Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jan 1968, p. 9

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¥•> $ W'y. • 3fr %j-"V• ' ; ?' „ a£ 4 ' BEM./ESTATE 385-5922 BlEMcHENRYPLAINDEAUm McKENSY REALTY § WE STARTED with this 2 : BB ranch with family kit., separate LR and DR, att. J garage, double lot all, fenced in, extras include carpeting and water softener. | r Only asking 912,200 If WE HAVE MOVED and have I an extra 2 story 4 BR home for sale, carpeted LR & DR I ccrnib., full basmt., 2 car K gar., gas HW heat, new range and, refrig. in modern £. Mt I/ $18,600 p FAMILY ALL GONE so I •i don't need 1400 *q. ft. of ranch home, full basmt., I comb. LR & DR w/flreplace 2 Ige. BR, tig den, overlook? t ing river on wooded lot. I 919,200 | I WANT TO SELL my 3 f BR raised ranch that can be £ expanded to 5 BR, family | rm., att. gar., city water & p sewer. | asking 119,500 | /jtmt want offers | DOCTOR-LAWYER ETC. * should look at this choice corner location on Hwy. 120 with solid building to work | with. | asking 920,000 hr ' NEW LISTING, carpeting over all hardwood fl., plastered walls, 14'xl3' family kit, att. gar., master BR is : 22'xl2\ This frame & stone i Nnanch is in top condition | at 921,600 ^ EDGEBROOK HEIGHTS all (he following for $21,750. 3 bedrm., family rm., gar., range & oven, refrig., air cond., water softener, washer, dryer, UHF antena, LR off 6']& entrance foyer, gas FA heat FOX RIVER, seven rm, brick 2 story home, 2 oar gar. with I 3 rm. apt. above. V 92WOO extra lot at 95.000 WORTHMORE feS*I%TES, brick ranch with 3 BR, LR with fireplace, sep. DR, family kit. 20*xl5\ rec. rm. with bar, 2 car att. gar., many extras. . 997,700 i COUNTRY ACRES, 158'x250' corner lot top/df hill asking 95,000 McHHflY f REALTY, McHenry's largest Independent Realtor Phone 985-5822 or 8§5-©2S8 3918 W. Main Street McHenry, Illinois . 1-5-68 BY OWNER • Completely Renovated • 2 Bedroom • iDarge Kitchen • Wall to wall Carpeting in Living Room Call 385-3191 Between 6 p.m. and 8 pan. l-S/1-5-68 GOVERNMENT owned homes. For information on down payment and low monthly payments. Call 815-459-0844. , 12-13/1-5-68 6 ROOM house at 3002 Victoria St. Reasonable price. Call 385-1259. 1-3/1-10-68 REAL ESTATE REAL ' BEAUTIFUL VIEW OF WONDER LAKE This is a cozy 2-story home, bit. on high ground overlooking long stretch of lake, nicely landscaped, with 2 c. gara&e. No painting to be done - exterior js aluminum sided. Ha^pieasant LR, fam-sized kit., 3 good-sized BR's, one down, 2 up. Deep well with nevir pump. A good buy at 91S.300 8-BR RANCH WITH FULL HEATED BASEMENT A pretty home on good-sized lot in\nice neighborhood. Tastefully" landscaped with many fine evergreens. Entry with guest closet, 12x20. 2 LR with Fiesta Stone woodburning fireplace, Sep. DR, tiled bath. A real dream of a kitchen with oceans of wood cabs. & IQ-ft. snack bar. Cone, driveway and sidewalks, conc. outdoor patio & roomy garage with attfc storage. ^ Asking 922,000 6-RM. SPLIT-LEVEL CENTRALLY An^COND. Veteran's mort. avail. at 5%% Low closing costs This 4-yr. old home has an unusually attractive exterior of frame, trimmed with brick, is situated in good neighborhood on 70 ft. lot. 2 car garage. Entry with guest closet leads into L-shaped LR-DR comb. mod. kit. has birch cabs and bltin dishwasher & disposal. 3 cheerful BR's, 1V2 baths, nice view. Owner transferred. Reasonably priced at 922,500 7-RM. FACE BRICK SPLIT-LEVEL With attached gar. bit. on a large lot in good neighborhood. Has i\ice view of surrounding afcba. This is a spacious house with plenty of closets and storage room. Has a foyer with guest clo., pleasant LR, DR. & mod. kit., 1% ceramic-tiled baths. 3 good-sized BR's on upper level. Basement and fam. rm. with wood-burning fireplace on lower level. 2 outside conc. patios and conc. driveway. In perfect condition. Asking 927,700 ON THE RIVER One of the choicest lots left, in good neighborhood, adjoining construction is ' good. 70 ft. frontage on water. Completely cleared. Asking 98400 LOT ON LAKE Very attractive 60-ft. lot. Only 93,000 VPISTAKEE TERRACE Nide high lot completely cleared. $2,000 - SSSEX-' COSTELEL® - amLmrAtE Cooperating Mtnbcr «f Acscriaftrfl SJstiag gestae id S j*b Commgo B©UBSs! DADb¥ 0C3» lUNDATUtaS 385-705$ t71T W. WMMismf (Aersm fiKsa Jewol Tea) 8t, Ciysta! lake • 1-5-68 In Wonder Lake 2JEJEDROOM HOME Completely Furnished Gas Heat Adults Only No Pets References Required BELLM EEALTY, Inc. 7516 Hancock Mve Wonder Lake, DlhoSs 815-653-9400 1-5-68 HEAL ESTATE PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS 3 bedroom, living, dining, kitchen, tile floor and basement 1% car garage, gas heat. Away from heavy traffic on dead-end street. .V $15,900 McHENRY 3. bedroom all brick ranch, living, dining kitchen combination. Plastered walls, full basement. Gas hot water heat, 1H car garage. iClose. to church, schools and shopping. $29,900 12% acres, % mile south McHenry on U.S. Rt. 31. Excellent highway frontage^) ft. plus. A real steal at $27,500 ' * 5 choice beautiful wooded lots left, overlooking Fox River. Shown by appointment only. JOE NISCHAN BEM. ESTATE \ InJohnsburg!\ 23ui jonnsbvifg Rdr~" ! M c H e n r y , I l l i n o i s Phone |385-0037 - ;-.C - \ ' 1-S68 JANUARY 5, 1968 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 9 , • HEAL ESTATE JOHN REAL ESTATE 2 year old ranch home, 3 bedrooms, built-in ofen and range, aluminum storms and screens. Nice lot, 80x150 ft. Asking 916,600 3 bedroom ranch. Full basement, aluminum storms and screens. Built in oven and range. Panelled family room. Fenced in rear yard. Asking 919,700 JOHWF0BLER 1 Mil) j^5L 1303 Richmond Road McHenry, DlimJs 985-825® Downtown Crystal Lake 101 N. Main Street 459-0658 Member A.L.S. Associated Listing Service 1-5-6? SLEEPING ROOM. Private Hath and entrance. Call 312- TU7-0430 or 312-JU7-2453 ' 1-3-68TF 1-2 OFFICE. McHenrjr, excellent location, off street parking, air conditioned and all utilities furnished. Reasonable. Call 385-1327. 1-3-68TF 1-2 SLEEPING ROOM for rent. Call 385-7627. 1-3-68TF 1-2 DELUXE 2 bedroom apartt ment. Stove, refrigerator, air conditioning, carpeting. Newly decorated. No pets. References required. Call 385-2260. 12-29-1-5-68 STORE. 1218 N. Green St Suitable for office space. Call 385-0748. 1-3-68TF 1-2 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, on Fox River in Johnsburg. Partly furnished. $120 a month. Call 385-1501. 1-3/1-5-68 HALL FOR SENT MX OCCASSIONS UP TO 200 CASEY'S 2601 S. Mver Road GrlswoM Lake McHenry, Illinois - OASLIJ 885-2487 1-3-68TF1-: H©!p Wamt©4 HOSPITAL Position Is Now Open For A General Store Keeper Hiis is a fuH time position with excellent starting salary and fringe benefits. Also available is a part time position as janitor in our dietary department. Apply Personnel Department McHenry Hospital 9516 Wsua&ogan McHenry, HL CALL 885-2200 ext. 645 1-3/1-5-68 ' Molo UMp Wantoi MAINTENANCE MAN Prefer experienced man for 2nd shift. Apply In Person MODINE 4 miles north of McHenry s . on Ringwood Road "an equal opportunity employer" RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS * 1-5-68 BOAT & MOTOR Salesman wanted for part time. Prefer young, aggressive man but not 100% essential. Large boat dealer on Chain O' Lakes. Good opportunity for right person. Earnings unlimited. Apply in writing to Box 103, c/o McHenry Plaindealer giving full resume of schooling, experience, and family background and status. 1-5-68 Mai© Help Wn5aS©d . Mai© Help Washed TIME STUDY TRAINEE We are interested in placing a qualified man in our Industrial Engineering Department. Must be a high school graduate, some college preferred but not necessary, with mathematical background and mechanioal aptitudes. We offer an excellent opportunity for advancement, extensive training program, good starting salary and many other fringe benefits. = APPLY IN PERSON -- M O O I N 4 Miles North of McHenry on Ringwood Road "An Equal Opportunity Employer" Ringwood, Illinois 1-3/1-5-68 HELP WANTED LOST&FOUNP . - TO BE GIVEN AWAT MODERN 2 bedroom apartment. Stove and refrigerator. No pets. References required. Immediate occupancy. Call 385-2260. 1-5/1-12-68 IN McHENRY, 1 bedroom apartment. Centrally located. Adults only please. $90. By appointment call 385-0748. 1-5-68TF 1-2 1 BEDROOM apartment in Richmond, heated. See or call Space Developers, Inc., Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2861. 1-5-68TF 1-2 SMALL 3 bedroom house in private subdivision on river. Stove and refrigerator, oil heat, utility room, pier space, beach and playground. Relit plus all utilities. Oakhurst Subdivision. Call 385-7455. 1-5-68 FURNISHED 5 room private house type apartment. Very modern, all large rooms. Suitable for adults. Reasonable rent to reliable party. Good location. Call after 6 p.m. or week-ends. Crystal Lake 459- 3265. 1-5-68 GERMAN Shepherd puppies. A.K.C. registered. New litter to choose from. Call 815-385- 7648. 12-20/1-19-67 GOLD E N retriever puppies. A.K.C. registered. Guaranteed to please. Shots, wormed. Excellent children's dog. Females $75, males $100. Call 385-11S0. 12-29-1-5-67 WANTED TO EEWT WOMAN DESIRES one or two room furnished apartment. First floor, within walking distance of stores. Call 312- 526-8024. , 12-27-1-5-67 FOR FAST RESULTS PHONE 385-0170 . • ELECTRICAL ENGINEER • MECHANICAL ENGINEER • MECHANICAL DESIGNER • DRAFTSMEN • TECHNICANS For Switch Design and T.V. Tuner Design and Application Oak Manufacturing Company the nation's largest manufacturer of rotary and push button switches and V.H.F. television timers has immediate openings within the engineering department for qualified individuals at all levels. These are permanent career opportunities created by the planned growth of the company in stable commercial pro-' duct lines. Successful applicants will. receive excellent salary, complete company paid fringe benefits (including profit sharing am educational assistance). Excellent working condition and facilities. Reply in confidence to Personnel Director AK MANUI TURIHG CO. A DIVISION Of OAK ELECTRO/NETICS COBP Sovtii Itroot Phone 459-5000 CRYSTAL lAKIr ILLINOIS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER w 1-5-68 Full or Part Time Sales Person Get paid weekly. Sell nursery stock produced by McKAY NURSERY COMPANY, Wisconsin's greatest Nursery, established over 60 years. Nurseries of over 700 acres at Waterloo, Wis. No delivering. No investment required. Training provided by experienced landscape designers. Excellent opportunity for tiard worker. WRITE McKAY NURSERY COMPANY Waterloo, Wisconsin 58504 1-5/1-12-68 AUCTION AUCTION Farm Service Way Insured AUCTION LOCATION: 7 miles north of McHenry, or 3 miles south of Richmond (% mile south of intersection Rt. 12 & 31) on Rt. 31 to Solon Rd. Then V*. mile east to Pioneer Rd., then so. % mile. (Watch tot arrows). Lunch.On Grounds. SALE TO START AT 1:00 P.M. TUESDAY. JANUARY 9 • . GERALD VOGEL- Owner 7405 Pioneer Rd., Richmond, Hi -- Phone 815-678-3100 39 HEAD HI-GRADE HOLSTEINS. An outstanding herd of young, good uddered cows, with lots of size and type. Sired by pure-bred bulls. All home raised and vaccinated. 6 cows fresh in the last 30 days, 13 cows due in January & February. Herd consisting of 12 first calf heifers, and 11 second calf heifers. Tube tested for interstate shipment. (AUCTIONERS' NOTE) This herd is the result of many years of breeding. These are young cattle with the ability to milk. We are sure you will be pleased with any purchase you make. Your inspection invited prior to sale. MILKING EQUIPMENT -- 4 Surge Units; 1 DeLaval Unit; Surge SP 22 Pump and Motor; 180 ft. of 1% inch Pipeline with 44 Stall Cocks; Kesco 'Milk Conveyor. - - LIBERAL TERMS Aoctlonesrs: Gordon Stade, Grayslake, I1L ^ William Stade Jr., Mundeleln, H. Cashier: WaHy Van Egmond, Clinton, Wisconsin Clerk: Ronald IJpinsky, Union, Illinois Furo Auction Service, Inc., Lake Geneva, Wisconsin * 1-5-68 BRAKE PARTS CO "Formerly Automotive Controls" WE OFFER JOB SECURITY IN THESE ©hpobtomiteS MALE MOLDERS ti 1st Shift TOOL & CUTTER GRINDERS 1st & 2nd, Shift TOOL & GAUGE INSBECOR 1st Shift CATALOG SPECIALIST Knowledge of Small Engine Parts P@fs That . . . Used A^ Msne • >• s OR ARE Looking For Their Master - . p As a public service of ,the McHenry Plaindealer pn ads run under "Pets "fast Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements - are: Hie animals are to be given away to good homes without charge or you are trying to find the owner of a pert that bits strayed into your possession. PUPPIES, 6 weeks old. Call 338-1417 after 5 pm. 12>13^7TFl-2 6 COULEE Springer puppies. Excellent with rfalskssw Call 885-0245. 1-WS' I PRODUCTION CONTROL H ASSISTANT I ACCOUNTANT! FEMALE KIT PACKAGES 1st Shift MACHINE OPERATORS 1st & 2nd Shift ASSEMBLERS 1st Shift TOP BENEFITS ^ INCLUDING: • Insurance Package Includes major medical plus life Insurance • Holiday Fay 9 Liberal Vacation Pay • Progressive rate ranges, • Choice of shif|ts, a Plus shift premium ^. ®; Promotional opportunities, combine steady employment aid offer real opportunities without commuting. OFFICE HOURS Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 8 a.m. - noon (815)385-7 BRAK PARTS CO "FormiBrlr Automotive Controls" 1600 N. Industrial Dr. JSdHmBY 1-3/1-5-68 , McHenry Hospital needs an auiiiiiiistraxive secreiafy. We require a highly skilled nature individual capable of handling the varied duties of this top secretarial position. Excellent salary and fringe benefits. Apply -Personnel Department McHenry Hospital 3516 WAUKUGAN !¥*¥<• CALL 885-2200 " ext. 645 1-3/1-5-68 Supplement Your Refe©m©!iS Im@me With Fffil Tim© Job Work your own hours, ' l6Heurs eqtt^s- 20 Hours equals C55&00-'; Call if you have as little as 6 hours a week to work. 3384535 12-20/1-10-68 Capable girl for typing and varied duties. Must have above average typing skills, ability or willingness to use dictaphone. Shorthand helpful for occasional dictation. MAJOR CORP. 459-6800 12-29/1-10-68 EDITORIAL ASSISTANT We are looking for a young lady to work with our Manager of Communications in a variety of interesting and challenging assignments. Background in newspaper writing would be a definite asset. Must be a good typist Broad range 'pf Company paid benefits, including Profit- sharing. Write or Call Personnel Director OAK CO. aaa ELecTBo/NiTics eo»» Otw--t. Pboes SIMN# LJIKI, SB.UHOW 4A tOU'l lUFLQltfi 0^ 1-5-68 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for hardware store, capable of handling complete bookkeeping system to include payroll sales tax and billing. Stop at A.N. May Builders office Richmond, Illinois or call 815-678 286L 1-3-68TF 1-2 WOMAN to clean one day a week. Transportation available if required. Call 385-1008 1-5-68 Fgrn^lo LIGHT ASSEMBLY Excellent company benefits including: profit sharing, hospitalization and life insurance, paid vacation. • _ Apply In Person BIG 800 53. Prairie St. Ciysttell ILake, minols 815-459^100 "an equal opportunity employee* 1-5/1-10*68 WONDER LAKE: Variety of duties. Part time, hours Optional. Shorthand helpful but not necessary, typing, bookkeeping. Call 312-848-3418 collect between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. Leave number. 1-3/1-5-68 FULL time medical secretary for doctor's office. Write full particulars to Box 137, Wonder Lake, Illinois. Pmonal interview will follow. BABY SITTER to my borne." 2 small children. 5 days week. Vicinity of Lakemoor. Call 385-5988. 12-29-1-5-68 WAITRESSES wanted. 1 full time and 1 part time. Apply in person, evenings, Dusty's Pizzeria, Route 120 & Meadow Lane, McHenry. 1-5/1-10-68 DELEGATE TEAM TELLS PLANS FOR JUNE PRIMARY James P. Gorter of Lake Forest, Theodore Wickman of McHenry, MarshallR.Schroeder of Long Lake and Eugene T. Devitt of Elgin have announced that they would run in the June, 1968 primary as candidates for delegates and alternate delegate to the 1968 Republican convention representing the 12th Congressional district. f~In making their joint announcement the fouf: men stated, "We intend to run as a team, and our objective will be to see that Illinois has the strongest possible voice in the selection of the Republican presidential nominee. To accomplish this we are supporting Senator Percy as a favorite son candidate, from Illinois and Senator Dirksen for chairman of the Illinois delegation. Messrs. Gorter and Wickman will be running for delegate and Schroeder and Devitt for alternate delegate. Wickman, a retired businessman, is chairman of the McHenry county Republican Central committee and was an alternate delegate to the 1964 convention. CHILD'S MAGAZINE FEATURES PUZZLE OF LOCAL TEACHER Miss Maurie N. Taylor of 3614 West Maple avenue, McHenry, has created a puzzle entitled "Cryptoglyphics," appearing in the January issue of Jack and Jill magazine. Since 1965, Miss Taylor has been on leave from her regular teaching position at McHenry Community high school to give her time to write a series of game and puzzle books in French and Spanish designed to test and build youngsters? vocabularies in these languages. The booklets are now in production at the Banks Upshaw division of National Textbook ty j corporation. •. '•# •/ . i}:i. • . v SUM

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