Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Dec 1967, p. 7

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\ £P LAKELAND PARK NEWS Carole Humann 385*1601 RESIDENTS AWAIT ANNUAL SNOW BALL DANCE The long awaited hour is here and now is the time to get out the hair rollers and brush off Dad's best suit. Tomorrow evening at 9:30 on the dottha band will begin playing for the twelfth annual Snow Bali dance. If you don't have tickets yet there will be an ample simply at the door of the V.F.W. The ladies under the direction of Pearl Koester, general chairman and her cochairman, Helen Strandquist, have made all the plans for each of you to have a memorable evening. Arlene Bartos and her committee have been working on the decorations to give this another original theme and Lyda Radisch is in charge of the publicity and tickets. So shake the TV habit for one night and don your best bib and tucker and join the crowd for a great time. The band will play from 9:30 till 1:30 while we trip the light fantastic. CHRISTMAS PARTY ' All the gals who work real hard all through the year for the Lakeland Park Woman's club will be relaxing as the guests of honor at the Christmas party to be held next Thursday evening at the McHenry Country club. Everyone has received their invitations with all the particulars but in case it has been mislaid here are the statistics to refresh your memory. The date is Thursday, Dec. 7, at 6:30 p.m. at the Country club. As in the past Mr. and Mrs. S. Claus will be there inperson to distribute the grab bag gifts and give every one an extra measure of Christmas cheer. The entertainment for the evening will be tops as usual so get yourself all dolled up and put on your happiest face and for heaven's sake don't forget to bring you grab bag gift with your name enclosed to give it a more personal touch. COMMUNITY HOUSE SCHEDULE All bookings and cancellations for the community house are to be made through Jo Rizzo by calling 385-2728. Tuesday, Dec. 5 - Boy Scout meeting, 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 6 - Girl Scout meeting 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. CUB SCOUT PACK 459 The pack meeting was held last week at the community house on Monday, Nov. 20. Den 1 put on a skit for the group. It was the first Thanksgiving complete with Pilgrims and Indians. Den 2 served refreshments and Den 3 conducted singing. For the business portion of the meeting, the new Webelos den was the subject of much interest. Mr. Knor has consented to be the new Webelos Den Master. This is a special den for boys who are ten and preparing for Boy Scouts. Terry Beno will be the Den Chief. Meetings will be held on Wednesday afternoons from 4 to 5:30 beginning this week at the Knor home on Meadow Lane in the Shores. Cub Scouts who are eligible for Webelos are Jeff Bierman, Mike Miyaki, Donald Glorch, Kurt Lauer, Brifffl' Nuss, Bob Schooley, Lee Pankiewicz, and Bill Clark. A pack trip is beings planned for the near future with several interesting places under consideration. More information will be available later. The next pack meeting will be held on Dec. 18. BROWNIE TROOP 464 The meeting was opened with the flag ceremony. The Brownies worked on their Christmas gifts for their dads and have finished them. Tammy Rybak was the hostess and served turkey cookies in honor of Thanksgiving. The meeting was ended with the magic tunnel. GIRL SCOUT TROOP 320 At the meeting last week the girls made Thanksgiving cards to give to their families and played some game. In the rush of the holiday activity the news became lost so that does it for the G.S. news this week. The leaders would be most grateful if parents would pick up their daughters promptly at 5:30 when the meeting is over. It has been getting later each week and they were unable to leave last week until 6 p.m. The leaders have families at home who appreciate supper at a reasonable hour too. It is my own opinion that they give more than reasonable amount of time already to the troop and cannot be expected to wait so late. They are not allowed to leave until the last girl is picked up. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS This starts a whole new month of birthday people and leading the list is Lu McEnery who will celebrate this year in Elk Grove Village. Dec. 2 is a busy day - Don Arient will have fourteen candles on his cake and Eleanor Hearle and Carole Humann won't tell. The third is the big day for Clare Haerle who subtracts another year. Paul Rybak will be thirteen onthe fourth and the sixth is B-Day for David Druml who will have his cake in North Carolina and for Lee Glorch and Marge Webber. Renee Plucinski will be six years old that day too. Jack Lavin and Don Veenhuis can console each other onthe seventh. Cindy Kamp will be eleven and Meg Oakford will be a big five years old on Dec. 8. Greg Mayer also adds another year on the eighth to make him eligible for a drivers license. ANNIVERSARY WALTZ Penny and Don Veenhuis will celebrate eight years of marital bliss on Dec. 6 and our wishes for many more ^ears of togetherness. THE BOWLING ALLEY The Lakeland Park Couples League will not be bowling this Saturday night. The next meeting of competition is scheduled for Dec. 9. STORK GRAM A beautiful baby girl has been delivered to Rich and Marie Lindquist to bring the census to two and two. Lovely Leanne Marie was born on Wednesday, Nov. 22, at 6:54 p.m. at McHenry hospital just in time for Thanksgiving and only one day before her daddy's birthday. She weighed 8 lbs. 2 oz. and was 21 inches long. She was eagerly awaited by her sister, Laura, who is ten and her two brothers, Rich, who is nine and David, who is seven. Mother and daughter arrived home on Sunday to bring the family back to full strength. Mr. and Mrs. John Lindquist of Rush City, Minn., are the paternal grandparents. Congratulations on their newest arrival. OPERATION DIXON Gifts for Dixon will continue to be accepted until this coming Wednesday, Dec. 6. Gifts can be dropped off at the Eckhart home on Willow lane near the Community House or will be picked up if you call 385-1308 or 385-3160. The weekend would be the best time as each gift must be wrapped before delivery can be made. Won't you please donate Something to make at least one child of Dixon a little happier this Christmas? Many more gifts are required to make this year's drive as successful as last years. Wrapped candy, cosmetics, shaving gear, jewelry, hankies as well as all sorts of toys and almost any sort of gift item are most welcome. Join the Christmas train while there is till time to help bring Christmas cheer. STROLLING THROUGH THE PARK While sitting down after arriving back home after the bounteous Thanksgiving feast the newscaster on television informed us that this was to be National Indigestion week and that's for sure! Hope that all of you celebrated the big day in grand style and gave a little time to think of a few of the things for which we can be thankful. Haven't heard any too much news in the celebration line since Thursday but hope that each of you had a grand time. Patti McCarthy celebrated her. fourth birthday on Nov. 20 with a party for her chums. Grandma Kelly was unable to attend but stopped by in the morning to visit. The guests were Alice, Margaret, and John Armstrong and their mom, Ruthie; Jeannie Jorgenson and mom, Rose; David and Brian Brunswick and mom, Kathy; Jimmy Gronlund and mom Marion and Scooter Koehl. The kids feasted on cupcakes and ice cream and kool-aid and had a grand time just playing. Patti is sporting a new pal since her Dad gave her a beautiful walking ' doll for her birthday^gift and has had many l^jjrs of- fun together since thenu^-v We would like to spread the welcome mat for Louis and Theresa Arroyo and their daughters, Yvonne, Denise and Annette who have purchased the Matthews home, along with their two puppies. We hope that they find happiness in our community. Clark Bierman celebrated his thirteenth birthday in grand style last Sunday when he and his mom and dad went out for dinner to a lovely restaurant in Wilmot. Clark and Ron feasted on thick steaks while Judy indulged in a lobster to give the occasion the proper importance. Hie whole Bierman family celebrated both Thanksgiving and Clark's birthday with Joyce and Joe Leopold who were hosts to the clan. A delicious turkey dinner was served to Marian and Howard Hintz, and to Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey and to Grandma Bierman. Richard Matthews is back in the hospital where he will have corrective surgery. The little tyke who has already been through the mill needs all our prayers and hopes that he will have a good recovery. Hopefully this may be the end of some of his difficulties. This cute little guy has already twisted the hearts of all his new friends and hasn't been forgotten by any of his old ones. Barb and Ron Meurer were hosts for the traditional bird last Thursday when they were joined by Grandpa and Grandma Meurer for the big feast. They went to visit with Barb's sister on Friday in her new home in Park Ridge. Ray Bottari was home for the holiday and enjoyed turkey day at Len's folks in West Shore Beach with the rest of the family. They drove him back to Chicago to catch the train for Loras on Sunday. The Humann family enjoyed dinner with Don's family in Chicago and made the day a dual celebration with birthday cake for Don and his brother, George and nephew, Peter. Have to start training for the Christmas holidays coming up awfully fast. Junior High This Is A I Voters Prove omans Vorld IMitiWUil DECEMBER 1, 1967 - PLAIN DEALER ^ PG. 7 News About Our Servicemen Army Specialist Five Dennis M. Birmingham, 22, son of Mr. i. id Mrs. Thomas L. Birmingham, 2208 W. Mill lane, McHenry, received the Good Conduct Medal Nov. 13 while assigned to the 2nd Armored division at Ft. Hood, Tex. Spec. Birmingham received the award for exemplary conduct, efficiency and fidelity in active military service. A clerk typist in Headquarters and Company A of the division's 48th Medical battalion, he entered the Army i i November, 1965, and was last stationed at Ft. Knox, Ky. The specialist is a 1963 graduate of Marian Central Catholic high school. Vice-president Nona Amour, left, and President Amy Leighty, review the campaign pos- Miss Amy Leighty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Leighty of McHenry, and Miss Nona Amour, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Amour of Island Lake, have been elected to the positions of president and vicepresident respectively, of the Student Council at the McHenry Junior high school. Miss Leighty will hold her position ters after election to the Student Council of McHenry Junior High school. for one year. Based on a new council rule, Miss Amour will automatically become president next year. According to James Spencer, principal of McHenry Junior high school, this is the first time the council election has been handled in an official, election-like' manner. All stu- G VE NEWS EVA FREUND PHONE 675-2188 Sign Up For U.S. Savings Bonds/ New Freedom Scares GRADE SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM WINS TROPHY The Spring Grove elementary school football team of the Big Six Conference played nine games during the season. Under the direction of their coach Robert Grenall they won these nine games, five in the conference. Captains are Kenny Lay and Harvey Petska and the most valuable player is James Snyder. The team was awarded first place trophy from the conference. Basketball will start after Jan. 1 in the same conf6rGncG VISITS HERE AND THERE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klein, Fox Lake; Mrs. Margaret Nueman, Woodstock, and Mrs. Mary Klein motored to Meyers, Iowa, and then to Owetewona, Minn., on Friday, and returned home Sunday. They visited Mrs. Klein and Mrs. Nueman's brothers, Mike Retterath, and family in Iowa and John and his wife in Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rauen, Mrs. Donald Justen and daughter were Sunday callers in the John Sanborn home. Jack Sanborn visited on Saturday. Mrs. Minnie Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pierce of Richmond spent Thanksgiving with the Clarence Pierce family at Mattoon. Thanksgiving day guests in the Frank Heinemann home were Mr. and Mrs. James Gale and family from Palatine and Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Gale and family from Hoffman Heights. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanborn spent Thanksgiving in the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Schultz, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Shotliff were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shotliff of Waukegan, they enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner at a well known restaurant. /fs3Jim May and Fran May, student of the University of Illinois, spent Thanksgiving vacation at home. FORMER TEACHER DIES The many friends of Mrs. Ruby Larson will be grieved to hear of her death Friday, Nov. 17 in Boscobel, Wis. Mrs. Larson taught the upper grades in Spring Grove school during 1956 to 1963. Death came suddenly, the result of a heart attack. COUNTY MEETING Spring Grove firemen entertained firemen of McHenry County on Monday night, Nov. 20, in St. Peter's parish hall dent voters had to register to vote, campaign speeches were given, and primaries were held before final election. Regular ballots were prepared, and voting took place in official polling booths that were furnished by the city of McHenry. All candidates had their own campaign managers who helped to prepare posters, badges, and special campaign hats. Anita Zelvis, Belinda Clardy, and Betsy Hamm were campaign managers for Miss Leighty. Linda Stevens of McHenry and Sandy Wright of McCullom Lake were campaign managers for Miss Amour. In the final election, Miss Leighty ran against Bill Bolger of McHenry, and Miss Amour" was victorious over Tim Tonyan, also of McHenry, Who says this isn't a woman's world! Mr. Spencer stated he wanted to congratulate all the students on their enthusiasm and excellent conduct through the entire program. He believes this type of practical experience for the student body is very educational and helps prepare them for situations in later life. Bill Bolger challenged the voting on a technicality but graciously conceded to his opponent. Chief Aviation Machinist Mate Walter S. Shumway Jr., USN, son of Mrs. Charles J. Brichta of 4612 W. Wonder Lake drive, Wonder Lake, was graduated from the Naval Aircraft Maintenance Management course at the Naval Air station Pensacola, Fla. The three week course of instruction, given by Naval Air Maintenance Training Detachment 3030, provides standarized training to maintenance personnel in the management of aviation maintenance material. Seaman Recruit William R. Castle, USN, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Castle of Route 9, McHenry, has been graduated from nine weeks of Navy basic training at the Naval Training center, Great Lakes. In the first weeks of his naval service he studied military subjects and lived and worked under conditions similar to those he will encounter on his first ship or at his first shore station. In making the transition from civilian life to Naval service, he received instruction under veteran Navy petty officers. He studied seamanship, as well as survival techniques, military drill and other subjects. ITEM: Many small garden tools can be kept rust free by wiping them off with an oiled rag and then wrapping them in air-tight pl.astic bags. Small gadgets and appliances in weekend cottages may be protected from rust and mildew by storing them in plastic bags. LOCAL DENTIST ATTENDS AREA UCP SEMINAR Dr. Leonard F. Pawlikowsld, prominent McHenry dentist with offices located in the McHenry Medical group, was guest of United Cerebral Palsy of Illinois at the seminar on "Dentistry for the Handicapped" held recently at the C.H. Matt Children^ Health coiter in Flint, Mich. Dr. Pawlikowsld was the only Illinois dentist represented at the seminar held for interested dentists of five states. The team concept of the treatment of the handicapped was demonstrated. The team included a pediatric neurologist, orthopedic surgeon, anesthesiologist, physiatrist, pediatric nurse, dentist, and social worker. Each Of these members discussed their part in the habilitation of the handicapped. During the course of the three days, the seminar dealt with etiology, classification, premedication, and management of handicapped children as well as a hospital demonstration and participation by some members in an actual case. On the final day, each dentists was allowed to give treatment to children of various types of handicaps. A tour of the Durant- T\iuri Mott school - a public school 4 serving orthopedic, blind, deaf and multipli-handicapped children - as well aSx£ sheltered workshop for the \ handicapped was attended by the , group. Dr. Pawlikowski who is onthe staff of McHenry hospital/ stated "As with all courses, one returns with more knowledge and incite into particular problems, as in this case, the treatment of the handicapped." United Cerebral Palsy of Illinois and its affiliate at the county and regional level, have provided many educational seminars for members of the medical and nursing profession as a part of its continuing service to the cerebral palsied children and adults of the state. In the upcoming holiday season, everyone will probably be approached to either be a volunteer for, or to donate to, United Cerebral Palsy. It is only through the cooperation of private citizens that the important work can be carried on. USE THE CLASSIFIED ANGELO S SUNSET INN Specializing in BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCH 12 noon to 2 p.m. FINE FOODS - COURTEOUS SERVICE Mile North of Wauconda on Old Route 12 Phone JA 6-2929 Weekdays !) • ft Fri. !> - }) SERVICE IS OI'R BISINKSS COLOR • We Repair All .Makes Color X lilack & White • Stereo X Radio • WO day warantee on all parts installed by us. 3850979 RADIO & TELEVISION H!) Vrs. K\perien<-e 4605 \\ . Route 120, Lakeland Park SERVICE 10:00 a.m. :00 p m. At Our New Location FEBRUARY 1,1968 open a Teharge account at Gladstone's before December 15th and pay nothing on your Christmas purchases until Feb. 1, 196.8 J 1219 N©. Green St. 385-0182 McHenry rilli,® Because of the lack of floor space at our Old Location. We have MOVED to the show room in the Mark's Marine Building. Where we now have Illinois most complete Gun Store with a selection of over 1,000 guns in STOCK! Complete Professional Gunsm We Buy -- Sell -- Trade McHenry Gun Center Service 3622 W. Elm St. 385-7320 Open 7 Days Week Daily 9 am to 9 pm Soft, Sum 9 t© 6 pinn f< Ci

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