Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jan 1967, p. 2

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PAGE 2r SECTION 1 - MCHENRY PLAIN DEALER - J ANUARY 19, 1967 Churchmen In Area Organize TWINS ENGAGED SHEILA SCHTRINGA SHIRLEY SCHURINGA Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sdiurlnga of Crystal Lake, former •; residents of McHenry, announce the en&ageroents of their \ twin daughters, Shirley, to Brent Mac Dougall and Sheila ;-to Douglas Mac Dougall formerly of Bennington, Vt and residing in Wauconda. ) Shirley and Sheila graduated from Crystal Lake high school in June, 18SS. Brent gradated from Bennington high schoo1 in 1959 and his brother in 1962. •Z A July 22 double wedding is planned. James Kagaa I To Take Bride I: SANDRA PREBONICK Mr. and Mrs. John'Prebonlck of Beloit, Wis. announce the engagement of their daughter, Sandra Jean, to James Joseph Kagan, son of Dr. and Mrs. Louis L. Kagan of Spring • <3iowt. A June wedding is planned. Miss Prebonick is a graduate" of Beloit Catholic ldgh school and Spencerian Busi- • ness college, Milwaukee. Mr. ( Kagan graduated from Maran Central Catholic high school, Woodstock, and will graduate from the school of , speech of Marquette untafersity in Milwaukee in June. J- ------- > Ccaplo ^•gagaged To Wei PATRICIA MOBSISON *'• Mr. and Mrs. Norman Motv Z jlsori of 119 W. Valley View X drive, McHenry, announce "*• the engagement of their Elena H Not so many years ago wo men had to depend on pomade, lacquer and a var- ' iety of other heavy dress- : ings to keep their coifs in ^ place. In recent years hairspray has come into the picture. There are sprays for oily, dry< damaged bleached and tinted fact, there is a spray for almost any type hair or hair condition you might chance to have. Strangely, hairspray which is a life saver to so many women usually contains polyvinyl pryrrolidine...a real life saver developed during World War n as a plasma extender. HP OF THE WEEK: If you use hairspray regularly (who doesn't) don't buy Just any one. Select one formulated for your type of . hair. Erik ffio&eit Beagstoa " Christened fesiay The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bengston was christened, Erik Robert, Sunday, at St. Mary's church with Father Matthew Rudden officiating at 2 p.m. Sponsors for their nephew were Mrs. Merle Freund and Roy H. Miller, Jr. Following the ceremony a dinner was held at the home of the matenal grandparents, Mr.and Mrs. Roy H. Miller! Sr., for the sponsors, grandparents and other relatives. Erik is the couple's first child and besides his matei^ nal grandparents, he has two paternal grandparents and two paternal great-grandpar-. ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Bengston of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. H. B Bengston, Northbrook, respectively. The baby was dressed in s christening gown worn by his toother,- the Reiser JUtti MOleru- PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS PLAN WINTER PROGRAM The general meeting of Lake area chapter, No. 1S9, will be held on Thursday, Jan. 19, at 3:30 p.m. at the Rumsey Insurance building, Rte. 176, in Crystal Lake. Following the meeting, there will be a discussion group. Marge Ohlfest, district representative from Aurora chapter, wQl be the guest speaker and discussion group leader. On Saturday, Jan. 21, the group will be going dancing in Elgin. Everyone is to meet at the Rumsey building at 8:30 p.-m. Hie February meeting will be SieM oa Feb. 16. There will be an income tax expert as guest speaker. Parents Without Partners, Inc., is an international, nonprofit, non-sectarian educational organization devoted to the welfare and interest of single parents and their children. Anyone interested in obtaining further information may write to Parents Without Partoess, Box 165, Crystal Lake, 60014. _ daughter, Patricia M., to A-2C Eugene A. Bolda, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Bolda of 413 S. Highland drive, McHenry. Patricia is a 1965 graduate of McHenry high school and the American Academy of Medical Technology. She is now employed as a laboratory technician at McHeury hospital. Airman Bolda, a 1964 graduate of Marian Central high school, is serving with the U.S. Air Force, stationed in Turkey. fie dale has been set for the wedding. Glamour Portraits WEDDINGS... FORMAL and CANDID. Brides-to-be- FREE glamour sifting and Picture PHONE 385-5579 l lgmard i STUDIO SEEKS TITLE Sandenr;..x*lg»,, irig Miss McHenry County, will be competing in the Miss Illinois County Fair contest Jan. 21 to 23 in Springfield. Noreen was the first Miss Richmond to win the Miss McHenry County title, an honor she earned last August at the McHenry County Fair. FALSE ALARM McHenry firemen, answered a call in the below zero temperatures of early Wednesday morning, only to find that, fortunately, there was no fire. A resident in the area of Edgebrook school awoke suddenly, saw smoke, and thinking the school was afire, turned in- the alarm. Lake Region YMCA To Hold Fourth Annual Dinner Meeting The first of a series of potluck luncheons open to socially concerned churchmen of all faiths will be held at the Crystal Lake Methodist church on Jan. 18 at 11:45 a.m. The group, to call itself Churchmen For McHenry County, hopes to attract clergy and lay persons from all over the county? An authority on the junior college will give a brief picture and then open for discussion. Participants are invited to bring their own dish- Ware and silver if possible. The group will let out at 1 p.m. These series of luncheon discussions on McHenry county i s s u e s w i l l m e e t o n c e monthly in various parts of the county. The issues will depend on the group's concern, but probable topics will be mental health, present delinquency patterns, and industrial growth and housing standards. Further information may be secured from Mrs. Frank C. (Phyllis) Templin, McHenry, or Rev. Ronald L. Anderson of Ringwood. TRAHSFEK WOUNDED SERVICEMAN Pfc. Donald Kopsell, who was wounded recently while serving with the paratroopers in Vietnam, has been transferred from a hospital in the Philippine* to one in Japan. Although his family tSlked with him this past week, the extent of his injuries was not revealed. The fourth annual meeting of the Lake Region YMCA governing members will take place Jan. 26 at 7 p.m, at the Woodstock Elk lodge. A dinner is planned, with a full business meeting to follow. The purpose is to review the year's activities, elect board members, launch the coming and unveil the report of the long range planning committee. Hie evening promises to be an enlightening event with a full agenda. The voices of a Woodstock high school choral group will provide singing for the dinner's enjoyment. Featured speaker for tills occasion will be the Rev. Eugene Maxwell, who is a counselor at the Woodstock high school. Reviewing the past year's activities of the Lake Region YMCA will reveal steadily increasing participation in the activities schedule. Steady Growth Membership rolls now indicate a present membership of 728, which is an increase over 1965 when 504 persons counted themselves as members of the Lake Region YMCA. The total number of different persons participating in this year's activities reached 1778, revealing a healthy growth pattern. This was an increase of 620 persons from the 1965 total participation of 1158 persbns. Activities which have met with approval include family activities, youth clubs, physical fitness, gym-fun, record dances, swimming instruction, ballet, bridgfe, adventure trips, golf instruction, bowling instruction and league, dramatic arts class, teen ski night figure skating, young adults, charm school and a day camp for youth. The Lake Region YMCA is a family "Y" where programs are arranged for families as a unit, as well as specific programs for boys ,girls, women and men. While an increase in family participation has been apparent, more family activities will be scheduled as interest develops. The program committee welcomes suggestions for new means to serve the region. Towns served include Algonquin, Gary, Crystal Lake, Fox River Grove, Huntley, Island Lake, T-nicp jq the Hills, McHenry, Wonder Lake and Woodstock. ) Elects IBdaM Among .. the important business to be acted upon at the Jan. 26 meeting is the nomination and election of board members to fill vacancies left by expirations and resignations. A total of nine board seats arc to be filled. Members whose seats are up for election include positions held by Dr. Ben Joshel, Ph.D., Earl Nehring, Wallace Nori n , Thomas P r a t h e r , J o h n Rehskers, Mrs. Betty Simons and Daniel Weisz. The resignations of the Rev. Kenneth Merck and Reno Bertellotti have left vacant chairs. Dr. Ben Joshel, chairman of the nominating committee, will give that committee's report, at which time he will present the names of those persons who have been nominated to run for the board of directors. Candidates whose names are included are William Burns, James Doraa, R o l a n d H e r r m a n n , day t o n Lake, Earl Nehring, Thom&S Prather, James Patton, John Renskers, Mrs . Betty Simons. The new board members will then be elected and installed in their offices. Long Range iteming Since the years to come rFF-Wiit** McHENRY 17 Years Experience e Specialists In • KNIT DRESSES • FORMALS Qnol% Cleciiiikiy Latmdbrf SfeMc • DRAPERIES i FURS 1208 N. Green 8treet FrL to 9 p.m. WE CHALLENGE COMPARISON TRY US AND SEE S88-1712 McHenry, DL Dally 7 •.ik - 6 p.m. will bring a greatly increased population in the lake region, the YMCA feels its commitment to the future populace needs to be well defined. Since the YMCA is a nonprofit service organization, solicitations are needed to assist the implementation of the operating budget. While a portion of the funds needed are acquired through membership dues and program fees; the largest portion comes from contributions of individuals, industry and businesses in the Lake Region area. Pledges sought for this year's operating budget are 5 2 4 , 7 8 5 in c o n t r i b u t i o n s , which are included in the $37,985 annual budget, whereas last year the budget requirements were 529,990. The finance campaign begins Feb. 2 and closes March 9. Mid-Winter Party, Luncheon Will Benefit Public Library HAWAIIAN NIGHT DANCE BENEFITS SCHOOL PROJECT The Home and School association of St. John's Schdol in Johnsburg will hold its annual fund raising dance, "Hawaiian Night", on Saturday, Jan. 28, at 9 p.m. in the Johnsburg Community clubhouse. Since the school is entering into one of the very few dual enrollment programs in this area next fall, this dance is of particular import a n c e. Members hope that the proceeds of this and future dances will be sufficient to pay for closed circuit television equipment to be used in con j u n c t i o n w i t h J o h n s b u r g school. In addition to helping the school children, "Hawaiian Night" promises to be an entertaining and eqjoya b 1 e evening. After crossing a flower decked bridge and receiving a traditional island welcome, guests can enjoy a tropical atmosphere while dancing to the music of a combo, or sipping an island beverage. Young dancers will present "Hawaiian Happiness". Attire for the evening will be casual, with grass skirts, sarongs, etc. January 19 Court Joyce Kilmer, No. £73, C.D. of A.. Business Meetihg -- K. of C. Hall - 8 p.m. January 24 O.E.S State Meeting January 28 Lecture Luncheon Club -- Noon --McHenry Country Club January 27 Square Dance for Learners Nativity Lutheran Church j-- 8 to 11 p.m. Januaacy 28 St. John's Home and School Association Dance -- Hawaiian Night -- Johnsburg Community Club -- 8 p.m. Square Dance -- Sponsored by Mount Hope Methodist Church Woman's Society -- Spring Grove School -- 8 to 11 p.m. --Tickets at Door. February 2 Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573, C.D. of A-, Social Meeting --Card Tournament -- K. of C. Hall -- 8 p.m. February 7 St. Patrick's Home and S c h o o l A s s o c i a t i o n S a l a d Luncheon and Card Party -- Serving from ll:3fc>to 1 p.m. -- St. Patrick's Church Hall. February 18 Valentine Card Party and Dessert Luncehon -- V.F.W. Clubhouse -- 1 p.m. --Sponsored by McHenry Woman's Club -- Proceeds to McHenry Library. Roller Skating Party--Just For Fun Roller Rink-- 7:30 to 10:30 p.m --Sponsored by Lakeland Park Boys' Baseball Club. February 22 Washington's Birthday Dessert- Card Party and Bake Sale -- Acacia Hall - 1 p.m.- Public Invited. The January meeting of the McHenry Woman's club was held ofFFriday, the thirteenth, at the Community Methodist church at 1 P m- Rev. Leonard Guzzardo, pastor of St. Patrick's Catholic church, opened the meeting with a brief period of meditation. "It's A Small World, a color film of the 1965 Pasadena Tournament of Roses, was the highlight of the afternoon. Clyde Blackwell, member "of the Community Methodist church, graciously consented to operate the movie projector for the showing of the film. His services were indeed appreciated. J» absence of Mrs. HlttAI Locker, president, and. Mrsi Odnald Gerlitz, first vicepresident, Mrs. Frank Gans, „ second vice-president, presided at the'&rieeting. Mrs. Gans was also chairman of the day. Mrs. Stewart Hoak, one -of the club's newer members, has consented to assume Mrs. Harold Wildhagen's duties as Ways and Means chairman while Mrs. Wildhagen is recuperating from a recent heart attack. Mrs. Peter Justen, membership chairman, welcomed M r s . J . E. H e l l g r e n and Mrs. John Verstege into the club. Both received an attractive mum corsage. Delicious refreshments were served during the social hour that followed, with Mrs. Frank Gregory on hand as tea hostess. Following the social hour, many of the members lingered to view a very informative film regarding "Cancer Facts For Women." The General Federation of Women's Clubs is in the last months of a year-long campaign to have the eleven, mi11*0" members of its affiliated clubs take the recommended test. Plans are under way for the upcoming philanthropic card party and dessert luncheon which will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 15, at the V.F.W. clubhouse at 1 pun. Net proceeds will go to the McHenry Public library. Marian Seniors Planning Dance The class'of '67 of Marian Central, Woodstock, has set the date for the annual senior dinner dance. The dance, entitled "Lollipops and Roues," will be held at the McHenry American Legion home Feb. 4. Dinner will be served at 7:30 and afterward there will be dancing until 11:30. Helping to get the dance organized are the following committees: Tickets and bids, Nancy Reeb and Barb Oglesby; publicity. Sue Novy and Cindy Nell; band, Mary Yunker and Mike Conway; theme and decorations, Kathy Mc- Intee and Lori Marfee; cleanup, Frank Stephens. Juniors, seniors and alumni are invited to attend the dance Alumni are to contact. Sue Novy or Cindy Nell (385- 2690) for reservations. No tickets will be sold at the door. Marriage Licenses Leo D. Zmijewski, Cleveland, Ohio, and Norma J. Cooper, McHenry. Bernard G. Benson, Sr., Streamwood, and Josephine Jean, Wonder. Lake. Kenneth W. Thomas, Ingleside, and Karen Grand, McHenry. People who have eyes fpr figures seldom have heads for them. FAMILY MISSION NIGHTS PLANNED IN LOCAL CHURCH - The Commission on Missions of the Community Methodist church will hold three family mission nights, beginning Sunday, Jan. 22, and continuing Sunday, Jan. 29 and Feb. 5. The study will be, "Affluence and Poverty, Dilemma for Christians". The evenings will be devoted to the following discussions: Jan. 22, "Causes of Poverty", a thirty-minute discussion; Jan. 29, "Alluence" ---what it is, causes and the Feb. 5, "Poverty" --local causes, problems and solutions. The chedule includes a pot-luck supper from 5:30 to 6:15, worship from 6:15 to 6:30 and program from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Those attending are asked to bring their own sandwiches and a dessert or salad to share. Beverages will be furnished. There will be a nursery available and classes for children ages 5 to 7 and 8 to 10. These meetings are open to the public. McHenry Hospital On Jan. 9 Mr. and Mrs. James Penick became par* ents of a son. Dr. and Mrs. Mehander Sarin announce the birth of a son on Jan. 11. A son was born Jan. 12 to Mr. and Mrs Marv i n Hughes. ^ Memorial Hospital, Woodstock Mr. and Mrs. Charles Utes of Wonder Lake are parents of a son Jan 15. Other Births Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hafferlcamp are parents of their first child, a daughter, Maureen Elizabeth. She was born Jan. 5 at Sherman hospital, Elgin, and weighed 7 lbs. 10 ozs. Mrs. Hafferkamp is the former Madalyn Glosson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Glosson. The paternal grandparents are the George Hafferkamps of Crystal Lake. MEDICAL ASSISTANTS MEET The McHenry County Medical Assistants will hol&t their monthly meeting Thursday, Jan. 19, at 8 p.m., at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, Woodstock. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Eileen Hanson, visiting nurse for the McHenry County Board of Health. All medical assistants are invited to attend. „ McHENRY MOOSE NO. 691 McHenry Moose Home -- Rt. 120. McHenry Muscular Dystrophy Dance Saturday, Jan. 21st -- 9-1 a.m. Donation $1.50 per person Sandwiches available at minimum cort. All Proceeds to go to the Muscular Dystrophy Organization 'P'P'P'I'TT'l'T'l"! *P FREE j Knitting CoursH Beginning Jan.30 for 10 weeks; * by qualified teachers. f Registration Jan. 26-27-28. Only * I • * f * |requirement $5.00 beginners kit. | Day or Evening classes 5 YARN BARN I 1804 N. Riverside Brlv© McH©saj?y, HI. < REPORT OF CONDITION OF McHENRY W BANK of McHenry, Illinois, at the close of business December 31, 1963, a state bankimg MtuMon organized and operating under the bulking laws &Mo State and a member of the Federal K©oerve Syoftoam. IPcibllshed in accordjance with a call mod® by the State ESamMmg Authorities and by the Federal J&esesve Bank of this MsftricL A S 8 K T 8 1. Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection 2,519,007.06 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 10,644,839.52 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions 1,248,524.87 4. Securities of Federal agencies and corporations not guaranteed by United States 925,027.18 5. Other securities (including 936,000.00 corporate stocks) 36,000.00 7. Other loans and discounts 14,624,732.60 8. Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises . • 586,757.54 9. Real estate owned other than bank premises 1.00 11. Other assets 18,069.80 12. TOTAL ASSETS $30,602,959.57 L I A B I L I T I E S K x 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations ^ 8,076,812.27 14. Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 16,800,692.56 15. Deposits of United States Government .... 185,488.64 16. Deposits of States and political subdivisions 2,451,616.23 19. Certified and officers' checks, etc 333,264.82 20. TOTAL DEPOSITS (items 13 to 19) $27,847,874.52 (a) Total demand deposits 10,547,181.% ( b ) T o t a l t i m e and s a v i n g s deposits 17,300,692.56 24. Other liabilities (including $NONE mortgages and other liens on bank premises and other real estate) 243,326.73 25. TOTAL LIABILITIES $28,091,201.25 C A P I T A L A C C O U N T S 26. (c) Common stock--total par value $ 400,000.00 . No. shares authorized 4000 ^ No. shares outstanding 4000 27. Surplus 800,000.00 28. Undivided profits 561,758.32 29. Reserve for contingencies and other capital reserves 750 000.00 30. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 2,511,758.32 31. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $30,602,959.57 M E M O R A N D A 1. Average of total deposits for the 15 calendar days ending with call date 27,686,112.81 2. Average of total loans for the 15 calendar days ending with call date .. 14,295,294.25 3. Loans as shown in "Assets" are after deduc-^--^ tion of valuation reserves of /T 361,159.26 I, Thomas F. Bolger, Cashier, of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this report of condition is true to the best of my knowledge and belitf. THOMAS F. BOLGER We, the undersigned directors, attest the correctness of this report of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct ROBERT L. WEBER RICHARD J. ZIEMAN GERALD J. CAREY Directors. State of Illinois County of McHenry ss: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of January, 1967. fioShF<Aall ,;) NLIoNtaDryA PHuEbSliSc

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