Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Sep 1967, p. 14

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wf EG. ?, $EC. 2 - PLAINDEALER - SEPT. 28, 1967 ! J MCCULLQM LAKE NEWS EVE LEVESQIJE 385-4141 Cystic Fibrosis Drive Yields Tidy Amount Highest returns to date were collected for Cystic Fibrosis in the drive for funds which just ended, according to Chairman Mrs. Lorraine Frost. The total collected by only two high school freshmen was $62.53, topping last year's collection. The young ladies who canvassed the village were Mr. Frdsfs daughter, Jane, and her chum, DeeDee Levesque. Mrs. Frost extends a very grateful thank you to all who donated so generously. There ; were some who offered to send in a donation, if a proper re- - ceptable was left fen: them, • We hope these persons remembered their promises. Ibe village also came in for commendation from Mrs. Neva Fnhrer of Wonder Lake who served as the County chairman of the drive. Our villagers are noted for their generosity and certainly came through this time. We ! also feel the two little ladies who gave up valuable free time to make the time consuming journey from door to door, deserve special praise. CULLOM-KNOLL WILL HOLD HARVEST DANCE, N0V.4 A second annual Harvest Home dance will very definitely ; be held, according to president of the Culiom-Knoll Association, Ron Godina. The dance will be held Saturday, Nov. 4, at the Spojna Polish Camp on • Flanders Road. Tickets will ' probably be available at the Cullom-Knoll meeting. The regular monthly meet- ^ ing of the club will be held. - this Sunday, Oct. 1, at 3 p.m. - in the beachhouse. All mem- - bers and officers are urged to attend, because final arrange- 1 merits must be made for the ; dance. Last year's event was ; one of the greatest, and those who didn't attend, had regrets over their absence. Don't forget to mark these two dates in RED! NOTE FROM THE VILLAGE BOARD An intermioah' 3 meeting of the village board finally adjourned at twenty minute's to T H F, World i Of J Pharmacy ten on Wednesday, Sept. 20. All members of the board were present. Most of the meeting was devoted to discussing amendments to three ordinances, which are on the books. They include No. 13, 52 and 71. Legal opinion will be sought on two ordinances dealing with the burning of garbage within village limits and on No. 71 which deals with keeping of unlicensed or abandoned vehicles. Heated discussion occurred over the snow plowing ordinance (52) and a comnritee was appointed by acting President John Boyle to come , up with the answers. The task was assigned to road com missioner Harry Lock and to chairman of the police committee, Ray Lary, who is ah: appointed trustee. Trustee Don Parenti com- , mented on the sad state of most of the septic systems in the area and spoke for the need for a sewage disposal plant. Most homer, are in violation of the county codes. Mr. Boyle stated that George Jedlicka who is a member of the county board dealing with building permits, codes, etc. would be available for consultation with our local board and may have some excellent advice. A meeting is planned to take place with him and will include Parenti, Boyle and Gene Huff. Another serious septic system problem has arisen and the responsible parties will be forced to make necessary repairs. Harry Lock stated that the contract for road repairs was completed by the allowable time. Diseased elm trees came in for a great deal of discussion. Ord. 51 states that it is unlawful to harbor dead or diseased elms and they must be removed at the owner's expense. Elected trustee Gene Huff was placed in charge of notifying property owners of any violation of this ordinance. There will be an opportunity for owners to co-operate through the village and should contact either Harry Lock or Gene Huff. During comments from the audience, a resident complained about the speedway on West End Road. Excessive speed is being used at all hours of the night and morning. The situation will be investigated. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, Oct. 4 at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. These meetings are your concern and YOU should attend. • s FIRST CHILD FOR DOUG MILLERS Vanessa Jean Miller, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Miller, made her entry into the world on Sept. 1 in Mc- Henry hospital and weighed in at 7 lbs., 9 oz. The baby's mother is the former Betty Banoch. Also elated hy the event are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller and great -gra.iAnother, Anna Miller of Eastwood Road and W. Parkview. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Banoch of McHenry. Best wishes to all on the happy event. PRESENTED AT THE FONT Lisa Jean, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Cervantes, 4809 W. Parkview, was presented for baptism at St. Mary's church recently and the service was conducted by her great - uncle, The Rev. Charles O* Brien of Homewood. Godparents were Joyce Aim Asdaihs of McHenry anduncle Ralph Cervantes of Cary. Invited guests enjoyed a buffet dinner at the home of James and Sue, following the afternoon ceremony. Among those present were grandparents -- Mr. and Mrs. William I O'Brien, Mi- Henry, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cervantes, Lake-in-the- Hills. Great granctoarents are Mr$. Grace CP Brien, McHenry, and Mrs. Ella Buss, Burlington, Wise, and paternal greatgrandmother, Mrs. Mary Rodriguez of Chicago. The wee (Hie was born Aug. 28 in McHenry hospital. MCCULLOM TEENS HOLD ELECTION Frank Lorch was elected president of the teen club on Tuesday, Sept. 19, and Ron Kumpula was named vice-president. The new secretary of the organization is Steve Lundy. The young people meet every Tuesday night in the beachhouse from 8 to 9:30 p.m. During the nice weather, ithey have been enjoying volley ball sessions. Excellent relief for tensions. HOSPITAL PATIENT RELEASED Making a fantastic recovery from a most serious operation, Theresa Schultz was released from McHenry hospital last Sunday. For the rest of the week and until the situation improves, she must return to the hospital each morning for continued blood work. Her convalescence willprobably be quite long andyour continued cheery messages will certainly help. She deserves commendation for spunk and fortitude. NEW GRANDCHILD Michele Kathleen Young, the first daughter for the David Youngs of McHenry, first saw the light of day at ftfcHfcniy Hospital, Tuesday, Sept. 19 and tipped the scales at 8 lbs., Id oz. She joins a fantflypoputoted with brothers,Scott, 6aadTommy, 3. Maternal grandparents are Sally and Tony Hocin of Maple Hill Drive and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young, McHenry. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling, McHenry. Best wishes to all. IMPROMPTU PARTY GROWS Phyllis and Dick White were hosts for a roast turkey dinner last Sunday afternoon. It started as an impromptu party and just kept growing. With two turkeys, Phyllis just kept feeding all comers. She received wonderful assistance from her mother-in-law, Emily White, who makes delicious stuffing and gravy! Among the inVited guests were Gerry and Len Jensen, and the Peter John Klapperichs and their youngsters., Lovely day for such an event.. UP TO DATE WITH BOWLING On Sept. 8, Garry Morris bowled a high game of 2ji2 and Ken Ingersol captured high series for men with a 535. Gerry Jensen won both honors for women with a 169 game and a 451 series. Ken Ingersol turned in high game for men cm Sept. 15 and Ray Lary came through wftii a 31: r>r iujh series. Gerry again captured both honors for women with a 170 and 437. Dick Sanford bowled 237! for high game on Sept. 22 and Ken Ingersol again had high series with a 526. Jo Skutek bowled a high game of 158 for the distaff side with Gerry Jensen coming through with a 444 series. The teams bowl every Friday night in Johnsburg. ORCHID OCCASIONS The Joe DeMars are wed 27 ..THE VITAMIN ALPHABET.. The vitamin alphabet plays a most important {Jart in hu- . man nutrition. The fat soluble ; vitamins "A", "D", "E" and "K" are stored to some ex- ; tent by the body but the water soluble B- Complex vitamins are excreted daily and must be - replenished* The vitamins act- . ivities and uses have been pretty well established. Briefly. . . "A" is necessary for growth and the normal functioning of the skin. . ."D" essential for the calcification of bone and prevention of richets in children. . ."E" is the so-called anti-sterility vitamin. . ."K" controls the clotting of the blood. The B-Complex has been subdivided into many component parts. Some are more important than others - all essential. Too numerous for this, limited space, the most important are B 1 for Thiamin. . .the nerve vitamin - the lack of which can cause various forms of neuritis: B 2 lor cell re'spiration: NIACIN for the prevention of Pellagra: B 12 for anemia, etc: Vitamin C is needed for healthy gums and the prevention of Scurvy. ALL vitamins are available in foods. . .to get them, however, one must eat a balanced diet. When the diet is poor, vitamin supplementation is necessary. Do you need vitamins? Only your doctor can say. If be says you do, come to BOLGER'S DRUG STORE where fresh and adequate stocks are maintained at all times. See us for the best in prescription service. We are at 1259 N. Green.. .385-4500. Fountain. ..Trusses. . .Whitman Candy.. .Fannie May Candy . # .Norcross Greeting Cards. . Shulton. . .Coty . . .English Leather... Homecrest fiofl. $2.98 IRONING BOARD PAD AND COVER Twin layer pad makes ironing faster, smoother Silicone treated cover. Bias tape binding. PRICE CUT $10 Foam Padded Recliners Fabulous for the Price £/. wy. •v Regular $69.95 "Hif CHECK THESE COMFORT FEATURES! Buoyant foam polyurethane padding in seat, back and arms--cradles you in comfort. Generously sized with a high, button-trim back. Adjusts automatically when you lean back. Glove-soft supported vinyl cover is extra durable ... looks like leather . . . wipes clean. Choose - Beige, Green, Brown, Black. Adjust* for Full Reclining Ad junta for Lounging Adjusts for TV Viewing Daily 9-6 Fri. 9 - 9 McHenry, Illinois JOHNSBURG NEWS BETTY HETTERMAXX 385 1296 Father Beauvais To Conduct Day Of Recollection St. Agatha court 777 of the National Catholic Society of Foresters will be host court for the annual Day of Recollection for the Rockford Diocese Association. It will be conducted by Rev. David E. Beauvais of Freeport in St. John's church on Oct. 11. Registration will be held in the Johnsburg Community Club hall at 10 a.m. followed by a conference, confession and Mass. Luncheon will be served at noon. The afternoon conference will include a question and answer period and Benediction at 3 All women of St. John's parish are invited to join in this Day of Recollection, ft is not necessary to be a member of St. Agatha court. Reservations for our parish can be made fay contacting either Marie Oeffling or Virginia Pitzen by Oct. 8. years, today, Sept. 28.. .Dawn McKim will be 8 and natal day congrats to Lottie Piotrowski, Oct. 2. .. .Jeanette Straumann will be 3 and 85 happy birthdays to Winfield Pietsch, Oct. 3. Best wishes to all. Temperatures near 70 degrees make this the start of a mighty nice Fall season. Hope you are enjoying it, and we'll see you next week. NUMBER tWO ON THE FAMILY TREE A daughter, weighing almost 8% lbs., was welcomed by Terry and Jan Tvaroh of Middle Avfenue last Sunday, Sept. 24. Their son, Scott, turned one on the ninth of this month. Our very best of happy wishes to the new parents and to the grandparents, the Albert Huffs and the Ben Tvarohs of Pistakee Highlands. - LIST MORE VOLUNTEER HELPERS The recent drive for funds for the Cystic Fibrosis foundation has, so far, been quite successful. There were ja few more names of those vefy nice people who gave their time unselfishly to solicit funds. Marie Kruger and Virginia Covalt assisted so well in the drive as did Craig Schloaky. Craig did a terrific job in Dutch Creek Woodlands. Needless to say, this is a, short, short column. Let's please try to remedy this next week. Take care and have a good week. LIVESTOCK SHOW The fifth annual Little International Livestock show will be held at the Winnebago county fairgrounds in Pecatonica, Oct. 7, starting at 9 a.m. This year's Show will include Purebred Heifers, Steers Barrows and a wether Show. The Little International is considered by many as one of the top Livestock Shows in the country, qualitywise. In past years exhibitors from six states have been gathering here for the first of the major fall and winter shows. read the CLASSIFIEDS PUT YOUR FAMILY'S1 III ITER JACKETS OI\l LAY-AWAY A few pennies a week will hold them till they 're needed1 WATER SOFTENER SALES - SERVICE S.VME DAY SERVICE ON MOST MAKES iscrvirc _ ( Imniiiu Out Repair • Installation Overhauling * Rpim»v:»I Reconditioning • Rebuilding -ALL WORK GUARANTEED-- Phone: 385-5566 SOFTENER SALES WATER SOFTENER SALES SERVICE Mellrnrv. lllinoi Girls' 7-14 SKI JACKET! REVERSIBLE STYLE $10.95 • Choice of Color*. Stylo*! Lovely floral prints and dia- 1 mond patterns on durable nylon fabric. Hooded, tool BEN FRANKLIN HAS THE BEST SELECTION OF JACKETS & GIRLS COATS IN THIS AREA BEFORE YOU BUY OR ORDER BE SURE TO SEE OUR STOCK. Boys io 18 Girls io 14 Men's Women's Girls Long Coats Women's Syn. Fur Toddlers And Everything Tb Go With Them. Women's S-R/J-L SKQ JACKETS §99 SAVE ON SHOES ALSO • It's WatorRmpollont. Tool Lovely floral print reverses to pretty solid color. So easy to wear, you'll love it. T<3>MUQFS' Size 2, 3, 4 Sizes 3 to 7 CMMmn't ffiQJBHTEB JACKETS ©OSLTE© JACKETS C««Suroy JACKETS 499 499 • Boys'A Girl* Styles/ • Boy*' & Girls' Stylo*I • Button and Zlppor Stylo*I Practical quilted nylon jacket Easy-care nylon makes them Handsome! Practical! You'll is nylon lined, then interlined practical. You'lllovethestyles love the styles and colors for for extra warmth. and colors, too! both boys and girls. Sixes 6 to 14 BOYS' PARKAS Sixes 6 to 14 BOYS' PARKAS 8** 998 Boys' 6-14 All-Weather COATS 788 • Water Ropollont Flni*h Washable cotton jacket, in charcoal, loden or navy, has quilted lining. Washable. • He'll Low It* Styling I • Zip-Out Pile Lining I Corduroy jacket trimmed with Versatile poplin jacket has knit button-down collar, handsome placket front, but- Drawstring hood zips off. tons on sleeves. Washable. bEN^FRAN KLIN ® Daily 9-6 Fri. 9 -9 McHenry, l l l i n o i r

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