I SBC.' 1 - HLAINDEALtR - NOV. 8, 1W8 §h\' fei fc:' If! HOLIDAY HII LLS NEWS : INEZ YOUNG ssM«n ^OMAN'S CLUB MOLDS BAKE SALE NOVEMBER 10-11 . If you have been longing for some good home baked pies, . cakes and bread, and just . haven't had the time to get to it, then be sure to attend the Holiday Hills Woman's club bake sale to be held Nov. 10 and 11 at the supermarket in Island Lake. On Friday, beginning at 7 p.m. you will find a delicious assortment of bakery p pn sale, and beginning at 10 • mm. Saturday morning the gals will be there until all of the bakery is sold out. ^fe^CHRBTENmG John Carl Weiss, infant son of Irene and Carl Weiss, was baptized at St. Patrick Catholic church in McHenry on Sunday, - Oct. 24, with Joyce Brooks and Schultz as his Go^arents. £»**A buffet dinner in honor of the •-Special occasion was served to *2Bfe following guests: Grandma 2^11, "Grandma and Grandpa Weis8, Great-grandmother Shelley, Art and Audrey Weiss and children, Alice and A1 Schultz and children and Joyce and Ken Brooks. 'laCK-OFf1 Tonight, Nov. 8, Is the kickoff dinner for the Holiday Hills Woman's club. Cocktail time begins at 6:30 and diniber will be served at 7. CONDOLENCES Sincere sympathy is extended to the Gerald Smith family on the death of Gerry's Dad. Leslie W.Smith died in Gar-' den Grove, Calif., where heresided for the past several years. He is Survived by his wife, Fern, three sons, Lawrence, Ronald and Gerald, two daughters, Leah Carlson and Nira Baldwin, and sixteen grandchildren. Funeral services were held Thursday, Nov. 2, in Highland Park. Interment North Store Gardens of Memory. GET-WELL WISHES A bouquet of cheer to Grace It BERNICSS WILSON 385-4380 RNN MUNROE rs/rs SISTER OKINAWA Ed, Doris and Lynn Munroe drove to California for a vacation trip and a wonderful adventure for Lynn. On Oct. 17 Lynn took a plane to Japan where she was met by Pam and her husband, Mark Vycital, where the three spent a week of sight seeii®. From there they Jlew to Okinawa where Lytm ^Will spend a few months with sister and get acquainted p'Vyith her new niece. Ed and p&oris waited in Los Angeles Himtil getting a call that all had landed safely. 1 While in California the Muntpes went to Graumarfs Chinese Theatre, the Fanners Blarket, went through the wineries at Monterrey and brought back some samples, then drove to San Francisco, saw the Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman's Whfljrt, went through Chinatown, rode the cable cars and then on to Las Vegas where they stayed a day and a night. While there they took in a couple of shows and saw Rowan and Martin and Trini Lopez which were just fabulous, then to Reno, Salt Lake City, visited the Bonneville Salt Flats, The Mormon Temple and went through Cheyenne, Wyoming where they saw real honest to goodness cowboys . The trip was so wonderful that the Munroes have decided to start saving their pennies so that they can go back next year. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Happy birthday wishes to Neva Brod and Mildred Whetherhult on Nov. 8, James 'Jimmy' Verstege who will be 4 years old on the eleventh, Allen Dilg and Edward Munroe on the twelfth and John Hinz on the fourteenth. AROUND THE SHORES Helen and Morrie Crouch left the Shores on the nineteenth and drove to New Salem, 111. where they camped out at the State Park and visited a replica of a Frontier City. The next day they took off for the Lake of the Ozarks and remained there for two days. They enjoyed a festival at Silver Dollar City at Branson City, Mo., where there were demonstrations of soap making, weaving, cotton and wool and smoking meats just as it had been done in the early nineteenth century. One day was spent at Hot Springs, Ark., and then on to Vaiden, Miss., where they stayed with Morrie's niece for a couple of days. The weather was nice and the countryside lovely with fall colorings although a tornado was reported 60 miles away at Gulfport, Miss. Shirley and Bob Harper held a Halloween party on the twentyeighth and eight couples in groovy costumes attended, some as 'Hippies' with wigs and beads. After games and laughter a buffet supper was served. On Saturday BSrb and Ray Pogor visited BarVs brother; Greg Schaffrath, and celebrated the first birthday of her Godchild Steven Richard, hi the evening they had dinner at the Poplawski's in Chicago and played cards after a fine meaL On Sunday they took off for Libertyville and had a roast pork dinner with the Wetzels in honor of Doris's birthday. In between all these dates Barb is cleaning her house and getting everything in ship shape condition before going back to the hospital. BARB POGOR TO HAVE SURGERY Although Barb was released from Mc Henry hospital for a week she is slated to return cm Wednesday and on Thursday orning will have 2 major operations in (me. She will be in (for 2 weeks and would be happy have visitors or calls after first few days. By Monday morning the 13th she should be feeling well enough to enjoy seeing her many friends in the area. Best wishes to Barb for a quick recovery. Refreshing the Nation's Economy What is the brewing industry worth to the American economy? Reckon it in billions. Here are some of our annual outlays, in round numbers: Excise taxes (federal, state, local). .. .$1.4 Billion Agricultural purchases (grains, etc.). $215 Million Packaging purchases (wood, paper, metal) $550 Million Salaries and wages .$2.5 Billion ON THESE FOUR ITEMS ALONE-MORE THAN $4 BILLION The Breweries of America Pump Constant Refreshment Into the American Economic System. UNITED StATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, INC. ^v. i; <- M: Karlic recuperating from *#«• gtiry at McHenry hospital. GIRL SCOUT HALLOWEEN PARTY The Girl Scouts of troop 478 enjoyed a Halloween parly at the Kathan home on Thursday, Oct. 26. The patrol leaders picked the following winners for their costumes: Nancy Harper, . Judy Abbink, Jody Claris, Sharon Filip and Patty Estes. PARTY TIME AT CATANZAROS Linda Catanzaro and Eleanor Smith were co-hostesses for a Halloween party at the Catanzaro home. The guests, .schoolmates from St. Pat's and Jr. High were as follows: Mary Pierce dressed as a sailor, Cells ©"Brian, Hobo; Kathy Harm, Gypsy; Kathy Barri, Aunt Jemima; Cathy Hawkins, gypsy; Diane Fruik, Mod; Theresa Kristen, gogo girl; Debby Border, Eddie Munster; RoseMary Foreman, beatnik; Diane Osborn, Southern Belle; Linda Pradraza, mod witch and Linda Stevens, hobo. The girls danced, played charades and games and enjoyed an auction conducted by auctioneer Joe CatfUMaro. ..Winners for 'best costuthe* were Debbie Border, first; Kathy Barri, second; ( and Mtury Pierce, third. V T The following day, birthday girl Jeannie Catanzaro dressed as a safari, princess for her party. Her guests were: Linda Janik, dressed as a witch, Piriscilla Kasprzyk, dressed as the queen of hearty, Suzanne Slottag, a tiger, Donna Lawson, as Twiggy, Debbie, as little iniss no name, Mary Kaye, asPhylliss Diller, Angela as a red devil tad Carolyn as V$ra Miles. Just as the girls were leaving the party, Grandmother and. Grandfather Catanzaro from* Mundelein and Grandmother and Grandfather^arker from Bellwood, the Junior Parkers from Franklin Park and Chuck arid Bea Catanzaro from Mundelein came in to continue the celebration of Rose Ann's first birthday and Jeannie's eighth. Also on hand was Betty Ann Parker who came out for the girl's party dressed very authentically as a witch. Another welcome guest was Dave Strait of St. Paul, Minn., who is- a Marine buddy of Uncle Jerry Parker who is in Viet Nam. COLORADO VACATION ' 3 Yours truly and her family Kaye just returned from a week's vacation in Colorado. Basing our trailer in Trinidad, Colo., some of the sights we enjoyed were Raton, New Mexico, Monument Lake, Pueblo, Colo., and Colorado Springs, and watching Tom Dougherty play football with Trinidad State Jr. college against Adams State in Alamosa (they won 32-28) On our return trip we stopped in Warrensburg, Mo., to visit Aunt Marg and Uncle Bill Lehnert and family. It was a most enjoyable vacation, but too short. GREETINGS Belated birthday greetings to Denise Hughes, 9, on Oct. 19 and to twins, Timmy and Tommy Hughes, 8, on Oct. 21. Birthday greetings, to my neighbor Vi Abbink who chalks up another year Nov. 8. Personals ll; The Vermont Senate recently passed a bill which provides that, when a new highway project cuts off routes traveled by cows to pasture, the state will build special underpasses for them. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl, the Dale Dixon family, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ricker and son, David, were dinner guests in the Edward Hauner home in Chicago Sunday. Eva Sharks and Mrs. Susan Olsen attended funeral services for Charles Ensign at the Strang funeral home in Antioch Friday afternoon. - Mrs. Mary Stangerone, daughter, Mrs. Grace Lee and daughter, Claire, of Chicago were weekend guests in the home of the former's son, John Stangerone, and also tfsited him at the McHenry hospital where he has been confined with injuried sustained in an accident a few weeks ago. *Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeStenger ®f Waukegan were recent weekend guests in the William ROthermel home where Mr. and Mrs. Harold Freund joined them oh Sunday to spend the day. r Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Smith returned Friday by plane from a vacation in Florida where they accompanied George Kramer and sister, Mrs. George Meyer of Woodstock, by car, who remained in Miami to spend the winter. They did much sightseeing while'there and also visited their daughter, Cindy, in Fort Lauderdale, who returned home with them. Mi6s Joan Adams and Miss Jerri Restivo of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Air fons Adams. They returnedSaM urday from a three weeks tour of Europe sponsored by the Internal Revenue Service Employees association in which they visited England, Nethe^- lands, Belgium, Luxemburg, Switzerland, Austria, Liechten-. stein,-Germany* Italy, Monaco and France. . r Mrs. Jack Smith, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Bert Olson of Evanston, has returned from a ten day visit with another sister, Mrs. Roy Olson, and her family in Tulsa, Okla. A Cincinnati driver, convicted of speeding and fined $11, swore off driving too fast. Wfien a police cruiser started following him recently, he decided to play it safe and slowed down to 11 m.pji. He was promptly ticketed for driving too slow! RUDY BECKER'S KENSfEIS UjBmgfffggr l Mile East of E&ylMa Drlv*-Ia PRONE -888-8IM BOA1DMG AND TEMNWG Obedlescs) -- Hunting HetrtoySng (Large Halted Kennels) l&8kEL Pointer Stud Service - POODLE OBOCHMODQG{ we care Whats Cooking? Savings on "Super Right Meats! FRESH FRYERS A&PV Super Right n PORK Whole doyouuse? It really doesn't matter. Any coffeemaker can give you a good cup of coffee, providing you use a fine fresh coffee that is ground exactly right for your coffeemaker. We've always known that the correct grind is'important to coffee flavor. That's why, years ago, we developed Custom-Grinding;. That's why we don't have just one or two grinds N but seven different grinds... to fit any coffeemaker, ipelu^^electricf|e|^hitors, of courae, ;{Ask formedium-fin&ffcrind for electrics). Custom-Grinding means a little extra work for Us and a little extra time for you. (It takes 15 seconds to grind a pound). But what a difference in flavor those few seconds make. You know, there's only one reason we insist on selling custom-ground bean coffees... WE CARE. , Super Right COc 2 to 3-lb. Avg. lb. 37 Froth or Sniokod AQc Super Right lb. »» Center OOc Super Right lb. 07 Fancy 98c Medium COPYRIGHT ® 1967. THE GREAT ATLANTIC 4 PACIFIC TEA CO.. INC. 9 fo 11 Chops^^A&Ps ijj,' Super Right m'MBLt COUPON ! lighf O'Cloeh COFFEE i Spore Ribs Liver Sausage Ham Slices White Shrimp Fruits & Vegetables FIRST OF THE SEASON-TEXAS Oranges SAVE 180 With This COUPON { Mb. bag t © With this Coupon and the purchase of $3.00 or more at any A&P Food Store thru Nov. 11, 1967. • 31no o _r ThriftyJJfljry Buys! Mel-O-Bit • American • Pimento CHEESE S! Indv. Wrapped B-ax. Pkg. 39 A&l? €ir@s Cheese A&P i@§s@rf Topping Southern Delight Midget Longh Dependable A&P Brand Products • Bmvits «r ftwfftr 6 £.55' ftg. V jL , S\ Gelatin Desserts Jam Elbow Macaroni ASP Coffee Ann Fag« Ann ^9« 2 Z 29' 3^69' 2 ^ 39' •°t: 99' Ihip Topping A&P Black Pepper Pork & Beans Swlfcna Brand "r: 59- 57- 69* 41-^s. AAc (M • » ^ Baby Food Dates Post Corn Crackos flier's lab MmPHted Junior g_ 7'/4-oi. Size jar* 89c Regular Margarine £ 59* 7X 39' if. 29< STARTYOUR DINNERWARE SET TODAY Am VOjymim A HmE EDUCATION CENTER Elbo Macaroni Wesson Oil Creamettes Brand All- Purpose 7Z 13' b.,. *1 Pic't Ripe Freestone 29-02. Buttermilk Biscuits iiSlird Biscuits Folger's Coffee Colombian Coffee Instant Sanka C@ffee f ' Jane Par Iter Sandwich Wlr30?E BI D Pilkbury Brand Oven Ready 100% ACP 2'^19' $ s %#• is Weeks "FEUURE" Is Butterscotch Morsels NBran" 29c ENGLISH IERlAMRE With $3 00 or more in Purchases Meat Tenderizer Adolph'i Instant , 31^^ SioimmI or |or 55' UH SECTION NOW 0(5 The giant 16-Section urs Shady Lane MARASCHINO .CHERRIES IO-oi The famous 12-Secfic 2-ib. can 1 -lb. can $ J 40 85c $159 jor I 4 nlpTe $1000 Spanish Bar Cake Twin i@lls Hoenestyle Donuts Cherry Pie NEW TWENTIETH CENTURY WffiWNARY [ VAIUACU (OUMM WEBSTER'S mew TWOtWfTM CMtM " ' DICTIOIMRT Chocolate Morsels "ZLT "C 45' i«M NHwi Se«e 10< Poly »•• •f Plata l iixti Sit« o? Today's World ItLUSTRATEIi ifLAS 1 KA.M) \lc;\,im ILLUSTRATED ATLAS Bennett's Prune Juice Reynolds Foil Wrap Chunk Tuna Hunt's Tomato Paste Light Star-Kiit 6'A-oi. can S, 35' 31' 35' 25-ft. rolli 4 ^ 591 Frozen Food Variety! A&P Finest Quality ^RONI & Bonqutt Pumpkin Pie Brand Cranberry Orange Relish A&P Pound Cake A&P Strawberries V 3»«i. $100 Sin I UM A I»«I. Am I Pk(. Or 75' 2 59V, Instant Coffee ZZt fVmOiTiiietne IMTImO4iea Carnation lS-oz. Brand far $]49 $| 19 Prenn <££, 45' Milnot For Baking 3 ".IT 38c Glade Mist fJI... T 55° Johnson's Glo-Coat 95c Snowy Bleach '""V,0- 71c Van Holten's SZ" Pi,^bt,39t VK<iKTABLK SALK GREEN BEANS CREAM STYLE CORN PEAS WHOLE BEETS 12 *198 - Cases cans m 24 ir) COOL WKATHKR IS HERE MARm ANTI FRBiZE $|49 * gal. FANCY SLICING CUCUMBERS 10 each These prices effective thru Nov. 11, 1967 FLORIDA RED OR WHITE GRAPEFftUIT 8 lb. bag 1 DEXO SHORT1NSNG 3 lb. can # IP * K