Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Dec 1966, p. 21

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MCCULLOM LAKE NEWS EVE LEVESQUE 385-4141 PAGE 10, SECTION 2 - MCHENRY PLAINDEALER - DECEMBER 8, 1966 be happy to write that story. Close Call With Grizxly in Alaska During a hunting expedition with some of his chums, near Tok, Alaska Dick Osterby. Elsie and Ray's eldest, came to grips with a grizzly bear near his cabin, and brought it down. He had to go into the underbrush/ after hitting it with a 270, and fortunately found he had hit the animal through the heart. He estimated the weight at about 500 l>ounds. According to Dick, The meanest looking thing I've over seen in my whole lifp." Their hunting trip was extremely successful since they bagged 4 bull moose in as many days. They came off the trip with about a ton of moat. This bit of information should warm you up when you hear that Dick and his family have had 50 below zero at night! He sounds very content in his northern home and all is well. Announce Nuptials The former Mrs. Gertrude Leadley and John (Jack) Ingraham announce their wedding recently in Woodstock. They were married in Judge Jim Cooney's chambers. Jack is Joan Ingersol's .brother and resided here in the village until recently. The two are making their home at 4713 W. Wonder Lake Drive, W onder Lake, and would be pleased to share many friends. Shoots Coon to Protect Children Jeff Levesque was frightened fo the danger of a youngster being bitten by a rabid Coon last week, and shot the animal with one of his hunting rifles. Young Brian WfiTte ran to the John Cunningham home and notified the children that there was a funny looking animal in the yard. Jeff told the kids to stay in the house. H® checked with John Cunningham at his place of business who gave him permission to kill the animal and this was speedily done. Honor Students the list just VILLAGERS TO VOTE ON SCHOOL REFERENDUM hligible voters in tho village will go to the i)olls. Saturday, Doe. 10. to cast ballots for or against obtaining more money to oprnitc schools in the area. Tho last increase in rates for those funds was voted in 1959 More money is needed for teachers salaries, transportation costs, and maintenance of buildings. The increased enrollment makes the increase a vital necessity. Polling place for local residents is the beachhouse with I,oils open from noon until 7 p.m. Judges of election are Krnma Pvritz, Marie Howe and Myra Murray. A great deal of literature is being circulated and published and local volunteers are calling on voters to acquaint them with the needs for the schools. Please study the information, make your decision and cast your ballot on Saturday. Car Accidents Mrs. Gertrud Patzke was not injured and her two passengers, her son, Gayton, U, and her niece, Michelle Powers, received minor injuries in a car-tree collision last Saturday morning. Clayton suffered a broken nose and Michelle received facial injuries and were treated at Mc- Ilenry hospital, and released. Mrs. George Beecher suffered minor injuries, was ireated at McHenry hospital and released early Sunday morning, when the car she was driving, ran off the road. More details appear elsewhere in he Plaindealer. Christmas Party For Youngsters The Cullom-Knoll association has arranged for Santa Claus to visit the village, Sunday, Dec. 18, beginning at 7 p.m.. according to chairman Ronald Godina. If certain plans are feasible, the jolly old gent may appear in a horse drawn sleigh! Stockings will be distributed to boys and girls through the age of 10. and they will also listen to stories from Santa. Should be a fun evening for the kids and a nice prelude to the really big holiday. Notes From the Cu'lom-Knoll In spite of the terrible weather; ice, rain, and cold; a record number of eighteen persons turned out for last Sunday's meeting in the beachhouse. Marie and Allan McKim reported the total profit of the Harvest Home dance to be slightly in excess of 5400, which is fantastic for a one night event! Credit must go to the excellent programming on the part of the McKims and to all others who worked so very hard to make it suc- ' e s s f u l T h e w o r k e r s w e r e named in the last issue of the column. Unfortunately. rumors were circulated about the profit which were out of all projjortion to reality. In addition to the large amount of money which will fatten the building fund, the good will tho affair engendered was immeasuable. We know we have people just waiting for the announcement of the next dance! Enthusiasm on the part of t ho members was so groat that the date for the second annual Harvest Home dance has boon established "as Nov. 4. 1967! More than likely, tho club will hold * another tvpe dance sometime in May Operation. Christ mas Tico will be carried out by the club under the leadership of Theresa Schultz. Donations of canned goods, staple foods, and money, may be deposited nt the Forum. Lu's Cullom- Knoll Inn. or the Corner Store. A mooting of this committee is scheduled for Sunday. Doc. 11. at H p.m. in the beachhouse. More on this project later Ken Betts reported on the excellent progress ho and his committee are making on tho frsh Derby scheduled for Feb. 18 and 19. 1967. Tickets are available from any member of tho club or at the business houses. Bill Walter was appointed trustee to fulfill tho term left vacant by Bill Gloeson. The club voted to adopt the • hanging the fiscal year to Jan 1 Dec. of each year, which means dues are payable, starting Jan. 1. 1967. The next mooting will probably be held Sunday. Jan. 8. instead of New Year's Day. the date the meeting would normally occur. Two Bowlers Needed There are two openings on the local bowing teams for women, and those interested, should contact Mrs. Gerry Jensen--385-3461. Slow Progress For Brain Surgery Patient According to his parents, Alex Hocin, 14. who underwent brain surgery at Rockford Memorial hospital last week, is making slow progress in his recovery, but even this much is heartening news. The young lad is having difficulty regaining the use of his right leg, but we hope for a better report next week. Your messages are very helpful and wo hope they will continue. The correct address is Rockton St.. Rockford. 111. Former Resident Slated For O.C.S. John Rourke who was drafted into the Army and reported for duty, Nov. 22, was requested to apply for Officer's Training School, on the basis of his examinations at Fort Campbell, Ky. Only five members of his platoon were so honored. He is taking his basic training and will be home on furlough from Dec. 15 to the 29th, which means the big holiday with his family ! Private John's address is U.S. 54 813 155, Second Bn.. 1 s t B . D . E . ( U S A T C ) , F o r t Campbell, Ky. 42223. (Whew! We couldn't be happier for a more deserving guy! First Step to Championship Ginny and Ted Hocin are glowing with the news that their one year old German Shepherd, TraceUe of Hebron Hills ,(Tracy), won the first leg of her championship recently at the International Amphitheater. She took I86V2 points out of a possible 200. Two more wins will give her the championship and we'll released from McHenry junior high school, four girls made "A" honor roll. They are Yolanda Fernandez, D.D. Levesque, Fay Liberty, and Debbie Smith. Keep it up, gals. Correction We erroneously reported that Glenn Gates and his wife were visiting in the village, while home on furlough. Glenn has been discharged from the service and he and his wife are now residing in McHenry. And Ben Gates was hospitalized in Woodstock, and notf'McHenry, as report- »V_..A*U« I tu Christmas Is a time f®f md friends, Qood f<m%$ <& <Drl«ik, Laughter, Snuil1 Children, a <J*ireplace and Welcome Gifts by VAN HEU6EN A superior selection of Van Heusen shirts and sportswear awaits you. We're sure you'll find something special for every man on your list. Come in and shop or browse ... or just to chat. We'll be glad to see you € IMMiU ODAK EASY TERMS Bank FInancinq / Rent or Rent with Option WATER CONDITIONING IW NN SALES -- SERVICE -- RENTALS 2103 W. Church Phone 385-3093 Is Lo&ki FEMALE ASSEMBLERS AND LIGHT MACHINE OPIRATORS To Work Our Day and Mffpfif Shift - KILL ©AYS - 8 AJVI. to 3:46 P.M. - nm 5 P.M. to 1:30 A.M. Com* in and talk With Us About Our Excellent Benefit Program PERSONNEL Monday S AoM. •© 4 PEN ay S@ P.M. OAK MANUm@7ilRINe CO. A division or OAK ELECTRO/NETICS COR* Sovfis Sialn Slrtot Phona 459-sooo CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS *y 10 ' * l OPPOPT'jV ' r ( V P l C Y l H ed. Ed (Butch) Stacknick wants it clearly understood that he is NOT a candidate for the "39ers" eVen though we meant no sucn inference. OK, Butch? ' Recent Visitor A welcome xnsitor last week was Mrs. Harvey (Charlotte) Andersen of Jackson, Minn., who is Charles Schroeder's granddaughter. The lovely young lady was married June 28, 1965. She lived with the Schroeders for about three months some years ago, and always enjoys returning for a chat with her chum, Lynne Schultz. Ladies Hold Yale Party Next Week Ladies of the Lake will gather at the home of Carrie and Frank Kurth for their annual Christmas party next Thursday, Dec. 15. All are reminded to bring a one dollar gift for exchange. Natal "Date" Belated greetings to Mary Mullen who turned 14 yesterday, Dec. 7...Three candles on the cake for Patty Cunningham and "sweet sixteen" for Celia Merc ado, Dec. 8... Gary Kumpiila will be 14 and Joanne Reid turns 19, Dec. 9 ....Natal day congrats to hubby and wife--Edith and Paul Brendle, artd to Ole Olsen, Dec. 10... Wish Gert Walter happy birthday on Dec. 11 and the same to Barbara "CHRISTMAS ON SQUARE" WILL BE DEC. 18 OFFERING For the second in its "Christmas on the Square" series, the Woodstock Fine Arts chorale is readying a production of William Meyer's 1963 opera, "One Christmas Long Ago", an adaptation for the operatic stage of Thacker, Dec. 12....Janet AfK chels will be 4, Jim (son of Bettie and Skeets) Morris will be 20 and natal day congrats to Opal and Jim Pariso, Dec. 13.... Happy teenager is our D.D. Levesque, as of Dec. 14. Best wishes to all. Kids had a grand time last Sunday night, ice skating ;on village roads. Yipe! Better conditions by Monday a.m., though. See you next week? the beloved Christmas classic "Why the Chimes Rcng", which has become a favorite seasonal observance in its adaptation for television written by Woodstock's own Tom Byrnes. Concerned with the miracles possible to the innocent good, the opera is strongly reminiscent of "Amahl and the Night Visitors" both in theme and in musical treatment. Those who saw "Amahl" at tho Opera House at Christmas time 1964 will be equally delighted with this latest presentation. "One Christmas Long Ago" may be seen at the Woodstock Opera House Sunday, Dec. 18, at 2 p.m. Tickets may be purchased at the door or from any . chorale member. Read the C!aisif'e<^s. RiUND'S Y Inc I «c*lly 0'*»d Operated -- KKEE DEl,IVTiR> - Olll Line of IHIH Products or 385-0232 Businessmen t Luncheons Served Daily * FINE ITALIAN POODS • AGED STEAKS * LOBSTER TAILS • FISH FRY FRIDAY • BAJt-B-O BACK BIBS * Our Special Italian Spaghetti Sauce Carry-Out 9 £ .Private Dining Rooms for Business Meetings and Special Occasions Route 12 8c 31 678-6617 Richmond, 111. /0OAK Is MACHINE DESIGNER SENIOR Oak Manufacturing Company is currently seeking several qualified individuals to perform machine design duties in its mechanization department. Individuals should possess thorough knowledge of small parts handling, as well as mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic design experience. Will be involved in both in-plant design and construction as well as outside source evaluation. Openings also exist for intermediate and junior men. MANUFACTURING ENGINEER 3-5 years experience in providing new manufacturing techniques, equipment, tooling and facilities as related to introduction of new products. Full range of modem company paid benefits including profit sharing and educational assistance. Reply in full confidence, starting salary requirements to: Personnel Director Come in and talk With Us About Ow Sxcellmt Benefit Program KflSONNSL ®FF8@i ©Pii Monday itoiiaglia May 8 AoM. to 4:1® P.M. OAK MAMWACTUeoil© CO. • A o» °AK ELECTRO/NETICS coup Soimi Main Itrtat

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