Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1967, p. 9

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Home? m This attractive rural scene was photographed from the air recently. It belongs to someone residing in the McHenry locality. Leonard Studio Photo The. owner may have original photo by making identification in the Plaindealer office. (Lake Region YMCA Announces Winter Quarter Activities With a growing emphasis on family activities, the Lake Region . YMCA has listed three separate family programs for the winter quarter. The first of these is weekly family swims. A family swim is scheduled for Saturdays from 11 to noon at the Elgin academy in Elgin, and on Monday evening from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Northwest S u b u r b a n YMCA ? i n D e s . Plaines. Children two years old and up may attend these family swims, providing they are accompanied by one or more parents. Family pot-lucks are scheduled on Fridays Jan. 20, Feb. \7 and March 17 at the Crystal Lake program center at 65 N. Williams street in Crystal Lake. Families are urged to bring utensils, plates, milk, and a dish for twelve persons who attend these monthly pot-lucks. ; Two bus trips are planned for the winter quarter. The first will be on Feb. 12 to the auto show at McCormick Place. A chartered bus will leave from the Plaza at 12:30 p.m. and retuhi at 8 p.m. A second trip is planned to the Flower and Garden show on Sunday, March 12. Registrations for the winter classes are accepted at the YMCA at 65 N. Williams street in Crystal Lake on week days from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Saturday mornings. Information about the activities is available by calling 459-4455. The winter quarter activities at the Lake Region YMCA "*will begin for youth on Saturday, Jan. 14. Fourteen different activities are found in the winter schedule for youth from seven to seven4' teen. A Swim instruction program for second through eighth grade youth living in Algonquin, C a r y, Crystal Lake, Fox River Grove, Huntley, Island Lake and McHenry will have chartered bus transportation to the Elgin Academy pool from 10 to 11 a.m. on Saturdays. There will also be recreational swims at the Academy pool from 11 to noon on Saturdays for second through twelfth grade, but it will be necessary to provide your own transportation to and from Elgin. Other youth activities include ballet for girls at the Crystal Lake program center at 65 N. Williams street on News About Our Servicemen Marine Private First Class EDWIN DORNBU8H Rev. Richard Wright officiated at services held Tues* day afternoon from the Wonder Lake Bible chtirch for Edwin Dombush, 65, of 7605 Brook drive, Wonder Lake, who died Saturday, Jan. 7, in his home- The body rested at the ' Warner fUneral home, Crystal . Lake, until Tuesday noon. Burial was in McHenry County Memorial cemetery. Mr. Dorhbush was born Nov. 1901, in Crystal Lake. A tw^nty-yeat resident, of Wonder Lake, he was a charter member of the. Bible church, a deacon and superintendent of Sunday School and a licensed minister. Mr. Dornbush was employed by ELr TRA Corp., Woodstock. He was married on March 22. 1940, to the former Lydia Kline, who survives., He also loaves a daughter, Mrs. Maurice (Joan) Allen of Hampshire; a son, Clayton, of Grand Rapids, Mich.; eight grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Lester. Forsyth of Waukegan and Mrs. Larry Hennegan of Crystal Lake; and four brothers .Robert of Toronto, Ontario, Ben of Ogden, Utah, and Herbert and Phillip of Waukegan. A memorial has been established at the Bible church. DeVogelaere, Mrs. William DeVogelaere, Mrs. George £ Melka and Mrs. Henry Lin- ft . derm an, all of Woodstock; a son, Frank, of Crystal Lake; eight grandchildren one sister and one brother. The body rests at the Plerce-Bier funeral home, . Woodstock, where Rev. Raymond C. Shawl will conduct services at i o'clock Thursday afternoon. Burial Will be in McHenry County Memorial Park cemetery, Woodstock. PAUL ASOOLA A heart attack was believed responsible for the unexpected death of Paul F Ascola, 62, of 1115 River road, McHenry. He collapsed and died Thursday, Jan. 5, as he walked on a north side street in Chicago with a friend. Mr. Ascola, who was engaged in the real estate business, had resided here for the past fifteen years. Besides his wife, Betty, he leaves* two daughters, Victoria and Sharon. The body was taken to the Petkus chapel, Cicero. A~ funeral Mass was sung Monday morning in St. Anthony's Catholic' church, Chicago, with burial in Queen of Heaven cemetery, Hillside. series of beauty techniques for visual beauty, will be conducted at the Crystal Lake program center on Monday Glenn P. Davis, son of Mrs from 1:15 to 2:45 p.m. or 8 " ' to 9:30 p.m. ceramics will also be offered on Wednesdays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Patricia Lois E. Beaubouef of 722 Rand road, McHenry, a member of the , Third battalion, Seventh Marine regiment, First Marine division, south Beasley at 710 Country club of Da Nang, is engaged in road in Crystal Lake. search and destroy missions There are three activities against the enemy and a dewhich are coed. These termined ^effort to win the include a Thursday evening people to the side of the leggym class, which is held at itimate government of South the Central school in Crystal Vietnam. Lake from 8 to 9:30 p.m.; At the same time, through private golf lessons, which a constant effort, thp Marbegin on Feb. 4 on Saturday ines provide medical aid for afternoon, and ski instruc- the people and teach them to tion, which begins on Thursday,- Jan. 12, at Gatlder Mountain, which is on Wilmot Road just north of Rt. 173. The Ski instruction program will begin at 7 p.m. with supper, followed by instruction and practice. help themselves through better sanitation and health programs along with other projects designed to raise the living standards of the Vietnamese. COURT BRIEFS Appearing before Judge John Kaufman in Branch in Court last Thursday, Elsie Batjes pf.v 8905 Acorn patht fonder Lake, paid a fiile of $25 and $5 costs for speeding. Marine Private Richard D. Foss, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foss of 128 S. Sherid a n r o a d , M c H e n r y , a n d Marine Private Robert K. Schopp, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. Schopp of 6075 Orchid path, McHenry, have completed four weeks of individual combat training at this Marine corps base. During his more than 200 hours of training, he learned about weapons and combat techniques from combat veteran instructors. They taught him how to conduct combat patrols, detect and remove mines and booby traps and use the standard Marine Corps infantry weapons. USMC Pvt. Phil Ferris, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bonnie J. Barnick of Algon- J?TTlL «f 5810 quin, on a plea of guilty to ^vf- ,McHenry.'! ^Joyed„a ELIZABETH HARDER Mrs. Elizabeth H. Harder, 64, of 414 Channel drive, Island Lake, died Sunday, Jan. 8, in Northlake hospital, after a two-year illness. The deceased wa? born Oct. 3, 1902, in Austria. She had resided in Island Lake for twenty years. Survivors include a son, Joseph Turk, of Island Lake; a daughter, Mrs. Mildred Lupuma of Chicago; a sister, Mrs. Anita Schwartz of Brazil; six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Peter Turk. The body rested at the Isl a n d L a k e f u n e r a l h o m e , where services were conducted Wednesday, with Rev. Douglas Wolfe of the Church of the Holy Apostle officiating. Burial was private. ALBERT SENGSTOCK Last rites were conducted Wednesday afternoon in the First Congregational church, Des P l a i n e s , f o r A l b e r t L. Sengstock, 65, of 305 Stratford road, DesPlaines. A summer resident of Sunnyside village, Mr. Sengstock died Sunday night, Jan. 8, in his DesPlaines home. The deceased had been a magistrate of the suburb for the past thirty-six years. Besides his widow, Genevieve Bohr Sengstock, he leaves a daughter, Mrs. Sfiirley M. Sigwalt, and a sister. William P. Schuerr of 3415 W. John street, McHenry, pleaded guilty to having an invalid driver's license or permit and was fined $50 and $5 costs. FRANK ROTH Frank Roth, 70, a resident of 7508 Cedar- drive, Wonder Lake ".died Monday, Jan. 9, in Memorial hospital, Woodstock. The deceased, a native of Huntley, farmed most of his life in the Woodstock area. Survivors include his wife, Emma G r i t m a C k e r R o t h ; four daughters, Mrs. Morris THOMAS KLINGBERG Thomas Klingberg of Elk Grove village, died early on the morning of Jan. 10 in Billings hospital following a lingering illness. He was 36 years old. Survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klingberg of McHenry; his •wife, Charlene; one daughter: Susan; two sisters, Mrs. William (Shirley) Wright of . Royal Oak, Mich., and Mrs. Arnold (Carole) Petersen of McHenry; and one brother, John. The deceased was employed as an electronics engineer for Motorola, Inc. Funeral arrangements were pending as the Plaindealer went to press. : •% •njoy To amas A $15 fine and $5 costs were assessed Paul F. Brissenden of 7415 Cedar drive, Wonder Lake, for improper •passing. not having an operator's license, was fined $50 and $5 on probation. holiday leave at his home. He left Jan. 10 to report back to Camp Pendleton, Calif., to complete his present training, and then will report to Bars- WONDER LAKE MAN tow, Calif., for duty. ' TO BE CCMFEMSfCE Durin* Ws recent training SPEAKER JAW. 23 Harry Davis, 3115 Thompson road, Wonder Lake, will talk on "Mental Health Education in the Community" at a national conference of private psychiatric hospitals in Palm Springs, Calif., Monday, January 23. Director of community edu period, he was one of seven in his platoon to shoot expert with the M-14 rifle. will describe programs public education and community service conducted at the mental health facility. » Formerly, Mr. Davis was di- Saturdays from^ 9 ^30 t^JL0 :30 rector put»lic relations' at Forest hospital, Des Plaines. ROAD BEAUTIFICATION Highway beautification will be continued during 1967, according to . Gov. Otto Kerner, who went on to say that durin gl966 Illinois was apportioned approximately $6,- cation of North Shore hos- 000,000 in federal funds for pital, Winnetka, Mr. Davis * this purpose. With this apof a.m. for second through eighth grade and from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. for high schoolers. A coed bowling instruction program and league will be held on Mondays from 4:30 to 5:50 p.m. at the Metro Bowl for second through eighth grade. Twilight Ridge will be the location for a drama school for fourth and fifth graders from 4:30 to 5:50 p.m. on Tuesdays and 5:15 to 6 p.m. for sixth through eighth graders. The next Junior high record dance will be held on Friday, Jan. 13, at Lakewood village hall, 2500 Lake avenue in Lakewood. Adult activities for the Lake Region Y's winter quarter will begin on Thursday, .Jan. 14. Eight activities are offered for adults only. A winter swim instruction class will be held on Saturdays from 11 a.m. to noon at the Elgin academy pool. Recreational Swims will be conducted at the same time in the pool for those just wanting some exercise. There are two programs for women only, beauty on a budget, a class in creative make up and hair styling, which are integrated into a portionment the Division of Highways implemented a beautification program and a number of projects utilizing approximately 11,700,000 were started. i The California conference, called by the National Association of Private Psychiatric Hospitals, will deal wtth critical problems which threaten to change the patterns of treatment and hospital care for the mentally ill, it was announced. BURGLARIZE HOME The summer home of Walter Kowlik on Wilmot road, Spring Grove, was reported burglarized last Saturday and numerous items were taken, including a rifle, electric drill and clothing. MR. AND MRS. ROY DURE Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dube of 5108 N. Westward, McHenry, are shown relaxing by the fish pond in the tropical gadrens of a Nassau hotel during a vacation trip to the scenic capital of the Bahamas. Their trip came to an end on Jan. 4. •urued. • • COME TO THE C^anJl(e(ig,ltt oCounffe Distinctive Dinfeg and Cocktails CAN CRQSS Y Take It Easy! UP 5618 Northwest Highway Crystal lakt fine Quality Cover SOFA Nylon Covers SOFA & CHAIR One of a Kind iiNnrre CHAIRS Black op Green Vinyl SWIMS. BAR STOOLS WA BED Formica Topped >ER Formica Top Walnut DINING ROOy TA £©AM-«D OWS French Provincial " t-'jz BLE W::l J 4 CH S Twin Size Hit A BED Walnut Finish DOUHLI CESSER BASE HASS©£K§ ilLUII DINfiWE Si!S Rattan SV EL ROCKER Ladies Serpentine Arm Reg. 399.99 249.99 7.95 39.95 79.95 149.95 129.95 325.00 219.95 89.95 6.95 129.95 NOW 199.19 ^ 159.99 3.95 24.91 49.95 59.95 49.95 1.79 eo. 199.00 i 179.95 i O 0 S 1 89.95 §(@pj^ 27x18 CARPET PIECES Nylon CARPET Maple \rMs Table & 4 Chairs Mms i Print IMRLY A Maple S0N©iE BilSSER (1) Maple TRIPLE DRESSER As Is © RQOM JAN CHAIR 179.95 99.95 O O o o 69.95 4f9S o o o © 259.95 15f.f§ o o e o 1.99 69c • •o o, 7.99 3.98 yd. i- I 29.95 17.95 ! 129.95 99.95 ! 69.95 49.95 1 : 39.95 17.88 O % 249.95 89.95 i Songbird ,<Shirley Smith -- Thursday Lee FranK at the Console -- Friday Live Dance Music -- Saturday North Rt. 83 -- Grayslake, 111. Phone BA3-8885 Open 4 p.m. --' Closed Monday Steering and Alignment Check spwi . Sunnyside Dodge 4810 W. Et0120 MeHenry 1 "Juei S0 Suconds We»t of T@wa" PHOME 385-7220 Sfoitfewd Fnrnitnre STORE,INC. 5618 Northwest Highway Phone 459-S0SO Crystal Lake, 111. q O P 0 0 Q P t ) a 0 0 a P P Q a a P P Q f l P Q a g f l g g B a B f l B B f > f l f t P B P g P Q 0 Q 0 P Q 0 0 P O O 0 O O O » O O < . r \ _1

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