Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Oct 1967, p. 8

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PG. 8,- PLAINDEALER-OCTOBER 27, 1967 WONDER LAKE GAIL WILLIAMS 653-5371 HURRICANES WINCONFERENCE FOOTBALL TITLE The Harrison Hurricane flag football team won their third and final game of the season tjy defeating Big Hollow 20-6 at Harrison Field last Thursday, Oct. 19. As a result of the undefeated season the Hurricanes won the Lakes flag football conference title. The Hurricanes scored early in the first half and then the defense held the Big Hollow offense to one kick-off touchdown. Quarterback Dale Rada scored the first touchdown on a keeper around the left end. Left halfback A1 Mrwoka scored the second touchdown on a sweep around the left end. Jon Dudey snared a Rada pass for the final score. Center Bob Habich and right halfback Roger Hansen led the offensive unit with some fine blocking. The defensive secondary unit met their first real passing attack and withstood the pressure. Safety Steve Van- Kanegan proved that a little man can play a lot of football. Van Kanegan and Terry McGibbon knocked down several Big Hollow pass attempts. Left line backer Matt Mondek intercepted a stray pass to set up the final score. The defense of Harrison just proved to be overpowering. The Harrison players, students and faculty wish to express their appreciation for the fine following of the parents and friends at the games. We hope you enjoyed watching as much as we did playing. CHRIST THE KING NEWS The reception com*nittee of Christ the King parish invites its parishioners and friends to attend a reception Sunday, Oct. 29 from 2-4 p.m. in honor of the Rev. Eugene Parker. Refreshments will be served by the women of the parish. • Request for Record player: Do you have a portable record player that you are no longer using????? The C.C.D. School needs several so that eight classrooms may be provided during one hour. We welcome donations of usable record players. Your generosity deserves our prayerful thanks. On Friday, Nov. 3, in the school hall at 8 p.m., Sister John Mary, S.S.N.D. will talk to the parents of this year's First Conoiunicants. As a primary teacher of excellent background and years of experience, Sister is able to set up a workable plan for parents who are experiencing their first preparation of a child for the sacraments of Penance and Eucharist, as well as answer ques- Quality Radiator Repair By Factory-Trained Radiator Specialists 12 Years Experience Every Job FLO-TESTED For Your Added Protection. £ 'S A1X WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SERVICE Ccmplsts Stocfe of Ssfesl!? and New Itadlseors Complete Stock of Orlglnml Equip. Heater Control Valves text io V.F.W. 8094 W. Ronte 120 IEPA1R SUV, Phone 385-0783 McHenry, E1L tions of those who know the problems from previous experience. All interested adults are invited to attend this first conference to help parents in preparing their children for the reception of these sacraments. At this time parents will be able to purchase a parent's text to be used as a reference in training children. GET WELL WISHES Are sent to Mrs. Mae Kane, Oakwood Shores, who resides with the Fred Bathkes, who has been confined to the McHenry hospital. Hurry home Mrs. Kane!!! NOTES OF SYMPATHY Our condolences to the family of Mrs. Clarence (Bernice) Hummel, Chicago, mother of Clarence Hummel, Indian Ridge who passed away Oct. 15 in Chicago. Our condolences to the family of Mrs. Florence Mollison who resided with her daughter, Mrs. Conrad (Doris) Rupp, Jr., Indian Ridge, passed away Oct. 14 at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Aurora. Out condolences to the family of Miss Annette Farano, 2y2 years old, daughter of the Samuel Faranos, Wonder View, who passed away Oct. 17 in her home. SUNNY OAKS ASSN. Finally an association has been formed for the betterment and improvement of the subdivision and as an asset to the Lake. Sunny Oaks Property Owners Assn. Inc. are proud to announce the erecting of two signs--one (Mi each end of their designated area. The designated area being Maplewood drive on the South, Catalpa drive on the North, E. Wonder Lake road on the East and Benjamin drive on the West. A great hand should be given to the board members who worked on the designing, constructing and erecting of these signs. Sunny Oaks was formed and legally chartered by residents for the benefit of all residents and property owners in the subdivision. Our first annual meeting was held in May of this year with the board of directors being: Grant P. Ernst, Tom Smialek, James C. Lee, Felix C. Plewa. Officers being: Grant P. Ernst, president; Tom Smialek, vicepresident; Felix C* Plewa, treasurer; Carol Smialek, secretary; and Gerry Ernst, publicity chairman. WONDER LAKE BIBLE CHURCH NEWS \ Friday, Oct. 27, 7:30 p.m. there will be a Missionary Conference, Seamen's International Christian Association. Saturday, Oct. 28, 5:15 p.m. there will be Youth Night (seventh, eighth and high school) Supper at church. 7:30 p.m., Earle Johnson, Regional director, Campus life, will speak on the work of campus life which devotes its entire ministry to problems and basic needs of our youth. Sunday, Oct. 29, Missionary Conference. 9:30 a.m., Sunday school, a class for all ages. 11 turn., Morning Worship Service, Rev. Nolan F. Balman, speaker. Evangelical Alliance Mission. 5 p.m., Missionary Cantata, 6 p.m., Refreshments, Fellowship hall. 7 p.m., Rev. Nolan F. Balman. The Rev. Nolan F. Balman, Deputation Secretary of the Evangelical Alliance Mission, went to South Africa as missionary in 1946, and his experiences as a missionary are well acquainted with the various ministeries of the missionary on the field. The Evenglical Alliance Mission with which Rev. Balman is associated is an Interdenominational Foreign Mission society with 870 missionaries serving in 20 fields. Wednesday, No. 1, 7:30 p.m. Midweek Prayer and Praise Service, Youth Choir Rehearsal, 8:30 p.m. Senior Choir rehearsal. YOUNG AT HEART The Young at Heart will be having a bazaar Sunday, Dec. 3 at Christ the King Hall starting at 10 a.m. There will be a bake sale, bazaar items to be sold were made by the members of the club, the Wonder Lake Garden club will have a table with members selling names on their friendship apron. SURPRISED ON ANNIVERSARY Kirk and Betty McComb, Wooded Shores, were pleasantly surprised by their daughters, Gayle, a freshman at Western Gas coo makes sense. Because today's new gas ranges give you more features per dollar than any other range--actually cost less to buy, less to use. Because you're in command with gas. When you turn it off, it's off. There's no hangover heat to scorch food or overheat your kitchen. And when you turn it on, it goes onto the exact shade of heat you want. Because modern gas ranges are so colorful and beautifully designed, they add glamour to your kitchen. Because gas broiling is clean and smokeless. You broil with the oven door closed. Because you can get out and enjoy life more, thanks to the many programmed controls that cook things and keep them eating-warm, automatically. Because gas cooking brings out the tastiness of foods. It's the choice of 95% of Chicagoland's professional chefs. For more reasons why gas cooking makes sense, call or visit our nearest store or office, or see your appliance dealer. Illinois University, and Wendy, a freshman at McHenry, when they walked into the Wing 'n Pin Saturday, Oct. 14, to see their friends and neighbors from Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, McHenry, and Wonder Lake and surrounding areas--all fortytwo of them* One of the highlights was a mock wedding cake. The Jack Falkenthals, former residents of the Lake were also there to help the McCombs in celebrating their special occasion. The actual date of their anniversary is Oct. 17. Happy anniversary and many more!! KIWANIS CLUB MEETING-- OCT. 16 President Phil Kinzer reported on the ladies nite at Dundee. While there he made arrangements with the Fox River Grove-Cary Club to hold an interclub Monday, Nov. 6 at the Branded Steak House, Crystal Lake. Each club will be the host club as well as the visiting club. Bill Dicker advised that the Cub Scout troops will need some help. This will be acted on at the next meeting. The slate of 1968 officers as recommended by the nominating committee was voted on and accepted. Next year's officers are: President, Bill Cristy; Ed Heller, First vice-president; Art Christopher, Second vicepresident; Bill Dicker, secretary; and Phil Kinzer, treasurer. Ward Ehredt presented a program on Paris and Amsterdam with a running commentary. Phil Kinzer won the Battle Ax award. NATIVITY LUTHERAN CHURCH NEWS Sunday, Oct. 29, the three Lutheran churches from this area will hold a combined "Reformation Hymn Festival" at Zion Lutheran church, McHenry. The service will begin at 7 p.m. Dr. Arthur O. Arnold from the Lutheran School of Theology of Chicago will be the guest speaker. The combined Senior and Youth Choir from all three churches will also participate. Thanksgiving clothing appeal-- now is the time to be gathering clothing for the annual Thanksgiving clothing appeal. This year the dates of the appeal are Nov. 19-26. They are especially in need of blankets and small children's clothing. May we mention that we have had trouble in the past with the pick-up because many oxes are not sturdy enought to hold the clothing, nor have they been tied. Would you please help by putting your clothing in strong cardboard boxes and then tie them with strong cord. Leave your contributions in the kitchen. HOME FROM VIETNAM f Joseph Bores returned home Friday, Oct. 20, at CHare Airport and was anxiously greeted by his wife, the former Janice Johnson, Wooded Shores. Joe and Janice will take up residence shortly in Indiana where Joe will complete his tour of duty. Good to have you back home again, Joe!!! MOVED--BUT NOT FAR Cal and Darlene Beise and family have taken up residence at 7416 Maple drive, Wonder Center. BIRTHDAYS Happy belated birthday to Anton (Tony) Grill, WoodedShores on Oct. 17. Our son, "Jamie" will blow out three candles on Nov. 1. THIRD ANNIVERSARY AT NATIVITY Pastor Thomas L. Johnson observes liis third year at Nativity this Sunday, Oct. 29. The actual date of his first Sunday is Nov. 1,1964. MAKES CHICAGO NEWSPAPER COLUMN Reading through Sunday, Oct. 15, Chicago Tribune, the Tower Ticker column, quite a few Wonder Lakers were surprised to see Mrs. Rudi (Johanna) Jirousek, Indian Ridge, name men- < tioned in the write-up recalling one of Capt. Eddie Rickenbackers more potent aphorisms. - HOMECOMING QUEEN CANDIDATE Miss Lois Hansen, Wooded Shores, was a homecoming queen candidate at McHenry high school during the homecoming ' festivities held last week. Miss Candy Fossum, Ringwood, daughter of the Gordon Fossums was crowned homecoming queen. BLESSINGS FROM HEAVEN Robert and Joyce (Moore) Fish welcomed a daughter at Woodstock hospital, Oct. 16 and has been named Loreen Lynn. Loreen weighed in at 6 lbs. 8 oz. and measures 19" long. Waiting at home to greet his new sister is Gene, 3 years old. The maternal grandparents are the William Moores, former residents now residing in - <? Harvard and the (paternal grandparents are the E. Fishes of Wisconsin. Bye for now, see you next week, be good. Happy Halloween to all. ALL FEATHERS... French stage star Zizi Jeanmaire wear's elaborate feather costume by Yves 8L Laurent as she performs number called "Pink Champagne." Cgyfl B'b d¥HH B tl'ifg B-gWti-nrti H¥W5TnH CB-B BTfl fl flTfl-a YOUR Masonry Headquarters BRICK -- STONE -- BLOCKS Sewer Tile -- Drain Hie -- Fireplaces McHENRY LUMBER CO. : 4030 W. Main Phone 385-4600 Noeooss HALLOWEEN ARE THE CAT'S MEOW Halloween, Tues. Oct. 31st. LOOK FOR THEM AT BIIIEI'S DRUG STORE 1259 N. Green 385-4500 m Northern Illinois Gas Company B&D Automotive Supply Hours Open Daily 9-9 Sunday 9-1 Phone 385-2039 1719 Rte. 120 (Kent Acres) McHenry (JET THE PARTS YOU WANT - WHEN YOU NEED THEM from ?to ly Phone 385-0778 FOR SERVIC E 5 COUNTERMEN Mike Kafus Frank Meisner Arnold Anderson Dan Strach Stan Pankiewicz Drive in anytime, and see your car shine .... fast! Lakd@nd F^rk Next to Phillip's 66 BARBER SHOP ^ • Hair Coloring ^ • Hair Styling ^ • Hair Pieces • Razor Cuts :'s by appointment 385-7771 Lawn Mower Sales & Service 4H<* IQUlPMtNI mi Repair 385-0434 3102 N. Chapel Hill Rd. Chain Saw - Sales Service & Sharpening Fleming E^uopfinienf Small Engine Repair Phone 385-2323 4005 W. Wkpn., McHenry Buy-Sell-Trade Illinois most complete Gun Store with a selection of over 1,000 guns in stock McHENRY GUN CENTER Daily 9-9, Sat. & Sun. 9 - 6 3325 W. Elm Ph. 385 7320 Home Cooking Good Food - Fine Drinks Hettermann's Package Goods Edwin Hettermann Johnsburg - McHenry 385-1787 Resiauranl 8c Lounge Complete Business Men's Luncheon $1.00 11:30 - 2:80 Dinner Starts 4:00 p.m. Jlls§ Wiiii}© House 2028 W. Rte. 120 e 385-9892 Farm Equipment George P. Freund, Inc. Case - New Holland 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry Bus. 385-0420 Res. 385-0227 Complete Selection Also Register In Our Bridal Register Gifts Candies Agatha 1242 Green St. 385-0097 W® Charge . . . for Courtesy Ma@ E>@[a)(bIcI FORD. INC. in Fox Lake Phone JU 7-2541 Insurance & Real Estaet Earl R. Life Auto Liability Bonds Fire Homeowners Plate Glass Marine Workmen's Accident & Compensation Health Office 385-3300 Residence 385-3321 3429 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Tickets & Reservations Airlines, - Railroads Tours Steamship Cruises U-Drive Resort Motels Your Authorized Travel Agent Chain-O-Lakes Travel Service sf* 3405 w. Klin McHenry, III. Ph. 385-7500 'No charge for our services Garages Any siy.e „ny sty|,. Complete remodeling and repair service. WK DO EVERYTHING No money down, Terms to suit. DUKE CONSTRUCTION <JO. Ph. 815-653-8161 Wonder Lake

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