(JKs^-^ m PUBLIC AUCTION a«fMi^m^^mmmm-- i<-m jVilOVr T.J-T • PUBLIC AUCTION CARD OF THANKS Heads re Moose MAY II, 1967 - PLAIN DEALER - SEC. I, PG. 9 FARM SERVICfc WAY INSURED AUCTION - LOCATION: % mile West of Hy. 31 or i mile East of Hy. 14 - 'oh Hy. 176. REASON: Loss of barn by Tornado. ' SALE TO START AT 1:00 P.M. FRIDAY, MAY 12 : WHITNEY PIERCE Crystal Lake, Illinois 72 HEAD OF HI-GRADE HOLSTEINS -- 71 dairy cows. 18 of these duws are fresh in past 30 days. 15 close springers all T.B. and Bangs tested. This is a good herd. tOCows. 1 Holstein Bull, 2 years old. FEED -- 80 ton of mixed hay; 40 ton of strawj^tTftTensilage In 16 ft. silo. ' MILKING EQUIPMENT -- Surge SP 22 milking machine pump and motor; 4 Surge units; Weco Deluxe milk dumping station with 100 ft. plastic hose; 2 stainless steel wash tanks; Majonier 350 gallon bulk tank with large unit. LIBERAL TERMS. AUCTIONEERS: Gordon Stade - Gray slake, III. - Phone 312-223-5155 William Stade - Mundelein, 111. - Phone 312-566-8555 Cashier: Wally Van Esmond; Clinton, Wisconsin Clerk & Representative: Ronald Llplnsky - Union, III. Farm Auction Service, Inc. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin May we extend our heartfelt thanks to those of you who expressed your sympathy in so many thoughtful ways during our recent bereavement. Your kindnesses have meant much to us. Mrs. Peter Mr Schaefer Mrs. Joseph Adams Mrs. Arthur Wagner 5-11-67 Employmenl Agencies / PUBLIC NOTICES PUBUCE HQTXCES THE Open 11 A. M. to 8 8917 W. Main St. McHenry Phone 385 Rupom v Process Engineer $11,000 - SI 3,000 Plant Engineer $11,000 - $13,000 Project Engineer $10,000 • $14,000 Ass't. Controller $10,000 - $12,000 Programmer $8,000 • $13,000 Industrial Engineer $8,000 • $11,000 Ass't. Personnel Mgr. $600 - $750 Drafting; Engineer $625 • $700 Assembly Foreman $500 - $700 Cost Estimator $550 - $650 Lab. Tech. Trainees $375 - $400 V Junior Accountant $135 - $150 Computer Operators (2) $120 - $125 PHONE: 815-338-3200 WIDE v PERSONNEL. INC. 235 Benton Street Woodstock, 111. Hrs. Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri., 9-5 Thurs., 9-7 Sat., 9 - 12 It was a proud day for Elmer J. (Biff) Meyer, formerly of McHehry, when he was installed as new governor of Chicago Moose Lodge No. 3 for 1967-68. He had served as . prelate for two years and also was active in the lodge quartet which was state champion for many years. This is the largest Moose lodge in existence, with 14,000 members. Members of Mr. Meyer's family attended the installation ceremony. McHenry Plafas®©u«r SSI--0170 ITEM: Differences in shell color of eggs have no significance, say extension specialists. Breed of chicken determines shell color. Color doesn't affect the grade, nutritive value, flavor, or cooking performance of eggs. Browns h e l l e d and w h i t e - s h e l l e d are equally good. McHENRY HOSPITAL Included in the admissions to McHenry hospital during the past week were Jeffrey B. Eddy, Marengo; Mason C.-Harris, Grayslake; Donald P. Masilas, Lorraine R. Beyer and AnnaM. Nagel, Wauconda; Heidi M. Johnson, Sue M. Danz, Newell C. Larson, Fay M. Cupp, Crystal Lake; Dorothy F. Walter and James E. Steffan, Wonder Lake; Also, Delmar E. Vermillion, John A. Dose, Frances Cerny, Jennie F. Schnoor, Ingleside; Linda M. Wilcoski, Denise M. Kretler, Richmond; Lottie J. Kobza, Algonquin; John H. Lutzow, Roselle; Lonnie D. Horton, Round Lake; Donald L. Hurd, Dianne L. Hoeksel, Round Lake Beach; Debra C. Rozner, Barrington; And, Fred Kundert, Jr., Fred Sommer, Fox Lake; Walter F. Pillnik, Fox River Grove; Lucy SALE 2 For $4.99 Reg. $3.00 each % bras Save $1.01 on these famous Playtex "Cross-Your-Heart"® and "Cotton and Lace" Bras! This sale lasts for only a short time--so take advantage of it now. A. Playtex "Cross-Your-Heart"® Bra with double undercup panels for lasting support and comfort. "Cross-Your-Heart" stretch area between the cups gives better separation and fit. White. 32A-40C. 2 for $4.99, reg. $3.00 each. B. Playtex "Cotton and Lace" Bra with elastic comfort band that breathes with you, moves with you . . . and double elastic in the back for double the wear. Nylon lace cups lined with soft cool cotton for "no see-through.'" White. 32A-40C. 2 for $4.99, reg. $3.00 each. M. Cicero, Island Lake; Wayne D. Conway, Lake Villa; Michael G. Hogan, Jr., Antioch; Johanna E. Kurtz, Viola E. Rustke, Woodstock; Darlene Mensching, Huntley; John P. Neary, Pell Lake, Wis.; Also, Lee C. Schwarz, Paul R. Ohlson, Elizabeth J. Szamlewski, George K. Richard, Eleanor M. Mangold, Kenneth E. Domin, Rinetta K. Pogany, Jeffrey R. Bogard, Josephine Falat, Winona E. Tietz, Thomas C. Allen, Bonnie Thurwell; Also, Helena M. Heldt, Otto Christensen, Clare E.Schubert, Fayne A. Savage, Fred N. Rogers, Hattie M. Crick, Cecelia E. Knox, Michelle A. Wiatr, Charles R. King, Julia A. Konger, Douglas M. Diedrich, Debra Lynn Hall, Cynthia A. Hattan, Sharon L. Johnson, all of McHenry. ITEM: Limit the number of pictures in any one room so that each picture will be appreciated for itself and the walls won't look overcrowded. * * *• ITEM: Cottage cheese and cream cheese absorb f l a v o r s readily-^nd should be kept tightly covered while refrigerated. ELECT C.T.A. OFFICERS AT RECENT MEET A recent meeting of the McHenry Classroom Teachers' association determined the C.T.A.'s executive officers and chairmen for the 1967-68 school year. The officers elected are Helen Wallace, president; Helen Jurack, vice-president; Florence Foran, secretary; and Mary Vycital, treasurer. The committee chairmen for the next term are as follows: Dick Anderson, welfare and salary; Henry Kenyon, legislation; Helen Jurack, program; Judy Hamilton, ethics; EloiseLeighty, membership; Susanna Marshall, social; Stella Rortvet, sunshine; and Janice Charles, public relations. ' At the May 8 board-meeting, it was agreed that a spring social should take place in the form of a dinner. All teachers of District 15 are invited, as well as their spouses. Further details will be announced at a later date. McHENRYJHOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Karls of Woodstock are parents of a daughter May 1. Mr. and Mrs. James Chrisman announce the birth of a son May 1. On May 3 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pieroni. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wirtz became parents of a daughter May 4. An Antioch couple, Mr. and Mrs. John Homan, welcomed a daughter May 5. A son was born May 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ziebel. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chamblis of Crystal Lake bfecame parents of a son May 6. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Roland Maul of Wonder Lake are the proud parents of a son born May 7. On May 3 a son was welcomed by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heber. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Among the patients admitted to Memorial hospital during the past week were Robert Lunak, Richard Fitzl, Barbara LaGreca, • Wonder Lake; Raymond Mark. Richard Zieman, May Fields, Martin Knox, Katherine Merley of McHenry. HARVARD HOSPITAL Mrs. Karl Rau and William Gray of McHenry and Ronald Pedretti of Wonder Lake were patients in Harvard hospital during the past week. OTHER BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Frank May, Jr. announce the birth of a son, James Joseph, on April 30 in Sherman hospital, Elgin. The young man has a sister, Jodie, 2Ji His mother is the former Janice Schueler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louise ^Schueler of Lake moor. Hie paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank May, Sr., of Palatine. OTHER BIRTHS 1st. Lt. and Mrs. Mark Vycital are the proud parents of their first child, a daughter, Jamie Lynn. She was born in Okinawa, April 27, weighing 8 lbs. The lucky little girl is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mi's. Edward Munroe of McHenry Shores and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vycital. Mrs. Vycital is the former Pamela Munroe. Dr. and Mrs. M. G. Churosh of Phoenix, Ariz., former McHenry residents, announce the arrival of a daughter on April 10. Awaiting Nancy at home were two sisters, Beth Ann and Mary Ellen, and a brother, Mickey. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C.Templin of 1817 Orchard Lane, announce the birth of their daughter, Afton Marie, on April 23 in St. Joseph hospital, Elgin. She weighed 8 lbs., ozs. THE OF firry spseiMtiES ROLLINS RD. 134 1 2 •VOLO 120 MCHENRY -- OPEN -- Friday, Saturday Sunday Hrs.: Fri., Sat. . 5 p.m. Sun. - Noon Pinners Served in The Roman Style F O R R E S E R V A T I O N S JUstice 7-0741 ON ROLLINS RD NORTH SHORE OF LONG LAKE Shop In McHenry S P E C I A L R A T T E S I F O R P R I V A T E B A N Q U E T S Spring cleanup. Buy a sw electric range ami: the wiring fee. (If you buy one with sdf-ctaffiffiiiig wen Dull really clean up.) Cut out for your appliance store. Take me to your dealer. (He'll get the picture.) It's a hard deal to beat. You buy a new electric range--the necessary wiring will be installed free. This offer can save you over $100. (And you can add other heavy-duty appliances\ later.) Make your new range one with a selfcleaning oven (if you want) and save even more. Because the new self-cleaning oven does a better job with about 8ff-worth of electricity than you could with a whole can of oven cleaner. Not to mention the savings in time and scrubbing. So if you like saving money, see the modern electric ranges at your dealer's now. And take a particular look at the self-cleaning oven. Commonwealth Edison Company I 0 .<2ZL fJM Fig FREE INSTALLATION OFFER. Now you can install a new electric range and get the wiring free.,This offer applies, for a limited time only, to a standard wiring installation for a new electric range in any single-family dwelling or, for all new electric ranges in a two or three-apartment building served by Commonwealth Edison. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. If within 60 days you are not completely satisfied with your new electric rang*, Commonwealth Edison guarantees full refund of your purchase price. See your dealer for details. AS SEEN ON TV 1219 N. Gtmh St.. McHenry I B: Cups-- 100r; nylon lace. Center, bad: and cup lining: 100% c >i.ton. ight are Electric. C. E. Co. k <