Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Sep 1967, p. 17

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£r«>v' SUNNYSIDE ESTATES Sally Segerstrom 886-0964 Marlene Berjj S86-S418 KENNEBECKS WELCOME NEW SON TO FAMILY ' Bud and Carol Kennebeck nave a new little addition to their family. On Thursday. Sept. 21f at 7:33 a.m., Carol delivered a beautiful little boy at Mc- Henry hospital. The new little Kennebeck weighed in at 7 lbs. and 14 ozs. and is as yet nameless. Mother and baby are doing just fine and are enjoying a short rest in the hospital before they will be going home to see the rest of the family. _You can bet they will receive a grand reception from eleven year old Alan, nine year old Karen, five year old Scotty and of course the proud and maybe a little tired father, Bud. You see while Carol is in the hospital Bud is at home taking care of the children. Some vacation is it not, Bud? Congratulations to you both nil WARNING!!! Do your children play on the property behind the homes on Oakleaf? Well, you better make it a point to find out and make sure they do not go back there again. This property is going to be used for controlled shooting and this will be conducted by four game wardens. The area will be patrolled by these game wardens and if anyone is found on the property they will be fined. Signs are posted and they had better be obeyed. For your children's sake make sure they are instructed to steer clear of this property. VACATIONS Millie and Tony Senkerik drove to Corvallis, Ore., to spend a week with their son. David, who is taking his medical training at Adair Air Force Station for eighteen months. They drove David's car downto him and jetted home. This was their first jet ride which Millie described as fabulous. They saw many scenic spots in Oregon including Mount Hood and on Thursday Dave motored with them along the coast and up to Portland, where they visited relatives for three days. Dorothy and Jim Stoffel and children spent a week in Chester, 111., with Jim's parents. Jim also visited with an aunt who lives there. A1 Holtfodt spent two weeks in Crivitz, Wis., along with his brother-in-law at the home of long time friends. Thfey had a great time talking over old times and also did a bit of fishing. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS Mark Go win celebrated his birthday on Wednesday with his family and his godmother who brought all kinds of goodies for him. Then on Sunday his aunt and uncle, the Warren Hagers, and family, Grandma and Grandpa Michels and the Roger Moehlings all came to bestow their best wishes. It was agreat day for Mark when you have two parties in one week. David Han ah an had many of his little friends over to help Kim with his fifth birthday party. Douglas and Jimmy Wickman, Larry Palmer, Marie, Michael and John Herman and of course his brother, Tom, and two sisters, Karen and Connie, were all there to share in the ftin. It was really special when David was able to blow his candles twice and everyone singing to him twice because of late comers. Sister Karen conducted the game playing before all departed after having a wonderful time. On Monday, Dolores and Don Gerstein wore surprised by their daughter, Kathy. for their anniversary and Delores's birthday. There were two long: balloons hanging in the kitchen doorway, one having happy anniversary printed op it and the other happy birthday and then two round balloons with Mom and Dad printed on it. Then Rathy also had baked a birthday cake and some chocolate chip cookies. h the evening Dolores went bowling with her league. They present gifts when some one has a birthday so each time Dolores made a strike she received a gift. So it was a verv nice birthday for Delores this year. NEW RESIDENTS We would like to introduce you to Dennis and Carolyn Doering, and family now residing at 1717 West Qakleaf. The Doerings previously resided in Wonder Lake. They have two children, a two year old boy, Dennis, and little, Debbie, who is now six months old. Both Dennis and Carolyn are employed. Dennis works for an industry in Woodstock and Carolyn works in' Ringwood. When they can find time Dennis likes to hunt and fish and Carolyn paints. W$ would like to welcome you to Sunnyside Estates and hope you will enjoy your new home and our little community. HOSPITAL NOTE Pretty little ten month old Jerri Dowe spent five days in Rockford Memorial hospital suffering from a serious virus. Jerri was happy to return home to her parents, Gerald and Janet, and sister, Julie. She is just fine now and we hope she will have no more serious problems. SYMPATHY Our deepest sympathy is extended to Andy and Joann Eichhorn who lost a close relative last week. Frank Miller, Andy's uncle from Chicago, passed away after suffering from a serious illness for several months. The Eichorns attended the visitation Sunday and on Monday the funeral. Services were held at St. Joseph's church in River Grove, and Mr. Miller was laid to rest in the church cemetery. FORESTER MEETING The Catholic Order of Girl Foresters met for the first time since Spring. They had their meeting followed by talent night. Each girl or group of girls had to preform in some way. Present from our subdivision were Patty and Kasey Anderson, Debbie Riqua, Diane Voight and Kathy Gerstein. Patty and Debbie put on a skit entitled "Mary Had A Little Lamb", Kathy and Kasey did a song and dance called the Washington waddle and Diane sang in the chorus at the end of the entire program. Refreshments including soda, cookies; and candy brought.* to an end a pleasant evening. ' BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Happy birthday on the first to June Voight, Joe Jost and Ernie Olsen who turns eleven. Jimmy Stoffel becomes five on the second. Helen Farley will be ten on the fourth. We hope all your wishes come true. GOOD TURN DAY Cub Scouts will be leaving Goodwill bags on your doorsteps on Oct. 16 throughout the area. On Saturday, Sept. 28, Boy Scouts and Explorers will revisit the homes to pick up clothing, shoes and small household items. The donated materials are salvaged by sorting^ repairing and renovating in preparation for sale in Goodwill stores. The sales of these articles pay the wages earned by the handicapped. When you purchase your needs in a Goodwill Store you keep your budget low, cut relief taxes, and increase your communities' work force. Please help the handicapped to help themselves. HERE AND THERE Edna Marston. of McHenry visited with the Radtke family on Sunday. On Saturday morning the three Majors and Mary Larkin drove Mike to O'Hare where he caught a plane to Port Lee, Va., where he will temporarily be stationed. After watching Mike's plane disappear from view they all spent the afternoon in Cicero, at Steve's bro- WATER-WELLS PUMPS o RED JACKET THE BEST WATER SYSTEM . IS THE CHEAPEST WATER WELL SUBMERSIBLE DRILLING PUMPS SALES AND SERVICE McHENRY COUNTY WELL & PUMP CO. 385=5252-Res. 3SS-0713 4913 W. McCullom Lk. Rd. McHenry ther's home, Joe and Ann Major* Peg and Bob Darling and three children of DesPlaines visited with the Mikkelson family on Sunday. The Segerstroms went into Chicago, -on Sunday to Sally's parents where friends and relatives gathered to honor her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Turan, who celebrated seventy years of marriage. Mr. Turan will be one hundred years of age next month and Mrs. Turan is eighty-nine. Frank Go win spent two days at his aunt and uncles, Joan and Warren Hager and children in Woodstock. Laureli Jost was a bridesmaid last week for the wedding uniting her class mate Edith Grabovy and Ronald Freund. The ceremony took place at Christ the King Church in Wonder Lake. Following the ceremony a dinner and reception was held for some 300 guests. Joe and La Vern Jost were among the guests to wish the newlyweds the best of everythiilg. WELCOME HOME We would like to take this opportunity to welcome home Ray Kropf, son of George and Millie Kropf. Ray had been away two years serving his country in the Army. It has, been quite a time since he has been home with all the visiting and chasing to see everyonft. n ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS Anniversary wishes on the thirtieth to Matt and Pat Bott who celebrate seventeen years of wedded bliss and Frank and Celestine Michels who have shared thirty-six years of togetherness. A1 and Irene May will be wed twelve years on the first. Earl and Bernice Fry share nineteen years on the second with Joe and La Verne Jost who celebrate thirty years. That mates, a grand total of one hundred and twenty years of married life. Here is wishing you all many many more. WATER NEWS A call from the water company informed us that the "Alka Seltzer" like water we have been experiencing is due to the various changes in the water temperature in the well, ft is completely harmless although the taste is not exactly pleasant, ft will be further checked out and we hope cleared up soon. Also, in a week or two the system will again be flushed out. ft has not been done since the' new installation of the blow off pipes here in the Estates. Our call for help has been answered by Lucy Lytle who will be taking over for us Oct. 1. We know Lucy will enjoy talking to you as we have this past year. Thank you for joining us this week and we will be looking forward to seeing you again next week, DESNTSS INVESTIGATOR Secretary of State Paul Powell has announced the dismissal of Raymond C. Suchy of Algonquin as an automobile Investigator. The reason for the dismissal, Mr. Powell said, is that Suchy, in addition to h's employment as an investigator, has been working as a bartender, a type of activity which is expressly prohibited by office rules and regulations. Suchy is also under investigation for what appears to be the illegal sale of truck license plates, and any further action will be based oh the results of that investigation, Secretary Powill said. How Can I? SEPT- 28' 1967 ~ PLA1NDEALER - SEC. 2, PG. 5 There were 8,4J4 unidentified American casualties in World War Two, 853 in the Korean War. Q. How can I remove crayon stains from washable materials? A. By sponging with carbon tetrachloride or other cleaning fluid. Use hot water and soap for cottons and linens, warm for silks and rayons. If traces still remain after the fabric has dried, sponge with denatured alcohol, diluting the alcohol with two parts of water for use on rayons or colored fabrics. Javelle water can be used as a last resort on cottons, linens, and rayons. Q. What is the best way to shampoo furniture upholstery?, A. Make a rich soap lather, and apply only the LATHER with a cloth or brush -- making sure not to get the upholstery wet. Wipe off with a cloth or sponge wrung very tightly from clear water. Q. How can I remove scorch stains? A. If a garment is scorched, rub onion juice into the stains immediately after the accident happens. This will remove the spots if they have not become too badly burned. Q. How can I treat scratches of furniture? A. There can often be obliterated by wiping with a solution of equal parts boiled linseed oil, turpentine, and white vinegar. Stir these ingredients well, and apply with a soft woolen cloth. Then polish with a dry lirttless cloth. Q. How can I keep the colors of silk fabrics from running when washing? A. Any colored silk fabric requires careful washing. One should never allow it to become terribly soiled before washing. When washing, add a little salt to cold water, to prevent the? color from running. j Q. How can I dry matches; that refuse to strike because; of dampness? ; A. Rub them back and forth' in the bristles of a clothes brush. Q. What is an easy way to,, remove decals without damage to the finish underneath them? J A. Cover the decals with awet washcloth, then press a hot iron over the cloth. Within a few minutes the steam will soften up the old decal to per-* mit its easy removal. RUDY BECKER'S KENMELS 1 Mile East of Skyline Drive-la PHONE 385-S498 BOARDING AND TRAINING Obedience -- Hunting and Retrieving (Large Heated Kennels) What's Qoaking? Savings on "Super Right" Meats! I COOKED 10 to 14-lb. UG..SS..HH.. rPoouin ter Stud Service - POODLE GROOMING. Semi-^rieless HAM II A&P's Super Right Top Quality MOWWBYf Because it's not for sale in most stores. Only A*P. And so, it's only one of the ten best-selling breads in the U.S.A. But what a "ten-bester" Jane Parker White Bread is! » It's the one that's dated on the wrapper so you can see it's fresh. It's the one with quality that equals or surpasses the others in the top ten I t's the one with flavor so good it's guaranteed to please your family-unconditionally guaranteed. A It's the one that, chances are, sells for a lot less ^ than all the others in the top ten. AlhcTferhember, it's the ohe that's sold only at A*P. ^ When you think about it, shouldn't A*P be your store? COPYRIGHT © 1967. THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO , INC. A&P's Super Right Serve with A&P Applesauce PORK LOIN • Sliced 9 to 11 Chops * ib. Center Rib Pork Chops Pork Roast Hornless Turkey Roast Whole or Half "KING of the ROAST BEEF RIB ROAST A&P's Super Right Top Quality 4th & 5th Ribs 1st thru 4th Ribs Ib. 99c Ocoma Brand Flavor Kist Saltines Sunshine Vienna Fingers Supreme Cinnamon Cracker Hills Brothers Coffee Instant Coffee Instant Coffee • Cooked Salami # Spiced ai0hi j Qualify I&8-I ^ A&P'$ Supsir KighU Freth Wild* 4 to Wb. Avg. Hills Brothers Hills Brothers Dated I21A-OZ pkg 14'4-oz ^Jane Parker Oven Fresh Same Fine Quality 10-oz Oven-Fresh Baked jLojid&l Drip or 2-lb. Reg. Pumpkin Pie Cherry or Apricot Frosted Ball Donuts Jane Parker Old Fashioned Cookies B-in. size Jane Parker SAVE 10c Coffee Cake SAVf. 10c SAVE *. 1c pkfls. of 6 49c $1 twin pack 45 Fruits & Vegetables Northern Grown CiNTfR IOIN White Potatoes H0NEYDEW Melon Jumbo 6-Size EA. Inrirty Dairy buys!, VLOmKLea mUix!weas« Betty Crocker-- 1-lb., 2Vi-oz. QCc Layer--All Flavors pkg. wD Butter--Yellow ft 1-lb., 2Vi-oz. Devils--Betty Crocker pkg. Cake Mixes Gold Medal Flour Gold Medal Flour Robin Hood Flour Chase & Sanborn Coffee Instant Coffee All. Purpose All- Purpose All- Purpose 5-lb. bag 25-lb. bag 10-lb. bag 2-lb. Maxwell House lO-oi jar 35c 59c $2^9 $| 25 43 $J49 Sunnybr©@Ei A&P Merg® A&P Macaroni Salad Biscuits Grade A Large doz. CORN Save lib. OIL 10« qtrs. Save 2-lb. 6c ctn. Southern Delight' B-oz. Reg. or Buttermilk tube A&P's Mel-O-Bit m s c 16-oi. Pkg. I-U-DII 69 Twin Stack Pkg. SAVE 10c MIX OR MATCH A&P ° Green Peas ° Cut Corn ° Chopped Broccoli • Chopped Spinach * Peas ft Carrots > 10-oz Frozen Food Variety! < With Beans 1516-oz. Armour 1SV^-oz. Brand R.R. can 1%-Pt. Btl. Taste Tempting A&P Strawberries Serve With A&P Syrup Sunnyfield Waffles iottage hk% lairvel Ice Cre® Thrift Priced Asst. Flavors 10-oz. pkg. 5-oz. pkg. 16-oz. pkg. Vi-gal. ctn. 59' 10' 29' 75' pkg. of 2 reg. size 12'/4-OZ. pkg. Floor & Wall Frozen Birds Eye 6-oz. Orange Juice 25* Chiffon Margarine Coffee Mate Hollywood Candy Bars Variety of6 19' Jii Creamy Peanut Butter'*" 45' R.R. Non-Dairy Coffee Creamer 1-lb. pkg. 11-oz. jar 45' 67' Scope Mouth Wash Secret Spray Deodorant Head & Shoulders Lotion Shampoo 45 c Armour Chili Beef Hash s Peanut Oil Paper Towels VC Trend Laundry Detergent A-Penn Cleaner Windex Window Windex Window Endust Rival Burgers'n Gravy 2 ctn,1 Kal Kan Horsemeat ^2 'can,1 Kal Kan Chicken Parts 2 ,5"°x Kal Kan Burger Rounds 2 54-ox. pkg. Cleaner 5c off 20-oz. Aerosol Sc off 14-oz. Cleaner Label can Dust Magnet 7-oz. 1514-ox. 39' 53' 65' 37' 38' 59' 34' 54' 79' 59' 59' 45' 45' 12-oz Nine Lives Cat Food Mennen Skin Bracer Curads Bandages 4VJ-oi Box of ' AIP Instasn? A&P Instant Ann Page Fineit Quality Ann Page Macaroni & Dry Milk Coffee Grape Jam Cheese Dinner 12^f' ' pkg. W Save 10c £r M 10-oz. Save 20c 1 "• 49c Save 10c • W 2 3 3 c Mag Tic Tae foe \ Win up to *1Qp0.00 INOCMBGWOW CTON@KMJILT.Di "Countryside" INGUSH DINNH2VW Our Own Finest Quality Tea Bags Save 20c i Ann Page Syrup Blueberry >2-0,. Ann Page Finest Quality i Ann Page Finest Quality Gelatin Dessert Black Pepper A 3-oz. 'saVeT QQC T pkgs. WW SAVE I # # The giant 16-Section NEW TWENTIETH CE-NTJRY Section One of The famous 1 2-Section [MM&Y of Today's World D ATLAS With Coupons From Mailer e MW! NEW '63 Plaid Stamp Catntog The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Inc. -- These prices effective thru Sept. 30, 1967 ™

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