OUR TOWNSHIP GOVERNMENT BOLD, NEW APPROACHES (Eleventh in & series of articles on township government --how it is changing -- and changes to come.) Bold, new action by and for township government in Illinois Is coming in 1967. This is energized from two directions. First, there is an increasingly evident revival of public and governmental interest in the role of township government, not only in nii- ' nois but also throughout the nation. Second, township leaders in Illinois are stimulating action that will add new vitality to township government, increasing public interest was reflected last November in an election in Saline county. The news of this election was somewhat submerged by more widely publicized races, but it had vital significance. In this southern Illinois county, township government was put to a vote: keep it or throw it out. The citizenry of Saline county voted to keep toWtiship government -» by a 2 1/2 to 1 margin. The vote was 7,103 to 2,665. At the opposite end of the state -- in the northern township of Niles ~ Supervisor John J. Nlmrod has stimulated thinking that is certain to be reflected in public and legislative action during 1967. FUTURE BRIGHT "The future of this people's form of government looks very bright," said Nlmrod. "In 1967 we will start with an official restudy of township government, then seek every possible way to improve, expand and strengthen it. "We believe that township government may be the ideal vehicle for administration of namy national, state and county programs and we propose to encourage such activity throughout the coming months." One of the first steps will be the appointment of an Illinois legislative commission to codify township laws. This means regrouping scattered statutes affecting township government Into one statutory section. Modernization of these laws will naturally follow, it is predicted, for the benefit of the people within township Jurisdictions. This updating has not been done in Illinois since 1870. Officials representing the state's 1400 townships adopted a resolution during their 1966 convention in October, requesting the state legislature to undertake this project. Reports from Springfield Indicate that it will be done. Consider Changes A variety of structural and administrative changes in township government will be considered in this legislative commission study. One may involve the physical size of townships -- to establish a minimum based on square miles and property value evaluation, Theoretically, townships should be 36 square miles in size, but there are some which are smaller than this, and which contain a small population count and few urbanized areas. Another suggested change would bring the township to the forefront as a voter registrar tion and election control body. These functions are now handled pi village, city or county levels, but generally without standardized procedures throughout the state. Township clerks are well qualified to serve as registration and election officials, beyond their present duties of supervising township elec^ons. Changes in tax assessment and tax collection procedures-- now handled differently throughout the state by either township or county officials ~ / will be considered. This involves standardization and modernization of these functions -- again updating the township's role. Propose Remedy State law now requires that a highway commissioner be elected In all townships in the state, even in those which do not have township roads. This applies to many city-township and suburban-Chicago township units. A proposal will be made to remedy this situation in areas where there are no roads under township Jurisdiction. Township officials have also suggested a change In the name of town auditors. Although the three elected auditors are responsible for auditing township accounts, their duties can and do go beyond this function. They serve as township directors-- and it is proposed that they be so identified. Set Pattern A controversial area of physical changes In townships affects the status of "downstate" township supervisors and assistant supervisors who, upon election to these offices, also serve on county boards. This pattern exists in all counties except Cook, where a separate board of county commissioners is elected every four years. In other counties, the township- county inter-relation, has been an effective means of coordinating district governments. However, the matter has become involved in legal Interpretations of the one-man, one-vote rule, and there Is agitation to change the pattern. A change would drastically affect procedures and responsibilities of township and county officials, and would require a series of alterations in state legislation. Before this issue is settled, there will be considerable debate and perhaps supreme court rulings. These considerations--starting with codification of the law -- portend the future of Illinois township government structure. The concluding article in this series will cover the futures In township responsibilities to the people of the state. RELAXING . . . Television actress Nina Roman poses a pretty picture as she relaxes in a jewel-studded chair between performances. Newt Abont Oar Servicemen Robert J. Mayfield, whose sister, Mrs. Robert Wiles, lives on Griswold Lake road, McHenry, was promoted to Army specialist fourth class inLudwigsburg, Germany, Jan. 30, where he is assigned to the 30th Medical group. Spec. Mayfield, a personnel specialist in the group's headquarters, entered the Army in March, 1966, and was last stationed at Ft. Sam Houston, Tex. The 20-year-old soldier was graduated from McHenry Community high school in 1964 and attended Western Illinois university, Macomb. , His unit, the largest helicopter squadron in the Navy, is responsible for providing rescue and combat support helicopters throughout the Pacific. Flying five different types of Navy helicopters, the squadron is currently supporting U. S. Seventh Fleet operations in South east Asia. She also provides units for deployment on Navy ships from the Arctic waters of Alaska to the icecap of Antarctica. Ream Field is located 14 miles south of San Diego, Calif., and is the home of all Pacific Fleet helicopter squadrons. MARCH. 2, 1967 - McHENRY PLAIN DEALER - PAGE 5, SECTION I For Anil About Teenagers) W HE NEVER STALK* TO ANYOKlC 0UT His FRIENPS... Aviation Machinist's Mate Airman Douglas E. Wozniak, USN. son of Mr. ami Mrs. Ed- Win F. Wozniak of 2313 West Wright road, McHenry, has reported aboard the Helicopter Combat Support Squadron One at the Naval Auxiliary Air Station Ream field, Imperial Beach, California. Army Private CraigW. Johnson, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Johnson, 7714 Oakwood drive, Wonder Lake, completed a, six-week general supply course at Ft. Dix, N.J., Feb. 10. He was trained in maintaining stock records for the receipt an$ issue of supplies and materials. He also learned typing and general admihi stration procedures and storing of various Army supplies. USE YOUR ZIP CODE THE WEEK'S LETTER: "I am a girl in the ninth grade and like a boy who is in the 10th grade. I really don't know if he likes me, but he is always saying In a kidding way, "I love you." And to top it all off, a girl in die next town likes him also. Everyone tells me I am better looking than she. In school, this boy never talks to anyone but his friends --boys, of course. He doesn't even say "hi" when he goes by me, as if he is ashamed to let his friends or anyone else know that he knows some girls. But, outside of school, at a cook-out, 6r swim party, he always talks to me. I really like him very much. What should I do about it?" OUR REPLY: Get your feet back on the ground. Our lad has the appearance of a real smoothie. He certainly is not bashful, as witness the words of endearment. Accordingly, he isn't concerned about what his friends think about the number of girls he knows or speaks to. It seems that he apparently is the type who believes in friends at school, other friends away from school. If a boy really likes you, he will speak to you wherever and whenever he sees you. If you kova a hmog. problem you want to dncuts, or on observation to mafca, oddrm you lottor to FOR AND ABOUT TEENAGERS. COMMUNITY AND SUBURBAN PRESS SERVICE. FRANKFORT, KY. COWBOYS . . . Troops of the 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry, drive a herd of cattle. Rounded up in Viet Cong territory, the cattle were turned over the District Chief of Phtin Yen province for distribution to refugees. - Q U A L I T Y I i l f Tulitlt lettering PSTG N S toe S iFJsnsf > P.M.I 1 385 1 J 5»34i PHONE: 815 385-4111 MINOR ACCIDENT A minor accident occurred on Country Club drive, involving autos driven by Robert Pearson of Deerfield and Elda Eckland of McHenry, which collided. V you cant make a mistake atA*P Ever pick up a "bargain" somewhere... only to discover later it wasn't a bargain at all? Well, you'll never make a mistake like that at A&P. Because... 1. We don't sell "bargain" goods... only quality merchandise at thrifty prices. 2. We never misrepresent. Never. 3. Everything you buy at AftP is guaranteed to please. Everything. So, you can even shop carelessly at A*P if you like. Of course you won't. But isn't it nice to know we take care for you. Because we care about you. Is protection like this a good reason for shopping A*P? If b one of many. 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It stands for Tax Information Program . . . and * It Is yours at no extra cost when you shop at our pharmacy. ^ WHAT IS TIP? ^ It is a service which gives you accurate monthly -- and annual W breakdowns ot every drug item ^ purchased which is deductible for ^ Federal Income Tax purposes. ^ With TIP you can save tax dollars, WHY TIP? $ It Is another way that we try to give extra service to thank you for i£ your patronage. ii We also thank you with the u highest quality products ... the ll lowest possible costs . . . and the J finest service. 2 Swift's Premium Beef Burgers pkg Barm's Pizza *1" Green Giant 2 89* Green Giant X 35' Armour's Chili Star-IQstTuna Hormel Chili Dinty Moore Hunfs Tomato Sauce Hunt's Tomato Paste Hunfs Catsup . Upton Soup Mixes 15h-oz. can can 41' 39' "r 39' 24"°* CQc can 4 49^ ^ cans ^7 4 "? cans •## 14-o*. 22c Hills Bros. Coffee Dri My-T-Fine Rap-ln-Wax Ponds Cold Cream . or Drip LEMON PIE FILLING WAXED PAPER lb. can 4-ox. Gold or Pink 3c Off Label pi,,. 23 100-ft. roll* PINE SCENT HOUSEHOLD CLEANI 6-ox. jar $139 Dial Soap Lestoil 49' Pahnolive Liquid $1°° Purina Dog Chow 3 Reg. Bar Pack 2B-OZ. btl 43' 73' FOR>OUR 12-oz. m, DISHES btl. 07 5 £ 68' bri. pkg. 39< Just Baked-Just For You N'SERVE 35 JANE PARKER 3UY 3--GET 1 FREE White Bread A »«-» " If VII 99* Apple Pie \ « 1 0-hidi | aim 39* Frosted Doaut Balk JANI PAWCIt 3J pki $r Gnitamon Rolls JANI PAKKM 4-ct. Armour's C<JST Hash ISM-ox. 55' Dependably - Fine Frozen Foods VEGETABLE fc&P PSOZEN • PEAS ft CAanOTS © LEAF ' SPEMACH o CHOPPED POPPED ccoeeoiu Orange Juke THINO PBOM FLQtlDA Gaucho Sliced Beef Ice Cream WITH OKAVY FlonN MAJIVIl • STKAWMIIV • CHOCOLATE • VANIUA 2JJ.T' T' 69' 1(D MACAkOON f-L. A4r DEVIIS rooo WM ll-< 49V AWARDS! IP! PARI YOUR DRUG ITEMS AT THE BTORB WITH THE "TIP" YouII Love Our Dairy Selection! 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