/ V Thursday, February 10,1966 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section Two -- Page Five SUNNYSIDE VILLAGE RUB* CROWLEY PHONE 3ftS*380t MOTHER OF LOCAL WOMAN BURIED IN INDIANA The villagers were shocked to hear about Chris'g mother passing away. This has been a bad year for poor Chris as she lost her father a few months ago, a lot of sickness and mow her mother. They have yeturned from Indianapolis where the funeral was held. We all extend our sincerest .sympathy to the Williams family and hoping the next year 'will bring all happiness. Poor Luci I do hope this intense cold 'Spell will be gone and forgotten by the time you read this. Many people had trouble with their cars including you-knowjwbo. The poor starving birds are to pitied at a time like this. So be sure to throw your scraps out where they can find it. And there is Luci our cat who is bored with this hfdeous weather which keeps her from her drinking'water in the channel. ' Doc's Orders Ches, my darling husband, was sick last week and stayed 'home from work for a few days to cairy out Doc's' orders. It appears .we all take turns with that old unwelcome visitor. Police Car The Sunnysiders are waiting patiently for the new police car to show up - reports are it will be delivered in the very near future. I am curious to know their definition for near future, or maybe they didh't have this year in mind. - - On the Go - Mrs. Schuck was in Chicago last week on business. While she was there she managed to visit some of her friends where .she enjoyed some delicous dinners. Come next week she will he, in Pittsburg visiting her sister. Dog Tags Chris has finally received her dog tags which puts her in business so please all you dog ovvners get yours* at the earliest convenience in order to avoid the rush. The poor stray ddgs have no tags because no onp cares about them. So we do have means of proving to out dogs we care, by getting thfe rabies shot and license. Birthdays Mark Frederick celebrated his birthday Feb. 6 and also Carla Martin can up her age another year. Too bad we all can't lower them. Anyway here's hoping they enjoy all their birthdays. Students Mr. and Mrs. Obstfelddr have just finished their square dancing course at Grant high school and they proudly accepted the diplomas Which are presented to each student. 4-11 dtab The Obstfelders are having tije members of the 4-H Club, at th'ejr hotise for a 'discussion on party plannihg. Thfcy will work otj the paper decorations and if you can give any suggestions please call 1471. The Cat Tomy whp is the property of the Jess Pares met with a bad accident which has him layed up at the hospital with a broken jaw and face lacerations. The doctor inserted a pin in his jaw and administered shots arid medicine which will help to put him back in shape. SBIIVSIBE; ESTATES KAB15N SCHNEIDER <864977 -- FORMER SCRIBE -- MOTHER OF BABY. REBECCA OLSEN - Fran Olsen presented Jerry with a beautiful, 8 lb. 3 oz. baby girl on Feb. 1, at Mc- Henry hospital. Rebecca made her debut at 11:15 a.m. Giving their full approval of their new sister are Ernie, 8, Kim, who got a sister for her s i x t h b i r t h d a y p r e s e n t , a n d Eric, 5. According to proud but prejudice Pa-Pa's description, Rebecca was born with a crewcut, horn-rimmed glasses and a full set of teeth! Congratulations and endless happiness to the entire Olsen family. _ I Anniversaries -- Happy wooden (5th) anniver- " sary to Gerald and Janet Dowe .1 on Feb. 11. Roy and Ve Schroeder will celebrate their thirty-first an- -- niversary on Feb. 16. Continueing years of happi- ..... ness to the Dowes and Schroeders. Birthday Celebration On Saturday afternoon, Jan. 22, Karen Kennebeck had nine girl friends, Sally Tomasello, Karen Hanahan, Rose Marie May, Laurie Kennebeck, Monica Davis, Kathy Stull and Lynn, Dawn and Denice Gamperl. The girls had a lovely time and were treated to all the party trimmings. That evening Karen was guest of honor at a dinner given in her honor by her mother for the numerous relatives who attended. Blue and Gold Dinner To honor the anniversary of the Cub Scouts of America, there will be a Blue and Gold dinner on Feb. 13 at Marion Central high school. ..The Cub Scouts and their parents will have an enjoyable dinner and watch the presenting of the awards that the boys have earned, and listen to talks given by Pack Leaders and Cub Scout dignitaries. There will be several Cub Scouts from Sunnyside and their parents attending. -- Last Reminder "*7" For all you gals who are suf- --• f e r i n g from four-wall-itis, otherwise known as cabin fev- ^T! er, here is your chance to get out and have an enjoyable ^T. time with your neighbors and ' Am*, friends. Come to the Feb. 16 meeting of the Lucky Ladies XI Club at the home of Carol Kennebeck. The meeting starts at 8 o'clock. Hope you can -- make it. Get Well To Cindy Simmons, our latest victim of the Chicken Pox, and Ray Jensen who is recovering from a back injury. Birthdays On Feb. 11, Marty Palmer celebrates his tenth and Steve Farley will celebrate his twelfth birthday. Robert McDbnald becomes 21, that all important age, on Feb. 13. Bill Kuechel, Jr., will be 16 on Feb. 14, and that is Richard Rkdtke's birthday also. iFeb. 15 is Jimmy Caley's thirteenth birthday, Gary Wegner's second, and Andrew Eichhorn's (??> birthday. Erni,e Von Oepen celebrates his birthday on the sixteenth. Happy birthday to all!! Short Column Due to the severe cold spell most of the residents of Sunnyside went into hibernation, not wanting to venture out in the cold unnecessarily, the miost common activity was tow trucks coming in to push out stalled cars. I hope when the cdld spell passes that I'll be able to give you a bigger column. _ Improving y* Our dear Mrs. Camerotto has had her share of sickness and we are all happy about the big improvement she has made in the past couple months. It will be a pleasure to see Joe and his wife sitting out in the sun before long. Confined Mrs. Rowlands has been confined with that old bronchitis attack which occurs ever so often. Her children are all full of colds so looks like the family will be stuck in the house for some time. Big Night • There will be a big family hight celebration at the Marian high school on .Feb. 19 which many of our villagers will attend. The talented Teen Club will display their talents besides other entertainment. There will be music and dancing and also every one will enjoy the delicious dinner that is in store. I Will Admit By the looks of this week's column leads me to believe that our villagers have hibernated instead of the animals. Here's hoping they "de-hibernate" before I start working on the next column in order to bring all of you some big news Bye For Now Whispering Hills Louise Giel Cecelia and Frank Plank celebrated their fifty-first wedding anniversary on Jan. 30. Congratulations and best wishes for your future happiness. Briefs Florence and Louis Larnbeau were suddenly called to Chicago as Mother Andrews was taken seriously ill and removed to the hospital. Madeling Reid is still confined to the McHenry hospital but is slowly improving. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery. Did you see how beautiful nature was painting the trees with ice and snow ?Isn't much news on this cold, cold winter day bqt will try hard to do better next week Me ,Louise TELLS CANDIDACY Richard R. "Dick" Bairstow, 48, announced at the monthly meeting of the Waukegan Township Republican precinct committeemen, that he is a candidate for associate circuit judge of the 19th Judicial Circuit, which comprises Lake and McHenry counties. Nomination will be by judicial convention next summer. DISASTER AID TO TORNADO VICTIMS TAX DEDUCTIBLE Ceil Skinner, 1965 chairman of the Red Cross Fund driVe, advises that disaster aid given to tornado victims of the area is tax deductible under certain circumstances and based on a Recent Internal Revenue Service ruling. The Service reasons that taxpayers who opened their homes to tornado victims referred to them by the Red Cross were "aiding the organization in carrying out its charitable activities during the emergency." Thus, Mr. Skinner said the IRS holds, such contributors can deduct the out-of-pocket e x p e n s e s o f l o d g i n g , f o o d , clothing, etc. given, if the contributions were made through the Red Cross or at its referral, since they, would then have been considered contributions to the Red Cross. Mr. Skinner points out that this seems to apply especially to the many generous people of McHenry County who assisted so ably last April by giving food, clothing and lodging - as well as furniture and bedding - through the local and national Red Cror.s. While, at the time of such giving, probably no one was at all concerned about whether sur-h gifts were or were pot deductible, if this ruling now makes it permissable to deduct them for income tax purposes, the people should probably be aware of the possibility and check with their individual tax consultants for its specific application in each case, Mr. Skinner said. TELEVISION STOLEN A portable television was reported to have been removed from the Raymond Quinn residence at 800 W. River Terrace .McHenry", recently. The sheriff's office is investigating. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS TIDY MAGIXIST RUG CLEANERS at Woodstock June. Rt. 120 & City 14 February Carpet Specials Stain Proof Carpet. Herculon $8.95 sq. yd. installed with sponge pad. Save 10- 60'y in Tidy's Warehouse Showroom. Indoor-Outdoor Carpet, cash & carry $3.95 sq. yd. from stock. Double S&H Green Stamps with this Ad. No. 4 on Feb. Purchases. Offer expires Feb. 28, 1966. Open to 9 p.m. Mon. Thurs. Fri. To 5:30 p.m. Tues., Wed., Sat.- FOR INFORMATION PHONE 815-338-1000 Olds 88 Swing Fever is mighty hard to resist! m TORONAOO-fftSPtftCO DELTA U HOUOAY COtfttf A good thing always is. *Jat that canVwalt-for-sprlng, can't-wait-for-that-new-car feeling? Welcome to the club! Old# 88 Swing Fever is catching up with just about everybody, and they're loving every minute of it. But the best part U the cure--as easy to take as a swinging new Jetstar, Dynamic or Delta 88! There's one priced right for you. See your Olds Dealer for a Rocket Rx today. Then watch your fever go down as your fun gops up. Happy convalescence! LOOK TO OLDS FOR THE NEW! OLDS 88 SWEEPING THE COUNTED Smpmrmowr m Oar/ T.-j:-'.r:.;' ESSSfl C3*t3TOTE3 G3«CCT1C£3«P-C3*VZSTO-CC32SZB*4 pamn...rmrg!n»cagi ciiifrirm cirwr?g-nfrir?airrer«yr<m AL COLUNGBOURNE, BUSCK - ©MDSMOMILE, INC. 90? N. Frornlb St. jiuv /y:jood. rd It's Easy to Play! 1 Get a FREE Super Bingo concealed * number ticket every time you visit Jewel. m Punc?* thc center disc and separate * to reveal two numbers* Insert discs into slots on Super Bingo card with matching numbers. * Fill a line vertically, horizontally or * diagonally -- and you win $1,000 or $100 according to the amount at the top of your card! $ MO PURCHASE NECESSARY! 5 WAYS TO WIN! a oo6e ^}ine f-^aAtrie5 j?t UalentineA oZ)a(^ Valentine pkg. SUGAR COOKIES of 12 8 Inch Size Decorated Valentine LAYER CAKE ea. Butterscotch Pecan COFFEE CAKE 89c each Reg. 39" $|69 WHGL Pork Chops FRYER GOV'T. INSP. - GRADE "A" Frying Chickens LB. 33 GOV'T. INSP. --GRADE 'A# Cut-Up Fryers GOVT. INSP.-GRADE 'A' mm Breasts u>59 49c 33° Chicken Legs LB. Chicfeii Wings lb. Fully Cooked SMOKED HAM SLICES IE CENTER CUT Follow The Sun To Jewel's Produce Market! CALIFORNIA-113 SIZE N§K?®I ©raoiges doz. B9C TASTY HOTHOUSE Rhutoairb LB. RIPE CALIFORNIA Avocados U.S. NO. 1 NORTHERN GROWN Russe? !?®tatoes EXTRA VALUE PACK 19 FOR 20 LB. BAG UEPACK A LB. lOd Onions g bag IT « 10c GOLDEN FRESH Sweet Potatoes HEALTHFUL GOLDEN-RIPE K Bananas FRESH JUICY Tomatoes 8 VARIETIES LIBBY BEANS BLUEBROOK 1514 OZ. CUT GREEN BEANS M DEAN'S COTTAGE CHEESE 8-oz. ctn. 10' 10s w NORTHERN FACIAL TISSUE < AAIPBFLL'S TOMATO SOUP KASAR ASPIRIN CHERRY VALLEY FROZEN PEAS f Pkg. of 160 2 ply. tissues 10yi oz. btl. of 100 10 oz. pkg. Y@PR L/iiAIL EF@R OKLET PROM JEWEL! \