Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jun 1967, p. 6

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*0^ PG. 6, SEC. I - PLAINDEALER - JUNE I, 1967 MCCULLOM LAKE NEWS EVE LEVESQUE 385-4141 TASTY PASTRY, RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY JUNE 3 "Tasty pastry" and all sorts of clothing, small household items, bric-a-brac, and other choice treasures will be offered for sale, Saturday, June 3, starting at 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Chairman of the event is Mrs. Carrie Kurth who has industriously been carrying on her work for sometime. She and her committee will be at the beachhouse on Friday, readying merchandise for sale. The annual event is sponsored by the Ladies of the Lake. Donations of bakery may be brought to the beachhouse on Friday, or until noon on Saturday. Those women wishing to give homemade bread will certainly be appreciated. This is one item in high demand! Cakes, brownies, cookies, etc. will also find ready homes. Clothing for the sale should be in good, clean, usable condition and may be deposited at the home of Carrie and Frank Kurth --4703 W. Parkview--today, or tonight. The women of the community have utilized the profits from these affairs to improve the community, beach, and park. They need your help in this year's endeavor. Will you do your share? LITTLE LEAGUE ORGANIZATION FORMED Hiroitgh the efforts of Louis Swedo, West Shore Beach and Mrs. Gerry Jensen, there will be a Little League this year. A large group of interested parents met at the beachhouse on Monday, May 22, to organize for the promotion of little fellas' ball teams. Bill Brand accepted the pres idency of the group, village president John Boyle will serve as vice president, Mrs. Elaine Gleeson accepted the duties of secretary, and Jake Levesque will collect and dispense funds. Board members include Mr. Swedo, Charles Thacker, and Peter John Klapperich. Other adults who took interest in their sons' recreation were Bud Winters, George Madden, Hank Garin, Mrs. Bonnie Morris, Mrs. Brastad, and Wal- - fer Low. Initial registration was held test. Saturday, but too late to make the column. Final registration will be held this Saturday, from 1:30 to 4 p.m. on the basketball court. At the time of registration, four things are mandatory. Boys must be between the ages of 8 through 12; show registration slip signed by at least one parent; proof of age; and four dollars to help defray the tremendous costs of the undertaking. Before Saturday, registration slips may be obtained from P.J. Klapperich -- 5220 W. Maple Hill Drive. When registration has been completed, a schedule of games will be outlined. Lads from West Shore Beach and Ringwood are included in the organization. Sounds like a summer of fun for the youngsters and entertainment for spectators. FINAL WORD: More adult help is needed and volunteers may contact Mr. Brand or Mr. Boyle for participation. CULLOM-KNOLL MEETS SUNDAY The regularly scheduled meeting of the Cullom-Knoll Association will be held Sunday, June 4 at 3 p.m. in the beachhouse. A chairman will be. named for the July 4 festivities. We erroneously named Len Jensen who will assist, but is unable to assume full responsibility. He just finished the tremendous job of chairing the Spring dance! The organization is faced with an active summer with many interesting weekends in store for all residents. Help make this a Re-e-e-ally big summer, by offering your support. Those who nave noi paiaaues> (six dollars per annum), may do so, at the meeting. It's fun to use the park and beach facilities, but the bills for painting, mowing, and general upkeep must be paid! Such a small sum for so much convenience. SEASON OPENS FOR ' THE BIG GUYS Preceding the Cullom-Knoll meeting, the men of the village, will "kick off' the season with the first soft ball game. The "Fits" and the "Misfits" will meet in contest on the diamond, Sunday at 1 p.m. The fellas play better ball when the bleachers are full, so consider this a personal invitation. VILLAGE BOARD MEETING The president and trustees will meet in regular session, Monday, June 5, at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. The board encourages the attendance of adult residents. This is one of your obligations to the community. LADIES MEET NEXT THURSDAY Members of the Ladies of the Lake will meet next Thursday, June 8, at 8 p.m., in the beachhouse. All women of the community are cordially invited to attend. RUFFLES 'N* BOWS Plenty of both will be handing from the wash one at the Greg Burg, Jr., home. The couple's first child--Denise Christine--first saw the light of day at McHenry hospital, Saturday, May 20. The li'l lady weighed in at 8 lbs., 1 oz., and measured 20% inches. Less than one block from Louise and Greg's home, the paternal grandparents--Marie and Greg, Sr., reside. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schiller of Crystal Lake. Maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Amelia Glawe, also of Crystal Lake. Greg, who serves as a patrolman on the McHenry police department, is wearing his new role of father with dignity, while Louise keeps Denise neat and sweet. Our very best wishes. STARRING ROLE Although only eight years of age, Miss Susan Deskis of Woodstock, is making a name for herself in the lovely lady department. Susan, the granddaughter of Anna and Sam Deskis, Oakland Street was crowned Little Miss Moose in Woodstock, recently. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ray Deskis of the County seat. Her maternal grandparents who share in joy are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wollak of Lilymoor. AN ALMOST BRIDE, HONORED Miss Susan Murray, the daughter of Chief and Mrs. Earl Murray, was guest of honor at a shower on May 24. TTie affair was held at the American Legion home. Hostesses for the event were her maid-of-honor -- Miss Judy Murray; her sister -- Mrs. Kathy Murray Cajthaml; and her future sister-in-law, Mary Lou Smith.' Susan will become the bride of Mr. Robert Smith, Saturday, June 10, in the newly erected First Presbyterian church. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith of McHenry. ORCHID OCCASIONS Sure sorry for missing Mike Lorch's sixteenth birthday, May 25. Belated congrats, fella... Natal day greetings to twins Greg and Gerry Burg, to Petey Schmidt and Adele and Giacchino Fusciani will be wed two years, June 1...Sixteen years in "double harness" for Joyce and Ron Wilson, June 2 Happy birthday to Pauline Etten and anniversary greetings to Myrt and Gerry Burg, Jurie 4 ......Kevin McKim will turn 14 and happy birthday to Bob Fernandez, June 7. Best wishes to all. Hope your Memorial Day holiday was truly memorable. Spring (or would you say , summer) finally arrived with temps, in the 90's, May 26. See you next week? JOHISBURG NEWS BETTY HETTERMAXV 385-1290 GIRL FORESTERS PLAN OUTINGS FOR SUMMER The junior members of St. Agatha court No. 777, aregoing to get a jump on summer fun by attending a swijnming gettogether next Saturday, June 3. Those who are to attend are asked to be in front of St. John* s school by 12:30 sharp. A trip to Rockford is also on the agenda for some of the junior Forester members. This will take place Friday, June 9. Each girl going on the outing is asked to bring her lunch and some spending money. If there is time, they will stop for hamburgers on the way home. Slacks will not be permitted on this outing. Girls are to meet in front of the - school by 8:30 a.m. and will return there somewhere around 5:30 p.m. Please try to be punctual. COMMUNITY CLUB MEETS JUNE 5. All members of the Johnsburg Community Club are invited to be present at the next regular meeting which will be held Monday, June 5. The evenings committee will be notified. GRADUATIONS DRAW NEAR Many of our young people will be receiving diplomas in various degrees from schools here and out of town. To all of this year's graduates we wish much success in their future plans whatever it may be. We hope your years ahead turn out to be exactly what you wish them to be. Once again congratulation to all. i. This is a terribly short column, I know, but I guess the holiday has a lot to do with it. Please phone your items in by next Monday &t noon; Carrots and creeds, potatoes and pomp, governments and grass, all are dependent on the whims of sun, rain, temperature,, and altitude. ASSURE HELP IN DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL AREAS New step4 have been taken to insure that rural communities in McHenry county have access to all existing services in their development efforts, Chairman Samuel Haning of the County Technical Action panel said last week. Mr. Haning. who also is SCS conservationist assisting the McHenry County Soil and Water Conservation district, said the' county TAP will serve as a central "one-stop" source of information on programs available to rural communities which might help them solve social and economic problems and develop community facilities. Local organizations will be able to find out through the county TAP whether agriculture . or some other federal department or some state, county, or private agency has aprogramto help a project that could riot be carried out with local resources alone. The McHenry county Technical Action panel includes local officials Of the Farmers Home administration, Soil Conservation service, and Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation service, as well as the Extension and Vocational Agriculture services. Mr. Haning said that inquiries can be submitted through his office at 670 East Calhoun street, Woodstock, or at the office of any other agency on the County Technical Action panel. Shop In McHenry Sign Up For U.S< Savings Bonds/ New Freedom Shares I For That Old Fashioned Flavor-Come To 3wenenmnn • Viirirlirs ot Ssmkhik'*' • Trur l.crmaii Khn <»r> • l.ran llifk<*r\ SnmU^J Itiiron • ( niiiitr> M;i<l« Sausn^f • Di'Ih I M I I .s IlirUor.v >in<'U<'«l ll;IMS Phone 385-6260 |{«.nt« l id -lust K;ixt <>t i;t. r Volti. Illinois 2>o yo u JC, S, now omeone flew Jn Down? The Welcome Wagon Representative would like to call on thern and extend a welcome to the community. Please Call The Re|iret>enlati\es Below % elcome Wca cton *»* Tl® CEIL DEWERDT 653-9317 RUTH BOMKE 385-7418 we corecustomer Because you can't fool him. He likes peanut butter. As a matter of fact, he's an expert on the subject. But he's a tough hombre to convince: He doesn't want to hear about Ann Page's "jet-roasting" process. . Don't tell him we remove the air in the mixture to improve flavor-- or that, nutritious as it is, Ann Page Peanut Butter costs less. HVe' doesn 't care about- details.•'. % We care and you may care. But he doesn't. He just wants it to taste good. Luckily for us, Ann Page Peanut Butter tastes so good. A&P Customers prefer Ann Page by more than 3 to 1 over any famous brand sold in our stores. To satisfy your "tough customers," shouldn't A&P be your store? ^>1 Whats Cooking? Savings on "Super Right Meats! Rotisserie Roast & Rump or Sirloin Tip Boneless, Rolled & Tied A&P's Super Right - Top Quality 89t A&P's SOW RIGHT TOP QUALITY ALL OUTSIDE FAT OVER '/»" THICK IS REMOVED PRIOR TO PACKAGING. SIRLOiM Wedge Bone Removed or Club -- Tailess *109 ' A&P's Ssspsir Righit--Tap Quality OVEN READY U.S. Govt. Inspected Grade "A" 10 to 14-lb. Avg. A&P's Super Right Ben Suj P Super Right ©IS $ Saust ss I© Rolls lb. Mild or Hot SUPER RIGHT ologna • Cooked Salami • Spiced Luncheon 1-lb. pkg. 89 39c 65' 39: Boneless Strip Steaks Boneless Top Round 4-Legged Fryers Fancy Halibut Steaks Pan-Ready Whiting Fish A*f Super liqht tlBQ New Vorli Cut lb. A«r> SUMR RIGHT or Double Sreatfed AlP'l Super Right CAFN JOHN'S 4 $100 J >*• 1 •b 99* b 49c * 59' 5199* £49 Tasty Pickin's--Fresh Produce Del Monte Grapefruit Drink Realemon Lemon Juice Minute Maid*,. riSz/EJl COPYRIGHT t 1967. THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO . INC jC SOUTHERN GROWN PEACHES 29' Fresh Blueberries Fresh Strawberries New Red Potatoes e 39( e39c 5 .b. 39< 12-oz. .. can ii S. 49' 6-oz. cons 89' iHimnrtn U-iJ Freiee Orange Juke 12-OX. QQ( minUTe IVIOIQ n» ml from flotUm can J7 Banquet Meat Pies Frozen 2 pie* 45' Cookin' Bags .H55E.X 29' > Peanut Butter Creamy or Krunchy ,;lbjo8r 63* Pork & Beans Ann Page 3^3.,. JJ00 Grape Jelly Sultana Brand 2 It 3f Iced Tea Mix INSTANT-Our Own 14-oz. IA0 Instant Coffee AtP Brand 10-oz. AAC Jar 69< Cheeri-Aid Drink Mix--13 Flavori Egg Noodles Ann Page >-•* 3W pvkgbs . 5|10 0 "V Instant Dry Milk White House pkg. makes 20 quart* c Blue Bonnet Margarine Reg. pkg. 30 SULTANA Tuna Flakes BRAND Milnot for Baking Hunt's Tomato Catsup 3 SS 79* 14'A-ox cans 38' "S: 22' Brand Thousands of Winners Each Week WE Come in and Play. You might be a Cash or Product Pri" W1NMER! ' SERIES 58943 QBWoo d ' SERIES 58943 < CBiLtJpLir: BIflOGO 7th WEEK 7th WEEK Clip these coupons or a facsimile of these coupons Grapefruit Juice Gold Pacbago Fleiseia§iann's Margarine Stouffer's Corn Souffle J 79< £41« Chef Boy-ar-Dee KSL' Superose Sweetener Sweet 'n Low White Cloud Charmin Tissue Gala Paper Towels Puffs Facial Tissue Spaghetti A 15!A-oi. can 35' Lo-Calorie Sweetner Bathroom Tissue For The Bathroom 69' X 49' 2Ea29c 4 Ei.43< Large Ay, Roll <9# 200-ct. box 24' Bakery Buys! ite Jread JANE PARKER » Dated for 24-oz. Freihnees • loaves 99 Peach Pie JANI PARKIR Food Cake Cake Cookies RIOUIAR T CRUSTY JAMI PAIKEt CHIRRY t APRICOT JANI PARKIR CMOCOUTI CHIP S COCOANUT ^49- . 49* £45' Frozen Foods! Cream MORTON'S BRAND • Chocolate • Lemon • Banana 14-oz. pie 29 Libby's Frozen Lemonade Libby's Fruit Drinks A&P Orange Juice Marvel Ice Milk THI RIAL THINO FROM FLORIDA ten 1«0» r io- 6^89* (•rtM 69^ Dairy Foods! Cheese Whiz Kraft's Brand 8-oz. ctn. Y 49 A&P Real Cream Topping A&P Brick Cheese Slices Cheddar Cheese Food Cheese Slices »w 39^ pkf. 45' A&P SHARP MU-04IT • AMCRICAN * PIMINTO • SWISS Z 49* K 35' Reynolds Aluminum Foil Aero Shave Gentle Fels SHAVE CREAM 254t. Roll 6Vi-oz. can 31c Dove Liquid Decent 67c Ideal Dog Food DETERGENT i i r f t DOG FOOD 59' 6 it 891 15%-oz. Qc can 7 PLAID STAMPS TOOll The Greaf Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Inc. These prices effective thru June 3, 1967.

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