• Sightseeing in Centred Morocco warn. RABAT, MOROCCO (CFN)--The sun dips among the Eucalyptus blossoms, burnishing ^their petals to unbelievable brilliance. Beside the bazaars, vendors sit crosslegged on their brilliant carpets adjoining the great gate of Chellah that will swing closed when the moon rises to cast its light upon centuries-old excavations. This is Morocco, jewel of North its veil to the Westerner to reveal Africa, meeting place of the Atlantic and Mediterranean, crossroads of two continents. The very names of its cities- Rabat, Fez, Casablanca--conjure pictures of Casbahs (citadels or fortresses), "glittering palaces, minarets, dazzling sunshine, exotic foods . . . and intrigue. But, for better or worse, gone is the intrigue that once sparked the imagination of novelists and movie makers. If, for centuries, Morocco seemed shrouded in impenetrable mystery, it has raised the fact of a warm and friendly people. Today mosques vie with such modern buildings as the Rabat Hilton hotel for a place in the skyline. Situated near the Royal Palace, the new Rabat Hilton, with 259 rooms and a motif that combines modern conveniences with the rich art traditions of the past, is the largest hotel in this country. It offers a magnificent view of Rabat as well as the twin city of Sale and the awesome Tower of Hassan. Part of Rabat is the Medina, or old city, famous for its rugs and carpets. Within easy access are the seaport and commercial city of Casablanca, the royal cities of Fezand Meknes, the Roman luins at Volubilis and the Hbly City of Moulay Idriss, to which tens of thousands of Moslems make a pilgrimage each year. Excavations include theGallien Baths, Caracalltis Triumphal Arch and forums used for theatrical events. As a base from which to explore central Morocco, however, Rabat offers the ideal location. From the U.S., Pan American World Airways provides single plane service to thi§ city so handy to magnificent beaches, tranquil forests and the host of age-old cities. The 6uys in the Da Nana patrol Hnr the ttaw h near. Wm» I* tfcf dMpptr are counting tfra seconds. 17 if tham. Dressed in green dwpffu, soaked blacft in sweat ^ ^ Ha nisccrachs. Ho horseplay. toy mlnufo row they'll hit the MHai »m. And head for the jungle. Tla chopper will lift And they'll It ataM. They're thtgwrs hi the Pa W«m»«trel. •k • * ' TMthNsaRdRlesamndtktvtrM, there are people whs tall tfcM seckir. Peeple who hops they'll ghra ep. Quit fie AWOL But they wwt TlMy cart. EflMgh m 9 Mt af II mi to the outfit pat cash Inti II.S. Saviags Bends. TthslppaythebiSi. They're the guys to ttt Pa Hamatyal. • • • The nut ttau they hit tht landtag MM, wHI yta be with thtai? Da yen cart enongh to get la there and pitch tht best way yta can? Make no mistake. These guys In the Da Clang patrtl will hit the landing zeno anyway. Maybe you'll stand a little stralghtar, walk a bit taller - knowing yta'ra with thtn all tht way. U. S. Savings Bonds mm Tht V. 5. Gmnrnm**i dit not ftj ft tkit aAnrttowwi. ft it prttnfj a psMa nriiN im c--ptrttim with tkt Trttimry Oepartawu mmi Th* Advertising CtmmetL JUNE 15, 1967 - PLAINDEALER - SEC, 1, PG» 5 MUSIC CENTER . . . . In the Shawangunk Mountains, eighty-eight miles from New York City, at LakeMinneunska, this 175-room former resort hotel will be setting for the Mid Atlantic Music Camp, an eight-week program of music and recr e a t i o n during July and August. GOLF LESSONS Junior Group Lessees are now Organised for 1© f ©an and undof FOR INFORMATION CALL 385-0333 CHAPEL HILL GOLF COURSE coooo**o»» « • • • • • • • • • • • < » Health Tips Ever wake up, or at least about half awake, in the night with a splitting headache? Or a pain in the tummy? And stumble into the bathroom and reach for a bottle in the medicine cabinet. And gulp down a pill or two, or a spoonful of medicine? Sure. All of us have. And we are risking serious trouble in taking medicine carelessly. The medicine was prescribed by your physician, and he included specific orders for size and frequency of dose and how to take it. The American Medical association reminds that there is a good, sound reason for these orders, and they're meant to be followed. A few simple rules for taking medicine can help to avoid an accident that may make your minor discomfort a lot worse. * Never take medicine in the dark. Be certain you can-see the bottle or pill box, to make certain it's the right one. * Read the directions care-- fully before taking. Those directions are there because they're needed. * Don't increase the dosage or take more often than directed without checking with your" doctor. * If the label says "Shake well before using," it means what it says. Shake it. * Don't take medicine prescribed for someone else. Just because it helped your husband's cough doesn't mean ifs right for you. * Keep medicine out of reach of children. The small child who is rushed to the hospital after eating a whole bottle of sugar - coated tablets is an all too common occurrence. * Put the cap back on the bottle. Some medicines change strength if exposed to air too long. * Keep the medicine in its original box or bottle. Shifting sleeping pills into an aspirin bottle, for instance, could produce dire effects for someone else in the family. Can I? says.. MUt£ ThEMMAG&ff&K Me JLM40S MSgmU 794MS. • rtw shwid eer 7 &#r«p re • (&*££> &x ®>mut « ® VC£*S &0PMVS (SMMHasr ®Amer/cs 7y O/ *79* Lyyg 6 S39<JoH 7/S> 9 4 xx>jx?r3C!r'S W/YS AS/V&y 77/f? £ AXiVtrUS ' C Swr/77/M XMa V J Q. Have you any suggestions for enhancing the flavor of beef roasts? A. The next time you're preparing a roast beef, spread a thin coating of mustard over the top, and this will add adelicious flavor. Or, make slits in the roast and tuck in as much thyme as you can. Add salt and pepper* and roast as usual. Q. How can a woodcarving hobbyist harden the wood that has been cut out and sculptured into the desired shape? A. By boiling the pieces in pure olive oil for eight to ten minutes. Many other such "hobby hints" are contained in iJ my household-hints book. Q. How can I prevent Chinese and Indian matting rugs, as well as bamboo curtains and furniture, from yellowing? A. By cleaning them with salt water. Q. Can you suggest an easy repair for small holes in linoleum? A. Oftentimes a good filler for such holes is provided by a mixture of finely chopped cork and liquid glue. Q. How can I remove stubborn stains from my kitchen sink bathtub? A. Try rubbing over these stains with table salt dampened with turpentine or mineral spirits, then rinsing with clear water. READ THE CLASSIFIED Mass Award The heroism of Malta in World War II is officially recognized in the island's post office address, "Malta G.C." TheG.C. stands for the George Cross Medal that was awarded the entire population for its courage during saturation bombings in 1942. Fishy Idea Sleeping pills are frequently given to aquarium fish being moved from tank to tank to reduce the danger of harming them. * * • USE TH! CLASSIFIEDS MODIFIED & STOCK CAR RACING Every Thrilling Thurs. & Sal. Nites Play TOTAL and win $$$ at th* TOTAL FUN AND ACTION TRACK THIS SATURDAY LAKE GENEVA SPEED CUTER Tim* Triala 7:00 PM.-Krrt Race 8:15 PJVL Adult* $2.00 - 12 Racat - Children 50c WANTED DADS ttni 1MHE 18 c@cas®y g?AQQ0K!® DALE N erica car Ppcxcooc VcHi ?e3V DALE BENSON I MILES W. OF MAIENfiO ON li 21 FHOHE: I15-5M-72U CURTAIN TIMH, 5it. / * 10 Tuti, thru Frl. * $ur\; jjjJ* W«d. & Thur. MitinMi 2>00 PRICISi Sat. M®0V A5?"n»a*? 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