•^0'%M fir LAKE EVELYN RASKE PHONE 633-4362 When children learn to talk at the Mc- them how. The center uses modern equipment Henry County Easter Seal Therapy center, it and skilled therapists to insure maximum beneis mainly^ because Mrs. Lu Pierce has shown fit to all parties. One of the important pro- The assistant speech thera- " ---------- grams sponsored by the Easter pist and Mrs. Pierce expect Seal society of the McHenry to handle a case load of apcounty chapter of the Illinois proximately sixty clients this Association for the Crippled is the summer speech clinic held each summer for seven weeks. This is another of the many projects sponsored by the Easter Seal that is made possible by the siqjport of citizens of the county through the campaign drive for funds that now is in its second week. Mrs. Lu Pierce for the second year will direct the clinic. Mrs. Pierce is speech therapist for District 72 schools in Woodstock. She has her bachelor's degree from Northern Illinois university and is currently working on her Master's degree from the University of Illinois. She is a member of the American Speech and Hearing association and Council for Exceptional Children. summer. Ages range from preschool to 60 and over. Mrs. Pierce explains that the types of problems encountered include cleft palate, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, speech and language retardation, aphasia, hard-of-hearing, stuttering, voice and articulation. To enter the 1967 summer speech clinic a person may call the Easter Seal Therapy center at 708 Washington Street, Woodstock. If you haven't mailed your Easter Seal contribution as yet, please do so at once so the important projects • such as the speech clinic may be carried on as a benefit to those who need the assistance throughout McHenry County. FOR THE FAMILY . (£*mn m nia^irtm i- - ITEM: Weighing the hems of glass Tiber draperies may improve their appearance. Weigh them with bead chain weights or sew heavier weights to the hem corners. If the fabric was cut offgrain, the draperies may never hang straight. KIWANIS RESOLVES TO AID SPASTIC PARALYSIS STUDY President Phil Kinzer called a bokrd of director s meeting before the regularly scheduled meeting. A resolution was passed to continue to assess each member for the support of Kiwanjs I-I District Committee on SDastic paralysis research. This research at the Children's Memorial hospital and at the Illinois Research hospital has been underwritten by the Kiwanis Club of the Illinois-Eastera Iowa District for quit$ a number of years. This year Dp* Amadors' text-book on pediatric neurosurgery will be published. This will give physicians and medical students, the world over, the benefit of the research findings of the-Kiwanis Foundation in the area of spastic paralysis and related diseases of the central nervous x system. It was also voted to participate in the Bob Connolly Memorial Scholarship. Bob Connolly was the Kiwanian killed at the Lisle railroad depot trying to save a paraplegic woman who tripped and fell while crossing the tracks. All Kiwanis Clubs associated in selling Kiwanis peanuts are co-operating to set up a scholarship to insure Bob Connolly's daughter a college education. Part of the Wonder Lake 1967 Peanut Day proceeds will be used. The club will also aid the Girl Scouts in helping to provide transportation of the group to a rally in Elgin. Last week's program was presented by Horace Wagner who gave a talk on fire protection services in Wonder Lake. This week's program was presented by Gordy Gran. YOUNG AT HEARTS The Young At Hearts will return to Christ the King church hall <hi April 5. There will be a pot-luck dinner on April 19. Any new members interested in our little group is always welcome to drop in for a cup of coffee to see what's going on. CONDUCTS SERVICES •" A recent guest spaker at the Harrison school P.T.A. meeting, Rev. John ErWin, aprotestant chaplain at the Cook County jail, will conduct live, and uncensored chapel services direct from the Cook County jail with inmates and ex-inmates of the jail. These services will be conducted on the five Sundays in April, which dates are April 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30. The services will be carried on radio station ,WMBI whose radio frequencies are 1110 am and 90.1 fm on your dial at 9:45 a.m. BIRTHDAY DINNER Miss Linda Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Freund, was the honored guest at a little dinner party to celebrate her ninth birthday on March 20. May you have many more happy birthdays. SCOUT-A-RAMA Just a reminder that the Boy Scouts Scout-A-Rama is coming up this Saturday, April 1, at the Mathews Company in Crystal Lake. DATES TO REMEMBER Circle these dates on your calendar, April 19, Girl Scout Luncheon; and April 29, Little League Dance. More information on these events later. WONDER LAKE BIBLE CHURCH The Bible church will resume the regular weekly schedule of services and meetings. MAR. 30, 1967 - PLAIN DEALER -SEC. 2, PG. 7 REVOKE FIVE LICENSES; MANY OTHERS SUSPENDED The office of Secretary of State Paul Powell has announced revocation of the driver licenses of John Beltramo of 5224 W. Cleveland and Wesley H. May of South drive, both McHenry, Q. Huxtable.of. Algonquin, Elmer T. Smith of 518 Nimitz and Patricia Wrong of 8415 Memory Trail, both Wonder Lake, for driving while intoxicated. Suspensions have been issued for Kenneth E. Ahlert of Hebron for driving while intoxicated; Thomas E. Armstrong and John H. Bottcher of Crystal Lake, Lawrence D. Boyer and Herbert W. Pepel of Algonquin, Gregory A. Brda of 3105 W. Crescent, McHenry and Milford D. Watson of Richmond, all for three violations; Clifford A. Kobberg of Woodstock for attempting to flee or elude a police offi'&fer; Orval L. Marshall, Jr., of Marengo for violating restriction on license or permit; Chester A. Brewer of Woodstock, Louis Doty of Huntley and Ronald J. Warren of Crystal Lake for violation of curfew. Probationary permits have been granted to Patrick E. Binz of Woodstock, John Richards of Algonquin and Carl E. Van Fleet of Crystal Lake. BENEFIT SHOW "Fantasy USA", a professional quality musical show for the whole family sponsored by the Crystal Lake Lions club, will be presented this Friday and Saturday, March 31 and April 1, at the Crystal Lake high school auditorium. Proceeds of the show will be donated to Jody Warrington, former Miss Crystal Lake, who was ; seriously injured in an automobile accident last November. HIGH RANKING STUDENT Academic deans at Southern Illinois university have tapped 1,366 Carbondale campus undergraduates for scholastic excellence during the fall term of school. The quarterly dean's lists represent only slightly more than 7 per cent of the student body. Of the students on the fall lists, 199 recorded perfect straight "A" average, including Robert Beckenbaugh of 3904 W. Oak street. IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE' End Overspending VOTE PUBLICAN TUES. APRIL 4, 1967 See Section Q P;ipe f) I » I Teuse£& Mi/tocfe Food, T^ucea (Jou- Tewe£& Mi/utcfe Food ^PtlceA Ljou> JO IHLK -G WEEK.. ."Miracle Prices" Plus a.. 4 4 ARE / mwim Steakkjeat Jewel 10-5 IWN HRTWER REG. 4.35 WJ 5&0@ $q. ft. Coverage Non-burning, free {towing. Provides both quick-acting and slow release nitrogen. 099 20-10-8 & FEED & 4 6 6 B§§§ Sq. Ft. Covotm^Q Feeds lawn, kills brOa.dleaf weeds. Guaranteed non-burn. 7/1 •" GREEN VINYL Gm.iuEN HOSE 6 1 SPECIAL 75.FT. \ SALE FOR J PRICE ONLY & FE5Ca £ E-Z POUR 15 QUART 6 Pmm PAIL 60MET The best way to measure Jewel's low prices Is by weekly savings. That's because . . . 1. "MIRACLE PRICES" ARE PERMANENT PRICE REDUCTIONS -- not weekly "specials" -- not here today, gone tomorrow! 2. "MIRACLE PRICES" LOWER YOUR TOTAL GROCERY BILL -- not just the cost of a few select items, but many of the groceries and household needs that appear on your shopping list eyery week. 3* "MIRACLE PRICES" MEAN SAVINGS OF 5% 10% IIWifNI 15c AN ITEM -- significant reductions in Jewel's former prices to make a big difference in your total weekly grocery costs! „.S.D.A. CHOICE--TAILESSj Porterhouse CHECK AND COMPARE PLANTERS ,3 Oxtail Peanuts < RED PACK 1( Vomat® Wedges „< SEVEN SEAS - ITALIAN j Blue iirdssmg SEVEN SEAS - CREAMY , Russian Dressing SEVEN SEAS - LOW CAL , IftaBBan Dressing CASHMERE BOUQUET ^ , Bar Soap •* Calgon Bouquet LYSOL E&imfestant !'8c OFF" LABEL 4 ^©SSOOB @il "5c OFF" LABEL -- BETTY CROCKER [Br@owa® Mix BETTY CROCKER - WHITE Amjg©l Food Mix VAN CAMP Pork & Beans FRENCH FRIED © © ©salons APPIAN WAY Pizza Pie Mix '22Va oi. Box 15oi. 1 lb. Can 3Vj oi. JUDGE FOR YOURSELF BUDLONG SLICED DILLS OR SLICED KOSHER Hamburger Dills "3c OFF" LABEL - HEINZ SOUPS Great American NABISCO Sailtine Crackers FRISK IES Poopipy Food FRISKIES Dog Mix CHICKEN PARTS Kal Kan Dog Food KAL KAN - WITH GRAVY Burger Rounds BEEF CHUNKS Kal Kan Dog Food PDQ Chocolate Beads KNOX Gelatin Drink CREST Toothpaste ZEPHYR MARASCHINO Cherries CIRCUS U.S.D A. CHUlCE Sirloin Steak 16oz. 14% oz USDA 1 Vj lb Box CHOICE Another Favorite! U S D.A. CHOICE Round Steak 1 5 oz 14 oi ii c n A. CHOICE BONELESS, ROLLED Pica, of 6.75 oi Tube CHOICE U t i l i t y l a w n r a k e ; 1 9 " head. 20 teeth, 4' handle. VIQTAL'S It's Springtime at Jewel! f EXTRA FANCY - ALL GREEN 1 Asparagus « « Pro I 1 HARDWARE 122$ N. Green Street A^cHenry, III. Phone 385-0098 10'/i oz. 12 oz 12'/a oz PKO. Chesasael 9 Sat. Irijo|htli,:30|jih»e_ ^ ? WW® Play the EXCITING Game . . . ft\C jVJlCtFUL Orang®* 25 <o* Necessary ck Up Your voUr N®<arby BONUS SPECIAL! BONUS SPECIAL! [BONUS SPECIAL BONUS SPECIAL! •) CHERRY VALLEY / FROZEN ' Orange 12 OZ. CAN GOODTHRU SAT., APRIL 1ST ^Jewe£& Mistftcfe Food it^coceA Ljato Mot&f Mut/icfe Food (Jouf