EG. 6, SEC. 2 - PLAIN DEALER - JULY 13, 1967 HOLIDAY HILLS NEWS nres YOUNG 385-4672 AWARD PRIZES AT COMPLETION OF SWIM LESSONS Swimming lessons were concluded on Friday, June 30, with ft party on the Motion lawn to present awards and certificates of accomplishment. A racorrf >f all of the requirements re kept for each swimmar with stars av/ardsd when the requirements were passed. When all of the requirements were passed, the swimmer was gven a Red Cross certificate (Seating that they had passed die tests. The following certificates were awarded: Swimmer, Cbpistine Krueger; Intermediate, Deborah Ann Mahon, Debra Smith, Gregory Smith, Evy Krysialt, Alan White, Donna Caulfield, Patty Emerson, Phillip Nottoli; also advanced beginners, Nancy Harper, Judy Attrink, Eddie Krysiak, Maria £blen, Catherine Ehlen, Cathy Connell, Cindy Smith, Sue White, Mark Jende, Roy Breede, Joe Fdreman, Rosemary Foreman; and Besinners. Joe Foreman, Rosemary Foreman, Charles Shellenberger, Made- Ion Roalsen, Jean Colberg, Glenn Exline, William Mahon, Nancy Foreman, Denise Hughes, Rama Bieschke, Debbie Gabriel, Karl Hallberg, Linda Janik, Timmy Hughes, Tammy Hughes and Tammy Hampton. Following the presentation of certificates, the instructor, Pepper Bieschke was given a gift from all of the swimmers. During the period of instruction, Pepper was very ably assisted by three teenage volunteers, Linda Exline and Janet and Jim Harper. The task of instructing and keeping records for close to 100 youngsters is a big one and can only be accomplished by many people working together. Beside our instructor and her helpers, the following women were on beach duty; Arlene Foreman, Helen Boettcher, Janet Frantz, Vi Abbink, Midge Teuber, Renee Jende. Mrs. Shellenberger, Jo Janik, Mrs. Prince, Donna Kasprzyk and Leone Kathan. Before lessons could even begin, the ropes,.markers and raft had to be set out, and once again our teenagers were cm hand. The young people who helped with this job were John Soccer Club FormedD Elects New Officers Wonder Lake's newly farmed Soccer Club held its first official meeting Monday night, July 3. Groundwork was laid for the formation of a McHenry County Soccer Association,, The Wonder Lake group have chosen the wimp of "Hie Marauders" to be its official title. Leo Hartog, coach for the team, was elected president of the club. Walt Vltavsky was elected secretary and will also serve as treasurer pro tem until the club has a larger membership when a new treasurer will be appointed. George Taylor was appointed to the position of captain of the senior team. Hartog gave the team a rundown cu what would be expected from them both as soccer players and as members of the association. There is to be a Junior and senior team. The junior team will be in the 15 and 16 year category. 15 years of ags in absolute minimum. The senior team members will be from age 17 and over. Eighteen young men from this area have already joined the club with more coming in all the time. Two yoiatg exchange students from India joined the club last week. Harrison school has given permission to use its grounds as a regular training field. New portable goal posts were constructed last week and will be painted with the team colors of green and white. Monday has been designated as regular meeting nights. Location to be announced at field practice, which will be on Wednascigy evenings at 7 p.m. at Harrison school. The team has already played two practice games against Crystal Lake the past two Thursday nights. If all-out enthusiasm and team spirit will win games or help to win them these fellows should win every game because they are a dedicated group, each willing and anxious to do more than his share to make their Soccer club successful. What they need now are interested spectators to give them some moral support. So, maybe you don't understand the game, ask anyone of these members and they'll be happy to show you how ifs done. Just come out and watch them! Soccer is the "in-game" in America today. Why not go where the real action is and back up these young people in their new sports venture. Next week we will print the full roster of the players. VISITS BROTHER Visiting at the home of her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Allen A. Phillips, is Mrs. Desmare Paris, formerly of the Island of Oahu, in Honolulu, Hawaii, and Hollywood, Calif. She will be in Wonder Lake for about 2 months and will then go to Taylorville to visit her cousin. SWIMPROOF Now permanent make-up \ for lashes & brows takM seconds to ipply Instant color ° lasts a mooib or non BLACK ° BROWN Shop Bolh Stores McHenry Market Place and 3814 W. Elm, McHenry / A«RQG°H<SQ ftfo© ©qquSSQuI... Is Everybody's Job Ifs the job of every family that spreads a picnic on a roadside table. It's the job of every boatman who cruises the lakes and waterways. Every driver, every walker, every flier. That's why our Association throws its wholehearted support each year into the Keep America Beautiful campaign. Lovely country we have hen. Let's keep It that way. UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Connell, Linda Exline, Jimmy Harper, John Laskowsld and Mike Janik. Orchids to one and all who helped to make this another successful session and most of all to Mary Mohan who was in charge of coordinating the enttfe operation. PICNIC AUGUST 27 Sunday, Aug. 27, is the date set for the annual picnic sponsored by the Holiday Hills Property Owners Association. Be sure to mark the date on your calendar! 'HOLIDAY* TRAVELERS Helen and Bill Boettcher recently returned from a vacation trip that took them to Eau Claire, Wis., to see Helen's brother and his wife, the Bob Lelands and Helen's sister, Florence Tobin, and then on to Detroit, Mich., to visit former Holiday Hillers, Joan and Harry Schroeder. Earline and Elmer Mettelka, Ray and Rita Aim traveled south to Florida to visit former residents, the Oszkandys<Tedand Loretta live in a lovely home in Pompano Beach. Ray and Rita Ann especially enjoyed swimming in the enclosed pool at Oszkandys and at an inland lake in St. Cloud, one of only two of its kind in the World, an iodine lake, with water the color of tea. Among the other areas visited in Florida were Hollywood, Orlando, Cape Kennedy and Miami Beach. Ted and Loretta send greetings to their many friends in Holiday Hills. Returning home just briefly, the Mettelkas were off again for a visit to Elm's mother in Marshfield, Ms., and were on hand for a special celebration in that town. 80 years ago the town was destroyed by fire and the celebration marked the eightieth anniversary of the town's rebirth.Mrs.Mettelka,a veteran of the fire, was a guest of honor, and was escorted to the parade by the mayor of the town. Barbara and Frank Csuti were back in Holiday Hills recently, as guests of Lorraine and Dick Bemis. The purpose of their visit was the sale of their home here to the present residents, the Tackett family. A warm welcome to the Tacketts and a hope that Barbara and Frank will still find reason to return to Holiday Hills occasionally. Joan and Harry Schroeder were visitors here as guests of the Boettchers and Gabriels far the Holiday weekend. The Bill Mahons attended the commencement exercises of Loyala University held at Mc- Graw Hall recently. Among the 1300 graduates was Mary's brother, Frank Rackwalski, who received his Bachelor's degree in Economics. Vi and Bill Abbink and family traveled to Indiana for a family get-together over the fourth. The Berens clan gathered at the home of Vi's sister, Julie, and Ivan Wiley in Lafayette. Returning to Holiday Hills with the Abbinks for a visit were Vi's mom, Mrs. Berens, and sister, Gerry Porazin. RECEIVES AWARD Congratulations are in order for Gerry Breede who won a first place award for her press and radio book from the Fifth District of the V.F.W. Among her other duties, Gerry writes the V.F.W. Auxiliary News column for this paper. GREETINGS A happy birthday to Ken Boettcher who celebrated his eleventh birthday on the ninth and to John Laskowski who was 14 on the some day, to Arland Dobbs, celebrating his eleventh on the tenth, Gina Boettcher who had 4 candles to blow out this year, to our red headed neighbor, Connie Abbink, who will celebrate her fifteenth birthday next Monday, July 17, also to Hal Breede and Betty Sawisch on the same day and to Kim Dobbs who will be four years old on the eighteenth. A happy anniversary to ELAKEMOOR - LILYMOOR SHIRLEY SCHUERR 385-2645 NO MEETING IN JULY FOR AUXILIARY There will be no meeting of the Woman's auxiliary for the month of July. There will be a meeting in August. Those who were to be hostesses for the month of July will be hostesses for August. They are Ann Novak, Shirleann Krichand Cathy Prange. Please watch the column on July 27 for time and place of the meeting. Due to the vice-president Lil Wijas being in the hospital the meeting will not be held at Club Lilymoor in August. LADIES LEAGUE Held their meeting Wednesday, July 5. The ladies have purchased material to make drapes for the fire-community building. After the business on hand was taken care of bunco was played. Winners were Jessie Corbett, Viola Arbcgast and Lu Gravenstuk. Booby went to Rose Zelenka. The ladies also helped Jo Johnson celebrate her birthday. DUES The second half of the Lilymoor association dues is now payable as of July 1. If you haven't paid your second half you can send it to the treasurer Marion Leske at 811 W. Southside. The next general meeting will be held Tuesday Aug. 8. AROUND LILYMOOR Have you taken a tour of Lilymoor lately and seen how the men are really workingtomake the subdivision look much nicer? The tall grass and weeds along the roadways have been unice and Chuck Heise who celebrated on July 12. cut down. The lots and corner on Lily Lake road and route 120 have 'been cut down. This only looks much nicer but the most important thing it makes it safer and easier for drivers to pull out onto route 120. This was a very dangerous place to pull out of before. The men are also cleaning out lots for the youngsters to have a place to play baseball. If you are interested in helping and giving up a little of your time to help these men in and way you can please contact president Bud Huecksteadt at 385-5689. But will gladly tell you what still has to be done. OUR SERVICE MEN Mike Zabroski was home on 1 leave from the Marines visiting his relatives and friends. Mike returned Friday, July 7, to the service of Uncle Sam. Skip Schuerr who is stationed at the Marine base in Beaufort, S.C., was promoted to corporal. Jim Kelley graduated Thursday, July 6, from Army basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo, Jim will be spending his two week leave with his wife, Charlene, the former Charlene Thornton. GET-WELL Wishes go to Lil Wijas who is at the Mayo clinic at Rochester, Minn. Lil will be up there for about four weeks. We're all hoping you will soon be home and just fine Lil. HOME I am happy to report that Larry Bartelt is now home from the hospital. I am also happy to report that Tena Bellino is now home from the hospital too. Welcome home, Larry and Tena. BELATED ANNIVERSARY Go to Bob and Noreen Wijas. C Even in July, Cadillac is the newest car you can buy. With all of its richness and elegance, superb comfort and truly exceptional driving qualities--the current Cadillac is always, regardless of year or season, the newest car you can buy. This is indisputably true of the 1967 Standard of the World. Cadillac's highly advanced engineering, exemplified both by the front-wheel-drive Fleetwood ^ Eldorado and the eleven other exciting Cadillac models, still remains years.ahead of its time. In terms of handling ease and quiet performance, no other car is the equal of the world's most sought-after luxury automobile. There's also Cadillac's tasteful, evolutionary styling ... a significant reason why Cadillacs of all ages are recognized as Cadillacs regardless of their year of manufacture. And testifying to ihis almost timeless appeal is Cadillac's remarkably high resale value. Two- and three-year-old Cadillacs--and evtn some of the earlier models--are in greater demand thai many other automobiles that are presently in productior.. So visit your authorized Cadillac dealer at your very first opportunity. You'll quickly discover that there's nothing newer jthan a new Cadillac. Standard of the World IBS mm* cn uctLLtMX Cadillac Motor Car Division SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER'S ATTRACT VE SELECTION OF NEW AND USED CADILLACS. PUBLIC PULSE (The Plaindealer invites the public to use this column as ah expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community. Our only request is that writers limit themselves to 300 words or Jess signature, full address and phone number. We ask. too, that one individual not write on the samesubject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectionable taste.) "Dear Editor: "While brave men die, hun- Bob and Noreen celebrated their wedding anniversary Friday, June 30. ANNIVERSARY Greetings go to Walter and Josephine Schuerr. Walter and Joesphine celebrated their forty-ninth wedding anniversary Monday, July 10. Anniversary greetings also go to Gene and Helen Rodde. Gene and Helen are celebrating their wedding anniversary today July 13. Congratulations Bob and Noreen, Walter and Josephine and Gene and Helen, and hope you celebrate many more together. BELATED BIRTHDAY Greetings go to Linda Solsbee who celebrated her big day Monday, July 3. BIRTHDAY Greetings go to Steve Wijas. Steve will celebrate his big day Friday, July 14. Birthday greetings go to Gene Rodde who will celebrate his big day Monday, July 17. Many happy returns Linda, Steve and Gene. HOME FROM VACATION Dan and Kay Meyer and children, Terry, Roaxaime and Lee Ann, spent a weeks' vacation visiting friends in Gary, Ind. Their friends, Dave and Carol Chanez and children, Dave, Jr., Mary and Jimmy, showed the Meyers a very good time while in Indiana. On returning home young Dave returned with them to spend a week in Lilymoor. dreds of undisciplined braU choose the anniversary of our nation's signing of th* Declar-: ation of Independence to flout their strength by numbers a-1 against law and order. The ages of those killed in Vietnam are about 18, 19 and 20. I noted those arrested in Walworth county were in the same age bracket. Why isn't the latter group drafted with thetraditional headshaving and sent to Vietnam to let off steam? "There seems to be a loose concept in education today that the child should choose for himself what he is going to do. The NCC preachers and the NEA teachers tell the parents this is the modern trend. Have you noticed a lack of homework from the public schools? If mom and dad don't know what Johnny is doing in first and second grade whom is he going to turn to when he needs help In high school? By then you parents are out of it. Somewhere along the line someone has failed to teach these kids respect for the laws that pro-' tect each one's property, and' love of God and country. "Ifs 5 minutes to twelve,' maybe just enough time to put prayer back in the schools, throw out Dick and Jane along with the peer group stigma. Let's get back to the traditional education in a Christian environment before you parents are convinced you aren't qualified to raise your own children. The proof is in the pudding and the pudding just spilled all over Walworth county.: "Sally Martens "Gray slake, Illinois" SHOP IN McHENRY RUBBER STAMP Made to order ^ Mail or phone Same day service W Pads, Inks, ' • Daters for all iinJhn purposes. UajH^^Rubber Stamps make useful sifts. FOURJAYS SPECIALTIES CO. 5804 No. Meadow Hill McHenry, III. Hyatt 7-3282 N. Fnmi St. c - P@n)toac McHenry, Illinois Warning all girls: Anything this handsome has to be dangerous. It's the Signal Flare swimmer, an underwater threat in supple elasticized faille with a tricolor waistband. A Jantzen Expandable -- yours in tabasco, buccaneer blue, and other dashing colors. Sizes 28-38, $6.50 (66% acetate, 28% cotton, 6% spandex) Other Jantzens from $5.00 Boy's Jantzens from $3.50 J^OHTQWCAR POR OPORTftMCN for MEN 5 N. Green McHenry, III 385-0047