^ * v - \ T ' PAGE 2, SECTION I - McHENRY PLAINDEALER - MARCH 2, 1967 Wedding Bells MARRIED RECENTLY w;IF v. Vocalists Will Entertain Club McHenry high school vocal students will provide entertainment for the McHenry Woman's club at their monthly meeting to be held on Friday, March 10, at the Community Methodist church at 1 p.m. Mrs. D. A. Hopfear, chairman of the Fine Arts division, will be chairman of the day, with Mrs. Erik Braeme on hand as tea hostess. The/ at 9:30\2um. on Monday, March 6, at the home of Mrs. Vaughan Jones, 800 Center street. A report will be forthcoming next week on the results of the St. Valentines Day card party and dessert luncheon to benefit the McHenry Public library. le Executive board will meet :ajn. a HEARING « AIDS RENA SCHAID Oterion Hearing Center 1407 N. Green St. Mctay Elena % Beauty Hints MeHenry. Ctrl Emgmged To Wed Not so many years ago women had to depart om pomade, laquer and a variety of other hair dressings to keep their coifs in place. Laquer is a fine iiair spray if it is applied lightly after your hair style is finished. It must not be used to give your hair body While you ore styling your hair. Hair laquer is used in your better salons only, it is a product that must be used properly and with great care. On every day hair styles a light spray will give you a fine crust and a very high gloss. Laquer is especially great for upswept hairdos. It will keep your hair looking fine for many days. When brushing laquer from the hair you must start at the ends and brush upwards to the roots. It will never give you a dry scalp like most sprays wifl. Hair spray may be used after laquer has been applied to your hair at your beauty salon. However don't overspray with anything; spray or laquer, both if used without care and sparingly can dry and dull your hair aM also pull oct your hairdo when you try to brush it and comb it in place. Sure hair beauty stems from nature: and the encouragement you give to nature. So take good care girls it's your own "God given crowning glory, only you can help it or hurt it. Let's keep those heads shining. TIP OF THE WEEK. A matching hair piece worn alternately with your regular hair style can help to keep you from teasing your hair constantly and also change your feair style. Ask us abmt them we will be glad to drirjy you eanspfes. beauty bazaar sff-tm MARCELLA CHRISTENSEN Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Christens en of 2702 N. Shorewood drive, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Marcella Ann, to James Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hughes of Lake Zurich. Miss Christens en is a graduate of McHenry high school and her fiance graduated from Ela Vernon high school. Both are attending Ripon college, Ripon, Wis., she is a member of Alpha Xi Delta sorority and he belongs to Theta Chi fraternity. No definite date for the wedding has been set. MISS JACKSON LOVELY BRIDE OF WOODSTOCK MAN Miss Olive Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jackson of 5018 N. Memory Trail, McHenry, was given in marriage by her father when she became the bride of Mr. Kenneth Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ermel Morris of Woodstock, on Saturday. Feb. 18. The 11 o'clock morning nuptials took place in Faith Presbyterian, church. Attending the couple were Susan Anderson, sister of the bride, as matron of honor, and Ermel "Bud" Morris, brother of the groom, as best man. A reception followed the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents. The new Mrs. Morris formerly was employed at Memorial hospital Woodstock. Her husband attends the University of Illinois in Champaign, where they are making their home. Young Couple's Engagement Told MR. AND MRS. STEVE MESSMAN St. Catherine of Alexandria church, Oak Lawn, was the setting for a lovely wedding on Feb. 4 which united in marriage Miss Susan Devine of Oak Lawn and Mr. Steve Missman, a former McHenry resident. The young couple are making their home in DeKalb, where the bridegroom is attending "Northern Illinois university. PATRICIA DiGIACOMO A June wedding is planned for Patricia DiGiacomo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis DiGiacomo, Park Ridge, and Robert Adler, son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Adler, McHenry. Parents of the prospective bride have announced the engagement. The forthcoming wedding will take place at St. Paul of the Cross Catholic church, Park Ridge. Miss DiGiacomo is a graduate of Maine Township high school and Moser Secretarial' school, and attends classes at Loyola university, where she is a secretary in the office of the dean of the School of Business Administration. Her fiance was graduated from Notre Dame high school, Niles, and Notre Dame university, in Indiana. He currently is doing graduate work at Loyola. FATHER HARTE TO SPEAK HERE ON "VOCATIONS" APPEARS IN PLAY ~ Miss Catherine Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey C. Ruth of 1121 W. River Terrace drive, McHenry, will appear in a two-act play, "John Brown's Body", to be given cm the Cottey college campus March 3 and 4. FUND DRIVE CONTINUES Because of the inclement weather this past month, the March of Dimes continues and contributions are still being accepted. They may be made to Mrs. George Barbian, Mrs. Joseph J. Miller of Washington street or at the McHenry State Bank. 0SPJTAL PLAN FASHION REVUE When milady thinks of new attire, can Spring be far behind? Preparing for the annual spring fashion show to be given by the woman's auxiliary to McHenry hospital are, left to right, Mrs. Larry Lund, and. Mrs. Chris Jepson, who will model; Mrs. Robert Stanell, fashion show chairman; and Mrs. Genevieve Hoelschere, who will present the revue. Others scheduled to model at the luncheon show in the new American Legion home are Mrs: Louis Consago, Mrs. Harry Ecklund, Mrs. Oarl Fredrickson, Mrs. Phil Mangold, Mrs. Benjamin MassoiMa, Mrs. George Pedersen, Mrs. Martin Snyder and Mrs. Richard Wilhelm. McHENRY HOSPITAL Among patients admitted to McHenry hospital during the past week were Heather Nllles and Thomas F. McNally, Spring Grove; Helen M. Carter, Vincent P. Esposito, John F. Kudrick, Gina M. Hoffman, Bret A. Hoffman, Louise R. Petrzilka, Doris J. Coffin, Peggy S. Arnold, Harold M. Tripp, Robert J. Cummings, Carolyn M. Bartleft and Richard F. Havell, Crystal Lake; And, Robert Brown and Alva Terry, Barrington; Fred S. Chvatal, Richmond; Patricia A. Corder, Ingleside; Arthur C. Brueger, Island Lake; Richard A. Snyder and Eamonn Boyle, Wauconda; Arthur V. Racky, Fontana, Wis.; Gerald L. Hom*- eyer, Huntley; Thomas Piasecki, Wonder Lake; Wilfred E. Cunningham, Cary; l£ V. Scoggins, Algonquin; Robert Schweikert, Fox Lake; Bertha M. Terp, Lake Villa; and Walter M. Ziege, Genoa City, Wis.; Also, Judith W. Hamen, Theresa Whitney, Edward J. Frett, Janet E. Bohl, Magnus R. Olson, Margaret E. DeFrancisco, Robert E. Baker, Lori J. Banach, Marie S. Kruger, Marie Kolostanyi, Marie Bernard, Wallace E. Dobyns, Robert E. O'Brien, Christen M. Petersen, David N.Bergstrom, KurtEichhorn and Adella Dunn, McHenry. MAMX) POLO "STALLED" BY i LOCAL BLIZZARPJ i Marco Polo successfully completed his, journey from Venice to China, but Marco was stalled by the blizzard in McHenry on Thursday, Feb. 23. The showing of "Marco' the Magnificent", canceled because of hazardous road conditions, has been re-scheduled for Wednesday, March 8, at 7:45 p.m. at the McHenry Theater. Mrs, George Kraymer and Mrs. Lyman Dixon, co-chairmen of the benefit showing, announced that all tickets will be honored and that tickets will also be available at the door. Hie film is sponsored by the McHenry High school P.T.A. All proceeds will benefit the Scholarship Loan fund. A $350 loan is granted a Mcrienry high graduate who wishes to continue his education. The winner is selected by a faculty committee, which judges applicants on scholastic achievement, need, desire for higher education and general participation in high school activities. The loan is interest-- free, repayable within five years. Mrs. Kraymer has askedthat all who have not mailed their checks for tickets, do so promptly^ "The committee is most anxious to close the books and determine the success of our project, she said. The amount realized from the film will be announced at the next P.T.A. program scheduled for March 30. NURSES COMPLETE SPECIAL COURSE AT UNIVERSITY Phyllis Westphal and Elizabeth Webster, nurses at the McHenry hospital, have completed an intensive coronary care nursing course at Loyola University School of Nursing, Anthony Corcoran, administrator, reported this week. Other nurses will attend this school for similar courses, he said. This is part of the hospital's policy of keeping nurses fully informed on latest developments in specialized health care. The course which Miss Westphal and Miss Webster attended was oriented to the nurse who has direct patient care responsibility. The course includes: Review of anatomy and physiology of the heart and circulatory system; electrophysiology, elecT trocardiography, cardiac monitoring, recognition of abnormal cardiac rhythm, nursing skills required during emergencies, and nursing skills for the acutely or chronically ill patient with cardiovascular disorders. Opening of the intensive care unit in the new hospital last spring adds to the importance of this special training, Corcoran sakff since the unit has cardiac monitoring system and care of coronary cases is more frequent. USE YOUR ZIP CODE FR. A. S. HARTE St. Patrick's Home and School association will hold its meeting on Tuesday, March 14, at 8 p.m. in the church hall. Fr. Alphonsus S. Harte, diocesan director of vocations, will be guest speaker. Fr. Harte's topic will be "Vocations and the parents' role in this very important matter." In recent years vocations have been dropping and parents are being asked to try to build them up. The speaker promised to provide for a very interesting evening. VETTE E. KELL and JOSEPH A. CONERTY, fCE Glamour Portraits The formation of their partnership for the practice of law under the firm name of KELL & CONER with offices at 114 North Benton Street WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS Donald W. Truckenbrod Will fee An Associate Of The Firm March 1, 1987 • 338-4SU flit* • fWEDDINGS... FORMAL and CANDID. 12 WEDDING STORY ALBUMS TO CHOOSE FROM Brides-to-be FREE glamour sitting and Picture PHONE 385-5579 LEONARD 1 STUDIC McHENRY 17 Years Experience RECORD FILE OF HISTORICAL SOCIETY GROWS Many items of interest continue to come into the McHenry County Historical society's possession and the file of old records, postal cards and pictures is becoming impressive. Think twice before you cast away any such records pertaining to the history of the county. That time of year is at hand where deductions on income tax reports are welcomed. Did you know that any contributions to the society are tax deductible. The society is incorporated in the state as a non-profit educational institution and therefore any monies given to it are deductible. Also, if you give a gift of historical value its monetary value can be deducted. First you must have it appraised by a professional appraiser or an insurance company that would insure it for a certain value. The society cannot make the appraisal. In many instances this could amount to a saving. The society has access to a simple tape recorder and has interviewed several older persons who have seen many changes in the county. A file of such tapes will be of more than passing interest as the years go on. Anyone wishing to have a friend or relative over 80years interviewed-- one who grew 15) in the county, can make application for an interview. The person to be interviewed should have a fairly strong voice and be able to recall scenes and names connected with their early life. Write the society at Box 30, Woodstock, or call 385-5791 - after March 1. HARVARD HOSPITAL Mark Otiker, Mrs. Robert Bransom, Adam Iwanski, Hugh Locker, James Wegener, Clark Havens and John Hay, McHenry; and Mrs. Clayton Bruce, Ringwood, were patients during the past week in Harvard hospital. SCOUT COOKIE SALE The Girl Scout cookie sale opened March 1 and will continue through March 8. Mrs. Stuart Engh is cookie sale chairman in the McHenry area. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, during thje past week included Donald Rode, Maria Tomasello, Mary Kermenberg, Esther Orr, Emma Reed, Lynette Merket, Gloria LoVecchio, McHenry; Master John Rice, Adam Seerp, Rose Stanley, Leroy Pfeifer, Louise Orlando and Clifford Hass, Wonder Lake. SPY GAL ... She looks here like the girl next door. On camera for a weekly telev i s i o n s e r i e s , S t e p h a n i e Powers i s a d a s h i n g l a d y Plan For Art Fair if# 4 PLEDGE SORORITIES A total of 414 girls pledged social sororities at the University of Illinois recently during Panhellenic formal rush. Among them was Kathy Lynne Justen of 4308 W. Ringwood road, who pledged Alpha Gamma Delta, and Sherry Gehrke of 3212 Skyway drive, Alpha Xi Delta. With 25 sororites and 57 fraternities, the "Greek" system at the University of Illinois is the largest in the world. MARRIAGE LICENSES Charles Schoff, McHenry, and Roberta Pokorny, DesPlaines. Dale Samuel son, Ringwood, and Carol Wells, Wonder Lake. McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. James Peloquin announce the birth of a son Feb. 21. A son was born Feb. 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Austin, Crystal Lake. Dr. and Mrs. William Kohl welcomed a daughter Feb. 22. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Ledbetter of Crystal Lake became parents of a daughter Feb. 23. A daughter was born Feb. 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Buford Price. BIRTHS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, WOODSTOCK On Feb. 23 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Dicker, Wonder Lake. OTHER BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sedar of Waukegan announce the arrival of a 7 lb. 11 oz. son at St. Therese hospital on Thursday, Feb. 11. Awaiting him at home were two brothers, Ricky and Tommy, and three sisters, Cindy, Nancy and Ellen. The proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl of McHenry and Mrs. Eva Sedar, Waukegan. McHenry county artists, whether professional or the "Sunday afternoon" type, are reminded that June is only four months away and the eleventh annual Country Art Fair is slated for June 16, 17 and 18 in the M<^!enry Junior high school. As evidenced by the above photo, the committee for the annual fair, sponsored by the woman's auxiliary for the McHenry hospital, is engaged in preparations. In the foreground, left, Mrs. Alex Justen, McHenry. points out plans to Mrs. Dwlght Wernquist and Mrs. Allan Leibsohn, McHenry. Mrs. Wernquist is in charge of artists' registrations and Mrs. Leibsohn, the silent auction, which is a continuing success. In the background, GarrittBeverwyck, Crystal Lake, discusses his plans for hanging of the art pieces with co-chairman of the committee, Mrs. William Strout, Crystal Lake. FOR THE FAMILY ITEM: Cabbage, especially green cabbage, is a rich source of vitamin C, with about as much of this vitamin as the orange. A cabbage wedge (3!/i inches by 4Vi inches) provides 70 % of the recommended daily a l l o w a n c e of C, and a wide range of other nutrients in useful amounts. It is also ideal roughage. * * * ITEM: Labor-saving devices mean t h a t the homemaker spends less energy for her usual work. That's why she needs less food. It used to take240calories to do the family wash plus 50 to hang the clothes on the line. Today it takes only 15 calories to put the clothes in the automatic washer. ITEM: Splattered or spilled foods come off range surfaces easily when they have just happened. Wipe them off with paper or a dry cloth. A wet cloth may steam-burn your fingers or crack the range enamel. ALUMINUM SIDQV G Fireproof -- Waterproof -- Rustproof Reynolds -- Alsco AL8CO Premium "80" SkHag with the DuPoot Ftalab Life of the Building Written Guarantee Storm WWow, Doora A Awning* McHenry Window & Awning Go. tfSIA W. Waukegam M. McEs®!?#. Dl FSSOHE 880-1180 I'm looking RICHARDS CLEANERS for that clean, fresh natural look . Bring your clothes to our new modern quality control plant • FAST SERVICE •QUALITY ® DEPENDABILITY AR CLEANERS 1208 Green St. 385-1712 McHenry