SUNNYSIDE ESTATES Lucille Lytle 385-1173 n FORME fc SCRIBE ' NEW MOTHER OF BABY DAUGHTER Marlene and Walter Berg announce the birth of their daughter, ChHstine Marie. She was born at Shermatf hospital on Friday/ Dec. 29, and weighed > 6 lbs. and 12 ozs,, and was 21, inches long. Grandparents of the baby are Mr. and Mrs. Tony Freund, of Johnsburg, Mrs. Wanda Berg, of Chicago, and' great-grandmother, Mrs. Mary Kogutc Congratulations Marlene and Waily. BROWNIE TROOP TO BE OR- . GANIZED Mrs. Besserud of Johnsburg is interested in organizing a new Brownie Troop. Girls in the second and third grades are eligible, however, a co-leader for the troop is needed before it can be formed. Anyone interested in helping Mrs. Besserud form a troop may call Mrs. Nancy Marcotte at 385-4570. Mothers interested in just helping with tasks/such as driving to meetings and Brownie function^ are also invited' to call and offer their jielp. This does not obligate you to regular meetings. HERE AND THERE Paul and Katherine Bute en- --tertained the^r son and daughter and their families for Christmas? Dinner , guest at the Kelso home, for Christmas was Nancy Krepel, pop's friend. Albert Holtfodt treated his daughters/ and their families, the Mikk^lsons and the Walczynskis to dinner on Christmas Eve. On returning to the Walczynski home they entertained Millie and George Kropf and Jo and LaVerne Jost. On Christmas Eve, the Ted Bierc^teps entertained Mr. and Mrs.7Vi4blick and their daughter and son-in-law. Later in the eve/ling, they went to Pat SPILLS AND ILLS The Walczynski children have been extra clumsy lately. Little Tommy took a 'spill and knocked out his front teeth. Will someone loan him a partial? Paul ran under a table and laceratsi lis head. Luckily, no stitches were necessary, but his head now has a bald spot larger than his father's. Sorry to hear that Millie Kropf is in the hospital. We hope that by the time this is printed, she is back home and feeling better, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Happy birthday on the eleventh to seventeen year old Candace Kobus, eight year old Jimmy Fu^ua, and Audrey Pinkonsly. . .On the twelfth to fourteen year old Eric Mikkelsen, eight year old Mary Von Oepen, and four year-old Chris Walczynski. . .on the thirteenth to twelve^year old Steve Kanter, and Mary Mtoha. .. on the fourteenth to Greg Jesski, seventeen. . .on the sixteenth, Fran Fuqua, and Nellie Wallin. We wish you all a nice day. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Happy anniversary on the tenth to Ted and Dorothy Bierchen, their twenty-sixth. . .on the eleventh to Vi and Ed Rodiek, their fourth. . .and on the sixteenth to Dennis and Carolyn Dcering, their fourth. Congratulations! Goodbye for this week folks. Create,-New PMA District Pure Milk association has ' announced the creation of a hew district in Wisconsin making nineteen instead of eighteen PMAv districts in the Badger statef Illinois, Indiana and Michigan. The hew district will include nearly 500 dairy farmers from the Hustisford, Lake Shore, Mukwonago and Watertown locals of PMA in eastern Wisconsin. Avery A. Vose, PMA president, said the new district will be known as district 24. He said PMS's redistricting committee made other changes involving districts in Illinois and Wisconsin. The Lake Geneva Local was transferred from PMA District 14 in southeastern Wisconsin to adjoining District 3 to the west. The Clinton Local was transferred from District 3 to District 5 which now has most of its membership in Boone county, 111; Rock county, Wis.; and McHenry, DeKalb, Winnebago and Ogle counties, 111. Woi n Of ose Women of the Moose 1348 of McHenry was called to order by Senior Regent Marcella Strossner on Jan. 2. , . Aftej>-the fourfold, balloting and Sarjf TomasellC s for an open was" held. Plans are being made *h" ouse. for the mid-winter conference Christmas Day brought Bob and Diane Wade and their children,'" Debra and Bill, to visit the Bierchens. NEW YEARS CELEBRATIONS Pat and April Faunt and their friends, Ron Freund and Kathy Foran, who are frequent guests at the Faunt home, ^cweddi^^ ^jia^^an,»'ho^e. ner and drinks out on the town Mercedez Merenz is in Mem- °n |{$w-Year's Eve. , orial hospital and would appre- April h£s enjoyed seeing her ciate cards and visitations as brother, peter Smith, who came She will be there for a few in for- tjhe holidays from New weeks YYooii»teluS: 4 rnii The Von Oepens spent the weekend in the city at G16ria's parents', home. On Saturday evening trtey went out to dinner with her sister and some friends. On Sunday they visited Ernie's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Bierer. They spent New Year's Day at the home of Gloria's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs. Sharon and Dick McManaway and their aunt Daisy, spent a long weekend in West Frankfurt, with her pferents, Mr. and Mrs. Thurel Mason. While there, they visited with her sister and her family Mr. and Mrs. Eubank s. They spent New Year's eve out on the town with friend?. Bud and Lucy Lytle and Yvonne and Bill Kuochel entertained Bud and Carolyn Doering, June and Ted Voight, Jack and Vi Walters, and Pat and Matt Bott, at the Lytle home on New Year's Eve- Ityitant Backache Relief BACK-EASER* men buck pain, slim? waist, improves posture, help's relax tensed nerves. Strong, form - fitting, washable. Snap front. Encircling pull straps fqr easy adjustment and instant relief. Large foam rubber pad botys, massages back--stimulates circulation. Prescribed by doctors. No fitting. Give hip measurement JSolder S Drug Store 1259 "N. Green 385-4500 EXPERT (All Breeds) (Individual Kennels) • TRAINING • BATHING $ inels 1018 W. Lincoln Rd. McHenry Phone 385-2436 (1 Milo East of the Skyline Drive-in) INEZ TOUMG JAMES DOWHIN, MIT A NICHOLAS • WEB m CHURCH • •J, Our warmest congratulations to Jim Dowhin, Jr., and his lovely bride, the former Rita Nichols, 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Nichols of Minne- . apolis* Minn. They were married at Trinity Lutheran Church in Ingleside on Saturday, Dec.. 30, Mary Elkman, Rita's oldest sister, from St. Paul, Mnn.Sll was matron of honor and Danny Kinnerk, longtime friend of Jimmy, served as best man. A reception followed in Fox Lake. Jimmy is the son of La- Von and Jim Dowhin of Holiday Hills. The honeymooners are 'at home' in the Los Angeles, Calif., area where the groom has been transferred in his job. LATE CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR CONNELLS Pve heard of stocking staffers before, but Marge and Jack Connell had the nicest stocking staffer of this year, when Maureen Carol made her debut at McHenry hospital on Dec. 26. They brought her home on Saturday, Dec. 30, in a Christmas stocking, provided by the hospital auxiliary. This tiny gift weighed 6 lbs. 12 ozs. and measured 19% in. at birth. Beside these vital statistics, she evens the score at the Connell hopie with four girls and , four boys. Equally delighted with the gift of a baby sister are John 15, Gary 12, Kathleen 10, Eileen 9, Ricky 8, Christine 6 and Randy 13 months. Our congratulations to all the Connells. HOLIDAY VACATION Lorraine and Dick Bemis spent a most enjoyable week's vacation with former residents, Barb and Frank Csuti and their children in Cumberland, Wis. Frank drove up the Saturday before Christmas to pick them \up. Christinas morning .they nad eight inches of snow and out came the sleighs and toboggans. Dick did a bit of ice fishing and Lorraine took a ride out onto the lake. She confided that she didn't think she'd do that again, but that the week with the Csutis will be a warm and cherished memor for a long time. holiday. and stayed on for Jim* ' my, Jr's wedding. BIRTH-DAZE Birthday greetings to Timor. ;Ar * i POPCORN SACKS BULGE i Popcorn growers in Illinois; ^ harvested 60 million pounds of 7 par corn in 1967, according to- r thy Leo Postal who was "a report from the MnolsCoold on New Year's day, to Gloria Smith and Harry Postal on the fifth, to Terri Lynn Abbink, 3 rs old on the thirteenth, and t|» Linda Uhlman and Matthew Justes. on the sixteenth; HOLIDAY VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Proefrock of Hamburg, N.D., visited with Delores and Mayo for the Christmas holidays. The Proefrocks are M.jyo's folks. The Schroeders, Joan, Harry and children, Alice and Wayne Malzahn, Brian and Todd and the Bob McWilliams, former residents of Holiday Hills, were visitors here durifig the holidays. PROMOTED Congratulations to Dick Malstrom on his recent promotion to tour superintendent in designated mails division at the Chicago post office. Jim Dowhin's mother, and aunt, Nellie and Marian, came down from Milwaukee for the \tSE THE CLASSIFIEDS operative Crop Reporting Ser-\ vice. Illinois' record high yield of 3,000 pounds per acre was the^; highest of any major producing; : state. Ohio ranked second with " 2,850 pounds, followed by Kansas with 2,800 pounds and Nebraska with 2,700 pounds. ii #1 wATEi SOFTENER SALES' - SAME DAY SERVIC I. ON MOST MAKES • Servici' •• ••' * C'losiniiiif Out • Repair" * installation Overhauling , * Roni"val • RtM'omlitioiiini; • R«'l»uSI<li"U ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone* 3SS°SS®6 SOFTENER SALES TS-'R SOFTENER SALES SERVICE Mrilt'iiuv. iSlinol yW© to be held March 10 at our lodge. We received a very special Thank-you from Moose heart for our contribution to their Christmas gifts. Olga Johnson, GaylMarchand* and Helen Nielsen were selected for an auditing committee to meet Tuesday evening, Jan. 9 Child care Chairman Bertha English and her committee were in charge of the evening's events. Doris Schabow, Helen Nielsdfi, Dorothy Glorch, Dorothy Hosier, Muriel Gilmoreand Ila Hogan were the recipients of .special gifts. Muriel Gilmore received the special^ award, but Dolores Maxson wasn't present to receive^ the attendance award. The next meeting is Jan. 16. This will be our Green Cap night. Sure hope to see you there. Muriel Gilmore, Publicity Chairman V, -<*| It's fresh-ground flavor you can't get in a can. Fresh-grouhd flavor you do get in A&P's whole-bean Eight O'Clock, R^d Circle and Bokar Coffees. You see, once the coffee bean is ground, the flavor begins to f§de. -.i"; That's why, when we at A&P buy the finest coffees we cajj find, we bring them4o you still in the bean. ; And we custom-grind them exactly right for your coffeemaker. Takes a little extra work, but we're happy txfdo it That way we can be sure you'll enjoy the full, fresh taste of A&P's Coffee Mill Flavor. Are Coffees a good reason for shopping A&P? They're one of many. COPYRIGHT (£ 1966, THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO.. INC. I Whats Cooking? Savings on "Super Right Meats! F CHUCK RO A&Ps Super Right Qua,i* Bled. CHUCK M Cut STEAK AWi Super Right Quality BONELESS SHUCK AAFo Sups? OSght Qikility 34PORK LOIN Slkid 9 toll C Allgeod--Hardwe©4 Smoked , Sliced Bacon Beef Steak: 591 FA« " HALIBUT STEAK Supor Right Mild or Hot ausage 75* G Deveined Shrimp irakan Flavorful Frozen Foods1 f AtP Finest Quality WHOLE POTATOES A&P Dairy Selections I M«l-0-Bit CHEESE SLICES American PlmQRff© 6-01. 29 jane Parker Bakery Variety! Tasty Pickings--Fresh Produce! lieberry Pie mhik -. 55c Angel Food Cake ££ . 49* BANANAS Strawberries GOLDEN CakeDonuts **2%^ i&W ore VBIHIVI • 1WOU J«IM Parker MI. WJ SULTANA PRESERVES GRAPE LEACH JUICE DETERGENT IRAWBEKi $ 00 10-oz. sons OvrCws 14b. Ars Pfiga Ketchup 291 j Am Page Spaghetti S£Ziy*,. 21c | A4P Instant Coffee AtP Evaporated NUlk 6 "w 95' I Spaghetti Sauce Plain, MuihrMin 'tT 33' Dexo Shortening SAVE 8510 SAtftffl 26- VVIIM CQUPOfJ BflOw WIIH tOUPON BEL-OW WITH COUPON BELOW SAVE CASH SAVE CASH Dsl PlncmppU GRAPEFRUST DRINK WORTH 28« TOWARD TM KQCUASQ Of. 14*. OB »-U. EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFE SWEET By Factory-Trained Radiator Specialist* WW AMI hMM mmi Ikh €•>>«• •» Amr II, IMS. Wli % NRMM e«i 1M Cn^ii at Aay Atf IHn lira ionry II. ttii SAVE W SAVE 2S* IOO EXTRA 83* r VALUABLE COUPON IOO EXTRA PLAID STAMPS fit 12 Years Experience Every*- Job' FLO-TESTED For Vour Added Protection. ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SERVICE Complete Stock of Bfeetwallt and New Radiators Complete Stock of Original Equip. Heater Control Valves ADAMS BROS. REPAIR SERV. Nexi io V.F.Vv. r Phons -885-0783 3004 W. Route 120 Mcilenry, 111, • WMi ThJ* Ci>n« mat NrIMm W 14ft. PV|. J" UP SOFT MARGARINE all •< Amy A1P ttar* ritra iaa. 1*. ltta. | V^.'ascjwaiauat w New i.oor • Pesstrt Mix Buy 3 Got ono free 31b. Grape Jelly ANN PAGE oniy 69v ANN PAGE Noodles lib. oo SWISS MISS Frozen ¥\m 29y AtfawHc ft NcHk Toa Co. Inc.--Th«s« prkes effectivo Hira Jan. IS, 1MB, a