Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Feb 1967, p. 21

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^FEBRUARY 23, 1967- McHENRY PLAINDEAlER • ? - ^ 3 i OOIORE8 BBENNAK 9 * s e c t i o n . ^ , ^ ; n £ * WSC&S* "X . .» . . <> '• COMMENDED FOR DRIVE SONSHINE GIRLS ELECT OFFICERS ' AT 4-H MEETING 4 The first meeting of the neit year for the Ringwood Sunshine Girls' 4-H Club was called to border at 1:30 p;m. on Saturday by-Diane Christopher. ,yfrhe main topic of the meet* ingwas the election of officers. Elected were Pam Low as president, Michele Rassmussert, vice-president, Dolores Betts, secretary, Lynn Tomlinson as co-secretary, Resae Ackerman sLs reporter, Anna Wfrtston, recreation chairman" and Debbie Betts as treasurer. Following the election of officers, all members decided what projects they were going to take up.- Cooking and clothing were chosen by most. ^ The meeting" was-then adjourned, with the next meeting scheduled for March 4, in the church basement. Resae Ackerman, Reporter. RINGWOOD METHODIST CHURCH Church services every Sunday at 10 a.m. with Church School at 11 a.m. . Oh Feb. 23rd, WSCS Workday. Nominating committee for the official board will meet at sfp.m. at the Bluemel Residence 8008 Oakwood Drive, Wonder Lake. 'Feb. 25. Confirmation Class Willi be meeting at Mt. Hope church at 9:30 p.m. The Junior Choir will meet a( II a.m. at the Ringwood church. • There will be an Interfaith Bible Study at the Tubins in Jdhnsburg. ^Feb. 26th. The M.Y.F. groif) wtll see the film, "The Bible". yM&rch 1 - Churchmen for McHenry County will meet at the Mental Health Center in McHenry. A Sack Lunch and coff& f wili be provided. This meeting^ will be held at 11:45 a.m. The church will develop a working relationship with the Mental Health Center. livery Tuesday and Thursday af>10 a.m. the young mothers grDtg) are at the churph baby sitting while others go out to work in service. All interested wohien are urged to join. They do. like to keep in touch, and invite you to come and join th$m for coffee. , BIRTHDAYS Jghi Feb. 26, Don Klapperich celebrates his birthday. Happy birthday to you Don. Don isf, stationed in Viet Nam at present. CARD CLUB vThe Card Club met on Wednesday in the home of Mrs. Botha Peet at Richmond. Mae Wgedrich took high score for the day with Anna Shadle taking low. SHOWER HELD FOR ; it ILA HOGAN v Ila Hogan was feted at a shower held in her honor in the home of Bev Ackerman on Thursday with Judy Beck and Wanda Bruce helping as cohostesses. N It was akitchen shower, since the Hogans lost all of their belongings in a recent fire. Attending were Clara Tonyan, ^Phyllis Ackerman, Helen Barker, Althea Walkington, Wanda Bruce, Judy Beck and Bev Ackerman. Coffee, and cake were served to all following the shower. HOT LUNCH SERVERS Serving barbecues on March 1, will be Marion Winters and Sheila Galli. <? AROUND TOWN On Monday, Eleanor Howe and Edwin Hawley of Crystal Lake called on Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley. Mrs* Merle Wiedrich called on Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., on Saturday. Mrs. L, E. Hawley spent Tuesday visiting friends in Chicago. Mrs. Merle Wiedrich called on Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Geiser and five boys of Capron called on Mrs. Wiedrich, Sr., on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Fox River Grove, Mrs. Floyd Howe and Edwin Hawley of Crystal Lake were Sunday afternoon callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Hawley. lit PERSONALS Arnold May, left, who headed last.year's successful Cancer Crusade in McJTenry county and District I, receives a certificate from Wayne Philips, state chairman. May heads the McHenry county chapter this year. The 1967 Cancer Crusade, under the direction of Bill T&mmeus, begins April 1. Q. Is there anything I can do about a vacuum - bottle cork which, because of much use, has become too small for the opening in the bottle? A. By boiling these corks in a covered pan, they will not only expand back to original size, but will also be nicely sterilized. HOLSTEIN CLUB SETS BANQUET FOR MARCH 9 The annual McHenry-Lake Hoi stein club banquet will be held on March 9 at 8 p.m. at Marian Central high school, Woodstock. This will be a roast beef and turkey dinner, served family style. Speaker of the evening will be Karl Gardener, associate dean and director of resident instruction, College of Agrilculture, and professor of Nutrition department of Dairy Science of University of Illinois. Those wishing to buy tickets should contact the officers of the McHenry-Lake Holstein club, the banquet committee members, Robert Nichols, Hebron; Otto Zickuhr, Marengo; Charles Weingart, McHenry; Herman Albrecht, Huntley; Charles Mikulice, Antioch; McHenry County Farm Advisor, Louis Engelbrecht, or at the McHenry County Farm Bureau office. This is one of the gala events for holstein raisers of the year. Hm Can I ? Q. If nylon or any other such synthetic fabric has been ironed at a too-high temperature, and some of it has melted onto the sole plate of my iron, what can I do? A. You can remove this residue from the bottom of your iron with a paste of glycerin and scouring powder. Apply the paste to the iron while it is set at its highest temperature, then remove with a soft damp cloth -- being careful, of course, not to burn yourself! Q. How can I protect the backs of mirrors from scratches? A. By covering the mirror backs with a coat of clear shellac. Another reminder: Sunlight causes mirrors to become cloudy -- so hang them away from any direct rays of the sun. Q. What can I do about water stains on my hardwood floors? A. Rub these spots with a cloth dampened in turpentine or mineral spirits, using a circular motion while rubbing. Dry with a clean cloth. Q. What suggestion can you make on the removal of a ring that is tightly stuck on a finger? A. Take a yard-long piece of string, slip one end under the ring toward the back of your hand, and wind it tightly around your finger until it covers the joint above the ring. Then remove the ring by unwinding the string from bottom to top. Q. What is a quick lint-removal method for dark clothing? A. Use a strip of cellophane tape, wound around your hand, sticky side out, and rub this over your dark clothing. It will catch up the lint, and is a good grooming idea when you are about to go out. Q. How can I do a really effective job of cleaning out the inside of a vacuum bottle? A. Try filling the vacuum bottle with warm water and add a heaping teaspoon of cooking soda. Let it stand overnight. Do this once a week. 6. yijTi TOM SOOIDOWHkMB _ prtsca &!g Ford hanl- •K23 ccdcno basil fco covingo porad# at your Ford DooEofo AmuoH VJSnito Sato! Built for this sale only--Galaxie 500 2-Door Hardtops. Custom 500 Sedansl Your choice of models with special trim and equipment factory-installed to save you money. Whit* Sale savings on Mustangs, Ford wagons-- •very other Ford in stock. Limited tims only! •Mar idtss trUamtw Feo rdt-oCeor ourn dtrroyp Ss aHuitl «mta 1*-mcitty« BUSS FORD SALES Q. How can I improvise a dustpan when the real thing is not at hand? A. Just wet a double piece of newspaper on one edge, and your sweepings can be easily scooped onto this. Mrs. Mary Turner is spending some time in the home of her grandson, William Jordan, and family in Downers Grove. Gerald Blake is vacationing with friends in Miami, Fla., this week. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Matthews and daughter, Sarah Jo, of Lake Geneva, were Sunday dinner and sivper guests in the hone of his sister, Mrs. Agnes Wissell. Mr. and Mrs. George H.Johnson entertained at a birthday dinner for their son, George E. Johnson, Saturday evening. Those present to enjoy a delicious dinner with the customary birthday cake and social evening were Mr. and Mrs. • Goerge E. Johnson, Stephen . and Susan and Mrs. 0. G. Eder, Arlington Heights, Mrs. Erie Geer, Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson, McHenry. „ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sezick of Chicago visited Mrs. William Jordan at the McHenry hospital Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grever and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl were weekend visitors in Neenah, Wis. The Roland Ekstrom family of Elgin were Sunday visitors in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Lockwood and family of Lake Geneva were Sunday dinner guests in the Howard Lockwood home. In the afternoon the elder Mrs. Lockwood accompanied her daughter-in-law to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dallas Davis, in Lake-ln-the-Hills where they attended a shower for another daughter, Miss Nancy Lockwood, a bride of the hear future. Other McHenry folks in attendance were Mrs. Vivian Johnson and Mrs. Lorraine Johnson. A 1/c James B. Meyer is home from Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., to spend two weeks leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. James Wagner of Milton, Wis., visited relatives in McHenry Sunday. Mitchell, Mathew and Marc Molter of Genoa City, Wis., spent Saturday with their grandmother, Mrs. Peter J.Schaefer. Mrs. Bill Bicknell of Hebron was a caller in the home of her ' aunt, Mrs. Frank Meyer, last Friday. Miss Sue Gerasch and a friend, Miss Jean Morelli of Detroit, Mich., of St. Xavier*s Chicago, were weekend guests in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Tillie Gerasch. Other students from there, home for the weekend, were Carol Miller, Diane Rothering and Barbara Shannon. Mr. and Mrs. HermanSteffes and daughter, Kathy, visited another daughter, Donna; at Alverno College, Milwaukee, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thennes spent a few days the past week at Wautonna, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edstrom and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lingenfelter, Jean Ann and Tommy ADULT INQUIRY CLASSES BEGIN AT WONDER LAKE Rev. Thomas L. Johnson, pastor of Nativity Lutheran church of Wonder Lake, will hold another series of informal discussions on the essentials of our Christian faith and lite beginning Sunday, Feb. 26, at 4 p.m. This series will be held aiNativity Lutheran church and will run for a period of six weeks. The class is open to all persons who desire to learn more attended a family gathering at' the home of Mrs. Lingenfelter* s aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schultz, in Clarendon Hills, Saturday night, honoring their son, Paul, who has been released from Army service and just returned from Viet Nam. Other guests were the Daniel Ed strom and Allen Brenner families of Chicago. about the Lutheran church and permit those who so de- Ssfel;; sire, an opportunity to seek membership in the church. . During the six weeks the following subjects will be discussed: . l>The Church in history.. * }. The Lutheran Church. andr r. the church and its worldwide ; task. 2)-Why should we worship' God: Is the Church necessary? How can 1 make both more meaningful? 3)-What do Christians believe concerning God? .How can we best understand the Trinity? 4)-What about the sacraments? How many and how, meaningful are they in one's life? •*> 5)-God's concern for man's welfare made known in the Bible and in the basic task of the Church. 6)-What should church membership mean in terms of privileges and responsibility? EARL R. WALSH Licensed Real Estate Broker past 30 years Announcet the Association of Mrs. Edwin C. Wittrock Licensed Real Estate Salesman Seeking wSl-kept homes to list and happy famlies to fill them. Also Business and Farm Property Earl R. Walsh Real Estate S428 W. ELM STREET •MOO McHENRY, ILLINOIS 385-44S4 Drive a Ford Country Special at a White Sale price! CAREY APPLIANCE is A NEW KILVINATOR DEALERI set oe/& SP£C/AL KEIV/NA7VR iN7RODUC79fir VAiUES NEW PRICES I I NEW TERM5' This one appliance can modernize your kitchen m • m • •• • | A M U\\\\\\\wu MODEL U99N »• NEMA Att this In a spmcm only 31 inches wId* and 65 inches high: • Huge 152-pound No-Frost freezer. • Spacious 12.4-cu.-ft refrigerator. • Plus features that make capacity food storage more convenient than ever: SPECIALLY PRICED FOR LIMITED ONLY $ 299 95 WT McHem JA, 9836 Main Sirt*l Faisulous New imwall Foodarama ly Kelvinati UlaaUtcapw G&M-Otrt Std? BuBMn Buttar MO UtMSf uitK Meat-keeper slides out tor easy use. Glide-out shelves are easy to load and unload. lo-Uie-door batter ctteese chest IbcMgs batter dish. Put Foodarama In your kitchen and enjoy better living Immediately! Its new Trimwall construction gives you 22 cubic feet of food storage, Including a 307-lb. upright freezer-- all in on© cabinet. With this abundant storage, you h&v© bitter meals, save time by shopping t@ssf save money by having room for food "specials." You never hav© to defrost either freezer or refrigerator. Enjoy better living and give your kitchen new beaufy and efficiency with Foodaramal NOW ONLY $499 91 WT KELVINATOR BRINGS YOU GREATER VALUE! Through a program of Constant Basle Improvement, Ketvinator concentrates engineering time and money to bring you appliances that ara more useful, more dependable and more economical tooptrit*. Appliance, Inc -- SALES & SERVICE -- 1241 N. Grfien Phoetis 385-5500 ^ Us® Qm Fgae Parking Lot 2 Doors South Step up to bigger capacity--at bigger savings than ever! See this special[Kelvinetor vaiu® mow! Kelvinator Deluxe 30" Gas Range 9 4-Hour Timer 9 Appliance Outlet • Large 24" Oven • Incadesceni Panel light wt

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