£AGE 8, SECTION 2 - McHENRY PLAINDEALER - MARCH 23, 1967 LAKEMOOR - LILYIOOR SHIRLEY SCHt/fct.H S85-2046 FATHER'S ILLNESS BRINGS SONS HOME FROM VIET NAM Joe and Tom Bellfno, who are stationed in Viet Nam with the army, were brought home through the efforts of the American Red Cross to be at the bedside, of their father, Joe, t?ho is seriously ill in a Chicago hospital. Young Joe was out on operations in the field when the Red Cross contacted him and within three hours he was on a plane flying to the states. His brother arrived later. VILLAGE ELECTION In April there will be an election for three trustees for the village of LaRemoor. Those who have Sled for the positions are Josephine Turner, HerbBrossman, Harry Brady and Marty Wrublewski. It will be up to you residents of Lakemoor to elect the three you want as trustees. ABSENTEE VOTERS If you can not vote in person the day of the village election ' here are the deadline dates for' voti% absentee. In person the deadline is April 15, by mail the deadline is April 13. You may get your absentee ballot from the village clerk Pat Morrison, in the evenings or Saturdays, please no Sundays. Time is running out so remember the dates, in person deadline is April 15, by mail the deadline is April 13. Vote for your choice of three trustees. STICKERS AND LICENSES There is a drive on in the village of Lakemoor checkir^ to see that residents who have cars have vehicle stickers and dogs have their license. Each resident's car must "have a vehicle sticker on it, not one sticker for so many cars, each car must have its own sticker, and each dog must have its own license. In order to purchaseyour dog license you must show your dog's current rabies certificate. Ifs better you have your vehicle sticker, your dog license than get a ticket for BERNICE WILSON DAVID WINTERS best wishes for a speedy re- COMMUNICANT AT covery to her. METHODIST CHURCH "n» zeimets besjcWnB David Winters made Us Com- up Me-s mother and father « munion at the Community Methodist church last Sunday. After the reception held at the church the family enjoyed dinner at a local club. NEWS ITEMS Audrey and Chuck Whitney dined and danced at the officers club in Great Lakes on Saturday. Sunday afternoon they drove to Mt» Prospect for a birthday celebration in honor of their god-child, Chris Nelson. Hie Pogor family took in the circus in Chicago last Sunday and said it was great. Gerry OlbinsJri and the family visited her mother, Mrs. Conway, who has bssn in the hospital in Chicago for some time. Our Saturday and then going on to Joliet to visit an aunt who is ill in the hospital. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Happy birthday wishes for this week go to Harry Paulin and Joe Mack on March 23, David Brod on March 25, Carol Olszewski who will be 15 on the twenty-sixth and Jeff Mack cm the twenty-eighth. ANNIVERSARIES Congratulations to Arthur and Marie Cicchini who will celebrate their twenty-fourth wedding anniversary on March 24, and to Dale and Judy Hinspater on March 29. A happy and joyous Easter to everyone, see you next week. not having it. If you get a ticket for either one or both you still have to purchase the sticker and license, which ever the case may be. BEACH PROJECT Beach project funds collected to date are $975 from forty-seven residents. We would like to continue work now that the weather is getting better. We will be unable to complete the job without more donations. Send yor contributions today tc the Village of Lakemoor Beach Project care of M. Wrublewski, 310 W. Northlake. Let's have a beach our children and adults can enjoy. ASSOCIATION NEWS The next monthly meeting of the officers and board of directors of the Lilyrnoor association will be held at Bob La Presti's home Wednesday, April 5, at 8 p.m. The next general meeting of the association will be held Tuesday. April 11. It will be held in the large dining room of Club Lilymoor at 8 p.m. Please try to attend the general meeting to see what your association is doing. TOWNSHIP ELECTION Will be held Tuesday, April 4, the polls will be open from 6 a.m. till 6 p.m. Regardless of which party you back for supervisor or road commissioner get out and vote far them. If you are a registered voter get out and exercise your right to vote for the man of your choice. LADIES LEAGUE Held their social evening Wectoesday, March 15. At this social bunco was played. Winners were Sophie Latz, Rose Zelenka, Jo Johnson and Lu Gravenstuk. Booby went to Jessie Corbett this time. Hostess for the evening was Rose Zelenka. The ladies also helped Jean Dember celebrate her birthday, which was on Monday, March 13. GET WELL Wishes go to Joe Bellino who is seriously ill and is a patient at the St. Augustana hospital in Chicago. If you wish to seftd him cards the address is 411 Dickens. Chicago. HONORS Johnny Cassell received first place rating on a trombone solo and first place in a duet at the district music contest held at Zion. Johnny represented McHenry junior high. Congratulations, Johnny. GUESTS Of Bud and Alma Hueckstaedt are v. their daughter, Cherie Sheaffer, and grandson, Stephen, of Pennsylvania. Cherie's husband Lee, will be joining them for the Easter holiday. BUNDLE OF JOY Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lorio are proud parents of a son born Thursday March 16. The proud grandparents are Vince and Sally Lorio of Lakemoor. Congratulations on your blessed event. UPGRADE SERVICE Paul E. Bradley, district commercial manager for the General Telephone company* said today that work has been started this week to upgrade all four-party residential service in the urban areas of Hebron, Richmond and Wonder Lake. Also, all rural lines in the Richmond exchange area are being changed from ten-party to four-parly. This service! improvement work will take about ten days to two weeks to complete, Bradley said and some customers may have number changes involved. Bradley also said the new directories will be mailed while the service change work is in progress and all number changes should appear in the new directory and be listed with the Rockford information operator. Each customer should receive one directory for each telephone by mail. Any customer who does not receive enough directories should call the telephone business office. Bradley suggested that all customers look through the new directory when it is received for any number changes in their personal telephone list of friends or neighbors. He said customers may also wishto review how to make information or repair service calls as shown in the front of the new directory. SCHOOL ELECTION VOTING April 5 is the last day in which to vote absentee in person for the school board elections of McHenry and April 3 is the last day to mail absentee ballot to the voter. Printed ballots must be available for inspection by candidates March 29. •• ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 31 South of Main Street - McHenry. Illinois Phone 385-1424 * They're BARGAIN COUNTER k J K ** - APH1 CEILING 12" X12 Pre-Finished Paneling 4'Xr aatarat each PIN - PERF ACCOUSTICAL 14 8* x 12' Room only 12" X12" Embossed -- 19c •« Family Want Ads During National Want Ad Week, March 26 - April I We want you to try result* - getting McHenry Plcdnd&der W@m& Ads. Advertise any personal or hosehold item you want to sell m buy @md see for y@wwsel§ how easy it is to sell extra, uneeded articles or find needed ones with a McHenry Plaindealer Want Ad. - RULES- 0 Ad must include item description, price and address or phone number in 20 words or less # Place as many 20 word ads as you wish. # Ad may be placed by anyone in the Plaindealer Area. # Ads must be received by Tuesday, March 28th by 3:00 p.m. # Offer is limited to Non - Commercial accounts only. # All listings accepted, except card of thanks, real estate for sale and rentals. Phone 385-0170 To place your FREE Family Bargain Counter Want Ad. in r MCHE NRY PLAIN DEALER Claasfled Department McHenry Plalndealer McHenry, Illinois 60060 'CLIP AND MAIL Please place the following Family Want Ad in the McHenry Plaindealer FREE during National Want Ad Week March 26 thru April I. Adt must be received by Tuesday March 28th. Name Address I IT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I City St&fce