Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1967, p. 2

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V I ? " ^ v _ <*••**£" ' ' ' • ' PAGE 2f SECTION V - MCHENRY PLAINDEAL^R - JANUARY 12, 1967 Engagement Of Coaple Announced MARRIED DECEMBER 17 p • v V A ' - *- 1 V.r -zi'&i jfv* *i J SISiiP «' '. ' '• f - „ "s- " \> **z \ * ' •- V, *'• teSSeBS^-riSte# MRS. ELDON PHILIP FRYDENDALL A beautiful wedding of Saturday, Dec., 17, united in marriage Miss Jo Hannah Saum and Mr. Eldon Philip Frydendall. They were united in marriage in an 8 o'clock evening candlelight ceremony performed in the Congregational church of Batavia. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Herbert Saum of 304 N. Washington street, Batavia, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Earl Frydendall of 228 Delia street, Batavia, and the late Mr. Frydendall. The bride holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in education from Millikin university at Decatur. She is presently teaching home economics at McHenry Junior high school. The bridegroom is an insurance broker with offices with General Associates in North Aurora. The young couple returned recently from a honeymoon trip to New Orleans. They are making their home in the McHenry area. Miss Luciano Becomes Bride A wedding of local interest was solemnized in Christ the King Catholic church, Wonder- Lake, last Saturday afternoon, Jan. 7, when Miss Donna Luciano became the bride of Mr. Richard Franzen. Miss Luciano is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Luciano of 2902 Michael, Wonder Lake, and her husband is the son of Mrs. Emma Franzen of Daley City. Calif. Rev. Ft. Gaynor officated at the 2 o'clock nuptial rite. Mrs. Raymond (Barbara) Martin, Miss Penny Miller, Miss Gail Parks and Miss Kathy Luciano, sister of the bride, attended her. They were .attired in turquoise-colo r e d , e m p i r e f a s h i o n e d sheath gowns, with velvet Elena t Besufy Hiirsfo Your hands can do you good or do you in, depending on you. Neglected, they can shatter the illusion of glamour, no matter how much Hmg and money you spend (Hi hair-do or make-up. Proper care and grooming of your hands will compliment the rest of a well kept you, setting off all the rest of your grooming to the best advantage:--and this doesn't cost money in the form of expensive treatments. In fact, you can do most of it yourself at the expense of just a little effort; however, a good professional manicure at regular intervals will be a great help. The thing to remember is that your hands need daily care. Always keep in mind the fact that the body is ^hanging,, aging, and nothing reveals age so well as our hands. So . . - eternal vigilance is the price you pay for youthful hands. Pushing back the cuticle when you wash your hands will give you a cleaner looking nail and help to make them appear longer. If you must cut and trim your cuticlt, be very careful not to cut into the nail, as this will damage the nail when it grows out to the edge and will cause them to split and break. Keeping polish on your nails all the time will give them a firmer and stronger base. » Touch them up often especially on the ends. A light shade of polish will not show as readily as a darker one as it chips off. TIP OF THE WEEK Use a thimble -when pushing in thumb tacks and save your fingernails. bodices and chiffon skirts. They wore turquoise, Swiss braid, petal shell crowns trimmed with pearls and iridescent sequins. The attractive, dark-haired bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a satin gown with sculptured neckline, fitted bodice and long pointed sleeves. Alencon lace, crystal beads and pearls- adorned the bodice and front of the slim, sheath skirt and also the detachable, chapel length train. Her nylon, illusion, two-tiered bouffant veil fell from 3 chantilly lace and peau taffeta, petal shell crown, which was highlighted with pearls and aurora borealis crystals. Raymond Martin, Dominick Tomasello of McHenry, Jerry Luciano, brother of the bride, of Wonder Lake, and Bill Schild of Grayslake were attendants for the groom. Mrs. Luciano chose for her daughter's wedding a beigecolored crepe tiara sheath gown and matching hat. Mrs. Franzen was attired in a blue dress with sequin bodice, black accessories and orchid corsage. Following the ceremony, at ....5 o'clock, a reception was enjoyed by 110 guests at Tomasello's in Johnsburg. The couple will make their home at 1410 Riverside drive, McHenry llie bride is employed as a beautician and her husband works for the Admiral corporation. * SHOP IN JANICE HARRISON The engagement of . Miss J anice Marie Harrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harrison of. 801 Oak Grove, Pistakee Bay, to Patrick King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank King of 3303 N. Cove court, McHenry, has been announced. Karl1 Barnickol To Claim Bride PD OF A MEMBERS BRAVE STORM TO ENTERTAIN VETS * Members of Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573, C.D. of A., drove to Downey Veterans hospital Jan; 4 for their monthly visit to entertain patients. The ladies brought games with them and distributed prizes to the winners, after which they served a lunch o f d o u g h n u t s , home m a d e cookies, fruit and candy. Due to the^. inclement weather, only one car made the trip, with Bobby May as driver. Others making the trip were Elizabeth Thompson, chairman; Bertilla Freund, Anne Rodenkirch and Helen Heuser. The ladies are to be commended for so faithfully making this trip to bring a little cheer to the Downey veterans. Regardless of weather, the trip is made each first Wednesday of the month. £&ekjtin> CAROL ANN CONROY Mr. and Mrs. William F. Conroy, 1801 W. Park avenue, Anaconda, Montana, announce the eitgagement of their daughter, Carol Ann, to Karl Richard Barnickol, of Chicago, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Barnickol, Woodlawn Park, McHenry. Miss Conroy graduated Magna Cum Laude from Seattle university and received her Master of Arts degree in social work from the University of Chicago. She is currently employed as a social worker for the Evanston public schools. Mr. Barnickol is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of The Johns Hopkins university, Baltimore, Md., and a Doctor of Law of the University of Chicago Law school. He is with a Chicago law firm. A late summ rwedde ngiis planned. January 10 O.E.S. Stated Meeting-- p.m. -- Acacia Hall, Joatiary IS McHenry Woman's Club Meeting -- 1 p.m. --Community Methodist Church. Jaauary IS Social Meeting-Card Tournament --C.D. of A -- 8 p.m. -- K. of C. Hall. .January 18 District n Annual Meeting, Garden Club of Illinois, Inc. -- Hyatt House, Lincolnwood- Jannary 17 Riverview Camp, No. 6818, Installation of Officers - 8 p.m. -- K. of C. Hall. Joauary is McHenry Garden Club Guest Day -- Community Methodist Church -- 1 p.m. January 19 Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573, C.D. of A., Business Meeting -- K. of C. Hall -- 8 p.m. January 27 Square Dance for Learners Nativity Lutheran Church -- 8 to 11 p.m. January 28 St. John's Home and School Association Dance -- Hawaiian Night -- Johnsburg Community Club -- 8 p.m. February 2 Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573, C.D. of A., Social Meeting --Card Tournament -- K. of C. Hall -- 8 p.m. February 7 St. Patrick's .Home and S c h o o l A s s o c i a t i o n S a l a d Luncheon and Card Party -- Serving from 11:30 to 1 p.m. -- St. Patrick's Church Hall. E@b@^S 3Uaasa@ ¥M1* Graadparonfi's Home Robert Luing, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Luing of Schiller Park, was a surprise visitor in the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Luing of Lakeland Park, Tuesday morning. He just returned from a year's duty in Vietnam serving with the 219th Aviation Company Headhunters, U.S. Army. He will be home for 45 days and will then report to Fort Bragg, N.C. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Luing and daughter, Shirley, accompanied him. to McHenry. Friendship Club Will View Film The Friendship club of the Community Methodist church will meet at the church next Saturday night at 6 p.m. for a pot-luck dinner. The Program will be irf charge" of V i c e - P r e s i d e n t a n d M r s . Leonard McCracken. It will be the new historical film of the Hiawatha Pioneer Trail, narrated by Eddie Albert of the TV program "Green Acres". It is "fact, fiction, history and song" skillfully blended, covering the highlights of historical places in . Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Teens Plan Benefit Dance ?l£ASB The Cryan Shames, nationally known Rock n' Roll group, are shown above having March , of Dimes buttons pinned on by McHenry County Teen-Age dance co-chairmen Debbie Dinham and Collen Drayer. Dick Reynolds, in the center of the picture* has f Pl!?S completed PRESENT "YEAR for the March of T-^^GARDENING.. Dance to be held Jan. 15, at the New Place, a teen-age night club located two miles north of Algonquin on Rt. 31. The hours of the dance will be from 3:30 to 9:30 p.m. The afternoon and evening dance will be filled with entertainment supplied by the popular "Cryan Shames," B a r n e y . P i p a n d D i c k Williamson, disc jockeys from WCFL, and other groups. Teen-agers from all over the area are urged to help make this benefit a success. The profits from -this dance will help finance scientific research and support a growing nation-wide networks of centers for the study and treatment of birth defects. More than 250,000 American babies are born each year with serious birth defects. CLIPPED WINGS MAKES PLANS FOR FASHION REVUE Clipped Wings, Stewardess Alumni, Inc., will meet at the Florence Crittenton anchorage in Chicago on Thursday, Jan. 19. Mrs. Marion Leary, executive director, will be guest speaker. A tour of the Anchorage is scheduled after luncheon. Reservations for the meeting at the Florence Crittenton Anchorage may be made FOR LOCAL CLUBS The McHenry Garden club invites the public to a program by Robert. W. Elich of Park Ridge. Mr. Elich is a member of the Men's Garden club, Chicago area, and the Royal Horticultural society. The program, "A Year of Gardening", is a one-hour colored film which he narrates as the film is shown. It is a record of all phases of gardening from January to January. There are detailed close-ups of starting seedlings under lights, transplanting, making cuttings, forcing bulbs, greenhouse procedure, aquatic gardening, plus vivid pictures of the flowers as they come into bloom through each season. A question and answer period will follow. Anyone interested in broadening her gardening knowledge as a club guest should, set aside Wednesday, Jan. 18, and come to the Community Methodist church at 1 p.m. A tea will follow the program. JUNIOR COLLEOtl PROGRAM TOLD TEENAGE GOP The Teenage Republicans of McHenry county held their meeting Thursday night, Jan. 5, at the office " of Paul Schwegel. Mrs. Joan Hill was invited to speak to the members about the proposed Junior college for McHenry county. Mrs. Hill gave them a general idea about what the plans for a college would entail. This included how committees will be used, what ideas have been proposed for a lo-^ cation and curriculum, what problems will have to be f a c e d c o n c e r n i n g c o u n t y ' boundaries, and the need for this type of college. Mrs. Hill also stated that there have been significant changes made concerning the Junior college since 1963, when the referendum on the college was defeated. Reasons for the changes, espec- . ially in cost, have resulted from a law passed in 1965 in the Illinois state legislature concerning appropriations for junior colleges. Mrs. Hill urged members and anyone interested to attend the public hearing on . the proposed Junior college at Woodstock Community high school Tuesday, Jan. 10. The next guest was David Warren, chairman of the Teenage Republican state committee. He discussed, with the members, the TAR Organization and exactly how it works. He also gave examples of how other TAR groups work and activities in which they engage. The McHenry county TARs then held their meeting and "The Storyteller" returns decided that the date for the Thursday, Jan. 19, at 10 a.m. next meeting will be on Tuesto dramatize Samuel Beck- day, Jan. 31. The location ett's "Man For All Seasons" has not been decided. at the Woodstock Opera House. Val Bettin is the story-teller enjoyed on Chicago TV for- three years. Mr. Bettin, who trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, London, England •sand at London University t has been on the stage in England and this country in a variety of roles from classical drama to modern comedy. Mr. Bettin's program is one in a series of six given each month at the opera house. There will be a special luncheon served in the Green room following Mr. Bettin's dramatization. been in charge of securing other groups for the March of Dimes Benefit to be held Jan. 15, from 3:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the New Place, teen-age night club on Route 31, two miles north of Algonquin. "STORYTELLER' RETURNS TO OPERA HOUSE Shop In McHenry Biker Baby Baptized Sunday David Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ricker, was baptized by Rev. Carl Lobitz at the Zion Lutheran church last Sunday with a cousin, Barbara Brugger, of Kenosha and an uncle, Robert Dixon, serving as sponsors. A- buffet supper was served at the Ricker home later to the sponsors, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dixon and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Ricker, the greatgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl, an uncle, Glen Dixon, an aunt and un- • cle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert ' Brugger, of Kenosha, and Mrs. Ray Gabinsky of Blom- Ingdale, a friend. • u'8'8 B'B'fl's a a awaTBTnnrvya fl'8TB'6T8'<nnn> a tfravimrj Dual Enrollment Program Explained .St. .Patrick's Home School association extends an invitation to attend the Tuesday, Jan. 17, meeting at 8 p.m. in the church halL Guest speaker will be Duane D. Andreas, project director of a Md Z^$wfyBdtfc...atoax,FUU-S2ER\/ICE baric!• with Mrs. Walter Gehlaar, federal grant called "Dual 1332 W. Bay road, McHenry. Enrollment Innovations." Clipped Wings members This concerns shared time are making final plans for being used in the Johnsburg their annual benefit luncheon Junior high and St. John's fashion show scheduled yfor Catholic school and which March 16. Tickets for this may at some future date be benefit to be held at the Lake employed in McHenry Shore club in Chicago will be schools. distributed to the former Questions will be answered stewardesses. for those who attend. Marriage Licenses Harold V. Little, Crystal Lake, and Georgine Strama, Rt. 2, McHenry. Richard Franzen, McHenry. and Donna Luciano, Wonder Lake.' Robert Zahn and Virginia Grand, both of McHenry. HOLIDAY GUT TRIP Mrs. Maudia Beaudry was the - recipient of a wonderful C h r i s t m a s g i f t f r o m h e r grandson, Alan Burkes, who took her by jet plane to Los Angeles to see the Tournament of Roses game. They also attended the Purdue New Year's party at toe Biltmore hotel. The visit included many other points of interest. Mrs. Beaudry describes this as the most wonderful trip she has ever taken and was especially pleased with the jet ride. Among The Sick George Duesler is a patient at Hines Veterans hospital. Color Film To Be Shown W8C8 The Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Community Methodist church will hold the monthly meeting on Jan. 19. Prayer service will be held in the sanctuary at 11:45, followed by the noon luncheon served by the Lorraine Gribbens circle. The program Will consist of a movie entitled "The Long March." This color film shows the cooperative actions of several denominations through Church World Service as they serve persons affected by poverty and disaster in Korea, Iran, Pakistan, and Algeria. The worship service will be conducted by Mrs. Vernon Thompson. SpssjiaMote In • KNIT DRESSES • FORMALS FrL to 9 pan. Dally 7 aju - 6 pm QmaMy Ctamlkf Laundry Shirts • DRAPERIES • LEATHER • FURS WE CHALLENGE COMPARISON TRY US AND SEE 1208 N. Green Street 888-1712 McHenry, DL Glamour Portraits WEDDINGS. . . FORMAL and CANDID. Brides-to-be- FREE glamour sifting and Picture PHONE 385-5579 I tCMAkD 1 STUDIC McHENRY 17 Years Experience CLEARANCE I Sportswear Prices also reduced on MMSYMOm ITEMS HANIS NUAL SALE Bag. 3 pr. $4.50 One Week Only So much safety for so few cents! It costs so very little to safeguard your valuables b@r*--ta provide Safe Deposit hs^h-vauU protection against fife, theft, flood, soffaado, or careless misplacement. Eent your Safe Deposit box here nowl WALK-HP fc DRIVE-IN WINDOWS OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 4:30 p.m. lo 7:30 p.m. - • McHENRY STATE "Your $30,000,000.00 Bank" PHONE 385-1040 © SoOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOQOQOOOOOOqflflf h i , *

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