A11 •>|!^rrV . ••. -V^- yr.r »• v& RINGWOOD NEWS DOLORES BRENNAN 603-9048 COMMUNITY CLUB HOLDS INITIAL MEETING OF YEAR All members of the community are cordially invited to attend the Community Club meeting at the Ringwood School on Tuesday, Sept. 26. This will be the first meeting of this school year with new officers as follows: Doris Low, president; Bettie Winston, vicepresident; Claudia Garn, secretary- treasurer. Since tliis is the first meeting of this 1967-68 year, you are urged to make a special effort to attend, and meet your youngster's teachers, and your neighbors and friends. At this particular meeting, there will be a speaker on fire prevention, so the meeting will begin promptly at 8 p.m. Also, children are invited to attend, only if accompanied by a parent! Do not send your children alone, or they will be sent home. How about making a special effort to attend? Plans for coming meetings will be discussed and your ideas will be appre- LUNCH PROGRAM STARTED The lunch program at the Ringwood school started last Wednesday, Sept. 13, with schedules made up of the mothers of the children at Ringwood school. If you were missed being contacted and wish to help serve, please call Phyllis Ackerman at 653-9008 or Doris Low 653-9262. Due to higher prices of food, the sandwiches price has been raised from .15 to .20. And 5 cents for potato chips if desired. RECEPTION FOR REV, JERNIGAN All are invited to attend the open reception on Saturday evening between 7:30 and 10 p.m. at the Ringwood Methodist church and meet the new minister and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. Don Jernigan. CHURCH SCHOOL HELD ON THURSDAYS Beginning on Thursday, Sept. 28 from ,, 9:30 until 12 noon, there will be church school classes for pre-school children. These classes will be held every Thursday at the Ringwood church with all preschoolers invited. Anyone interested or having any questions on this may cmtact Bobbie Fossum 353-9148. SR. HI M.Y.F. On Sunday night, the Senior Hi M.Y.F, group met at the church. The first thing they did was to elect officers. They are as follows: President, Mary TOY SALE W BP /each Reg. 1.00 Miniature Vehicles Pack of 10 metal cars 77c and trucks. 2%-inch. Oonk; Vice-president, Michele Rassmussen; Secretary-Treasurer, Pam Low; Worship Chairman, Robin Fossum; Refreshment chairman, Larry Harvey; Recreation chairman, Mike Carlson. The next meeting will be on Sunday, Sept. 24 at 7 p.m. UNDEFEATED RINGWOOD TEAM GETS BEATEN The undefeated Ringwood Fireside team was beaten in a 16" ball game at McCullom Lake recently by a score of 15-8. Players on the Fireside team were Ed Frett, Tom Fisher, Bernie Klapperich, Floyd Lewallen, Bob Drake, Kenneth Petska, Gus Siedslag, Charlie Bronson and a McCullom Lake unknown. Also Wally Hunt and Fred Guptell. It's a shame to have our local team end up being defeated. Would have been nice to stay undeated for the entire seasoiu Nice work (or shall I say fun) boys! VACATIONEERS RETURN Peg and John Scharf returned home on Sunday after spending the past week in Arkansas fishing. The fishing wasn't the best, but according to the Scharfs, they sure spent an enjoyalbe week relaxing away from home. Brought some fish home and went to their daughter's andj family, the LaVerne Perrins, on Sunday night when all enjoyed a delicious fish dinner. Mr. "B" and I went on a weekend trip to Mt. Horeb in Your Choice Values to *1.29 Reg. 99c Plastic Dump Trucks dumping action. 77* Boys will love it! » » Reg. 99c Corvette Sting Rays Sporty turbo sound. Au- 77* thentic details. / / Sturdy Plastic! T||UCK-&f*£D , traile1s£t& • A Wonderful Gift for Boys on Your List For a weekend camping trip or visiting distant places. Hours of quiet fun for boys and girls. W«y/IBBLMMM Reg. 98c POOL TABLES Includes tabla, balls, 77* cue sticks and rack. » » Reg. 1.00 PAINT BY NUMBER Two 8x10-in. pictures. 77* With oils, brushes. • » Ten pins with 2%-inch ball. Made of safe, durable plastic. HOLSTER SETS 77c Great gift for boys. Includes 8-inch repeating cap pistol. Reg. 98c Weaving Loom Sets Includes loom, loop and 77* instruction booklet. //* BEST SELECTION OP POPULAR PRICED TOYS TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE! Reg. 98c MINI BLOCKS Asst. size interlocking 77* styrofoam pieces. • • Reg. PrErseess Telephones New push-button dial. 77* B e l l r e a l l y r i n g s . # # * Reg. G G U I T A R S Includes instruction 77* book. 21-in. plasticv * / Wisconsin. We took in all the scenery, and visited the Cave of the Mounds, Little Norway, House on the Rock and just drove thru the countryside. aNice to get away from home, but always good to get home again to the family. BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday wishes to Leonard Ackerman, Luke Acker man (MI the twenty-seventh --and to Trudy Oonk and Jerry Tonyan on the twenty-eighth »--Anniversary wishes to Bob and Martha Betts on the thirtieth. EDDIE the EDUCATOR 50"S ,oH CAW"1 Most textbooks have not accurately reflected the role of Negroes and other minority groups in our nation's development. Illinois Education Association NAVY ANNOUNCES QUALIFICATION TEST FOR NROTC Applications for the Navy's twenty-second annual regular NROTC qualification test are now available according toWm. N. Perry, nationwide examination will be given on Dec. 9, and all eligible male high school seniors and graduates may apply. On the basis of this test, personal interviews, medical examinations, and other factors, Mr. Perry explained, over 1,700 young men will enter the regular NROTC program as midshipmen at NROTC units in fifty-two colleges and universities throughout the nation. Male citizens of the United States who will be at least 17 but not yet 21 on 30 June 1968, and who are now high school seniors or graduates, may be eligible to apply for the test. Those who attain qual- , ifying scores will be interviewed and given medical examinations next January and February. A successful candidate receives financial aid for four years of college. Registrations for the test will close November 17.1968 NROTC bulletins containing eligibility requirements and qualifying test applications are available from Mr. Perry or the U.S. Navy Recruiting station at Woodstock. SEPT. 21, 1967 - PLAINDEALER - SEC. 2, PG.'7, ; IHBT'S H FRIT / INDIAN TALE ^HE STOQV OF POCAHONTAS DID NOf END WITH THE SAVING* Of JOHN SMITH SHE MARRIEP, BORE CHILDREN- ANP WAS THE ANCESTOR OF TWO AMERICAN PRESIDENTS - BENJAMIN ANP WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON » ADVANTAGE • • • rye INTEREST ON U.&. SAVINGS BONOS /S EXEMPT FROM STATE ANP LOCAL INCOME TAXES'. ANP PAYMENT OF FEPERAL INCOME TAX MAFBT PEFERREP UNTIL THE &ONPS ARE REPEEMEP * * * HARD TO FIND *I?HE RAREST OP ALL SHELLS IS THE CYPRAEA LEUCODOM. ONLY TWO. EXAMPLES EXIST.' ONE IS AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM, THE OTHER AT HARVARP UNIVERSITY SAFETY £ ANP H e-ONPS ARE REGISTERED IN THE OWNERS NAME ANP ARE REPLACEABLE AT NO CHARGE IF THEY SHOULP BE LOST. STOLEN OR PE&TROVEP r.. '• iSt- USE THE CLASSIFIED Shep In McHenrf Reg. to 1.29 Redi-Flite Airplanes Rubber-band powered. 77* Choice of 12 styles. » / Reg. 98c METAL YE& SETS 11-piece service for 3. 77c Enamel fruit design. ANiSimLS Wind 'em up and watch them go. Feet move; head bobs. Lots of action for youngsters. Reg. 1.00 77' Reg. 1.00 Truck with Blocks Plastic pull toy with six 77c colorful blocks. BENfFRAN KLIIM Daily 9-6 F r i . 9 - 9 McHenry, Illinois Shown above is the Fleetwood Eldorado, the world's finest personal car; below, the popular Hardtop Sedan deVille. Cadillac Motor Car Division And the "inside story" for 1968 starts with the biggest, smoothest V-8 engine ever put into a production motor car. Brilliant new styling • Dramatic new interiors • Totally new instrument panel • Concealed windshield wipers • Improved variable ratio power steering • New disc brakes available • Wide choice of eleven exciting new body .styles. Now, enter a new era of luxury car performance. Cadillacs new 472 V-8 has the greatest torque, or usable power, of any passenger car engine and the newest combination of engine components since Cadillac pioneered the V-8 fifty-three years ago. You will notice a brilliant improvement in passing performance that in no way compromises the reserve of strength for Cadillac's usual power conveniences. You will also be impressed with its amazing quiet --so remarkable that only its responsiveness reminds you that a great new engine lies under the hood. Cadillac for 1968 provides, in addition, its well proved triple braking system with finned drums to -deliver smooth, straight stopping power. Front disc brakes are available for those who prefer the further refinement of an adv anced disc-and-drum combination, and this year they're standard on Eldorado. You may also choose a greatly improved air conditioning system that moves more air more quietly. Whether your preference is for one of the more traditional models-- or the classic beauty of the Eldorado--come in soon and discover new elegance and excitement in luxury motoring! GUI MARK OF £XCEU£*b£ THE NEW 1968 CADILLACS ARE NOW ON DISPLAY AT YOUR AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER'S. Overton Cadillac - Pontiac Co. 1112 N. Front St. M9 Henry, Illinois f