r "*<• o*? « \ t. s * ;<• •* ' °FO. 2, - PLAINDEALER - OCTOBER 27, 1967 Sixty Years MR. AND MRS. JACOB FREUND One of McHenry's longest married cobles are Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund of 3620 W. McCullom Lake road, who celebrated the occasion of their sixtieth wedding anniversary on Sunday, Oct. 8. Following a morning Mass in their honor at St. Mary's Catholic church, the couple enjoyed dinner at the K. of C. hall with their six children, sixteen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Crystal Lake : Couple Wed In Nativity Church - Nativity Lutheran church, -Wonder Lake, was the scene 4>f the marriage uniting Mrs. ^Catherine A. McKenney and Mi. Hussell CHara, both of Crystal Lake, at 7 p.m., Monday, pet. 23. "Die Rev. Thomas Johnson performed the double ring ^ceremc:Ty. , For her twilight nuptial rite, '4be diminuitive bride chose a .street length frock of soft light •Jjlue wool with matching accessories and wore a complementing corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Schultz of McCullom Lake served as matron of honor and best mam 'Mrs. Schultz wore a street . Ilength dress of medium brown tChavesette with matching accessories and corsage. * Following the marriage ceremony, a reception for relatives -«nd friends of the bridal couple, including the bride's mother, ^Mrs. Elizabeth Haller, was held jat the home of Theresa and Wil- Jard Schultz. - A beautiful three-tiered -square wedding cake topped with a bride and groom formed the centerpiece for the festive table. The newly wedded couple are residing at 6916 Hillside, Crystal Lake, with the bride's six children. Mrs. CHara is employed in Woodstock and her husband works for United Air Lines, 0*Hare airport. Moths and butterflies can detect the pros^nce of sugar when diluted to 1 part in 300,000. 1 part in 200 is about the top limit for humans. MARY QUINN ENGAGED TO WEB FORMER RESIDENT TO WED SATURDAY JOSEPHINE PARRATORE Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parratore of Woodstock, formerly of this community, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Josephine, to Leo Gorham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gorham of Woodstock. Miss Parratore was graduated in 1965 from Woodstock Community high school. Her fiance is a 1965 graduate of Marian Central high school and received the degree in electronics and engineering at Coyne Electronics, Chicago. The young couple will be married Oct. 28 in St. Mary's Catholic church, Woodstock. SOLUTIONS DROPOUTS MtfVfNTATIVE Miss Stamper Is Bride In Indiana Rite ' A wedding of local interest was solemnized in Calvary Lutheran church, Jeffersonville Ind., on Saturday, Oct. 21, at 2 o'clock when Miss Katie Ellen Stamper exchanged nuptial vows with Mr. Samuel Lee Elmore. Miss Stamper is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Stamper of 31 E. White Bear Trailer park, Jeffersonville, Ind., formerly of McHenry. Her bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Luta Elmore of New Albany, Ind. Rev. G.G. Schaper officiated at the double ring afternoon ceremony, for which the church was decorated with candles and bouquets of flowers. Pretty Miss Stamper wore a long, white gown which she made. It was fashioned wi th om-. pire waist, scoop neck, sleeveless, and an empire length jacket with long sleeves. The dress was of crepe, with lace flowsr sprays, hand appliqued, andtiny pearls and opal sequins on the lace. Her headpiece was of elbow length tulle with lace appliques scattered on a pearl crown which the bride also made. She was attended by Mrs. Evelyn Nelson, her sister, of Northlake, 111., as matron of honor and by Miss Kim Suzette Nelson, her 4-year-old niece, ais flower girl. Mrs. Nelson wore a street length, pink gown of crepe, with empire waist. Her daughter was attired in a white dress with pink ribbon around the empire waist, both fashioned by the matron of honor, Jero'd Mayfield of Clarksville, Ind., served the groom as best man. Mrs. Stamper wore a sapphire blue lace eage dress ovar sapphire blue satin, which she made. Mrs. Elmore wore a green and gold brocade sheath with matching jacket. Following the service, 100 friends and relatives gathered at the' Stamper residence at White Bear Trailer park, for a reception. The couple left for a short trip to Mammoth Caves, Ky. They are making their home at 405 Jackson, Jeffersonville, Ind. The bride is a 1964 graduate of McHenry high school, and is now an IE^vl key punch operator for American Commercial Barge Lines. The groom graduated in 1964 from Jefferson high school, Jeffersonville, Ind. and is a machine inspector for Phillip Morris Tobacco Co. The couple met on the day she arrived with her family when they moved from McHenry to Jeffersonville, Ind., early last summer. McHenry Woman Heads Conservation Program EDBIIE She EDUCATOR sap oTn a. Th^ annual fall luncheon and meeting of the McHenry County Federation of Women's clubs was held at Shady Lane in Marengo recently. Mrs. Gordon + 25 Diocese Knights To Be Newman Guests On Monday evening, Oct. 30, twenty-five Knights of Columbus councils in the Rockford diocese will be guests of honor at a dinner meeting of the Newman Apostolate of the Illinois State Council of the Knights of Columbus, at the Father O'Brien Council club rooms, Main and Fourth avenue, Rochelle. The Knights of the Rockford diocese made the largest per capita donation to the Newman Apostolate fund raising campaign of 1966-67 of all Catholic diocese in the state of Illinois. Toast master for the occasion of the evening will be the Hon. James E. Bales, circuit court judge of the Fifteenth Judicial circuit and a member or tha Di <fin Council Knights of Columbus. The Illinois State Council of the Knights of Columbus will be represented by Daniel J. CP Conner, Chicago, 1966-67 state chairman of the Newman Apostolate; Very Rev. Msgr. Cornelius McGillicuddy, Newman Province chaplain, Northwestern university, Evanstogn; State Warden Louis Franchini, Rockford; seven district deputies to State Deputy Herbert G. Downey of Mt. Vernon and 1967- 68 Newman Apostolate Director Chas. W. Gruninger, Bellevelle diocese. The Dixon council of the Knights of Columbus hold the honor of having made in 1966- 67, the largest per capita donation ever made by any one °f the 269 councils of the Kn-«j!its of Columbus in the state of Illinois. Grand Knights and council officers of the Newman Apostolate will be from Aurora, Elgin, Batavia, Crystal Lake, McHenry, Woodstock, Harvard, Rockford, Loves Park, Oregon, DeKalb, Rochelle, Morrison, Steeling, Dixon, Amboy, Freeport, Pecatonica, Belvidere, Byron, Galena, Savanna, Stockton and Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell of Waukegan road, McHenry, welcomed their third son and eighth child Tuesday morning, Oct. 24, when Lloyd Robert Russell was born at McHenry hospital. He weighed 6 lbs. 5% oz. at birth. He has two brothers and five sisters. Idwotm, legitlafors, and others concerned with the dropout problem ore striving for preventative and remedial solution*. • iBO'i IHuCrtt'Cfl A«OC'-">lirn On the 2,200 mile run from central California to Chicago, some 108 railroad employees are employed directly as crews, and several times that many, as maintenance men, leers, repairmen, office help and ticket agents. Each freight train making the run will gross close to $100,000. Announcement MAUREEN QUINN The forthcoming marriage of Maureen Elizabeth Quinn to Paul Joseph Trausch has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mi s. James A. Quinn of DesPlaines, 111. They have set June 15, 1968, as their wedding date. Miss Quinn, a senior at Northern Illinois University, is a member of Kappa Delta and is majoring in journalism. Mr. Trausch, son of Mrs. Joseph Trausch and the late Mr. Trausch of Woodstock, is also a graduate of Northern and has been working on his Master's thesis in business administration. He is a member of Phi Kappa Theta fraternity and Sigma Iota Epsilon, honorary business fraternity. He is presently serving in the Green Beret41 Special Services reserve. Economy High Air Flow Drying: Variable Tim<- O.NLV i n q " Dry Control Fluff Cyrle ort^lain Kliantel Top um Kiu (a parity Lint JSsh Trap CARE APPLIANCE 1241 X. <>reen Mrlfrnn 3K.-)-5.50<) McHenry's Only Sfr\ icing fi.K. Dealer Ride into Fall wi ea STANTOGS curat; Sergeant, president of the County Federation, presided. In attendance from the McHenry Woman's club were Mrs. Donald Gerlitz, president of the Eleventh District Federation; her guest from New Jersey, Mrs. Allison Paul; Mrs. Frank Gans, corresponding secretary of the Eleventh district; Mrs. Christopher Quinn, citizenship chairman of the district; Mrs. Hugh Locker, president of the McHenry Woman's club; Mrs. William Givens, education chairman; Mrs. Frank Steffek, trustee; and Mrs. G.T. Snively conservation chairman. At this meeting Mrs. Snively was appointed conservation chairman for the McHenry County Federation. Her first project is in response to an invitation from the Chicago Outdoor Art league, which has been extended to the entire Eleventh district of the I.F. W.C., to attend a tea at the Chrysanthemum show in the Garfield Park conservatory mi Tuesday, Nov. 7, known as "Myrtle R. Walgreen Day". Eleanorf Ju.s»«n owner of new ultiiyiioflern PIN CURL BKAUTY SHOP has just received her diploma from Fashion Tress Institute of Am- < i lea for a course in < Master of \V'i^ Art ist r\. i The course- included Fitting. Suhntr and Care of Wi«s and Hair pieces. This has been an annual affair for the Art league for the past five years and only one invitation is extended each year, this being the first for the Eleventh district. Mrs. Snively has arranged bus transportation and is accepting reservations from McHenry county clubwomen up to the maximum capacity of the bus. She may be contacted by telephone for reservations which should be made no later than Tuesday, Oct. 31. The Community Methodist church will be the point of departure at 10:30 a.m. ADOPTS BABY Timothy Allen is the name chosen for the lucky young man who came to make his home with Mr. and Mrs. James Kline (Carol Olsen) in Woodstock at the age of four months. Relatives entertained in their home last Sunday to make his acquaintance were Grandpa and Grandma Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low and Bobby of McHenry and the Leslie Olsen Jr., family of Crystal; Lake. H'F.GfN TOWN HALL SERIES OF PUBLIC TOPICS NOV. S A Town Hall Series of timely, controversial and fascinating topics will begin Nov. 5 with Dr. Charles Lawrence, head of the Medical Research center of Michael Reese hospital, speaking on "Life or Death, Yo^Call It", the facts surrounding mercy killing. The series includes nine programs covering six months which is being sponsored by the Congregational - Univer- • salist church in Woodstock. Everyone is invited to listen to the "Town Hall Adventurers" and speak his peace in a talkback discussion immediately following each program. Following Dr. Lawrence and "Mercy Killings" are "Hippies; History and Heretics", William Braden, editorial columnist of the Chicago Sun- 'Times on Nov. 12'; "Abortion" on Dec. 3; "Foreign Policy is Your Business", Carter Davidson, chief'of CBS-TV news bureau in Chicago , on Dec. 10; "The World of Carl Sandburg", the Alpha Omega Pliers of the University of Southern California on Dec. 17; "Viet Nam, Which Way Out?", Joseph Whitney; director of education for Great Britain in Hong Kong, on Jan. 14; "Young People Around the World", Norman Ross of ABC-TV, radio and newspaper columnist, on March 10; and "Can Our Economy Stand Peace?", Dr. Robert Eisner, head, Department of Economics Northwestern university, on April 21. All programs are scheduled for Sundays in the Congregational - Universalist church. Series tickets may bq obtajned by calling Mrs, Charles Mather, or Mrs. Norman Remich. The first and third programs are a£ 4:30, all others at 7:30. --t ' '1 ' , . Personals Sunday visitors In the home of Mrs. David Powers were Mr. and Mrs. William Powers and Mrs. Mildred Jones of Batavia, Mr. and Mrs. George Powers, Rita and Cynthia and Mr* and Mrs. Kenneth Powers and Ronnie of Woodstock. Miss Debbie Shaffer spent a recent day as the guest of Mrs. George Spindler. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zoia and children returned to their home in Minneapolis, Tuesday, after a few days visit in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Phalin. They were called here by the death of a relative in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Frisby and sons of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday. Guests in the Albert Purvey home last Sunday were Mrs. Frank Riley and Frwik Purvey of Woodstock, Mrs. Robert Burleigh and Edward Schuenemann of Ingleside. Kandy Thompson, daughter of the Vernon Thompsons and last year's homecoming queen, was home to attend the weekend activities and crown the new queen. She is a student at IIlinos state university. Power Flay Canada's Northwest Mounted Police staged a 1,000-mile march along the United States border in 1874 in a show of force against the outlaws of the American Wild West Americans still have more automobiles than bathtubs. no-iron slack sets Boys have a wonderful time playing in shirt and slack sets of polyester and cotton. They never need ironing thanks to permanent press. Plaid, patterned and striped s h i r t s h a v e l o n g , warm sleeves. Solid color slacks have zip-fronts with tab closings. All are washable, and remember, you can forget the iron! Sizes: 4, 5, 6, 7. Gladstone's Department Store 385-0182 1219 X. Green McHenrv DUSTERS For Every Gal On Your Christmas Listl SILKISOFT POLYESTER OMO; 'Si ^ Xr* ^ It * S'zes 38-44 STYLE #6025 FABRIC:"SiIky-Soft" Estron Acetate in a QuiIted robe. COLORS: Pink - Blue Coachman style with Front and Back Yoke .enhanced with a luxurious floral screen printed pocket RIVERSIDE RETAIL OUTLET Hours Daily 9-6 1402 N„ Riverside Dr. Fri 9-9 Sun 9-54'• 1 Block North of Rt 1 20 on Riverside Dr. Tel. 385-5900 McHenry, Illinois I y