekhart at 385-1308 or Petie Oakford at 385-5334. Wrappings and scotch tape would be very welcome too. Brownie Troop 444 At the meeting last week the girls celebrated the third birthday of the troop with chocolate brownies decorated with a candle and accompanied by ice cream. The hostess for the day. Dianne Dargatz, brought candy to complete the party. The remainder of the meeting\was given finishing invitations for investiture and practicing. Condolences We wish to extepd our deej»- est sympathy to the Becker family on the loss of their new-born twin sons over the past weekend. Our prayers itre with all of you. Boy Scout Troop 43» Our Boy Scout troop is in need of more boys who have leached the age of 11. The meetings are on Friday evenings from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Community house. Just come over and introduce yourself to the leader and the boys. The more the merrier. Snowball Dance Coming t'p That time of the year is here again that everyone waits so eagerly for, the annual Lakeland Park Woman's Club Snowbll dance. This is their eleventh annual dancV" and will be held at the VFW in McHenry from 9 p.m. to I a.m. Don't wait until the last minute to get your babysitter lined up and your prettiest frock all freshened up. It is just 2 weeks away. Tickets can be purchased from Mrs. Matchen or from . most Woman's club members. They can also be gotten at the door. The decoration committee is hard at work making decorations to brighten up the hall. Come and see what they come up with this year. Strolling Through the Park A dinner birthday party was held at the Otto Biring home on Shore Drive on Nov. 10 with Mr. Biring, Sr., being the surprised and honored host. The occasion was his seventy-first birthday. Helping with the celebration were his son. Otto Biring, daughter. Virginia, arid granddaughter, B a r b a r a , d a u g h t e r , M r s . R e e d , f r o m W e s t S h o r e Beach, great-grandson Johnny Wardwall, his niece and Iter husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bassler and son, Jimmy, and Dorothy and Rudy l-ense, and daughter, Judy. He was also surprised down at his place of work with a party complete with birthday cake. Being a< night wdvjkec. this celebrationr was held at 3:30 in the morning. Marion Hulbert enjoyed a visit with all of her relatives again when she went to a baby shower in Chicago last Sunday for her cousin Donna Olman. Marion won a pirze for making the best looking bow behind her back with TP. Murph Kwiatek's mom, Mrs. Jayko, has had abdominal surgery in Chicago and our wishes for a quick recovery are with you. Also Donna McNish has been in the hospital and hope that all is well by now. Lloyd and Gerry Wagner spent Sunday in Carpentersville with Gerry's sister, Jean Harrison, and family. What better place tp spend a few days at Thanksgiving time but at Pocohontas, 111. Rose and Ed Oswald spent last weekend visiting with friends and relatives and acquired part of the Christmas menu which, now resides in a few freezers till it's time to pop the old bird in the oven. Pocohontas? I looked on the map and it really is there! Marie and John Matchen attended a birthday party for John's granddaughter, Beverly Brod, in McHenry Shores Sunday at the home of Grandma and Grandpa Brod. The Arient family took advantage of the Veteran's Day holiday and spent Friday and Saturday in the city visiting relatives. The Jetts received the news last week of the birth of their first grandson, who was bora to son, Charles, and his wife, the former Lorn a Henneberg. The baby boy, named Brian Allen, weighed in at 9 lbs. 4 oz. and was elected to the family on Nov. 8. His parents and sister, Loni, who is three years old make their home in Syracuse, New York. Carol and Ray Cynowa had a whirlwind weekend which included entertaining Ginny and George Farrell on Saturday evening with an old-fashioned gab-fest and these guys can do. I'll bet they're all walking around earless after all the chatter. Tammy and Joey Hafer have been under the weather for a while and hope they're back to par tsoon. Those Roaches are for the birds and I don't mean maybe. They stole the show with their entry in the National Institute of red-orange canaries held in Chicago the first part of the month. Their bird, which they raised from an egg, won two purple rosettes as best American singer and best of the show plus four trophies and a blue rosette. Another bird which they entered won several ribbons and on the whole it was a pretty exciting time for Ruth and Jim. Their^little prizewinner competed with 149 birds enterd antf really ran away with the ivhole thing./' This past weekend they entered the Greater Chicago rage bird club^show and their canary was judged second best out of 191 birds entered. They took a red rosette and two trophies plus a special memorial trophy, and three green ribbons. Things like that make all the hard work that Roes with bird-breeding really worth-while. Squeezed in between all the bird shows was a birthday party held in honor of Ray's fourth birthday on Nov. 11. The party was held on Nov. 8 and was attended by his buddies Kenny Bottari. Bobby and Gail Hutt, Randy and Danny Veenhuis. Beverly Hromec and Jamie Owens and last but far, from east old Tom Creutz. His special friend, Hannah Schultz, came as did some of the moms io help keep law and order b«»- tween the ice1 cram and cake. H i s birthday cohtin u e d throughout the week with a = trip to Grandma's while .his folks were* tied up at th^ bird show, and featured Ifis first trip tothe Chicago loop. Quite an experience the first time. It eneded on Sunday with cake and coffee with his godparents and other family friends at Grandma's. Jan Walker's sister-in-law, Rita Rothstein, visited on Sunday and met half of the subdivision. ^She helped Jan in the store which turned out to be the only way they could visit. That Old Little Eddy is back at Grandma and Grandpa's and brought his little brother. Johnny, while his mom is waiting for an appointment with the stork. Early Deadline Because next week is a holiday week and has one less working day the deadline for our column is Friday at noon. Please help us by calling in your news before Friday, as we have our phones pretty. - well tied up tracking down t h e s c u t t l e - b u 1 1 . A b i g thanks to the people who do call us with information. It really helps . MCCULLOM LAKE NEWS NOVEMBER 17, 1966 - MCHENRY PLAIN DEALER - PAGE 7, SECTION 2 EVE LEVESQUE 885-4141 FLOWER. tiARDEN SHOW When Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? The first big blast of cold and snow brings a message : of. mof? dreamy, days to come. However, there's a bright spot on the horizon. Just when midwesterners g r ow weary of galoshes, shoveling snow, and hazardous driving, a harbinger of Spring will appear. That's the Chicago World Flower and Garden Show, which will bring its blooms to Chicago in McCormick Place next March 11 through 19. HARVEST HOME DANCE PROVES HUGE SUCCESS If you weren't one of the I'M or so persons who attended the CuUom-Knoll Harvest Home dance last Saturday night, you missed the Ijesi party of your life! The buffet dinner dance proved not only profitable in finanriul returns but the rappoii enjoyed by all was truly heart warming. It was a party in the old tradition of each per- .••on trying to help ihe other fellow enjoy himself. If, you v. alked in as a stranger? you certainly didn't leave as one! The CuUom-Knoll generated n ore good will and fellowship that night than all other events put together. Upon entering, guests were ellered a table heaped with salads and dishes of all kinds. Meats offered w e r e baked ham and Swedish meatballs. There was a tempting array of desserts for the choosing also. Dinner was t>eing served much past the scheduled closing hour of H p.m. so that no one would !*• refused. Tables were cleared troin Ihe floor so that dancing could begin, which kept on into the wee hours of the morning. The orchestra w a s superb and played l>eyond their quitting time. Marie and Allan MeKim deserve great recognition for engineering and carrying out t h e extremely success f u I event. They were aided and abetted by Gerry Jensen. Elaine Gleeson, Barb Caron, and Jeanette Betts who handled all the food--collecting, preparing and serving. Butch Stacknick and Rick Baumbeck were speedy and efficient bartenders and Len Jensen took care of all bar preparations. Bill Gleeson. Ron G^ina, Lois and Don Parenti. Ken Betts, Jake Levesque and Elmer Thorp gave invaluable assistance. The Mc- Kims, Ed Caron and Ray vLary all tied for selling the most tickets. In spite of at least three other events going on in the area, the party was superbly handled and everyone is waiting for the next such ^vent. How. about ,tfvat? New Roads Finished In The Near Future At the last meeting of the president and trustees held Monday. Nov. 7. H. H. Mass was present and outlined his proposed road work which was accepted by the board. An outlined letter from Mr. Mass will be sent to village clerk Carol Bateman with copies put in the ,, hands of president Art Stuhlfeier and village attorney. Roland Herrmann. Included will be completion and dedication dates. Mr. Mass will complete ihe road which is located east o! the Ray Murphy property and rebuild W. Parkview from the new road to Clover Hill Drive. Gate 'I. Residents affecied by the road building are asked to remove bushes and shrubs which they wish to preserve The road will be built according to motor fuel tax s|M?cifications and will be t>0 feet wide when completed. Unfortunately, many people have planted bushes, shrubs, and trees on the village easement and these must go. Work was liegun last week on the drainage project in the west end of the village and will probably be completed some time this week, according to commissioner Harry 14H-k. The snow plowing contract w i t h M c H e n r y S a n d a n d Gravel Co. was renewed and shows an increase of ten dollars over last year. Don Parenti. the new building and zoning commissioner, slated that he does not wish to issue permits on Sundays, and would appreciate 48 hours notice on permits, in order to complete the necessary inspections. Trustees voted to eliminate the next November meeting and will not meet until Monday. Dec. 5. v Price of Vehicle Stickers Increased The price of vehicle stickers will be increased from three dollars for automobiles to five dollars beginning with 1967 license plates. All funds taken in from the sale of stickers will be used for roads. The action was taken at the last meeting of the village board. The new ordinance. No. 41A. will be published and take effect. Election Notes Ben Gates was the first resident to cast his ballot. Tuesday. Nov. 8. and Mrs. Theresa O'Halleran was the last. A record number of 363 persons made the trip to the voting booth, in spite of the inclement weather. There were 107 straight R««- publican ballots, 31 straight Democrat, and 223 split. Two ballots classified as spoiled were blank ! Nineteen voted absentee. A very fine and courteous job of judging and clerking was done by Earl Murray, chief judge, Marge Olsen. Irene Sales, Gerry Jemsen, and Jeanette Betts. Percentage wise, residents can take .pride in the fine turnout. "Open House" For • Handicapped Children Marie and Allan McKim arc the chairmen for the "open house" to be.._vhekjl at the "Waterfall House". Dutch Creek Woodlands. Johns burg. Sunday. Nov. 20. from 10 a.m. until noon and from 1 p.m. i<> 4 p.m. More details appear elsewhere in the 'Plaindealer. The entry fee and donations will Ijenefit physically handicapped children in the county. The affair is sponsored by the McHenry Count> Parents Group for Physicallx Handicapped Children. Inc. Follow the signs to the Iteautiful home which has two indoor waterfalls. tropical vegetation and a pool. It i» ..owned, by John Behmiller Indies Schedule Yule Part* Gertrude Murphy was exstatic at, the large number ol women who turned out last Thursday night for the meeting ol the I^idies ot the I^iike. It was her first venture at wielding the gavel as president and she did a great job. She lias a very warm |>ersonality which really generated that evening. lier first task was introducing members of the organization to the three new gals who joined. They are Hilda Linders. Ercell I jM-k. and Marie Burg. The annual Christmas party will be held Thursday. Dec. ir>. at the Carrie and Frank Kurth home. They have a finished basement just ideal lor parties! Marie McKim is chairman with Carrie Kurth. Adele Fusciani. and Marie Burg serving on the committee. The women are thinking aliout installing another school s h e l t e r a t G a t e 5 a n d W . Parkview, and this will be coming up for more discussion. During the social hourl^ftl'agda Berglund, Louise Hammerstein. Louise Berquisi, lx>is Parenti. Marge Stacknick. Ercell Lock. Marge ('.rail and Adele Fusciani. captured the prizes. Adele Fusciani and Laura Slater provided the refreshments. Youth Meetings The Monkees--lads from 7 to 1.". years, meet tonight at 7 p.m. in the beachhouse. The leen club meets every Tuesday night in the beachhouse. also at 7 p.m. "Us Gals" meet Wednesdays after school for the junior division and the older girls meet Wednesday night Farewell to Pioneer Resident Theodor Olsen, one of the longest term members to reside m the community, and his wife, • Sally, left our shores last week to move into their beautiful home "In Edgebrook Heights, McHenry. Their new address is 3707 Young street. The Olsens have owned property in the village since 1929 and resided here on a « permanent basis since 1948. It is truly with regret that we say farewell, but they are hoping their many friends will visit them in their new location. Next week, we slvall print a welcome to the new (teople u h o have purchased t h e home on W. Fountain Lane. Released From Hint** Wbitey Gumm was released Irom Hines hospital last Wednesday after many weeks as a patient. He was taken by ambulance to McHenry hospital after his car accident last month and then transferred to Hines. Nice to have him home again. Aeknmiledjjenient The cimimittee for Ihe Harvest Home dance wishes to acknnowledge the names ol the women of the community who came through with such tahulous dishes for the buffet dinner. Those who cooked and prepared were Lucille Pillar. Carrie Kurth. Eliza- !>ei h Fisher. Ethel Brendle. Phyllis Straumann. E I m a' Nelson, and Tony Lulo. O t h e r s w e r e T h e r e s a Schultz. Bonnie Morris. Gertrude Murphy. I/>is Parenti, .loan llitterman. Mary Kantorski, Joan Dreyer. Carol Wunder. Mrs. Jim Brown. Jean McDonald- Marie McKim and this re|K»rter. Rowling I-Kist Friday night. Don Hayes' team h>ok 2 from Elaine Gleeson. Gary Morris took all 3 from Kay Godina and Jeanette Betts dro|*- l»ed to Ken lngersol. Kenny also had high series for men with 563 while Don Hayes gets credit for high game with 213. Gerry Jensen captured l>otl. slots for the women with high series of 481 and high game 184. Orchid Occasion* Belated anniversary greetings to Nancy and John Lucarz who were married one year. Nov. .*>. John is stationed in Viet Nam and Nancy is living with her parents... Ann and Fred Matthesius are married 21 years today and 'I om Kacprowicz is 22 this date. Nov. 17...Happy birthday to Libby Pariso. Nov. 18 and to Pearl Pietsch on Nov,. 19...Natal day congrats to Betty Murray and to Will Schultz on Nov 20. ..Barbara Egerstaffer will l>e 20. Nada and Bill Klapperich are wed 7 years and Dorothy and Stewart lx)ich have their second anniversary. Nov. 21...B i 1 I Brennan is 18. Virginia Gibson is f> and Laverne and Bob Kantorski are wed T> years, as of Nov. 23. Best wishes to all. A very hectic week just passed with the election on Tuesday and lihe party. Saturday. but all so very gratifying. See you next week all rested up! I>IM I SN MENTAL HEALTH Monday evening. Nov. 7. the patents' group of Ihe handicapped room met in West school. Crystal Uike. where Robert Blazer, guest s|ieakcr. discussed and outlined the mental health situation of .McHenry county in regard to the ( referendum which was voted\Nov. 8. The next meeting-will.^ held Monday evening. DevJjm1 at 8 p.m.. which the purf*nls|pf the handicapi> ed group are asked to attend. \ / --' COMBINATION GOOSE & TURKEY DINNER WITH AlL THE TRIMMINGS IOAST LONG ISLAND DUCKLING & DRESSIN ROAST PRIME RIBS OF BEEF - AU JUS SPECIAL KIDDIE DINNERS MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY CSnug ^zftarbor Cf3oat 801 N. River Rd., McHenry, III Ben Fran&ln Makes Your Dollars Go Further! Ben Frasifein Does Not Reduce One Item As a Leader and Male It Up On AnotE Ben Franklin's Specials Are SPECIALS At Reduced Prices Ben Franklin Sells First Quality - Any Irregulars Are Plainly Marked As Such Ben Franklin -- A Name You Can Trust ... 14 Years in McHenry! ViS FALL ov. 17 - Friday, Nov. II - Saturday, Nov. 19 - Cifly Save up to 10 On M Pire LIMIT ONE COUPON PER SALE MAKE YOUR PURCHASES FROM ENTIRE STORE! BRING THIS COUPON! i<siren s • Girl's-Bar's • Women's • Mosa'a • T@fs • Furniture * Shoes • Jewelry • Yard Goods • Nofttas * Cosmetics * Drugs * Pet * Hosiery * Stationery * Gifts * Hardware * Honscowares • Candy • Rugs • Shades ^ Lamps • Drap©s • Beddisag RAIMKLJIM "The Store Thai Plans With You In Mind On Green Street -- Mcttenry's Omy-Complete Shopping Cenier BEN. FRMfELJM STQBE McHenry, Illinois THURSDAY, NOV. 17 FRIDAY, NOV. 18 SATURDAY, NOV. 19 Cash Discount On Purchase of: 5.00 to 740 -- .50 7.50 to 10.00 -- .75 10.01 to 15.00 -- 1.00 15.01 to 20.00 -- 1.50 20.01 to 25.00 -- 2.00 ».vtn to 80.00 -- 2.50 Sales Taxes Not Considered Part of Sale Coupon Must Be Presented At Time of Purchase •V.\*. \\V. .%•>;• i W mM