Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jul 1967, p. 17

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C - \ • -.r 3UNNYSIDE ESTATES •. • •:y Salty Segerstrom S85-0964 Marlene Bei« S86-S418 .•2&. SPECIAL WIRING INSTALLED A and- very tired. The PUMP HOUSE v * f^liight's entertainment seem to ' girl ,-|| call; from George Mar*j mn, district supiWntenaent U (^monwealth Edison reported that the first time the Crystal Lfelse office had any inquiries from the Witter C&ft&jjjiy ' fo* thrift phara WiHng was S9 this yfiiur. TWa r^questwas all that was for the power company tomake the thfee phase service available to the outside w«l of the pump hOute at no charge. • • However, before they tfe£&* their wiring, the Water Conk* pany must have the three phaseservice entrance equipment installed by anelectrical contractor at the Water Company's expense. At this writing the work is being done and as we understand in a couple of days we should have a 20 horsepower ptunp giving us all the water wre need. ; Also, the blow off pipes ftftvfe teen installed on the ©nd of Indian Ridge and Oakleaf. •ijB TRIP Mary Jane Lakowski and Palmer were among chosen delegates who went Urbana for National i$$k & the University. They from Tuesday to Fri# at the University tend* 1. it was most inlerestingfor ^ grmqp as they attended assemblies on a variety of stibj §vts, saw fashion shows, partifefoated in a democracy game £m had a dancing party 'od Thursday with band and all. i&ry Jane was among the four mto were chosen from the county to sing in the State 4-H choir. They gave a program on tfriday for the delegates and _0a June 27, a 4-H judging - jj$r ®e clothes that will be enfcf fired in the county fair wiiheld in Woodstock. Three Ar£ t!ng blue ribbons were given fis-sJ year knitters, Lauri Monica Davis and Helen Mary Walczynski re* I a B-rating. FORESTERS OUTING Diane Voight, Gerstsin and Patfci Jo Jilliamn were among tbegroqp not apet& tits day in Rockford. They weal; to tha T.V. studio atS saw themselves on television toured a potato chip tac- |ifey md got samples. For a thirst qusacher they wont through a soda pop factory and $en on to the Museum of History. Before coming home they stopped in Crystal Lake for Cupper. (URL SCOUT NEWS Girl Scout Day Can?) for Troop 88 was held the week June 12 through the sixteenth, at Camp Lewis on Lake Defiance. The girls attending from Sunnysife Estates were: Kathy Gerstein, Heather Ssipman, and >atti Jo WUUomo. Buses were provided for transportation, their days were made up of games, singing and hiking. During the wedUhey made scarfs, name togs end patrol flags. On We&i0G<lsy night the girls camped cut, they cooked lunch, be talk and more talk! The parents were invited Friday, to come and see the camp. Skits were preformed by each unit much to tHe parents de* FattiJoWUUams . Scribe •- •. * ENTERTAINING GUESTS James and Hedwig Haninger were very happy last week when their son, Glen, arrived for a short visit. Dr. and Mrs. Glen Haninger and their four youngest children arrived Saturday and stayed until Tuesday. Saturday, James and Hedwig and their son and family met in Hines at the Fruin residence. From there they attended the wedding of James and Hedwig® s youngest nephew. It was a very pleasant evening as four hundred guests gathered at the reception. Most of them being relatives of the Haningers which they have not seen in sometime. The days passed very quickly and Tuesday came when Glen, his wife and children had to leave. Even with such a short time, everyone had a good time and James and Hedwig have another set of events to add tb their memories. Bud and Carol Kenftebeckhad house guests last week. Madelyn Gamperi and two children have been keeping Carol on her toes, and it seems Madelyn is having a good time but not much of 4 rest. POND FAREWELL Pat Voight, who recsittly graduated from McHenry high,, ^ was honored at"a going aWay C party at her home oh Sunday. Open house was held for around thirty people. Everyone had a grand time, especially Juns'p, mother who toured the suixH-* vision on a motorcycle. Friday, ^ W fc going toAimiston,. eta, tor her basic training.' she will attend medical training school at Fort Sam Houston In San Antonio, Texas. Good luck, Pat! BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS , Bud • LytS® • celebrated,.. Wfc - Wrthfey .on Friday;^ ^ fanUly and Lucy's' partirffrfifr***-* and Mrs. Gazda, of PraiW# ~ View. For the wegteii Buff# sister and huSb&M ISr. and Mrs. Paul Cook, ss$ olx chil- " dren of Peru, Ihd., vieltadthem. Th@y oil went in to Chicago, on SuM^r to see five year old Shsrri Lytle perform at her dance recital. Bud and Lucy watched with pride wishing it could have lasted longer. Monday morning the Cooks wore just driving out the driver/ay as we called Lucy for news. It was funny coincidence, really it was! Jerry and Fran Olsen and Jerry's sister, Sue, took Jerry's mother out on the town for her sixtieth birthday along with Great Grandmother Olsen. They had cocktails and dinner in Crystal Lake and then attended a pl% in Marengo. lite three ladies stayed the weekend at tte Olsens and on Sunday evening had cake and i£e crO&itvin honor of Jerry's birthday. ' VACATIONS Andy and Joann Eichhorn and three children had a couple Of days aWay from it all, at the Dells in Wisconsin. They kept busy by taking in most of the sights, a boat trip, a tour of the Fort and the beautiful water show, They were driven home earlier than they had planned by heavy rains. ^Dotores Gerstein and two children and Dolores Hanahan and four children spent five days in Springfield. They visited Lincoln's tomb and his home and the New Salem State Pftrk. They had also sat in cm a session of the1 House of Representatives. It was dinner out every evening and not a, dish to wash the entire five days, it was a very pleasant five days, which did not start out as such. When driving down they were just ahead of a tornado front. They drove through terrible winds, a sand storm and pouring rains. GRADUATION PARTY Laurali Jost was the guest of honor at a graduation party held Saturday beginning at 4. Some fifty guests gathered to bestow their best wishes and many lovely gifts. The Ted Bierchems of the Estated were .a$OftB the guests present. A buffet was set up for all to enjoy. It was a very nice party arid every one had a wonderful tinie as it was early morning when the last guests left. HERE AND THERE Mike Tillich's brother, P*te, • and his family from Mattseri, and his mother from Antioch spent Sunday with Rose and Mike swimming in their pool. Rosemarie May is visiting with the Espy family in Fox LskG* . * Jerry Zeiger spent a in San Francisco with a bud^jr. Jerry is home for the Summer from his teaching job. ^ , Ernie Olsen, Jimmy Williams, Donnie Dettlovv and Steve Farley spent the night in a tent in the Olsens' yard. You can bet they did not get much sleep but had a great time. Jim and Pat Williams and four children spent Sunday afternoon at a farm and zoo near Lib-; ertyville. The Kelso family went to Elgin for the graduation party of Nancy Krepel, who graduated from Northern Illinois. A large gathering of friends and relatives enjoyed an outside buffet. Norma Gunn was among, the nurses who were invited to tour Great Lakes Naval Station by the Marine Commander. They were especially interested in seeing the hospital and orthopedic section. After touring parts of the base they had tea at the Commander's home. RETREAT Irene May spent a weekend retreat at the Cenacle in Warrenville, with the Ladies of Isabella. It was a wonderful weekend getting away from it A.'# all akl Howe there was some excitement when a group of protest marchers camped on a part of the grounds. This group was protesting for open housing for Warrenville factory workers. There were no incidents, and some even attended Mass and were invited to breakfast with the retreaters. LITTLE LEAGUE In the Majors, the Cubs beat the Mets 6 to 3 on Monday evfening. On Thursday the Sox scored 10; the Athletics 0. In the Minors, Cincinnati won over the Giants 8 to 6 on Tuesday. Thursday's game Cincinnati beat the Pirates 12 to 4. In the Intermediates the Yanks and Sox played a double header on Wednesday. The Yanks won 5 to 1 and 1 to 0. SICK LIST Danny and Chuckie Schneider both have a good case of chicken pox. There is not a clear patch of skin to be seen and even have them in their throats. We hope you boys are feeling better soon. ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Ron and Carol Messersmith celebrated their seventh anniversary with a party on Sunday at their home. The Radtke family was there and seven other friends and relatives who all enjoyed a cook out. ACCIDENTS Jimmy Williams fell out of •* Siflrwihg ttriSr and suffered aminor concusion. But what a banged up face! He had a huge bump on his forehead and two black eyes. Three year old Datony WHliams had blood poisoning from a slight cut on his foot. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Birthday greetings today to John Senkerik. Mary Rose celebrates tomorrow. Donna Jen-1 sen shares the eighth with Diane Gowin who turns five. Charlotte St. Germain has her day on the ninth with Rosemary Kayler who becomes eleven. On the tenth is Sandy Schneider, Betty Lakowski, Connie Hanahan who will be seven and Kerri Berg who becomes three. Marge Fischer, Mike Tillich, Sr.,„ and Chris Fail all celebrate the twelfth with Heather Siepman. That is all for this week. The calls from our readers have become fewer and fewer which makes our job so much harder. So please help us by giving us a call when you have any little bits of news. Be fVise Shop In McHenry Wltli Ulito su-viilrnts »i» fr«|U»*iit. In* pre|K»rr«l wiierRciMv with u First Aid Kit In V'Mif en I". Mlliatrrum Drug for ft* fur >i <'«HH|ilt't«> wrrtlMi mrtty unit Joliiuton & Johnson l»t »l<l kltt*. JOHNSON & JOHNSON AUTO 1ST AID KIT SAVE 61k' r<>£. au.w 3720 W. Elm. St. I'lioni- 3HS-70S0 Jewel Shopping; PIH»I Jerry Toutwilnt, R.i'h. SAVE EVERY WEEK WITH JEWEL'S "NIIRACIE PRICES"! #• ; There 's ossBy ©no way to pswo ft© |f®urself that Jewel's "Miracle Prices" ars lower -- SHOP AE^D COMPARE! • ftrowM through the Jewel near yote? tenw, check "Miracle Prices" with what you'd expect to pay elsewhere. THEN YOU BE THE JUDGE! You'll soon ask yourself - WHY PAY MORE? • "AftStrade Prices" can mean savings you of 3', 10% even 1 $' ©ua on item! Significant price reductions like these can mean substantial savings on your weekly food bill I • "JtTocsieSe Prices" are pemtanomtf price reductions, not just weekly specials! This means you'll continue to savo ovary week on many of the grocery and household items that appoar most often otrt a weekly shopping list. And best of all --Jewel's "Miracle Price" list is GROWING each and every week! You'll find new "Miracle Prices" throughout the store - every time you shop at Jewell YCJt MOMI Of iracle ,:i Prices" JUDGE FOR YOURSELF SKN0 COUPON BELOW FOR FRKC COLOR BROCHURE H O L I D A Y in the family fun Ismfl Wisconsin DURING YOUR VISIT cruise the lush scenic splendor of "Dells Country." THE UPPER DELLS . . . from a tour boat you'll see the beautiful secrets of magnificent Ice Age formations... be able to stop and discover first hand Cold Water Canyon, Witches Gulch and Stand Rock. THE LOWER DELLS . . . cruise the fabulous fast waters of Rocky Island to ^ see even more gorgeous scenery. Then on to family fun for all at "• FORT DELLS. See and participate In authentic exciting Frontierland, Indianland, Adventureland, and the all new 354 ft. Totem Tower. ',^-4 ' 11 ' GUIFBEUE SMALL REGULAR Shrimp Ubby Relish #22 Russ© Sea Shells CHERRY VAL. EY Salad Sreoo^jj CHERRY VALLEY Early June 0%as Miracle White SO SOFT Fabric Softener IVORY "10c Off" LABEL Liquid Detergent Greeei Hiant Peas GREEN GIANT Niblets Corn GREEN GIANTKITCHEN SLICED fireen Beans PINK, YELLOW. VWfiNlTfi 18*116 BLUEBROOK Canned! Tomatoes' CAMPBELLS Tomato Sossaap IMirael© WMm MOTTS Applesauce CHERRY VALLEY <tep@friit Juice AVioz. Can 16oz. Pkfl. 32 oz. Jar 17 ex. Can V!i aal. BH. Va gal. Btl. 22 oz. BH. Bftoz. Can 8Vfe oz. Cam Rail 1601 Can 10* oz. Can 46 oz. Can I PINEAPPLE/GRAPEFRUIT 4" Del Monte Drink 2^^ "30c OFF" LABEL W Dash Detergent tfSig, , REGULAR & DRIP 3 I Jowel Coffee Jewel iviald Flour RED CROSS Spaghetti KELLOGGS Corn Flakes CRACKIN GOOD - SANDWICH Cream Cookies CRACKIN GOOD Saltines CAMPBELLS Wekon Noodle Soup i G & Sesgar I JEWEL Papeo us SALERNO COOKIES Angel Cakes SALERNO COOKIES Gced ©ateneal SALERNO WinctaiSQ €@©Sties SALERNO Sugar SALERNO Fig Bars MARS iiiilky Way 46 oz. Can 21b. Can 12oz PkB 2 lb Pk9 16oz. Phg. 200 ct. Ban 14Vi oz. Pkfl 9Vt oz. Pkg. CENTER CUT LB 90NELISS HOILID Pork Roast - 88c .DA CHOICE LB> m ------ • J ^ GRADE At night see the brilliant spectacular STAND ROCK INDIAN CEREMONIAL presented by over sixty American Indians set in the natural beauty of a Dells Canyon amphitheater. (Easily reached by boat or car.) , \ BONUS SPECIAL! WILSON en Bre GRA0£fyR°a9t WILSON ^ /VW/,« y. GOLDEN-RIPE Bmanas LB. Bibb lettuce ZlSTY Limes FARM STAND ©r©en BUNCH ID AaA { SEND FOR FREE COLOR BROCHURES, please check below . . . J • BOAT TRirS [j STAND ROCK C FORT DELLS ! DELLS BOAT CO., INC., Dept. S4C, Wisconsin Dells, Wis. 5396S | Name i AdJress BONUS SPECIAL! YUMMY CHASE & SANBORN GOOD THROUGH SAT., JULY 8, 196X WIM Cream BONUS SPECIAL! GOOD THROUGH SAT., JULY 8, 1967 j city rj:olc X-Zip ... I See your local Greyhound, Milwaukee Road or Travel Agency dk ^Jewe£& Mutac£& Food, T^Ucsa you, Mowf ^^Jeweii Mi/uusle> Food T^UceA (Joa,

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