PG. 4', - PLAINDEALER - DECEMBER 29, 1967 LAKELAND PARK NI Quote Humana 88K-1806 ISI FAMILY TOMES NEW TAX DEDUCTION J" -Hie very best way to end the *• old year is with a good income j' tax deduction and the Parisi family sure believes in doing things in a big way. Pete and / Bonnie Parisi became the pa- - rents of a 7 lb. 10 oz baby boy on Dec. 13 at Memorial hospital in Woodstock at 5:28 p.m. The little fellow comes equipped with two grandpas named Samuel so he was named Daniel Samuel in honor of both gramps. He also has a sister, Dawn who is 3% and a brother Dean who is 2J4 The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.. Sam Bucaro of Eastern Avenue and the paternal grand-. parents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Parisi of Shore Drive. ANOTHER STORK GRAM Another little deduction was born into the Parisi family on Dec. 13 with the birth of a daughter, Robyn Kerry, to Rich and Marge Mercure. This little gal put in her appearance, at Sherman hospital in Elgin at 11:12 to end the day in a big way. She weighed a very dainty 4 lb. 9 oz. and was 18% inches long. Robyn has one big sister Renee who celebrated her first birthday on Dec. 23. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Parisi of Shore Drive and the maternal grandmother is Mrs. Rita Mercure of Lakemoor. AND STILL ANOTHER STORK GRAM Lisa Bassett has a new little sister just in time for Christmas and her parents, Melinda and Homer, are pretty excited about the whole thing .too. The little gal named Amy Lynn was born on Saturday, Dec. 16, at 12:45 p.m. at the McHenry hospital. She weighed a petite 6 lbs. 7 oz. at birth and was 19% inches long. Hie maternal grandparents are Esther and Spencer Maggs of Chicago and tlie paternal grandparents are Lisle and Vivian Bassett of McHenry. Congratulations to all three families on their blessed events. BOY SCOUT TROOP 459 Dec. 19. Tonight was the last meeting of the 1967 year. We ended the year in a grand fashion with a Parent's Night. There were many awards given out. We opened with Dave Wagner, Ed Choate, Alan Meurer and Chuck Campo bringing in the colors. Mr. Rode then led us in the pledge of allegiance. After we were done with the pledge, Dave Wagner led us in the Scout Oath. After this Charles Campo led us in the Scout laws. Mr. George then began passing' out awards and badges. Those who earned the second class requirements were Charles Campo, Ed Choate, Paul Rogers and David Wagner. There was only one boy who earned the prouC title of first class. That was Alan Meurer. The next badge they gave out was the Star. You need five merit badges to pass this requirement. The person who passed this was Terry Be no. The other awards which were given were earned also but the Star was harder. Next they passed out the Scribe patch. Thik went to Clark Bierman. Alan Metier then got his quarter masters patch. He takes care of our equipment. The Patrol leader patch was given to Alan Meurer. Assistant Patrol Leader patches were given to Charles Campo and Ed Choate. Next came a special patch called the "Instructors Patch." This was given to Ed Choate, Terry Beno and Don Prazak. * The Den Chief cords were then given out. These were given, to Alan Meurer ancl Paul Rogers. Senior stripes were " given to Terry Beno, John Licastro, Jr., and Mike Koch. These boys have to be 14 years' of age or over. The Tote and "N^hip cords were then given out. TOese ' cords signify that the boy knows\the parts of the ax and knows the proper care for them. These boys were Clark Bierman, Gary Braun, Charles Campo, Ed Choate, Kurt Blake, Dave George, Steve Jaenicke, John Licastro, Jr., Alan Meurer , Don Prazak, Paul Rogers and Dave Wagner. en One year pins were given to Steven Jaenicke, and John Koch. Next came two year pins with Clark Bierman, Charles Campo, Alan Meurer, Don Prazak and Gary Braun earning them. The three year pin came next with only John Licastro, Jr., getting one. Handed out next were the Senior Patrol Leader patch with Terry Beno getting it and the assistant senior patrol leader was Don Prazak. The new boys were then introduced. They were Carl Jensen, Robert Moore and Kent Butler. Movies of the 100 mile hike the troop took to Starved Rock in 1963 were shown. Refreshments were then served. -Respectfully submitted, Clark Bierman, Scribe. "CUB SCOUTS Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus were guests of honor at the Cub Scout pack meeting where they passed out candy to all the children present. The Webelos den sang carols\ for the assembly and then led the group in more singing. Each boy in the pack added an ornament which he had made to the Pack Christmas as he answered roll call and the tree ended up looking very festive. John Bierman, Jeff Connors, Chris Rogers and John Meurer received the Wolf badge which they had earned. Hie attendance award was won by the Webelos den which had the most parents in attendance. Refreshments were served to the Cubs and their families. On Wednesday, Dec. 27, the boys will be taking a field trip to Barrington where they will ' tour the Quaker Oats Research farm. GIRL SCOUT TROOP^20 We opened our meeting with the flag ceremony which Patrol 2 gave. We decided to sing songs while Patrol 3 who had treats got them ready. The people who had treats were Veronica Bierman, Doris Dowell, Karen Lencione, Debbie Brunow, Virginia Lauer and Debbie Stupey. We had homemade Christmas cookies and hot chocolate. The girls finished the dishes first and then we played games. ^Jlie-gatnes we played were Christmas Upset and Doctor Fixit. Each girl came up as their name was called and they selected a grab bag gift. We closed the meeting with the flag ceremony. Respectfully submitted, Veronica Bierman, Scribe. P.S. I hope nobody but us could smell that burnt cocoa. Note: This is a reminder for the field trip to Quaker Oats in Barrington on Dec. 28. The girls must be at Mrs. Bierman's house by 12 noon with their permission slip. No one will be allowed to go without a signed permission slip. Also don't forget the camping Jrip scheduled for the weekend of Jan. 12 at Chapman Hills. BROWNIE TROOP 464 The Brownies had their Christmas party meeting at the community house. The hostess was Kim Butler and Kelly Flannigan also brought treats for her birthday, and the Brownies had ice cream. They had a good time and sang Christmas carols and had their grab bag. Each of th^ girls also received a gift from the leaders. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 9 at Mrs. Wickenkamp's as usual. WOMAN'S CLUB The next meeting of the Lakeland Park Woman's club will be held on Thursday evening, Jan. 4 at 8:30 p.m. This will give the gals a good chance* to relax and visit, after the hectic holidays. Everyone is invited to attend. If you have never been to a meeting start the new year right and come overhandthe fun. If you are shy coming bring a Mend for itibral support and both of/you will have a nice tfihe. v ' ) COMMUNIT Y HOUSE SCHEDULE '* All bookings and cancellations for the Community Hobse are to be made through Jo Rizzo by calling 385-2728. Wednesday, Jan. 3 - Girl Scout meeting, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 4 - Woman's club meeting, 8:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 8 - Lakeland Merry- Makers, 4-H club, 7:30p.m. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Happy birthday and all that jazz to birthday kids Dennis Kozicki and Wally Kuhns who add more years on Dec. 29 and to Michael Krasucki who will be eight years old. Eddie Peters will be eleven on the thirtieth and the very last birthday wish of the year goes to that little deduction Matty Rogers who first saw the world on Dec. 31, 1962. New Year's day babies are Ed Lane, Louis Rehberg, Paul Rizzo, Chuck Pierce, Catherine Kozicki and Herbie Dettmer who will be ten years old this year and Tom Kosizki who will be 14. Ronnie Mullen will be three big years old on, the second and Doris Dowell will be twelve on the fourth. Roy Apel will subtract another year on the fourth too. Congratulations and best wishes to each of them as they start another year. ANNIVERSARY WALTZ Best wishes to Joan and iJick Burmann as they reach another marital milestone on Jan. 29. THE BOWLING ALLEY Be patient and one of these days, the up-to-date standings will appear right here in this column. The next night of competition will be on Jan. 6 and the line-up will be in the paper next week. STROLLING THROUGH THE PARK So happy new year and start looking for all the receipts that you put away so carefully all through the year* so Uncle Sam can have his allowance. Or is it the other way around? 4 Little Joey Mueller is home with his family again after a long siege in the hospital. The little guy was sick in October and has been the hospital most of the time since then. It's pretty hard for anyone to be sick that long but whenyou're two ifs that much harder because you can't quite understand what's going on. Anyway the story is happy as he's home again, but six donors are needed to replace blood that he needed while a patient at McHenry hospital. This blood must be replaced within the next month, and arrangements can be made at the hospital. Another two pints are needed at Sherman hospital in Elgin for him and must be given there. If you would like to help this little fellow please call and donate a pint of blood in his name. Get-well wishes to Earl Dowell who had been a patient at McHenry hospital for several weeks while undergoing tests. Hope that he can be home soon and feeling in the pink again. Veronica Bierman celebrated her birthday with a party at home for all the relations! In her words, she "Had a swell time". "Ronnie' and her mom and dad went out to dinner to celebrate the big event and ate at a restaurant in Algonquin. "Ronnie" splurged with a plateful of spaghetti while mom and dad indulged in their usual steak and lobster and oh, those"calories. They had a good time together and have- really hit on a good way to celebrate a birthday. Laurie Perry celebrated her first birthday in grand style with the help of all her doting relations. The little gal was the guest of honor at the party held in her home on Dec. 23. The party was complete with Grandpa and Grandma Perry, Aunt Betty and Uncle Tom, Aunt Amanda and Uncle Reinhardt and Aunt Lucy. Mom served a delicious supper and they all feasted on birthday cake - and the trimmings with a few Christinas goodies thrown in for good measure. Lots of pictures of«the proceedings were taken to record the event for posterity by mom and dad and brother, Bill, got into the apt too. All the college kids are home again dnd it's funny to see the usual cars that drive down our street with a mom at the wheel being driven by the younger set again. Get out the track shoes for the duration, Mom. Happy New Year again and thanks for the calls that I received during the busy Christmas- getting-ready week. There is another early deadline for the column because of the New , Year holiday" and I am sure that there is loads of- news floating about. Just call 385- 1605 on Thursday. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS A WHALE OF A SHIP . . . A R o y a l N a v y h e l i copter appears to be hovering over a giant whale in the waters on the coast of Scotland, but actually the "whale" is a nuclear submarine. This is one of the first pictures of the HMS Warspite. The Royal Navy's third nuclear-powered fleet sub. Joyous New Year o * 4039 DEC'67 M.P. 38 May good luck come your way in this New Year, bringing ,all the things you wish for your family and friends. 4040 DEC'67 M.P. 38 Freund's Dairy Inc. McHenry Weekdays » - « Fri. !» - » SERVICE IS OCR Bt'SIXESS COLOR • We Repair All Makes Color A' Itlack & White • Stereo & Radio • 5>0 day wa ran tee on all parts Installed by us. 385-0979 Sun. I«:00 a.m. to 1:00 p m. RADIO & TELEVISION SERVICE __ Vrs. Experience 4605 W. Route 120, Lakeland Park Men's & Boy's Foil and Winter & JACKETS Reg. $9.95 - $30.00 II a l l sizes !! NOW OFF Men's & Boy's SPORT JACKE 1/3 OFF F S&TOiSAYDecember 29, 30, 31, 1967 SWEATERS Men's and Boy's All Sizes V r OFF Little Girls Teen Girl's & Women's Feali and Winter COATS & JACKETS Reg. $9.95 - $50.00 Girls and Women's SWEATERS 1/3 o" I All Sizes Reg. $12 - $18 1219 N. Green Si. McHenry 385-0182