Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Sep 1967, p. 15

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: t: t . 28, 1967 - PIAINDEALER - SEC. 2, PG. 3 LAKEMOOR - LIIYMOOR 385-2645 DISCUSS MANY PROJECTS DURING VILLAGE MEET The village of Lakemoor held its meeting Thursday, Sept. 21. The board discussed the work being done on ths roads. The work has not been completed as yet. The company doing the work had to pull off for another Job. If any residents have any complaints on the roads the board would appreciate it if they „ would wait for three or four weeks to let the company finish their job. They are coming back to complete the work. < The board also discussed the delinquent vehicle stickers and dog licenses. Those who do not have vehicle stickers or dog license tickets will be issued to them. There is a fine that will have to be paid on being delinquent purchasing the vehicle sticker. It would bs much cheaper for those who have not purchased their vehicle stickers to pay the small fins than to get a ticket. You must show your dog's current rabies certificate in order to get the dog license. Business licenses were renewed for Goetel Motor Sales and Mrs. Turner's real estate. Annual audit report was passed and approved. The next village meeting will be held Thursday, Oct. 12, at 8 p.m. Please try to attend your village meetings and see what is going on. J AUXILIARY NEWS ' The next monthly meeting of , the Woman's auxiliary will be ? held Monday, Oct. 2. At this meeting election of officers and board of directors will take place. Those elected will hold office for the forthcoming year. ASSOCIATION NEWS The Liiymoor association will hold its general meeting Tuesday, Oct. 10. At this meeting elections of board of directors will take place. Those elected will hold office for the next two years. WEDDING BELLS Rang out for Kenny Ehrhardt of Lakemoor and Miss Linda Fowler of McHenry. They became Mr. and Mrs. Ehrhardt Saturday, Sept. 9. The marriage took place at the Zion Lutheran church in McKanry. The wedding reception was ha Id at Kenney's parents home, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hirhardt Congratulations, Kenny and Linda. LADIES LEAGUE Had its social evening Wednesday, Sept 20. The ladies had a very nice social evening by going out for dinner and seeing a play. GUESTS Of Walter and Josephine Schuerr was Mrs. Jule Lemmer of Chicago. ATTENDS SHOWER Shirley Schuerr and daughter, Mary, and Shirley's mother, Mrs. Bertha Burger, sister, Mrs. Audrey Finkonlsy, and mother-in-law, Mrs. Josephine Schuerr, attended the bridal shower for Shirley's daughterin- law, Barbara, Thursday, Sept 21. The shower was held in the church basement of the Wonder Lake Bible church. Hostesses for the shower were Leah Nitz, Arlene Wright, Winnie Demon and Ethel Repke. The lovely bride received many beautiful gifts. ANNIVERSARY On Friday, Sept 29, Dan and Kay Meyer celebrated their eleventh wedding anniversary Friday, Sept 29. Congratulations, Dan and Kay and hope you celebrate many more together. BIRTHDAY Greetings go to Lu Gravenstuck. Lu celebrated her big day Thursday, Sept 21. Greetings go to Hairy Neumann who celebrated his big day FY id ay, Sept 22. Greetings also go to Sundae and Terry Morrison. Sundae will become a great big five years old Sunday, Oct 1. Terry will celebrate his eighteenth birthday Thursday, Oct 5. SURPRISE SWEET SIXTEEN Linda Kunz was very surprised when twenty relatives and friends surprised her at her sweet sixteen birthday party, Saturday, Sept. 16. She was so surprised that her mother Millie's shoulder of her dress was wet with tears of happiness. Linda ^and Joan Parr entertained the guest by playing their guitars and singing. Yours truly heard the girls and they are very good. LEAVES FOR WASHINGTON Ronnie Fuhler and wife, Carol, and daughter, Sherry, left Sunday, Sept. 17, for Washington. Ronnie will be stationed at Fort 'Lewis for awhile. Belated 4 birthday greetings go to Ronnie who celebrated his twenty-first birthday, Sunday, Sept 10. With Ronnie stationed up at Fort Lewis that makes two of our boys from Liiymoor stationed there. Also stationed there is Bill Schuerr. TAMMEUS TALKS TO KIWANIS ON COUNTY HISTORY Last Monday, Sept. 25, William Tammeus of the County Map company was guest speaker before the Wonder Lake Kiwapje c!««k meeting, giving an outline of "The History of McHenry County -- 1968" Lowell Nye of Harvard is editor and Tammeuw handles sales and distribution. The book, containing over 700 pages, will be published by the McHenry Coun-« ty board of supervisors. President Phil Kinzer announced that the division ladies' night will be held Oct 10* hosted by !the Dundee club at the Evergreens. \ Ward Ehredt announced that Wonder Lake Boy Scouts have started their meetings as of Monday, Sept. 18. U*e OHM SERVICES COUNTY RECORDER ATTENDS 3 -DAY STATE MEETING Harry C. Herendeen, McHenry cojnty Recorder of Defeds, is attending the threeday convention of the Illinois Association of County Clerks and Recorders, held in Springfield on Sept. 27, 28 and 29. Mr. Herendeen has been a member of the state Legislative committee of this organization for the last two years and was very active during the past session of the state Legislature. Mr. Herendeen is also vice-president of the Zone 4 County Clerks and Recorders association. Zone Four includes the twenty-three northern Counties in the state of Illinois. The state Legislative committee consists of sixteen members and Mr. Herendeen is one of only two recorders on this important committee. Recently he was officially commended by the organization president for his work in Springfield with Senate and House committees and subcommittees. The Recorder's office is a fee office and is self supporting at no cost to the taxpayers. In fact, the office earns a profit for the county. Last year Mr. Herendeen turned over approximately $34,000.00 to the county General fund. This was over and above the expense of operating his office. It is his hope that with recent legislation passed and signed into law, he will be able to increase his earnings iub-' stantially; • - • - READ THE CLASSIFIEDS INI O R G gas clothes dryers e sense. Because Norge gas dryers have an exclusive Stop-N-Dry control that lets you dry things like hats, sweaters and shoes, without tumbling them. Because gas dryers save you money. You can dry a family-size' load for VA the cost of other dryers. Because you get four drying cycles, for drying all fabrics automaticallyincluding permanent press and wash-and-wear. Because they're built to last. Years from now you'll be glad you bought a Norge. For more reasons why Norge gas dryers make sense, call or visit our nearest store or office, or see your appliance dealer. Northefn Illinois Gas Company PON EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod): 4208 W. Waukegan Road (Highway 120 West) Sunday -- Services: 7:45 and 10:30 am 9:00 am Sunday School and Bible Class. FAITH PRESBCTTOAN CHURCH West of tiie outdoor theatre John O. Mclntyre, Pastor Church School -- 9:30 a.m. for 1st grade through adults and 11:00 a.m. for pre-sChool dill* dren (3-5) Worship -- 11:00 am. Nursery facilities available. ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH Richmond, Illinois Rev. Fr. E. J. Lehman Pastor Sunday Masses -- 7:00, 8:30 & 10:00 an. Holydays -- 7:00 and 9:30 am FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 509 N. Front Street 3854083 Virgil L. Chappefl Sunday Services -- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 6:30 pm Training Union 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship- SHEPHERD of the HILLS LUTHERAN CHURCH 404 N. Green St., McHenry D. D. Johnson, Pastor 385-4030 Family Worship and Sunday School -- 8:30 tt|n. and 10:30 a.fia. Nursery facilities available. „rJ WONDER LAKE J SUBLUX CHURCH . ^ Box 2, Phone 653-7961 Rev. Richard Wright, Pastor Sunday -- 9;30 aan. - Sunday School r. 11:00 a.m. Mprning Worship. Junior Church 5:30 p.m. Junior Choir Rehearsal 6:00 pjn. Youth Meetings 7:00 p.m. Bible Fellowship Hour. RINGWOOD METHODIST CHURCH Ringwood, Illinois Rev. Ronald L. Anderson Minister Sunday -- 10 a.m. Church Service 11 ajn. Church School 3:30 p.m. Jr. Hi M.Y.F. 7:00 p.m. Sr. Hi M.Y.F. RICHMOND BAPTIST CHAPEL American Legion Bldg. Pastor, Ernest Gouge Phone 678-3712 Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11 a.m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p.m. Wed. Evening. 8:00 p.m. Affiliated Southern Baptist Convention A Growing Church for a Coming Lord. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY New Location Eastwood Manor Lincoln Road and Eastwood Lane McHenry, Illinois Sunday Service at 10:30 Sunday school same time 3rd Wed. of each month Testimonial meeting 8:00 All are welcome. WOODSTOCK BIBLE CHURCH Masonic Temple 730 Seminary (no. of Jet. 47 & 120) James Stewart, Pastor 9:45 ajn. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worshi elHiUfi mm mwm. THE CHURCH FOR ALL . . . . . . A L L F O R T H E C H U R C H The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship. It is a storehouse of spiritual values. Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization can survive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and support the Church. They are: (1) For his own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and material support. Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible daily. Have you been forgetting something lately? Have you been forgetting yourself? Let's be completely selfish, for the moment, about this matter of going to Church. Let's look at it solely from your own point of view. Will the Church offer you an escape from reality? Will it lead' you into some kind of a rosy dream world? Will it be your own, pers<yial panacea--a kind of spiritual crutch? Emphatically no! What the Church will do is give you Faith. It will help you lind the courage and strength to meet life's tests. It will bring you complete realization of one all-important fact: with God's love, it is never too late to begin again. If you haven't been going to church you have undoubtedly forgotten yourself. Start going now! Copyright 1967 Keitter Advertising Service, Inc., Straaburg, Va. Sunday Deuteronomy 13:1-5 Monday Psalms 44:17-26 Tuesday ' Isaiah 17:7-11 Wednesday 13:1-9 Thursday II Corinthians .. .,13:5-10 Friday I Thessalonians 5:12-24 Saturday Titus 3:3-7 , <S±2? + <si2? t <St2? + <212? t <5i2? + <512? t <232? + <$i2? + <St2? + <5i2? t <li2? + <SLZ» SPRING GROVE METHODIST CHURCH Rev. John Atherton, Pastor Sunday Services -- 9:30 Church School 11:00 Worship Service COMMUNITY CHURCH Richmond, Illinois Sunday -- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service. CHAIN O TAKES EVANGELICAL COVENANT CHURCH 4815 N. Wilmot Road Rev. Clarence E. Mason 497-3000 - Church 497-3050 - residence Sunday School--9:45 ajn. Worship Service--11 a.m. Wed. Service--7:30 p.m. WONDER LAKE GRACE BAPTIST CHAPEL Richard Bursham Pastor 7303 Oak St, Wonder 653-3371 Sunday-- 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship service 7:30 pjn. Evening Service Wednesday -- 7:30 p.m. Prayer service CRrSfAIL. LAKE CHRISM&N CHURCH Meeting in Odd Fellows hall 49 E. Woodstock St Crystal Lake, Illinois David Taylor, Minister Phone 459-0882 Sunday -- 10:00 a.m. Bible School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 7:30 p.m. Christian Training Hour. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 3706 W. St Paul's ft Green McHenry, Illinois Telephone: 385-0390 Rev. Arthur D. McKay, Vicar Sunday Services -- Holy Eucharist ft Sermon 7:30 ajn. & 9:00 a.m. Morning Prayer ft Sermon 9:00 (1st Sunday) Church School 10 a.m. Coffee Hour 10:00 a.m. Wednesday -- Eucharist 9:30 aJtn. Friday -- Eucharist 7:00 am 1st Saturday -- Eucharist 9:00 a.m. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATEMKLHC CHURCH Jolmbsurg Rev. John DorcHng Pastor Rectory phone: 385-1477 Convent phone: 385-5363 Sunday Masses -- 6:30, 8:00l 9:30,10:45 and 1200 Holydays -- 6:30, 8:00k 10:00 ft 7:30 p.m. Confessions -- Saturdays & for First Fridays: 4:00 and 7:30 p.m, MOUNT HOPE METHODIST CMtJRGH 1015 Broadway Pistakee Highlands Rev. J. C. Atherton, Pastor 5T13 Meadow Hill ' Pistakee Highlands Tel. 497-3806-Parsonage 497-3805 - Church Sunday Services -- 9:45 Church School 9:30 Morning Worship CHRIST THE KINO CHURCH Rt. 2, Wonder Lake, HL Rev. Eugene Parker % Pastor Masses -- Sundays, 7:30,9:00,10:30 and 12 noon. Daily -- 8:00 a.m. (except Saturday 11:30 a.m.) Holy Days -- 8 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. First Friday--8 sum. Confessions -- Saturday, 4 to 5 pm 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 pjn. EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH OF WAUCONDA Hwy. 176 at Anderson R& Wauconda, Illinois Rev. Robert HUcftman. Pasts? Sunday Schod!--9:33. Worship Services--10:45 ft 7 p.m. 312-JA 6-8254 ST. PATBIOTB CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Leonard Gunardo Pastor Rev. David BeauvaSs Assistant Pastor Sunday M'n*8 --- 6:30, 7:30, 8:30l 9:4% 11:00,12:15, Holydays -- 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 am 6:30 pan. and 8:00 pja Saturday -- 4-5:30, 7-8:30 pm Ooo- Cessions Thursday (Before First Friday) smtiviTi LUTEESB&N CHURCH 3506 E. Wonder Lake Rd. Box 157 Phone 653-3832 Wonder Lake, Illinois . T. L- Johnson Pastor Sunday -- 8 & 11 am Worship 9:30 am Church School C©E3E3UNITT METEKDMST CHURCH 3717 W. Main Stress McHenry, minds Rev. Raymond L. White 385-1352 Sunday Worship Services 8:30 and 11:00 am Church School--9:45 am ST. KARYTS CATHOLIC CHUMM Rev. Eugene Baumhofer Rev. Matthew Rudden Asst. Pastor Sunday Masses -- 3:30, 8:00, 9:30, 9:45,10:45 11:00,12-noon ft Sun. aft ,5:00 pan. Holydays -- 6:00, 7:00, 8:00,10:00 am- and 7:30 pm Ccmfesskms -- Saturday @£U 4-5 pm Thursday before First Fridays, and days before Holydays; 3-4 In afternoon and 7-8 in the evening. ST. PETER'S ©MPHOLIC ' CHUMM Spring Grove, Illinois Rev. Kilduff, Pastor Sunday Masses, 6:30, 8:00 (9:15-summer only) 10:30, 11:45 Confessions: Sat. 3:30 & 7:30 p.m. ' GRACE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHUMM Richmond, Illinois Lawrence W. Wick, Pastor Church School--9:45 a.m The Service--11:00 am May thru Sept, 8:30 ft 11:00 am ALLIANCE BIBLE CHURCH 3815 West John Street McHenry, Illinois Sunday -- 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 ajn. Worship Serv. 6:00 p-m. Youth Service 7:00 pan. Evening Evangel Wednesday -- 8 pjn. Bible Study Prayer Meeting. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Lincoln Rd. & Eastwood Lane (Eastwood Mianor) Sunday Serv. -10:30 a-m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m. Wed. Eve. Meeting - 3rd Wed. of each month at 8:00 p.m. Reading Room - In the Church edifice - Every Saturday from 2-4 fi&d the 3rd Wed. of each month from 7-7:45. All are welcome to attend our services and to read, borrow or purchase books on Christian Science during the Reading Room hours. Fury Motors, Inc. Imperial Chrysler, Plymouth, Valiant 2508 W. Rt. 120 McHemy, Illinois Tonyan Construction Company. Inc. s General Contractors McHenry, Illinois Automotive Controls Corporation 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois H. E. Buch & Sons, Inc. Plumbing & Heating Contractor 3012 W. Rt 120 McHenry, Illinois McHenry Savings & Loan Association 3611 W. Elm Street McHenry. Illinois Guettler Service, Inc. 818 N. Front St McHenry. Illinois msm George R. Justen & Son Funeral Home Robert A. Jus ten, Funeral Director 3519 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois Peter M. Justen & Son Funeral Home 3807 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois Investors Diversified Services, Inc. Sam E. Absher - Representative 5618 Sylvan Drive, Wonder Lake . . . . . -- McHenry State Bank Serving McHenry Since 1906 McHenry, Illinois Admiral Corporation 3908 W. Elm St McHenry, Illinois Ace Hardware 3729 W. Elm St McHenry, Ellffiola

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