Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1967, p. 10

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Legals NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on January 9th, A.D., 1967, a certificate was filed in the office of the county clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names • and postoffice addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as Pollock Insurance Agency located at 3412 West Elm Street, McHewy. Illinois. Dated this 9th day of January, A.D., 1SS7. VERNON W. KAYS, County Clerk. (Pub. Jan. 12, 19, 26, 19671 RESOLUTION CONCERNING ALCOHOUC LIQUOR LICENSE IBB WHEREAS, the City oft McHenry has recently annexed certain areas of land and WHEREAS, these areas contain going businesses^ engaged in the sale of alcoholic liquors, which businesses are presently licensed by the County of McHenry. and WHEREAS, it is not equitable in the opinion erf the CSty Council of the City of McHenry, to assess fuH nnmifli license fees as wouW apply against such businesses engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic beverages, and WHEREAS, tiie City of McHenry has been informed by the Liquor Control Commission of the County of McHenry that the license fees which have been paid for the County fiscal year extending from May 1, 1966 to April 30 1967 will be abated on a pro rata teas for the months of February, March and April, 1967. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City finmpil of the City of McHenry that the existing liquor retail licenses presently issued to ttsosa licensed liquor beverage dealers in the areas recently annexed to the City of McHenry, by McHenry County, be honored, and accepted to and inrtmHag the 31st day of Janizary, 1967, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that inasmuch as appropriate amendments to Article V of Chapter 11 of Municipal Code have been made to provide for a cont i n u a t i o n in b u s i n e s s of such alcoholic liquor dealers both for consumption ana iip on the premises and for off premise consumption only, the City of McHenry shall issua to pa«»h lawfully established alcoholic liquor dealer in the areas annexed a good and sufficient license for the conduct of each individual business, upon the premises presently occupied by said businesses, from the 1st day of February, 1SS7 • to and including the 30th day of April, 1967, at a cost which shall be pro rated based upon the applicable atifwa^ license fee per year for the type of business conducted, such pro ration to be an a per diem basis, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that from and after the 1st day of May 1967, the alcoholic liquor dealers in such areas as recently annexed shall be required to apply and pay for licenses to do business, in the appropriate classes for such alcoholic liquor dealers as are established in the Municipal Code of the City of McHenry on the regular annual basis as is provided in said Municipal Code. So moved by Huck and seconded by Wegener. Voting Aye: Boiger, Huck. Pitzen, Smith, Wegener. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Conway, Etten, Jackson. . passed and approved this 3rd day of January 1967. DONALD P. DOHERTY Mayor Attest: EARL R. WALSH City Clerk (Pub. Jan. 12, 1967) By: E. Roger Collihs President Attest': Virginia. Aalto, Secretary - (Pub. January 12,1967) MC-26 ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE V OF CHAPTER 11, "ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR DEALERS", OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF McHENRY,' ILLINOIS WHEREAS, certain territories have been annexed to the City of McHenry through action of the City Council, as by statute provided, and WHEREAS, the territories as annexed have within them certain business establishments engaged in the sale of alcoholic liquors and WHEREAS, it is the desire and intention of the corporate authorities of this City to permit such business activities to be continued and to be conducted lawfully within the corporate limits of the City of McHenry, and WHEREAS, in order to permit such business operation?, it is necessary to provide proper licensing therefor; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that (A) CLASS A LICENSE of Section 44, Article V, Chapter 11 of tho Municipal Code, and said pa -agraph as amended by Amending Ordinances MC-15, be amended by increasing the number erf Class A licenses to no more than eighteen (18) to be in force within the City at any one time. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that Section 44, CLASSIFICATION - FEES, Article V, Chapter 11, of the Municipal Code, be and hereby is amended by adding thereto the following: 44. (F) CLASS F LICENSE -- which shall authorize the sale at retail of alcoholic liquors in packages only, and no consumption thereof shall be permitted CHI the premises. The annual fee for such licenses shall be Seven Hundred ($700.00) Dollars. No more than two (2) Class F licenses shall be in force and effect within the City at any time. Tins Ordnance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and publication, as by law provided. Passed and approved this 5th day of December 1966. DONALD P. DOHERTY Mayor, Attest of the State of Illinois and Section 22; described as the by-laws of said Asso- follows: Beginning at the ciation. McHENRY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on January 3rd, A.D. 1967, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois setting forth the names and apost-office addresses of all the persons o w n i n g , < c o n d u c t i n g and transacting the b us i n e s s known as McHenry Telephone Answering Service, located at 3509 West Pearl Street, McHenry, Illinois. Dated this 3rd day of January, A.D. 1967. VERNON W. KAYS County Clerk. (Pub. Jan. 12, 19, 26. 1967) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE* Monday, February 6, 1967 is the claim date in ttfe estate of Lyle D. Anderson deceased, No. 66 P 294, Circuit Court, McHenry County, Illinois. Harry C. Kinne, Jr. of 3431 W. Elm St., McHenry, IB. is the Admr. with will Annexed:, Loose & Kinne of 3431 W. Elm St, McHenry, El. are the attorneys. Margaret O'Neil, Clerk 12-29-1966/1-5-12-1967 NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Monday, February 6, 1967 is the claim date in the estate of LilHan E. Bossier deceased, Atte«.t. No. 66 P 287, Circuit Court, McHenry County, Illinois. Robert J. Ruge of 2018 W. Grace, Chicago, HI. is the Executor; R. A- Stueben of 3918 W. Main St., McHenry, HI. is the attorney. 12-29-1966/1-5-12-1967 quarter post at the Northeast Corner of the East Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence South, 1 chain and 50 links to a post; thence West 6 chains and 66 links, to a post; thence North 1 chain and • 50 links, to a post; thence East 6 chains and 66 links to the place of beginning, in Township 44 North. Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in McHenry County, Illinois, together with all buildings and appurtenances thereunto belonging, which real estate is commonly known as Terra Cotta School House, Edgewood Road, West of Route 31, which sale will be made on the following terms, towit: (a) Ten (10%) per cent of the bid price shall be paid by cash, certified or cashier's check at the • -/ close of the auction. » ' ; (b) Balance ,„of-~4he Did shall be paid m caslf' certified or,a cashier's check upon delivery of deed. (c) The deed of conveyance shall be subject to objections contained in McHenry Counjty Title Company preliminary report of title No. 75054. f d ) S e l l e r s h a l l r e s e r v e t h e ripht to refuse any or all bids and to continue said sale from time to time without further publication of notice. COUNTY BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES. . McHenry County. Illinois By (S) Norbert B. Mauch President (S) Richard L. Tazewell (Pub. Jan. 5-12-19, 1967) mc JAZZ CONCERT NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Jonathan Trem Nolan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. No- NOTICE IS HEBEBY GIVEN lan °f 3320 Fairway, McHenthat on the 4th day of Feb- ^ 0116 °' sixteen memruary. 1967, the County ^rs of 016 Phi Mu A!Pha i822 Board of School Trustees, band at Illinois Wesleyan uni- McHenry County, Illinois, versity which gave a free will sell at public sale on public concert at 8:15 p.m. the premises hereinafter de- Tuesday, Jan. 10, in Memorscribed, at the hour of 2 o'clock P.M., the following described property: Past of the East Half of the Northwest Quarter of Eat cieAALSH' ION SALE AT THIS STORE ONLY 7 Frl, Sat, Sunj Voting Aye: Bolger, Con- j45|2 w ROUTE 120 McHenry 3&5-3200 * waayy,. Etten, Huck, Jackson, 4_ ' -- ^ Pitzen, Smith, Wegener Voting Nay: None. * Absent: None. J NOTICE * In compliance with title 6 ? of the Civil Rights Act. Vil- J la Nursing Home, Inc. will ^ receive patients and em- ^ ployees on a non-discrimina- ^ tory basis, regardless of race, ^ color or national origin. # Villa Nursing Home, Inc. • f (Pub. Jan. 12,1967) • NOTICE OF ANNUAL * 38EETZNC5 OF OF rvfemwm? SAVINGS ft ? LOAN ASSOCIATION J Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the members of the McHenry, ^ Savings and Loan Association will be held at the office of # the Association at Number if 3611 West Elm Street, Mc- * Henry, Illinois on Moaday, * January 16 1967 at the hour * of eight o'clock in the eve- ? ning for the purpose of the J election of seven directors, ^ considering the report of of- ^ fleers, directors and commit- ^ tefs and the transaction of <ff. all other business, required «fl or permitted by the Statutes # & .--- ^ , :<• sbo y^u JC now .Someone ^]ew ^Qn ^Jown? The Welcome Wagon Representative would like to call on them and extend a welcome to the community. Pleaae Call The Representatives Below Wei come aaon M CEIL DEWERDT 653-9317 BUTH BOMKE 385-7418 6-12 oz. TA. Bite. IMPORTED HOLIDAY Scotch Whiskey MR. BOSTON G-yr. old GIPPS 12-oz. cans Choose From 11 Flavors Quart Mr. Boston COLA Gin or Vo 8-16 oz. btls. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS JOINS PARTNERSHIP PAGE 10, SECTION-! - MCHENRY PLAINDEALER - JANUARY 12, 1967 Henry., They now live in Crystal Lake with their three children, Cindy, Donald, Jr., and Sharon. His mother is Mrs. Margaret Freund of McHenry. of directors of National Tea Co. Jan. 9; the regular quarterly dividend of twenty cents per share was declared payable March 1 to shareholders of record Feb. 10. OPEN NEW STORE jS" Newest of the stores ih me McHenry Market Place at 4400 w; Rt. 120 is the Good Year Service store which opened Jan. 1. Manager of the business is Richard Froemei, who formerly operated a store for the company in Chicago. Eight employees handle the needs of the public in offering complete sales and service of all Goodyear tires and providing automotive service. Grand opening is planned for later this winter. ... ial Student center. Trem is a 1966 graduate of McHenry high school. He is a freshman majoring in music at IWU. DONALD C. FREUND Donald C. Freund, CPA, has been admitted to partnership in the firm of Hughes, Mueler and company, certified public accountants, with offices in Elgin and Chicago. A native of McHenry," Freund graduated from McHenry high school. He holds a B.S. degree from the University; of Notre Dame, and has done graduate work at Roosevelt university. After serving as an officer in the audit office of the U.S. Navy, and prior to joining Hughes, Mueller and company in 1961, he was associated with a national accounting firm in Chicago. He is a member of the teaching staff of Ellis Business college, and a former instructor of advanced accounting at Aurora eollege. Mr. Freund is" a member of the American Institute of CPA's, the Illinois Society of CPA's, and past president of the Notre Dame club of McHenry county. Mr. Freund is married to the former Joan Nell of Mc- PROFE^'lOnHi D IRECTORV GIVEN PROMOTION William A. Kuechel, 4516 Hilltop drive, McHenry, has been named employment manager • for men at Automatic Electric company, Northlake. Kuechel will administer and control the firm's recruitment activities and intratransfers of non-technical male personnel. ^Prior to his advancement, Kuechel had been an interviewer in the personnel department for nine months. He joined the Northlake telephone and control s y s t e m m a n u f a c t u r e r l a s t February. ^ He and his wife, Yvonne, have three sons William, Robert and David. EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Faraa ft life RfTT.TAm.y, COMPANIES When Ton Need Insurance of Pho S85-S800 or 885-0958 8429 W. Elm St* MoHenry, IIL DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1260 N. Green Street Office Phone: 885-0188 Res. PlioBa: 885-6191 Honrs: Daily 9:80 - 5:00 Toes, ft Frt. Evenings 6:80 to 9 pjn. Closed All Day Wednesday- Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted ' Repair Service 1-67 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARX Optometrist Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted 1808 N. Richmond Road Honrs: Moiu, Tuea* Thnrs. ft FrL 4:00 ft© G Tues* Thura, <§ 0W. Eve 7:00 pan. to M Sat. 9:80 mju. to S:00 pjn. No Honrs on Wednesday Contact Lenses Phone 885-4151 If No Answer Phone 885-2262 7 SCHROEDER METALCRAFT For Home and Garden Wrought Iron Ratlings Patio Fnrnltnr* 1705 So. Rt. 81 PHOIffi 885-0950 Watch, Clock ft Jewelry Bepalr Our Specialty 8TEFFAN8 WATCH REPAIR 8HOP 1286 N. Green St. McHenry, OL DR. JOHN F. KELLY Optometrist At 1224 N. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Wednesday) Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Hrs: Dally 6:80 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday Evenings 8:80 pan. Evenings by Appointment PHONE 885-0452 7-60 DECLARE DIVIDEND At a meeting of the board URGE PAYMENT OF DELINQUENT PERSONAL TAXES County Treasurer Cal Skinner, Jr., suggests that individuals who owe back personal property taxes should •save themselves money *by paying promptly. Otherwise, they will , be charged $11 to 914 court and judgment costs. Since ' the . average individual owes about $50 to $55, this means his payment will increase about 25 per cent when " a suit is instituted! "That's a pretty high price to pay in addition to the 1 percent per month charged as a penalty payment," Skinner pointed out. Those who pay in the near future will also be doing their taxpaying neighbors a fkvor. Right now their neighbors are subsidizing the government services of non-taxpayers,. They are paying for non-taxpayers' education, police protection, roads and so' forth. That just doesn't seem fair," he stated. Nevertheless, Skinner believes that many people, both those who pay and those who don't, do have much to gripe about. "The assessment of the personal property tax is less thai# equitable, even with the best possible assessor," Skinner believes. "Alert citizens can and do complain to their : township assessor and Supervisor of Assessments Stwiley Cornue at the Courthouse, but that often doesn't solve the problem of the person complaining and never solves the problems of the other people," The voters had a chance to change the tax system in November, but defeated the Revenue Article. The next chance will come when a constitutional convention is called, probably in 1969 or 1970. Even so, until then the County Treasurer is under oath to collect the personal property tax. And, continuing past office procedure, unpaid taxes will be collected through the courts. "There is no alternative," Skinner said. At- the preseht time, the Treasurer's office is in the process of suing some 2,160 individuals and corporations in McHenry township. That's estimated to be over one-half of the families in McHenry township. Next will come 980 families in frunda township and 2,264 in Algonquin township. ity of McHENRY NOW has. 975 Parking Spaces w there's more n Jet Action! Deep Action Agitator moves up and down--plunges clothes deep into sudsy water for new deep cleaning! •Jet-Away Rinse jets away lint, scum--no lint trap n CI K7GGG OWQP imeGO payment ACTION FOR New DEEP CLEANING! MmbI WCSAL 5 colon sr wbto NobaKsl No pnllaja! o)u FrtfMftlrt DPC fives you the special combination of agitation, ufn and water temperatures needed to keep new, no-iron looMng the way they're supposed to -- creases in, wrinkles out! Fngidiire DPC Dryer lets you wind up washday without iro Makers of new no-iron fabrics recommsnd automatic drying for best results -- and this Frigidaire Dryer with DPC does the job beautifully! • Automatic Dry Cycle shuts dryir off when clothes are dry! MM SCD1, S NlM «r vMli LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N. Front St. McHenry, III. DIAL 385-0882 'FREE PARKING"

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