!>G. 2 - PLA1NDEALER - OCTOBER 13, 1967 Club's Pumpkin Night Bri ef Gl impse At Candidates The following is a brief' glimpse into the lives of two of McHenry high school's homecoming queen candidates. Pictures and information on the others will appear in next week's issues. Libby Stinespring is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Stinespring, Jr., of 3329 W. Bayview lane, McHenry. She is 17 years old. Libby intends to study psychology and music at the University of Michigan after graduation next June. Her future plans list "working with people somehow, using psychology Methodist Youth Fellowship, vice-president of the school chorus and president of the Student Council and the MCHS Student Body. Shirley Doherty is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doherty of 3709 W. Lee street, McHenry. She, too, is 17. Shirley plans to attend Whitewater college, Wis., after graduation and will major "in elementary education. Her hobbies are swimming and dancing, and in sports she The Lakeland Park Woman's club held its annual Pumpkin night at the meeting of Oct. 5. The ladies came dressed in Halloween costumes and were awarded prizes for the three best costumes. They showed originality and humor, ranging from Phyllis Diller to a Corn Shock man. Prizes were awarded to Evelyn Bassler, who came dressed as a clown, to Dolores Belahlavy, who was a citizen of outer space, and to Petey Oakfor, who was a go-go-girl. The Entertainment and Refreshment committee headed by Jo Rizzo was responsible for the decorations and for the beautifully decorated pumpkins, one of which was a gold Cinderella coach drawn by golden horses. This was the focal point of the affair. Pumpkins were awarded to Jan Kozy, Mary Schaedel, Helen Strandquist, Alma Walsh, Leonora Abbott and Hattie Manning. Turkeys were given to Hattie Manning, Arlene Bartos, and Lyda Radisch. The ladies exchanged trick and treat bags. They are busy making plans now for thl forthcoming twelfth annual Snow Ball dance to be held on Dec. 2. ; Y':!" 1 LIBBY STINESPRING OCTOBER 13 Rummage Sale -- Zion Lutheran Social Hall - Rt. 120 West - Sponsored by Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid Society - 4 to 8 p.m., Thursday; - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.Friday. Country Store Rummage and Bake Sale 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Richmond Community church - Sponsored by Richmond Girl Scouts. McHenry Woman's • Club meeting - Community Methodist church - 1 p.m. Christian Mothers - Open meeting - 8 p.m. - St. Mary's Gymnasium - Benediction at 7:45 - Reception of New Members. OCTOBER 15 A.F.S. Day - Open House - 2 to 4 p.m. Zion Lutheran church - Rt. 120 West. . . St. Patrick's Home and School Association Annual Bake Sale - Church hall - After all Masses. OCTOBER 18 Riverview Camp, R.N.A. - Dessert Card Party - 1 p.m. K. of C. Hall. McHenry Garden ClubMonthly meeting - 1 p.m. - Mrs. Clarence Mueller, 3204 W. Ter-"j race drive, McHenry Stores -. /•Wild Flower Culture" by Mrs.! Fred Dodge. J OCTOBER 19,20,21 ! Fall Rummage Sale - Ringwood Methodist church - Thursday - 9 a.m. to 5 pan. - Friday 9-9 - Saturday 9-12 noon - Refreshments served. OCTOBER 21 Card Party, Fashion Show - Sponsored by St. Paul's Episcopal church - 8 p.m. - Former Legion hall - 1209 N. Green street. OCTOBER 24 O.EJS, Stated Meeting - Acacia Hall - 8 p.m. Halloween Party Following. OCTOBER 27-28 Rummage Sale - St. Francis Parish - Ringwood & Flanders road - 9 a.m. to ?. OCTOBER 28 Annual Roast Beef Dinner - McHenry Acacia Club - Acacia Hall - 1309 Court Street - 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Hippy Halloween Happening - Casey's Pad - 9 p.m. Holiday Hills Property Owners Association. OCTOBER 31 Halloween Card Party - St. Peter's Parish Hall - Spring Grove - Starting at Noon. Celebrate Anniversary Color Sound Film "Move To Music 'Shown To PTA Harrison school Tuesday night was the scene of a large gathering for the P.T.A.*s presentation of the Elm, "Move to Music". The film a 16mm, twenty-five minute color sound film, depicted the many musical activities available to youngsters throughout their school years when they enroll in instrumental classes in the fourth, fifth and sixth grades. The film presented dramatically and colorfully a junior high street marching band in tiniform, a beginner elementary instrumental classroom group, a senior high woodwind ensemble, summer music canq) youth orchestra, family home music, senior high stage band, and concludes with a senior high concert band in formal performance. In answering the question "Why are more people moving to Music?" the film was both inspiring and informative to parents and teachers alike. The film was developed against a stringent set of technical requirements to assure accurate representation of school music programs and standards. "Move to Music" was introduced by James Bixby, executive vice-president of the At , merican Music conference. A long time resident of Wonder Lake, Mr. Bixby is an active member of the Harrison P.T.A. and other community projects. Mr. Bixby was very actively involved in the direction and production of "Move to Misic" which is the American Music conference's second production. The aim of the American Music conference is to stimulate the interest of the Am?rican public in music. A noncommercial organization, the American Music conference is composed of eleven activemember associations that financially support the organization's programs and activities and its policies. Following the film there was a stimulating question and answer period conducted by Mr. Bixby. The P.T.A. then heard from Richard Mikus, director of the music department, who gave a report on the plans for the department and its progress. Before adjourning the meeting for refreshments, President Gloria Coughlin announced that the Nov. 14 meeting will be open house. This meeting will give the parents an opportunity to visit their children's classrooms and to meet their teachers. PARISH SPONSORS FALL CARD PARTY Christ the King parish is holding its annual fall card party on Thursday, Oct-. 21, in the church basement. Get your foursome together, your couple or come by yourself prepared to enjoy yourself playing the game you prefer. One of the main attractions this year will be a showing and sale of some beautiful jewerly. Refreshments will be served. PTA Speaker i, P.P. Jacobi Peter Jacobi, noted authority on music and arts, will be and music -- getting to really know them and then helping them to live life to the fullest." Her hobbies are music (especially piano and folk), reading, walking in the leaves in the fall and being with people. Sports she enjoys are tennis, water and snow skiing and swimming. Libby is president of the SHIRLEY DOHERTY favors hockey, volleyball and basketball. She is an active member of the Girls Athletic association. Shirley is the secretary of the Student Council. Hie program will begin at 8 p.m. in the Johnsburg school multi-purpose room, with Mr. Jacobi speaking on the subject, "Cultural Boom - What's That?" - Although Mr. Jacobi has B.S. and MJS. degrees in journalism from Northwestern university, he has made a specialty of the arts - particularly music and theater. His critical essay^ and articles have appeared in such publications as the Christian Science Monitor, New York Times, Saturday Review, Chicago Scene, Musical Courier and the Evanston Review. He also serves as theatre critic for "Today in Chicago" on WMAQ-TV. Mr. Jacobi was editor-inchief of the music magazine Musical Courier from April, 1962, to October, 1963, bringing that magazine an editorial distinction which led New York Senator Jacob Javitz to refer to it in the Congressional Record as "the leading publication in its field". A former news editor of the National Broadcasting company and the American Broadcasting company, Mr. Jacobi has been with the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern university since 1963, teaching radio and TV journalism as well as serving as the school's assistant dean. !9 - "'A s'i 'fit MR. AND MRS. JAMES McNALLY Mr. and Mrs. James McNally, long time residents of Volo, were honored on their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary* when h surprise party was given on Oct. 7 by their daughters, Karen, Patti, Candee, Jaimie, Joy, Jill and the families of Mrs. Otto Klemm and Mr. and Mrs. George Cross. Guests at the celebration included out of town friends and relatives. James McNally and Dorothy Klemm were married on Oct. 10, 1942 at St. Paul's Lutheran church in Round Lake. They have been in business in Volo since thai time. 11TH DISTRICT WOMEN'S CLUBS HOLD SEMINAR The legislation division of the Eleventh district, Illinois Federation of Woman's clubs, including McHenry, Kane, Will and DuPage counties, is holding a seminar Friday, Oct. 20, at 9:30 a.m. at the Hinsdale community house, 415 W. Eighth street, Hinsdale (corner of south Madison and Eighth.) This will be an all-day meeting on the subject of education, taxes, pollution, police protection and the frisk law, and suburban planning. Senator Harris W. Fawell of the 40th district will report on some of the important business which was transacted last session in the General Assembly. Speakers will include Sherwood Dees, associate to Ray W. Page, superintendent of Public instruction; Vinton Bacon, general superintendent of the Metropolitan Sanitary district of Greater Chicago; Mrs. Otto J. Schlessinger, Jr., authority on city planning; Charles Siragusa, executive director of the Illinois Crime Investigating committee; and Gordon E. Sargent, prominent engineer and tax expert. Mrs. William T. Bruckner, chairman of the Legislative division of the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, Eleventh district, will conduct the seminar. KIWANB CARD PARTY The Kiwanis club will sponsor a card party on Nov. 4. Committee chairmen will be named in the next issue. Tickets are now available at McHenry's two financial institutions, from Roland Herrmann, John Flint, Dean Cunat or Don Heldt. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS mam KIOLL INN Gate 6 -- McCullom Lake Road FR8BAY S 5:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. Fish Fry Pan Fried Fresh Lake Perch $1.75 Oe Salad Relish Tray Join The Fun ... Sing with our Hammond Organ Fri. & Sat. nights from 9:00 p.m. PETER JACOBI guest speaker at the Oct. 17 meeting of the Johnsburg School Parent-Teacher association. 7 Good Reasons Why Sunbeam SNOW CHAMP Snow Throwers Sell Themselves 2. POWERFUL MOTORS Rugged 10-amp., hermeticallysealed power plants on al! models throw snow up to 20 feet . 3. BIG CAPACITY Snow Champ units throw snow at the rate of up to 250 shovelfulls per minute. Easy to handle and maneuver. i 1 INSTANT STARTING Just flip the switch! No gas or oil to contend with, no hard starting on cold nights, no gas engine tune-ups required 4. ADJ. WHEEL HEIGHTS Fingertip adjustments allow you to clear snow from any surface --from smooth concrete Model LD - 16 to a coarse gravel driveway. Without Cord & Light only 39 lbs Model DSA 100 ft. Cord inc With Light 39 lbs. $^99 HARDWARE STORES Model ,ST 200 100 ft. Cord inc. With Light only 66 lbs. BOLGER'S Drug Store 1259 N. Green McHenry 385-4500 5. 180' SWIVEL CHUTES Throw snow right, left or anywhere in between. Throw snow high or low. Teflont and epoxy non-stick coating on some models 6. AUTO-TYPE LIGHTS Powerful headlights on three models make snow removal after dark an easy task. Another big plus for the Snow Champ line. 7. EASY TO STORE Because they're light in weight Snow Champ snow throwers are easy to store year round. Just pick them up and hang them on the wall. Hardware 1327 Riverside Drive, McHenry 385-2040 These prices effective thru Mon.., Oct 9 They went "that-a-way" in r ST*"1 ^Heal i-tejQ i "lTA NT Ofts 8p IVnillMNMMWNIfMINIHNNINNIMMl To keep them warm and cozy. That's why babies love Health tex crawler sets. Overalls are made of soft narrow wale cotton cordu roy; snap fasten at the crotch for easy changing. Built up backs keep sus penders in place; wide gus sets make room for diapers. 2 ply matching combed cot ton knit shirts snap-fasten at shoulders. And note the way all the sweet fall colors wash clean as a whistle. Sizes: 9, 12, 18, 24 mos. Gladstone's Department Store 385-0182 J219 -V <;re«-n McHenry