Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Sep 1967, p. 2

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PG. 2, SEC, I - PLAINbEAlER - SEPT. 2), 1967 Bridal Couple • 4':v. .^r" -- "Jf •> . V.I.P. STUDIO PHOTO MR. AND MRS. CHARLES GEHRKE An early evening, candlelight service performed at the Greenwood Methodist church on Sept. 9 united in marriage Miss Christine Victory, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William B. Victory of 8901 Pine avenue, Wonder Lake, and Mr. Charles Gehrke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gehrke of Woodstock. The young couple will make their home for the present about ten miles from Camp LeJeune, N. Carolina, where he is stationed. Jeffrey Yegge Observes Birthday Jeffrey Yegge observed his third birthday at a party Sunday afternoon held at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yegge. Jeff received many presents from his guests. Two decorated birthday cakes and ice cream were served to his great-grandmother, Mrs. Joseph Motulewicz, his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Motulewicz, sons, Wayne and Mard, and Mike Szewczyk ai Wonder Lake; his godmother, Mrs. Louis Yegge, and daughter, Judy, and Mrs. Lena Riley of Woodstock; his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Yegge, and his sister, Jennifer. CARLA MICHELLE PROBST BAPTIZED The small daughter of Mrs. Karyn Probst was christened Car la Michelle in a baptismal ceremony which took place at the Community Methodist church on Sunday, Sept. 17. Sponsor was Mrs. Richard Weninger of Palatine. A reception for a few friends was held at the heme of the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lombardi. ITEM: America is believed to be entering a Baroque period in its decorating tastes. The Baroque style originated in the late 16th Century and is characterized by sweeping flattened curves, exaggerated scale, and a general effect of opulence, often created by the use of rich, fantastic and exotic motifs. Dr. Wilt Talks To Church Group The public is invited to hear Dr. Edw. Wilt's informative talk on "The Shroud of Turin", with movies, in St. Mary's gym on Sept. 28 at 8 p.m. Refreshments will be served by St. Clara's Court, No. 659, of the National Catholic Society of Foresters. A Day of Recollection will be held at St. John the Baptist church, Johnsburg, on Oct. 11. with St. Agatha court as host. Reservations should be made to Mrs. Richard Freund. Observe Anniversary Jantadtf J? arm NOW OFFERING TRANSPORTATION SERVICE Hot meals - story telling, reading and inside play (vj11 S85-2499 for daily and weekly rate* you can afford -- State Licensed located '/4 mi. So. of McHenry on Crystal I^tke blacktop Edith Grabovy Fine Program Scheduled For B®c°m!s Er'd® Annual DCCW Convention . Christ the King Catholic cliurch at Wonder Lake was the setting for a beautiful fall wedding last Saturday, Sept. 16, when Miss Edith Grabovy exchanged nuptial vows with Mr. Ronald Freund of Hebron. The Wedding was solemnized at 3 o'clock in the afternoon in a church decorated for the occasion with bouquets of white mums and glads. Miss Grabovy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clemence Grabovy of 3113 Edgewood driye, \Vonder Lake. The pretty bride approached the altar wearing a full gown styled with sweetheart neckline and pointed sleeves, a lace skirt and peau over-skirt. A train fell from the shoulders, fashioned of Irish lace. Her headpiece was a pearl crown with imported illusion veil and she carried a colonial bouquet of fluff glads, roses and daisies, with blue streamer and blue lace. Acting as matron of honor was Mrs. Leonard (Pat) Win- It eler, sister of the bride, of Tacoma, Wash., and bridesmaids were Carol LaBay, Laureli Jost and Bonnie LaBay, all of Johnsburg. They were attired in rainbow colors, the dresses styled with crepe skirts lace bodices and satin bows in back. They had crepe petal headpieces in matching colors and carried bouquets of rainbow- colored daisies in colonial style, with matching bows. The bridegroom was attended by Mel Luzniac of Cleveland, Ohio, A1 mil of Cary, Jim Conley and Jim Thurow of Woodstock. Mrs. Grabovy selected for her daughter's wedding a starlight pink, crepe dress with deep pink cummerbund and matching accessories. A reception followed the ceremony for 140 guests, after which the newlyweds left by plane for Miami, Fla., and then on to the Bahamas. The bride is a 1967 graduate of McHenry high school. The groom graduated in 1962 from Woodstock high school, served four years in the Navy and is now an employee of the Borden Milk Co. The Most Reverend Loras T. Lane, Bishop of Rockford, requests all women in the Rockford diocese to attend the convention of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women on Sunday, Sept. 24, in Freeport, at Aquin Central Catholic high school. A time schedule for the convention program is being published for the convenience of those who will attend. Bishop Lane will pontificate at a concelebrated Mass at 11 a.m., the first time a Mass has been included in the convention. He will deliver the homily during the Mass, which will be his address to the assembly. He will confer the "Catholic Woman of the Year" award in the afternoon. LINDA AM ANN TO WED IN '68 FR. HILLER TO ADDRESS ST. JOHN SOCIETY St. John's Home and School association will have its first meeting of the school year on Monday, Sept. 25, at 8 p.m. in the Johnsburg community club hall. Fr. Everett J. Hiller will be the evening speaker, using as his topic, "The Value and Purpose of Catholic Education in the Modern World." Fr. Hiller, a former resident of Johnsburg, teaches religion at Boylan high school, Rockford, and is chaplain of St. Joseph's hospital in Belvidere. Parents are invited to attend, especially those of first graders. Refreshments will be served following the meeting. LINDA SUE AMANN Mr. and Mrs. Edward Amann, 1102 North River road, Mc- Henry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Linda Sue, to Leonard R. Fabbri, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reno Fabbri, 2962 Western, Highland Park, ni. Miss Amann is a 1965 graduate of Patricia Stevens Career college, Milwaukee, and ispresently enployed as an executive secretary at a large construction company in McHenry. , Her fiance is a 1965 graduate of Parsons college, Fairfield, Iowa, and is now in the masonry contracting business with his father in Highwood, 111. A summer, 1968, wedding is being planned. Another highlight of the afternoon will be a panel discussion on the convention's theme, "These New People." The subject specifically will be "The New Catholic Woman in the Renewed Church" and the challenges asked of her in implementing the decrees of Vatican n. Woman's role in the family, community and parish will be discussed by the Rev. William P. Knott of Rockford, Mrs. Joseph F. Flanagan of Milwaukee, and Mrs. J. Don Koss of Luxemburg, Wis. Guest speaker for the preconvention dinner Saturday evening will be Mrs. William Middleton of Gibson City, 111. The morning workshops will explain the new National Council of Catholic Women Commissions. The national organization has changed its structure and program, eliminating eighteen separate committees and grouping all areas of interest into five commissions. Only the Newman foundation committee was retained. The five commissions are: Organization service, church communities, family affairs, community affairs, and international affairs. Pre-Convention Schedule Saturday, Sept. 23 7 p.m. Dinner at Holiday Inn honoring diocesan and deanery board members, moderators, and convention chairmen. Convention Schedule Sunday, Sept. 24 8:30 a.m. Registration, coffee, viewing of exhibits. 9:30 a.m. Business meeting. (Voting delegates must be present.) 10:15 a.m. Workshops and chairmen conferences; Organization Service, Church Communities, Family Affairs, Community Affairs, International Affairs Commissions, and Newman Foundation. 11:10 a.m.' Concelebrated Mass. 12:30 p.m. Luncheon in cafeteria and viewing of exhibits. 1:55 p.m. Afternoon assembly: P&iel discussion, awards, acknowledgements. Wed Recently RUMMAGE-BAKE SALE Hie Wonderview women's auxiliary will sponsor a rummage and bake sale Sept. 23 from *9 *a.m« to 3 p.m. at the association house, 2618 Walnut drive, Wonderview subdivision, Wonder Lake. There will be a good selection of baby, teens, women's and men's clothing; also electrical appliances, gas stove, and many other items. MR. AND MRS. LEROY WELTER Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Welter of 2611 Lauderdale, McHenry, were pleasantly surprised last Saturday, Sept. 16, at a celebration planned by their children in honor of the couple's silver wedding anniversary. A Mass at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at St. Mary's Catholic church was attended by the entire family, as well as many other relatives and friends. A reception followed at the Johnsburg Community club hall, with guests attending from as far as New Jersey, Michigan, Indiana and Wisconsin. Arranging the memorable celebration for their parents were the six children, Dennis, Linda (Mrs. Philip Schoen), Mary Kay, Robert, Bonnie and David. The Welters were married Sept. 19,1942, in Chicago. J P B P B P B B B B B B B B B f l B B B f l a B B f l P f l f l f l B B f l B B O i m o o o f t a O P P P P P P P P P P P B P P P P P O Q p Pi The?/'n * BefiUTV SHOP GRAND OPENING PRIZE WINNERS l*t Diane Wick • Fali 3rd Carol I'rather • Co*- 2nd Betty Smith - Wlglet metic Case Case 4th Pat Sauter - Bath Oil HOURS Mon. - 9-6 Thur*. • 9-9 Tut*. - 8-9 Fri. 8-9 Wed. - 8-6 Sat. - 8-6 PHONE 815-38S-7112 1330 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, III. T i «iirrrrrrmit i i i i i i i i i m i u i H i i trrm» iii'iitiiii 11 n mi MISSJUMPEk IS MARRIED TO ROUND LAKE MAN A wedding of interest was solemnized in Zion Lutheran church, McHenry, on Wednesday, Sept. 13, at 7 p.m. when Miss Florence Jumper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Jumper of 1821 N. Beach road, McHenry bAomrw tho hrt<V» of Mr. Joseph G. Lewis, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Lewis. Sr., of 917 N. Cedar Lake road, Round Lake. Rev. Harold E. Theiss performed the ceremony. Pretty Miss Jumper, given in marriage by her father, chose an empire gown of white satin with lace bodice and carried a cascade bouquet of white carnations and ivy. Her veil was shoulder length, of tulle, flowing from a lily made of lace and adorned with seed pearls and crystal teardrops. The maid of honor was her sister, Mrs. Walter Williams, who selected a gown of eggshell brocaded with gold satin. Her heacfeiece was a crown with small tulle veil and she carried a bouquet of rust-colored mums. Sharon Rose Lewis, sister of the groom, acted as bridesmaid, wearing a gown of peau de soie gold satin. She had a crown with small tulle veil and carried a bouquet of rust-colored mums. The dresses of the bride and the attendants were made by Mrs. Jumper. Gary Lewis served his brother as best man and Charles H. Jumper, brother of the bride, was groomsman. Mrs. Jumper selected a dress of navy blue silk with white accessories and Mrs. Lewis wore a navy blue and white print dress. A reception for fifty guests was held in the church hall after the ceremony. The bride is a graduate of McHenry high school with the class of 1966. The groom graduated from Grayslake high school the previous year and is stationed with the Navy in New York. The couple will make their home in New York for the. present. Marrtad Saturday m ; < • jlv r&.. ' MR. AND MRS. TIMOTHY MARSHALL In a civil ceremony performed in the chambers of Judge Kaufman in McHenry last Saturday evening, Sept. 16, at 7-30 o'clock, Miss Margaret Morrison of Chicago, daughter of William Morrison of Philiadelphia, Pa., exchanged nuptial vows with Mr. Timothy Marshall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Marshall of Johnsburg. The bride chose a suit of white lace over taffeta. She was attended as maid of honor by Betsy McCally of Chicago, who wore an orange sheath dress. Thomas Miller served as the grooms best man. Mrs. Marshall selected an apple green lace dress over A* reception for fifty guests followed the ceremony, with a buffet and reception open house at the Richard Marshall home. After a brief honeymoon, the coi^le will make their home in Peoria, 111. * The bride attended Penn State and Bradley university, where she is now an art major. The groom is an M.C.H.S. graduate, attended the University of Illinois for two years and is completing his education at Bradley, where he is in the field of civil engineering. Joanne Reed Engaged To Wed SMITH INFANT IS CHRISTENED The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith was christened Brian Sunday, Sept. 10, at St. Mary's Catholic church by Rev. Matthew Rudden. Sponsors were an uncle, Roman Miller, and a family friend, Mrs. Lois Johnson. Following the services dinner was served to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Don Johnson and family and Roman and Lina Miller. The baby has two sisters, Debbie and Sanely, and a brother, Jeffrey. fL-'l/i MENTAL HEALTH BOARD TO HOLD ANNUAL MEETING On Tuesday, Sept. 26, the women's auxiliary of the Mental Health Center for McHenry County will hold its first annual meeting at the McHenry Country Club. Following a business meeting, which includes the election of officers for the next year, there will be a showing of the lastest fall fashions. Due to the limited number of reservations, the luncheon committee encourages all who wish to attend to make reservations by Thursday, Sept. 21. Hi is may be done by calling Mrs. William Hutchinson in McHenry. MARRIAGE LICENSES Robert Schmuhl, McHenry, and Shirley Newbauer, Woodstock. Kennith Schuerr and Barbara Howe, both of McHenry. Joseph Justen, Richmond, and Rosemary Krupinski, McHenry. George W. Cisco, Jr., Woodstock, and Linda G. Mansfield, Wonder Lake. Gary J. Steffen, Woodstock, and Linda M. Leschman, Wonder Lake. Kenneth Ehrhardt, Lakemoor, and Linda L. Fowler, McHenry. JOANNE REED Mr. and Mrs. Earl Reed of McHenry announce the engagement of their daughter, Joanne, to Lee Chappell, son of Rev. and Mrs. Virgle Chappell, also of McHenry. The wedding date is set for Dec. 30 of this year. Both young people graduated from McHenry high school. Miss Reed attended Eastern Illinois university in Charleston, Her fiance is now attending Judson college in Elgin. PAREtffs WITHOUT PARTNERS The Parents Without Partners, Chapter 189, will meet Thursday, Sept. 21, at 8:30 p.m. in the Rumsey building, Rt. 176, Crystal Lake. Atty. James Franz will be guest speaker, and his subject, "How to Make A Will". HOMECOMING SUNDAY The Ingleside Community Methodist church has designated Sunday, Sept. 24, as homecoming Sunday. This celebration is to commemorate both the sixty-sixth anniversary of the founding of the church and the first anniversary of moving into its new building. The day will begin with church school classes for all age groups at 9 a.m. During the worship service at 10:15 a.m., nursery services will be provided, and there will be special music including a solo by Mrs. Virginia Dowell of Mundelein. Following the worship service there will be a pot-luck dinner at noon. Everyone is asked to bring a covered dish of food to eat and his own cutlery. Everything else will be provided. SHOP IN MCHENRY LEONARD STUDIO PHOTO MR. AND MRS. DANIEL JURGENS Miss Judy Watson and Mr. Daniel Jurgens, of McHenry were married in a lovely nuptial service solemnized in St. Mary's Catholic church Saturday, Sept. 9. mmrnM ppare Darlene Sportswear Susan Thomas Toni Todd Gay Gibson Forever Young e ^a&mon R.t 31 <1007 N. Front ®pp* McHenry, 111 385-7747 HONOR ALL BANK CARDS

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