MaOnUdTH gAaRrGgLleE. BIG BARGAINS THIS WEEK IN OSCO DRUG'S Toiletries Depts. We enjoy serving you. Meet our specially trained Cosmeticians and Pharmacists. Meet our Camera Shop man. Stroll through our varied departments. You'll find a complete selection of the finest brands available. We invite you to use your Midwest Bank Charge Cards today and every day. You can charge any Osco Drug item with the exception of food and liquor. PLUS WHITE Tootkpaste REFRESHING MOUTHWASH & GARGLE 89c SIZE Lavoris $1.05, SIZE 15.5 oz. Btl. HEAD & SHOULDERS DANDRUFF $1.00 SIZE 2.4 oz. Jar Shampoo NO MIX CREME HAIR RINSE Lustre Cream REGULAR OR HARD-TO-HOLD $1.39 SIZE 7 oz. Can Adorn Hair Spray $]59 SIZE 16 oz Btl. 29. 49. 49. 49. 89 PRICES GOOD THRU SAT., DEC. 9, 1967 ST. JOSEPH - 35c SIZE Child's Aspirin O C Btl. of 36 FRUIT FLAVORED VITAMINS $ WITH IRON bottle of 60 BLAKE OR OSCO-REG. 89c it Bottle of 100 250 MG Tablets Vitamin C REG. *1.25--BALLO ORAL, RECTAL OR SECURITY Thermometer IJOSIPH hildrem Vitamin CHOCKS •WlnpLE VITAMINS BBra % ~ ""mam STJOSEPH children lOO TABUST9 Hi-Run Vitamin vj