AT OUR NEW LOCATION FREE REFRESHMENTS Fit, Sat., SIM., September 29, 30 Oct. 1,1967 FRIDAY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SATURDAY 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SUNDAY 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. RCA America's first choice fir color TV RCA VICTOR 2wwl4std SBmgmaasxs Th« FAIR HAVEN Model GJ-725 23' ditg., 295 *q. in. pletur# HE STEREO MOTELS including this appealing Compact Cf&km VICTOR "The Most Trusted Name In* Electronics" COLOR TV PRICES START At 329 FREE DRAWING Need Not Be Present To Win GRAND PRIZE: RCA COLOR TV 10 Prizes In All PLUS: AM-FM Radio-AM Clock Radio-AM Radio Plus Many More Prizes Come In And Register Buy Now In Time For All The Series Action This year see the Series on true-tdife RCA Victor Color TV. New RCA Super Bright Hi-Lite Color Tube delivers 38% brighter highlights this year. Automatic color purifier "cancels" magnetism that may cause picture Impurities. When you're first in Color TV, there's got to be a reason. Come in and find out for yourself why RCA Victor is first choice in Color TV. Grand Opening Special m f ICTOR COHBINMIII 1 4-SPEED "Victrola"® PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH RUS COLORFUL, STURDY FLYING SAUCER PLUS 2-RECORD, 45-RPM ALBUM all three only 19.95 Apartment dwellers and others TModJi*vjT29H with space problems will take to this beautiful stereo console in a big way. It combines decorator styling and true stereo sound in a cabinet less than 40" wide. The price is geared to "young married" budgets too. This is typical of the outstanding values throughout the new RCA Victor Stereo line. Stereo Consoles 199.95 And Up Get in the Swing n/Hh iSf'SwIllgllll® Pc reo! V VJP 35A Lightweight, travel hardy "Swingline" portable stereo. Precision Studiomatic 4-speed changer swings down into playing position --features true-track tone arm with universal Duralife diamond stylus. Dependable Solid State stereo amplifier for instant "warm-up." Two 4" speakers in swing-out detachable enclosures. Separate bass, treble, loudness and stereo balance controls. Metal and plastic cabinet in Charcoal/Alabaster or Slate Blue/Shell Gray. H-17W-19*, D-10Y," (closed); H-17VT, W-37*. D-14'/,.' (open). $7 9 95 EXPANDED RCA VICTOR TAPE RECORDER LINE IS HEADLINED BY THIS FABULOUS BUY Can be promoted" and profitably sold for as little as optional with Dealer Modal VJS13 BATTERY OPERATED • CAPSTAN DRIVE TWO PRICE-LEADING RCA VICTOR RADIOS specially introduced for this promotion The ARROW Model RJA11 AM TABLE RADIO There's no better value on the market today than this compact-but-powerful RCA Victor radio. Ifs being introduced now to give extra impetus to your RCA Victor Week promotional activity. RH SIDY CLOCK RADIO The demand for clock radios continues heavy and should be greatly stimulated by the appearance of this sprightly RCA Victor newcomer. It's just the thing for those "special value" newspaper ads you'll be running. 10.88 14.88 WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL RADIO & TELEVISION - SALES & SERVICE 3I ?4)979 & bpriMn FREE PARKING NEW CATION: 460S 1. it 120, LaMmd Park, McHtnry