'f'r jp/ V SH PG. 8, SEC. 2 - PLAINDEALER - MAY II, 1967 WONDER LAKE EVELYN RASKE PHONE 653-4362 PASTOR AT CHRIST THE KING SUBMITS HIS RESIGNATION Rev. Father James Vanderpool of Christ the King Catholic Church has informed the members of his parish that as of May 31, 1967, he will resign his pastorship of the church to continue his work in clinical psychology. In his letter to his parishioners, Father Vanderpool recalled his twenty years at Wonder Lake, starting when he was a priest at Saint Patrick's, Mc- Henry, and when Christ the King was a mission. He recalled the first Masses said in Wonder Lake at the Harrison school and the growth and development of the church from the basement church (now the American Legion Hall) to its present site. I am sure many people of Wonder Lake whether they" be parishioners or not will miss Father Vanderpool. P.T.A. OFFICERS INSTALLED Congratulations to the 1967- 68 officers of the Harrison P.T.A., President Gloria Coughlin, Vice-President Peggy Mondek, Secretary. CeilDe- Werdt and Treasurer Phyllis Schuster. The officers were installed Tuesday, May 9, preceding the spring concert. May you have a very successful year. ALTAR AND ROSARY OFFICERS INSTALLED The Altar and Rosary Sodality of Christ the King church elected and installed their 1967 officers at their May 4 meeting. The officers, President Mrs. Gerald Raske, Vice-President, Mrs. Frank Houda, Secretary, Mrs. Carl Walker and Treasurer, Mrs. Eleanor Regelin were installed with an impressive ceremony by Mrs. Kaper Ehlen. Mrs. Ehlen had once again shown her creative talent with the making of a miniature altar complete with altar stone, inch high chalice, corporal, etc. Meeting was then closed with benediction given by Father Gaynor. A social hour fol- Jonred. * Y.C.S. Sister Jonita, along with eleven 7th grade students, Dan Brenner, Peggy Coughlin, John Hendricks, 'Eileen Kusch, Ruth Mathews, Terry McGibbon, Allan Mrowka, Mary O'Brien,Sue Remy, Cindy Ruggero and Nancy Van Kanegan, belonging to the YCS (Young Christian Students) of Christ the King parish joined other members in the Rockforrd diocese in a study day at Cathedral School in Rockford. The bus trip, stimulating talks, social hour and the hootenanny1 played a part in a great time for all. YOUNG AT HEARTS The Young At Hearts have added a special feature for their May 17get-togethe$ Mrs. Rita Rice has consented to give a cake decorating demonstration using three different shapes of cakes. Mrs. Rice wiH start her demonstration at 10:30 a.m. All persons intersted in cake decorating or having an enjoyable afternoon out, are invited to attend and have coffee and cake with us. KIWANTS NEWS President Phil Kinzer reported on the DeKalb meeting addressed by International President Glenn Reed. He urged all clubs to take stands on local, county, state, and national issues. He also urged the clubs to help in every way with the programs on conservation of our national resources and join in the fight against air and water pollution. The travelling gavel willgoto the Woodstock Club on May 11. May 15 will be Kiwanis Navy Day at Great Lakes Training Station sponsored by the Waukegan Kiwanis Club. This will be open to guests. May 22 will be the annual merit dinner at the Ringwood Methodist church. Kiwanis will honor outstanding eighth graders from the local grammar schools. This week's program was given by the Wonder Lake Explorer Scout Troop No. 245 of the Black Hawk Council. This troop is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. Kasper Ehlen and John Wines, the troop leaders, presented four of their SPRING GROVE NEWS KVA FREUND PHONE 675-2135 STUDEMTS ENJOY FIELD TRIP TO SPRIMGFIELD Eighth grade pupils of Spring Grove elementary school enjoyed a field trip to Springfield last week. They toured through Salem, the capitol building, Lincoln Tomb and many more points of interest. TRAVEL TO CHAMPAIGN Mr. and Mrs. Bernie May and Mrs. Agnes May spent the weekend as guests of students in University of Illinois. Their hosts were Fran May and Jim May. The occasion was in honor of Mother's Day. OVERWEIGHT Available t<» .you without .i doctor's prescription, our product railed Odrincx Ynu must lose ugly 1';i 1 <>r your moncv back. Odrincx is a tiny lablra and easily swallowed. Got rid of oxcess fat and and live longer. Odrincx costs $3.00 and is sold on this guarantee: If not satisfied for any reason, just return the package to your druggist and get your full in iiiio j back. No questions asked. Odrincx is sold with this guarantee by: B o 1 g e i Drug Store. 1259 N". Green Street. CLUB MEETS Mrs. Edward May entertained members of her club at her home on Tuesday evening. A dessert lunch was served followed by cards. Prizes went to Mrs. Charles Freund, Mrs. Arthur Klein and Mrs. Agnes May. An outing to Benet Lake was planned for June. RETURNS FROM CALIFORNIA Mrs. Mame Tinney, who was visiting her son, Jack, and family in Burlingame, Calif., the past month has returned home. McHENRY COUNTY POSTMASTERS MEET Postmasters from this area who attended the county postmasters meeting in Sycamore last Wednesday were Arthur Latham, Hebron; Stan Aim, Richmond; Frank Weideman, Ringwood; Anne Lyons, Solon Mills; Eva Freund, Spring Grove. ENGAGEMENT BLESSING The ceremony of solemn engagement was performed recently in St. Peter's church. The Rev. Louis L. Kagan of St. Mary's parish, Sterling, performed the ceremony for his brother, James, and fiancee, Sandra Prebonick, who will be married in June. Father Kagan will also witness their marriage vows. THE F1 {magazine) Ideas on liberty. Non political -- non profit educational articles on free market -- limited government Published monthly Any person ptay receive this publication for the asking. It is well worth studying. E«!S EDUCATION, INC. Irvingtoii'on-Hiidson, New York Founded In 1946 ~ troop, Sam Lamont, Tom Walkington, - Bill Wines and Paul Misiak, who all participated in the program. Kasper Ehlen assisted with the showing of colored slides . on the troop activities. Guy White's wife won the battle ax award. " YOUNG MOTHERS GUILD HOLDS RUMMAGE SALE The Young Mothers Guild of Christ the King church will sponsor a rummage sale May IS to May 21 in the school hall. Clean usable items can be placed in the school hall from May 13 to the 17. Due to the length of the sale, volunteer workers can sign the volunteer list in the vestibule of the church or contact Mrs. Joanne Wenkel so a time schedule can be arranged. SPRINGFIELD BOUND The Harrison eighth graders will be gone today and Friday on their Springfield trip. Having left at 7:30 a.m. the planned itinerary is to tour the college campus and zoo at Bloomington. Hoping to arrive in Springfield by 1 p.m. a busy afternoon is planned with tours of Springfield and attendance lectures. After dinner an evening of bowling topped off with a splash party in an indoor pool at the motel. Friday is equally busy with tours of the capitol building and Lincoln's home. Lunch at Nejv Salem state park, a stop over in Dickson Mounds state park and arriving home sometime between 7:30 and9:30p.m. Friday. Other than extra refreshments and souveniers the expense of the trip will be. paid for by the money raised by the class. Chaperones on this trip are Miss Repky, Mr. Wenck and Merle Thomas. Have a good time, kids. BIRTHDAY WISHES Happy birthday to Mrs. Grace Sellek, who celebrated her special day on May 6. SYMPATHY After visitation services were held on Wednesday, May 3, the body of Mrs. Nettie Liacus, 64, was taken to Onarga, where services were held on Friday. Surviving Mrs. Liacus is her husband, Theodore. Deep sympathy is extended to the Peter Mrowka family on the recent death of Mrs. Mary Mrowka. CHRIST THE KING NEWS On Friday, May 12, the CCD executive board will meet at the religion center at 8:30 p.m. All parishioners interested in religious education are invited. RELIGION CLASSES The last classes for this year will be May 20 and May 21. There will be no classes on Mother's Day. The summer session will take place from August 7 to the 18. MARIAN DEVOTION There will be a devotion in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary on May 21 at 3 p.m. Reserve the date. News About Our Servicemen Army Specialist Four James Lameka, along with 1,800 paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne division at Ft. Bragg, N. C., parachuted on to Viequez Island, in the Caribbean April 21, opening "Operation Clove Hitch m." Spec. Lameka, 20, son of Mrs. Josephine Lameka, 154 Pine grove, McHenry, and the other members of two battalions from the division are conducting mock search and destroy missions against another airborne battalion which is playing the "enemy." Conditions during the training (exercise are similar to those encountered in Vietnam. The 2nd Marine division launched an amphibious assault on the island of Puerto Rico as the airborne division landed on Viequez, With Navy ships and Air Forte jets being used for sea and air fire support, the main objective of the exercise is to evaluate the strength and efficiency of this combined combat force. Spec. Lameka, who entered the Army ih July, 1964, is assigned to Company A, 1st battalion of the division's 508th infantry. He completed his basic training at Ft. Knox, Ky., and was last stationed in Vietnam. RINGWOOD DOLORES BRENNAN 653-9045 Seaman Apprentice William G. Simpson, USN, son of Mrs. Georgia, J. Simpson of 7510 Hancock drive, Wonder Lake, is in the Caribbean taking part in a joint service amphibious training exercise named "Clove Hitch HI," as a crewmember aboard the amphibious command ship USS Taconic. His unit comprises a segment of more than 21,000 men of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine corps and Puerto Rican National guard who participated in the exercise. The two-week exercise began April 15, designed to provide training in joint "over-thebeach" landing operations. ^ Once ashore, the amphibious forces will be conducting counter- guerrilla operations, opposed by mock aggressors. Army Private Dennis B. Bennett is assigned to Company t), 8th battalion, 3rd brigade, in the United States Army Training center, Armor, Ft. Knox, Ky. Following the completion of his basic training, Pvt. Bennett, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bennett of 7706 Brook Drive, Wonder Lake will receive at least an additional eight weeks of either advanced instructions or on-/ the-job training to qualify him in a specialized military skill. FAIR BROCHURE A brochure containing a ticket order blank and an outline of entertainment and free attractions at the 1967 Illinois State Fair is now available. Ticket orders for grandstand" attractions will be honored after May 15. Copies of the program can be obtained by waiting to the Illinois State Fair, Springfield, 111. 62702. The 1967 Dlinois State Fair will open on Friday, Aug. 11, and continue through .Sunday', Aug. 20. Marine Lance Corporal Patrick J. Daly, son of Mrs. James W. Daly of 2105 W. Johnsburg Road, McHenry, has graduated from the Naval Air Maintenance Training Detachment 1023 aircraft fuel system course at Santa Ana, Calif. He is a member of Marine Composite Reconnaissance Squadron Three, stationed at the El Toro Marine Corps Air station. *• The maintenance detachment specialized in teaching subjects related to the Phantom II jet aircraft. Before entering the service in January, 1966, he attended Marian Central high school. SCHOOL RECEIVES FLAG FLOWN OVER CAPITOL BUILDING Through the efforts of our president of the Ringwood Com- . munity Club, John Lanway, Jake Levesque and Sen. Robert Mc- Clory, the Ringwood grade school has received a flag which has been flown over the capitol in Washington, D. C. Thefhfe arrived this past w&ek-®>ng with a letter from Washington stating that it had flown over the capitol. This is something special for our local youngsters, and will be flying on top of the flag pole soon. As of this writing, the flag pole is in need of being set up with a new rope. Thanks to John and his efforts in securing this memorial flag. ABSENTEE PINK AND BLUE SHOWER ' An absentee pink and blue shower was given by Bonnie Bruce in her home in honor of her cousin, Laura Jane Mc- Naliy, of Dallas, Texas. Those attending were Phyllis, Beverly, Resae and Juanita Ackerman, Joanne Bruce, Violet Carlson, Jessie Carlson, Zella Carlson, Gloria Congden, Virginia and Cindy Bruce. A luscious luncheon was enjoyed by all. CARD CLUB On Wednesday, the Card Club met in the home of Mrs. Bertha Peet in Richmond. Mrs. Flora Carr was high scorer for the afternoon with Gerry Knuz as low. HOT LUNCH SERVERS On May 10, AliceRhoades and Ruth Moehling will serve barbecues. Ruth and Joan Preston are scheduled to serve hot dogs on May 17. BIRTHDAYS On May 14, Jim Wegener celebrates his birthday. On May 15, Chester Griffith, Jr., will be 4 years old. On May 16, Doe and Charlie Brennan will celebrate their anniversary, while also on the same day, Cindy Bruce enters her teens. Freddie Bowman celebrates his natal day on May the 18th. Beverly Ackerman celebrates her natal day of ??years on May 19. Best wishes to all. SUCCESSFUL CARD PARTY The Ringwood cemetery card party which was held at the school last Tuesday evening was very successful. Thanks to all who helped in any way. SCHOOL TRIP LAST MONDAY The children of the Ringwood school enjoyed their annual school trip which was held on Monday. They went by chartered bus to Chicago where they toured the Museum of Science and Industry. Thanks to the parents and friends who went along as chaperones. AROUND TOWN On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Schuster of Mendota were dinner guests in the hpme of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen. Judy Winston visited Kim Gardiner, ballet "star of St. Alphonsus Anthenaem Theater, at the home of her parents, Mr. and (P Does not harm birds -i OUREX AWTI-BIRD MESH STOPS BIRD DMAGE TO FRUIT PLANTS Durable 100% nylon mesh gives complete protection from birds to fruit trees, bushes, vines, berry beds, as well as many tender vegetables that birds like to eat. Allows sun. rain and air to fall freely on crops. Resistant to sunlight. Will not rot or mildew. Black, to increase longer life Reusable for years. tea 49 W 37th St . Please send me New York Dept p A N Y 10018 54 •-3 V. at price . ADDHI Total. STA'f Gr ine®< NEW BUS STATION IN McHerfry# Illionis The address below r-. the place to go for all information on Greyhound tr-v/el. Your newGreyhound agent -- a member of your community--has full details on low Greyhound f.;r<-, frequent schedules, scenic routes. oh;ir-er bu\<, . . . Greyhound Package Express, too1 cjtop in m j say hello ... today! HAROLD E. BRONOW \i< ii Yellow tO\ crhWIe .••iX.VOlOl Mrs. Merle Gardiner. Mrs. Jim Wegener and children called on Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., on Friday. Mrs. Roy Wiedrich of Burlington called on Mrs. Wiedrich on Saturday. TTiere's not much else to re-, port on. News has been quite short, and Trudy Oonk has been trying to think of some newsy items, but hasn't been able to think of anything either. Keep trying, Trudy! I'll give you an A for effort. Mace for Flavor Mace^ available ground, adds an exolfc flavor to pound and yellow cakes, chocolate dishes, ami is excellent for sauces and pies, especially cherry and peach. Better Pie - Too much acid from fruit juices or too much sugar will weaken a pudding or pie filling. When making lemon pie filling, • add the lemon juice aftef you cook the filling; you will get a thicker product. McHENRY MWMMM WATER SOFTENER SERVICE 8AMB DAY SERVICE ON MOST MAKES & MODELS • 8ervlce • Repair • Overhauling 9 Reconditioning -- ALL WORK • Cleaning Out • Installation 9 Removal • Rebuilding GUARANTEED - Phone: 385-5566 "\ WATER SOFTENER SALES NEW -- USED -- REBUILT WATER SOFTENER SERVICE/SALES McHenry, Illinois Ideas from Addition Sk to show her you care .... To Mom with Love oppe Steepwear- CjownA-l^obes-Pafamad! jewelry. - J4. oveA - db a^A - Gift Boxed Wallets- Continentel Clutches - French Purses Sportswear - Sfachd - ^amaecad -» are with matching tops ALL MIDWEST BANK CARDS HONORED DL *l}a&hiori Sk oppe Rt. 31 (1007 N. Front St. > McHenry, 111. Phone 385-7747 Free Parking - Daily to 5:30 - Fri. 'til 9 p.m. & h JPLANTNOW FOR BEAUTY* Wide selection of choice trees and shrubs to enhance and beautify your home and grounds. "We feature locally grown nursery stock--always your safest buy for landscaping. Let our experienced specialists help you choose the best values CO fit your plans and budget. STOP IN TODAY ... SEE THESE SPRINGTIME SPECIALS: Dwarf Crimson Pygmy Barberry -- Makes a colorlul showing in front of shrub planting Korean Azalea -- $4.95 Lavender flowers in May (Many other varieties of shrubs available balled and burlapped for guaranteed planting results.) W.e have a large selection of Beautiful Flowering Crab Apples To Bloom for beauty all summer long ft YOUR ASSURANC8 OF RELIABILITY 5 $7.50, $15.00 and ROUTE i ••••••••••••••••••••••••• PHONE 159-6200 -- WE DELIVER