Thursday, February 10,1966 THE MCHENBY PIATOBEALER Section Three -- Page Three McCuuoif LA11 NEWS BVE LfJVBSQUU S9S-8191 INTEREST GAINS WICE FISHING DERBY WEEKEND With the catch of four black -bass, weighing two and half to 'three pounds and measuring . about 14 inches, interest in the •Cull&m-Knoll ice fishing Serby Ihas reajly quickened. A picture of the anglers and their catch 2 with more details concerning -the derby appear elsewhere in ' the Plaindealer. The gun signaling the start of the derby -will be fired at 9 a.m. Satyr- "day, Feb. 12, on the lake. " 'Final arrangements for the •derby were firmed up at a Ispecial meeting of officers and -trustees of the Cullom-Knoll association last Sunday. It was noted that publicity for the event has been extensive. Dave Scarbrough has been giving his time and spending money to keep the lake plowed so that youngsters have been able to skate and he is going to be sure the lake }s clear for the derby. He deserves verbal orchids for his efforts. The success of this first winter sport must go to Ken Betts and Bill Gleeson who haye worked out the million little details that are necessary for a Venture of this type. They have received invaluable help from Frank Kurth in many areas including the erection of housing for refreshments, bait, and tackle. Materials for the shelfc? M R Lilymoi SHIRLEY. 8CHUEBB 15 DEADLINE FOR VEHICLE TAGS : AND DOG LICENSES Tb the residents of Lake- .moor. This coming Tuesday, *Feb. 15 is the deadline to have .your vehicle stickers on your -cars, or have your dogs license on him or her. If you do not have either the vehicle "sticker or dog license or which ever the case may be, you will get a warning ticket till March 1. After March 1 tickets will be issued and you still will " have to have the vehicle sticker or dog license. If you wait . till after March 1 to purchase either or both you will be charged a small fee extra ~ for being late. You may putchase either or both from the village clerk Pat Morrison at 119 Valley View. Please no Sundays. Officers And Board of directors meeting of the Lilymoor association was held at the home of Vern Ehredt's Tuesday, Feb. 1. Sanding of the roads was discussed and it was decided to have it done. The roads were sanded the next day. The next officers and board of directors meeting will be held at the home of Theron Young's Tuesday, March 1, at 8 p.m. Dogs, Dogs I hate to keep/harping about the subject of( dogs running loose, but as l6ng as I keep getting calls complaining about the dogs I will try and do something about nt thru the coluVnn. It is not only in Lake- - moor and Lilymoor but also ; pom plaints have come in about . packs of dogs up at the grocery store at Fritzsche's. The . dogs are in packs when the small children are waiting for the school bus in the morning. The dogs are also chasing after - the cars traveling the black I top in the morning. If these • dogs in packs ever go after those small children waiting 1 for the bus the children • wouldn't have a chance. When a person is driving a car they • automatically try to avoid hit- " ting a human or an animal. 1 With this kind of weather and • the conditions of the roads a * cdr can go out of control very " easily, trying to avoid a dog. - And losing control of a car 1 might mean hitting the child- . ren causing injuries or even ' death, or injuries or death to i themself. This CM happen in any weather. < " In the village of Lakemoor . they are picking up the dogs - running loose. Those without license on them are destroyed. - Those having a license are 1 taken back to the owner and - given a warning the first time, I After that a ticket is issued to the owner. if you have any other idea besides shooting the dogs on . your own property please pass - it on so we can stop the dog ^ situation. This is a serious * problem and not a joke. Let's - do-something now before it is * too late. Bundle of Joy Noreen Wijas presented her husband Bob with a girl Friday, Jan. 28. The wee one weighed in at 8 lbs. Home waiting to greet their new little sister are Debbie and Bobby Joe. The proud grandparents are Steve and Lil Wijas of Lilymoor and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jastrab of Burtons Bridge. And the proud great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Melecke of Lilymoor. Congratulations and best wishes on your blessed event. FURNACE BLOWER POWERED AUTOMATIC - WHOLE HOUSE HUMIPmE® NO PLATES OR LIMEING TROUBLE • INSTALLED • Less $2.00 Discount When Ordered by Mail -- Authorized Dealer -- 2624 T!a©imfeo 04. McHenry, 111* 60059 Since 1949 Phone 385-3122 ter were donated by R. and D; Thipl, formerly of, Johnsburg gn4 appreciation to H. H. Mass for the use of his vast acreage for parking. Traffic is expected to be extremely heavy and 1QC&1, county, and state officers will handle this problem. During t|ie last few days before the winter event, ticket sales are expected to be quite heavy. To be eligible for the many prizes, tickets must be purchased before 9 p.m. tomorrow (Friday.) There will be plenty of prizes for various catches of fish and tickets purchased Saturday and Sunday will make the angler eligible. All contestants must have an Illinois fishing license and Mrs. Carol Bateman, village clerk, will be on hand to issue these. Local business houses will be allowed to place advertising on the grounds. The Wonder Lake rescue squad is offering its facilities for emergencies or accidents. With weather like last weekend, there can be no doubt of the success of the venture. Special Meeting For Cullom-Knoll In addition to the fishing derby, other matters of business were brought before the officers and trustees of the Cullom-Knoll Association held last Sunday. Frank Kurth was appointed to fulfill the unexpired term of Lowell Peterson. He will act in this capacity until the first general meeting of the organization in May. Ladies League Held their regular monthly meeting and plso a nickel social and bunco Wednesday, Feb. 2. The winners were Jean Dember, Viola Arfcrogast and Marie Hyatt. ' Booby went to Jessie Corbett. Belated Birthday Greetings go to Don Leske who celebrated his 21 birthday Jan. 31. Many happy returns Don. Vacation Mrs. Rathke returned home after spending two weeks in Chicago and Niles visiting relatives and friends. To Indiana L a w r e n c e a n d S h i r l e y Schuerr made a trip to Knox, Ind., to see Lawrence's parents. Indiana has no snow compared to us out here in McHenry. Birthday Greetings go to Roy Tobey who celebrated his 21% birthday Thursday, Feb. 10. Many happy returns Roy. Ladies Meet Tonight Members of the Ladies of the Lake will meet at 8 p.m. tonight in the beachhouse. All women of the community are cordially invited. Following the business portion, the gals will have a social. of the Rose Bowl Parade. in Pasadena. They have glorious colored pictures to remind them of their journey. They, also toured Moon Valley at Bpyes Hot Springs; a trip to Los Angeles; Mujr Woods and Jack London's museum; through the Petrified Forest; and the ski country at Lake Tahoe and Reno, Nev. A highlight of the trip was attending a banquet at a lodge in. Lake Tahoe and seeing the Joey Bishop show. It was fun for them to reminisce with long time friend, Mrs. Edythe Thompson, who lives in Burlingame, Calif. The weather in the west was cold and rainy, the worst in the 59 years, so they were happy to return to their own hearthside. Black Hawks Advertise For Hockey Players The McCullom Lake Black Hawks played Wonder Lake last Sunday, but that sc'ore was riot available on Monday morning. Regular team players include Bill Brennan, Val, Jim, and John Bailey, Mark and Guy Hansen, -and Jack Granath. Young fellas interested in joining the team should get in touch with John Bailey, ac? cording to information received from the group. # Local Man Flounders In Twenty Foot Drifts. The snow storm which inundated the entire east coast actually endangered the life of Skeets Morris who was in Rochester, New York, when the storm hit that eastern city. He was staying in a motel just a few blocks from the plant. He first thought he would be marooned in the plant, but figured he would try to make it to his temporary home. He crawled, "swam", and pushed his way through when most of the time the snow was up under his armpits, and some of the drifts reached as high as 20 feet! When he once gained his destination, he went no where for more than 48 hours. As soon as the roads cleared, he shoved off for home to alleviate the fears of his worried wife, Bettie, and their children. He arrived home a week ago Tuesday. No Place Like Home! In spite of the snow storm which clobbered us recently, Magda and Oscar Berglund were happy enough to end their two month western trip back in the security of their own home. They departed by train for San Francisco on Nov. 15 and returned the middle of January, in time for snow shoveling and enduring the sub zero siege. New Year's Day found them viewing the thrilling spectacle Semester Vacations Two families were happy to spend some time with their lads for semester breaks. Jim Morris, the son of Bettie and Skeets Morris, who is in his first year at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana campus, returned to his studies in general engineering last Friday. He intends to pursue civil engineering after fulfilling the basic requirements. Ted Olsen returned to the campus of Bradley University, Peoria, where he is studying engineering also. He was home for one week. Orchid Occasions May we wish a very belated happy birthday' to Carol Bateman, as of Feb. 5. Sorry, we slipped on that one....Terri Wilson turns 9 today, Feb. 10... iARENG OLDEST... Organized in 1925. LARGEST... Total Resources over $20,000,000.00 STRONGEST o. • Bsserves over $1,822,000.00 QA/omen1 I* Ml What kind of Woman are you? Can a person entering your home for the first time, tell? Do you reflect Y0UR PERSONALITY with Kttle intimate touches here and there? Even a limited budget makes room for necessities. The few pieces of art could be reproductions of Masters...placed in unique frame...matted on 'the same material as a throw pillow, slipcover or drape. A favorite color, worn by you, could be carried throughout in curtains, drapes, kitchen terries, drinking glass, dishes, throw pillows, bathroom accessories, etc. A reputation for always wearing a smile or having a kind word for everyone, doesn't cost a penny! It brings the largest dividends when applied to members of your own family. Carefully examine your POWER as a woman....use it wisely! Wait! Don't throw out that BABY OIL. Even if there is no "baby" at your house. Much to the chagrin of my teenager, her doctor recommended using it for a rash on her neck. She thought she was The stork must have taken a vacation at this time through the years, 'cause we don't have any more orchid occasions until next Thursday. May we hear from those born or married from Feb. 10 through the seventeenth We'll be happy to publish the names and dates. With the publicity for the ice fishing derby all wrapped up, this reporter is mightly relieved. With so much effort expended by so many people who have not been publicly recognized, we sincerely pray for the success of this tremendous undertaking. See you next week? too' old for baby oil...the following summer she mixed the pil with iodine to acquire a Tan that was the envy of all her friends! Take a tip from world famous fashion models... the one request to friends coming over from the States is "firing me a bottle of Baby Oil"! They use a dot or two on eyelids to brighten the eyes and protect them under the hot lights as they pose. A few drops smoothed on elbows, knees, and at the corners of the eyes before going to bed and while out in the winter winds, keeps wrinkles and roughness away! When the weather becomes severe, place a BLANKET underneath the bottom sheet on the bed. It will help to make a snugger fit with the top covers, and also insulate against shivering air under the bed. Warm leftover MEAT by placing it in a pressure cooker with three tablespoons of water. Allow steam to build up to the starting point, then remove from fire and allow pressure to subside. Boil WATER and a piece of ALUMINUM FOIL , inside your steel or aluminum pots to take out stains! (Watch for Maggie every week!) COUNTY INVESTS $1,447,275 IN SAVINGS BONDS Read the Classifieds Be modern with MOEN FAUCET OTTBI A FUTURE Saves Work..'.lime...Water WEBER Plbg. & Hlg. 2801 W. Lincoln Rd. Phone 385-0855 ^McHenry county residents purchased a total of $1,447,275 in series E and Vl United States savings bonds last year, according to Donald J. Still of W o o d s t o c k g e n e r a l c o u n t y chairman of the savings bonds committee. This represents 87.8 per cent of the annual quota. In the state of Illinois gnUM^l, sales were $339,626,118, according to Arnold J. Rauen of McHenry, state director of the- Treasury's savings bonds division. This represents 94.8 per cent of the state's quota of $358,100,000, and' is 3.1 per cent, below the 1964 total. National sales for the year were $4,486,- 138,000, and Illinois sales represented 7.5 per cent of the national total. The cash value of E and H bonds outstanding at the end of the calendar year was $49,- 249,000,000. A year ago the figure was $48,368,OOO,O0O. "stw&ciwr tfwaas* Paul E. Passini, chief" investigator for the Illinois Department of Registration and Education, has warned area property owners to beware of an unusual racket -- fake tree surgeons- Any person who, for profit, diagnoses the condition of ghade or ornamental trees or recommends or supervises the tWijning or treatment of such trees must be licensed as a tree expert by the Department of Registration and Education. "Each spring, when the weather begins to break," said Passini, "transients from everywhere descend upon Illinois homeowners with a 'sure-cure* for everything, including Dutch elm disease, and a ridiculously low rate for the trimming of our' beautiful" trees. Unfortunately, the poor property owner usually gets the trimming." • Ellsmere Island is the nearest land to the North Pole-- the sun never sets -for 147 idays, or rises for 145 days, each year. .. ' * Suppose it stops? lifiyj p. KORTEMEIER Off. 888-2000 Res. 888-0975 'for^., , vlnyonelaidip tpeeks or pnontfesi gency^fa^Sfci d£l anas wan Opwtay pfans let ytm c£ $50 to $800 yon cfaooMw Fbooemeftjr _ SB Ipcoo&s i&sqg* Ten different PROFITABLE... Over $708,000.00 In dividends paid during the last year to our members. If you want the strength and protection of McHenry County's largest association plus generous earnings, we suggest you save at Mferengo Federal. Save ... In Person or by Mail. A ANTICIPATED DIVIDEND RATE AVif' On all savings and Investment aCCGEM Msmsngo F@faal Mi'ii LOm ASSOCIATION MAHIGQ. JIXWOIS Telephone Area Code 815 A Bpata®! Company Organised In 1925 CkecrM Impala Spu* tttm miti Wm mint RELET We ftassed over parts no bigger flunk your tiramtaail to smooth Chevrolet's ride. W© aided new bushings, softmei body4©-frame mounts, again put in soft-aetmg shock absorbers and soft* Working coil springs at every wheel. By soft, though, we don't mean iarasliy0 Claswolet's Way mate for a solM ride. §tady on coma, A bump jumps from iSas Wide* Stanc® wtieels to ffie supple apiigs and BttftaVM s© uq i wfito&fo ffgsstms ik expensive car* of a snore Clefts ami eoa oidtehed to everybody style . . .. fswit seats gsffl© oSaadard In iupar Sports fer relating comfort ©neveiytripk pewoeffniHy smooth cg©sr; Turfe@-J©£ W ts available Si @1 "66 Csprice, Bmpala 8% BqI Zir GndBiscaync • UjM fMm• mm standard for pur nddad saMn East bolts front md rear • ftodded Instrument panel O Codded sun vfaois • OuMde mirror R elweys befora passing) • ilatttr«resMantiMidt ndrror *Two- Gpeed sMMo «*«» for better uisibORy hi a downpour •WndahieUI IlWIlSSft ® fjllij!¥®I|0 12 5318 CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 908 N. FRONT STBBCT McHENRY • K3ME 38UB77