la \ G8gb Donald A and Eleanor T Agrella CCP Lt 35 and (EX DR. 24.7 P 518) Pt Lt 41 DR 624 P 130 .53a 5480 , Geo J and Jane A Mann CCP Sul} Lt 1 Lt 36 DR 572 ^ 404 la 7370 . Cosmopolitan Nat'l Bk of Chgo Tr#13533 CCP Sub Lt 2 Lt 36 and Sub Lt 1 Lt 37 Doc 420212 ,22a 20100 Fred P Freund CCP Sub Lt 2 Lt 37 DR 175 P 113 la 8690 Cosmopolitan Nat'l Bk <bf Chgo Tr # 13533 CCP Pt Sub Lt 3 Lt 37 Doc 420212 1.82a ^ 14340 George Hiller CCP Sub Lt Pt 3 Lt 37 DR 371 P 246 .90a 12460 Wm, H and Cora Ev Otto • CCP Sub Lt 1 Lt 38 Doc " 422104 2.14a 5640 Steve and Christine May GCP Sub Lt 2 Lt 38 DR 276 P 168 2.67a 6090 Albert A and Dorothy Ad- , ams DR 459 P 193 and >: DR 462 P 598 (Ex DR259 P 245) CCP SubLt3Lt38 .86a 7560 Aplena Berent CCP Sub Lt Pt 3 Lt 38 DR 259 P 545 3.13a 1000 Catherine Schaeier CCP . Sub Lt 4 Lot 38 DR 459 P 192 la 6760 Henry V D and Joseph Sompel CCP Lot 39 DR 586 P 293 10.03a 19120 Dutch Greek Woodlands Inc. CCP Pt Lt 41 DR507 P 60 .92a 250 Harvey V and Wanda G Palmer CCP Pt Sub Lt 2 Lt 40 and Pt Sub Lt 1 Lt ' 40 Doc 461618 .56a 2250 Henry V D and Joseph Sompel Pt Sub Lt 2 Lot 40 DR 586 P 293 4.14a 990 Dutch Creek Woodlands, Inc CCP Lot 41 DR 507 P 60 ,32a 250 Frank F and Marie Capone DR 553 P 450 CCP Pt Sub Lot 2, Lt 40 .82a 600 Emil Geiger CCP Lt 42 N of Hwy DR 5G5 P 161 26.39a 7920 ^ John Bode and Pauline B Rogers Assrs Plat Pt Lt VV43 and Pt Lt 44 DR 626 P 403 1 0.27a 5 10720 Frank S and Connie May Assr's Plat Pt Lt 43 and Pt Lt 44 DR 528 P 535 (Ex DR 692 P593) 12.89a 387b. Dutch Creek Woodlands. Inc Pt E pt Lt 44 Sw| Assrs Plat DR 692 P 593 4.22a 1270 Joseph and Helen King Assr's Plat Lt 45 DR 597 P 341 12.G3a 2900 Clara Klein Adams Assr's Plat Pt Lt 47 DR 255 P 260 .38a 12540 Johnsburg Rescue Squad Pt Sublot 2 Lot 28 Pt NE? frl SE? DR 534 P 146 and DR 578 P 608 .40a 3450 Jacob Fritz DR 292 P 395 (Ex! DR 53.4 P 146 and fix DR 597 P 313) AtfSfi Plat Pt Lt 48V18S 250 Gerald J "and Mary Hitterman Pt NEi SE? DR 597 P 313 .17a 600 Paul Eulau DR 401 P 137 Assr's Pit Pt Lt 48 2.64a 10830 Dutch Creek Woodlands Inc Pt Lots 47 and 48 SE? Doc 449034 Assrs Plat 19.00a 5700 Dutch Creek Woodlands Inc CCP Lot 51 DR 507 P 60 22a 5500 Donald and Virginia Vale CCP Lot 52 DR 621 P 407 4a 1200 Robt T and Marguerite A Joyce CCP E 231.14' Sof hwy Lt 42 and N 330' Lt 53 DR 466 P 584 and Doc 410036 Doc 414450 1.96a 8740 Dtuch Creek Woodlands Inc CCP (Ex N 330')Lt 53 Doc 409882 5.25a 2250 Dutch Creek Woodlands Inc CCP S of hwy Lt 42 and all Lt 54 DR 569 P 265 (Ex Doc 410036)7.07a 2120 Mathias and Frances Jung N12A NW4 NWi DR 470 P 62 12a 2500 Emil Geiger E| SWi NWi DR 565 P 161 20a 4800 Frank J and Margaret Prem Pt NEi SE? DR 538 P 399 1.38apartial 48590 Raymond E and Shirley M Tansey DR 561 P 185 Pt NEi SEi .48a 15600 Emil Geiger S28a NWi NWi and W| SWi DR 565 P 161 NWi 48a 18530 Bernard Nand Helen Smith DR 267 P 485 PtSE£SWi and Wj SWi SWi and SE? Swi SW£ 31a • 7440 Castor M Adams Est NEi Swi SW^ DR 107 P 84 10a 2000 Dutch Creek Woodlands Inc DR 507 P 60 (Ex DR 36 P 279) SE£ SWi (Ex 10.67a pt Dutch Creek Woodlands #3) (Ex Doc 443130) 14.89a 5200 John T Behmiller Doc 443130 Pt SEi SWi 2.07a 1800 Dutch Creek Woodlands Inc DR 507 P 60 (Ex ,32.75a Dtuch Creek Woodlands; 14.l7aptUnit 2 11.50a pt Unit 3 and 3.51a Unit. 4) Ex Doc , 417603) PTW fr l| SEi 11.06a 5000 Roland A and Carolyn E Besserud Doc 461766 Pt NWi SEi 5.10a 11440 Lake View Trust and Sav Bank DR 472 P 311 pt S^ SE? .47a 15590 James M and Arline Moran DR 466 P 118 pt SWi SE£ .54a 15500 Henry J Stilling DR 237 P 121 Pt S of Creek Pt s£ * s S| 2.78a 800 Henry J Stilling DR 237 > 121 Pt S of Creek Pt S^ S|- .27a 300 SECTION 14-45-8 Helen V Hegner DR 482 P 101 (Ex W 1 rd)S| NW£'n "v NE? 20a 4200 Mathias and Frances Jung N12a NE? NEi DR 470 P (32 12a Peter Hamlin DR 252 P 416 W lrd S£ NWi NEi and Ni NWi NE-r 20a 2520, 4600 5880 7610 9590 2320 NEi Helen V Hegner S28a NEi NE^ DR 482 P 101 28a Arthur and Evelyn Krumsiee Pt W£ SW£ NEi Doc 430387 1.93a 11800 Bernard N and Helen Smith (Ex DR 380 P 252) W^ SWi NEi DR 267 P 485 18a 4140 Helen V Hegner SE5 NEi and E-jr SW? NEi DR 482 P 101 57.52a " 22200 Martha M Fisher Doc 412950 PtSE^NE^2.48a 15450 Leo M and Rosemary Young CCP S of hwy. Lot 1 NWi DR 541 P 104 (Ex DR 675 P 45) 2.83a 11050 John and Emma Freund CCP1 Pt lt 1 NW^DR 269 P 71 1.40a Peter Hamlin DR 252 P 416 Ex 5.79a for Claremont Hills #1 and 1.47a for #2 and 16.47a for #3)(ExDR 500 468 and DR199P209) NE of Hwy CCP Lts 1*2 and 4 NWi 51.77a 25820 Eugene B and Olga Freund CCP Pt lt 3 NW4 DR 438 P 530 and Doc 412706 .43a 1233 0 Larry A and Gayle J Rich- « ardson Doc 459319 CCP Pt Lot 1 NW^ 1.10a 16310 John Freund DR 162 P568 CCP Lot 3 NWi (Ex DR 438 P 530 and DR 438 P 531) (Ex Doc 412705 Doc 412706 and Doc 418535) (Ex Doc 422092) 58.67a 25350 John and Emma Freund Doc 418535 CCP Pt Lt3 W| NWi ,48a 9570 Robert G and Margaret E Breier, Doc 422092 CCP Pc 160'x300' Pt Lt 3 W| NWi 1.10a 16690 Freunds Dairy Inc CCP Pt Lot 3 NWi DR 438 P 531 and Doc 412705 1.48a Anton Boccaccio DR 352 P 156 S of Hwy CCP Lt 4 NWi 10a Anton Boccaccio (Ex pc in S$ cor) NWi SWi DR352 P 156 39.94a 14250 Arnold M and Bernice Blake DR 499 P 365 and DR 548 P 211 SE cor NWi SW'\ and Pt E| SWi and all SWi SW£ 40.50a 19160 Arnold M and Bernice Blake Road pt S£ SWi DR 499 P 365 la Rupert W Hopp CCP E pt Lot 5 SWi DR 200 P 347 6.32a Anton Boccaccio CCP W pt Lt 5 SWi DR 352 P 156 6.64a George P Blake DR 316 P 519 CCP Pt Lt 6 SW£ .18a , " Victor A Miller (Ex. DR 316 P 519) CCP Lt 6 SW? DR 331 P 226 42.29a 16680 Arnold M and Bernice Blake CCP Lot 7 SWi DR 619 P 205 23.31a Victor A Miller CCP Lot 8 DR 331 P 226 20.25a 'Robert Vogt (Ex DR 301 P 110) CCP Lot 9 SEi DR " 248 P 106 (Ex Doc 414921 and Doc 415466) 35370 Donald J and Nancy L Blake Doc 414921 CCP W 160' N333' Lt 9 NWi SE? 1.23a 21750 Robert Jr and Stella Vogt Doc 415466 CCP E 160' W320' N333' Lt 9 NW| SEi 1.23a John F and Dorothy N Larson CCP Pt Lt 9 SEi DR 443 P 347 5a Eugene J Jr and Dorothy Hughes CCP Pt lt 10 SEi Doc 420235 1.60a Paul H Leubscher Doc 4243 27 CCP Pt Lt 10SE? 12.26a Sheldon E and Annelise Bauer Doc 4243 28 CCP Lot 11 and N Pt Lots 12 and 13 SEi 7.00a 15840 Walter M and Vivian Smith CCP Pt W of Hwy Pt Lt 10 SEi DR* 406 P 459 I.04a 9650 Bernard N and Helen Smith CCP S pt Lt 12and "13 SE? DR 231 P 253 8.52a 1870 SECTION 15-45-8 Clarence J and Clarice Freund. E 40 rds N^ NE? DR 276 P 205 20a 4400 Bernard Jr and Rose Tonyan Doc 417397 (Ex DR 252 P 299) pt N| NEi 63.50a I3970 Arnold M and Bernice Blake (Ex N10a)SWiNEi DR 499 P 365 .30a John and Emma Freund N 330' SW5 NEi Doc 427990 10a John Freund SE? NEi DR 162 P 568 40.00a Northern Pump Co DR578 p 313 SWi SWi 40a Leo J and Florence A Smith CCP Lot 1 W| DR 572 P 74 11.60a Anton and Catherine Wieser CCP Lot 2 W| DR 261 P 18 23.87a Modlne Mfg Co CCP Lot 3 W£ DR 637 P 12040.74a John B Hawley Jr Tr #1 CCP pt Lt 4 W| Doc 429763 (Ex DR 578 P 305) II.06a 2430 Northern Pump Co Doc 423744 CCP Pt Lt 4 W| 60.10a 13220 Northern Pump Co Doc 42G666 (Ex DR 327 P124) CCP Pt Lt 4 W^ 55.35a 12180 Northern Pump. Co CCP Lot 6 W| DR 578 P 313. 37.83 a 7220 Bradford T and Marjorie Scott E of RR W| SE4 and CCP Lot 5 W|DR 671 . P 297 107.12a 50620 Northern Pump Co (Ex E 250 1430 1530 300 5130 43 5 0 450 7450 9840 5650 6600 2000 8800 8800 2550 5250 8960 of RR) w£ SE\ DR 578 P 313 2.85a 810 Arnold M and Bernice Blake (Ex ROW) E| SE? DR 499 P 365 78a 17160 Morton Salt Co Doc 42£013 Pt NW^ NE5 .50a 500 SECTION 16-45-8 Louis Perry S^ NE^ DR 224 P 446 80a 35780 Northern Pump Co (Ex .92a NE cor) Doc 426666 N| NE5 79.08a 48280 Northern Pump Co Doc 426606 NEf NW^ 40a 8920 Northern Pump Co Doc 432744 W| NW5 (Ex Sly 01 0' Mch-WL Rd) (Ex Doc 420150) 58.83a 13120 John B Hawley Jr Tr #1 Sly of & McH-WL Rd W{ NW£ Doc 429763 20.50a 22190 Louis Perry SE^ NWi DR 224 P 446 40a 8920 John B Hawley Jr Tr #1 Doc 429763 S 33' N^ SW£ 2a 250 John B Hawley Jr Tr #1 Doc 429763 fEx DR 128 ^P 410) S^ SW| 74.56a 16630 John B Hawley Jr Tr #1 Doc 429763 (Ex NW CorV Nj. SE5 and NW cor Sj SEi (Ex DR 578 P 305) 61.38a 23360 Northern Pump Co Doc 432744 Pt N|SE? 24.02a 5360 John B Hawley Jr Tr #1 Doc 429763 NE cor Si SW^ and NW cor N| Se| and (Ex S 33')N|SW^and (Ex DR 199 P 315 and NW cor) Sj SEi (Ex NE & of Rd) 128.38a 99200 Ronald D and Eleanor C Meyer Doc 448307 PcNly of of Rd SW? NW£ .67a 6300 Northern Pump Co DR578 P 313 NE of Rd S| SE\ 28.77a C420 Harold W and Dora Smith DR 397 P 360 Pt SE\SE\ .36a 10200 Frederick and Helga Legler Pt S| SE\ DR 624 P 460 .30a 400 John Paetz DR 204 P 83 pt SEi .19a 1230 SECTION 17-45-8 Northern Pump Co Ej E| NE5 (Ex Sly of of McH- " WL RD) Doc 432744 19.75a 4400 John B Hawley Jr Tr #1 Slv of o' McH-WL iRd E| Ej ' NE^ Doc 429763 20.25a 4520 Leone D Cristy (Ex W 20a) W 120a NE^ DR 566 Pgs 110,111 and 112 100a 32660 Kenneth Cristy (Ex DR357 P 638 and DR 547 P 413) W 20a Wi NE^ and e| NWi DR 186 P 347 95.14a 35600 Andrew C and Martha L Thompson DR 405 P 523 pt NW| NW^ la 11010 Winilred B Dimon and Yvonne B Charles (Ex DR 476 P 153, DR 300 P 596 and DR 357 P 639) W| NW^ DR 278 P 588. 75.75a 16890 John ^ Hawley Jr Tr #1; . Doc 429763 Sj 5|20a 114660 SECTION 18-45-8 I S Ettinger NE^ DR 217 P 417 80a 36920 Martha A Silge DR 377 P 207 E{ NW^ NE? 20a 4400 Martha A Silge DR 377 P 207 W^ NW{ NE5 (Ex W 240' N 233') 18.71a 4120 Cities Service Stations Corp DR G13 P 608 W 240' N 233' NW5 NE5 1.29a 23770 General Telephone Co 01 111 DR 552 P 619 Pt SW^ NE? 1.14a 50550 Royce L Parker Land ' Corp DR 469 P 11 (Ex DR 552 P 619 Ex 30a pt Parker's Highlands) SW? NE^ 8 86a 1980 The Master Property Owner's Assoc Inc Doc 463698 NW^ within boundaries of Wonder Lake 84.96a 1700 Wonder Lake Syndicate Doc 463698 N^SW^ within boundaries of Wonder Lake (Ex Doc 432969) 33.60a 670 John Allan Co Doc 432969 (Ex Wooded Shores Plat) pt N| SWi and s£ Sw| (Ex DR494P100 DR 485 P296 DR 515P569 and DR 533P525) 13.05 a 360 I S Ettinger Ej SE\ DR 217 P 418 80a 17840 Anne W and Grover Wickline (Ex DR318 P308) SW£ SE^ (Ex DR579P15) DR 272 P 407 (Ex Doc 458890) .21a 3380 Bell Savings and Loan Assoc Doc 458890 Pc 150'x 125' SWi SEi .43a 4200 State Bk Wdstk Tr #1161 DR 588 P 385 (Ex 38.89a , Oakwood Shores) Pt SW$ SE? .3Qa 800 Emil W and Laura Von Knauf DR 318 P 308 Pc 150' x 50' pt SW£ Se£ .17a 2190 Arthur and Edna LaGreca DR336P376 Pt NE? NW^ .34a 2730 SECTION 19-45-8 Richard A May NE^ NE? Doc 432726 40a 9000 Robert G and Warren B Howe W| NEi DR 648 P 12 80a 18000 Richard A May SE? Ne£ DR 243 P 627 40a 9000 Jack and Elsie Rosner N 323.17' NE? NW? Doc 458783 10a 2750 Louis J and Margot Schustik DR 458 P 129 Strip W side SEi SW^andallSW^ SW^ 43.27a 21950 Knute L Olson Jr DR 517 P 226 (Ex W 71.14'and N 66') E\ SW£ 73.41a 1652a Nellie and Arthur Dlmon Ej SE? DR 268 P 118 80a 35330 -Robert G ssd Wsrrss S -- ^ Howe W| SE? DR 648 P 12 (Ex E 792' N l650')(Ex N 160' W 435') 47.24 a $5740 2250 2200 135p 4200 705i0 Allen R and Winifred B Dlmon Doc 440981 E 792'N 1650' W^ SE? 30.06a 6760 Russell J and Arlene I Wright Doc 461049 N160' W 435' NW^ SE? 1.60a 900 SECTION 20-45-8 Clinton E Martin W 81 acres NE? DR 354 P 542 81.00a 18230 Loren O Martin et al (Ex W 1 acre) NE cor SE^ , and Ei NEt DR 145 P 288 and Dbc 45 1 63 8 80.00a 34870 Richard A May NW? DR 243 P 627 160a 67740 Tillie Cooper et al (Ex DR 473 P262) DR 473 P 263 E 60a SW? 59.18a 35430 Paul N and Sylvia Cooper DR 473 P 262 SEcorSE? SW£ .82a 17430 Richard A May CCP Lot 2 SW£ DR 247 P 395 50a 11250 Mrs Fred R Eppel CCP Lot 3 SW^ DR £52 P 307 49a 22820 Clinton E Martin (Ex NE cor) N| SE4 DR 354 P 542 79.00a 47760 Norman and Gertrude M Anderson DR 415 P 155 SE\ SE^ 40a 9000 Tillie Cooper et al DR473 P 263 W 30a SW? SE? 30a 6750 Abe Tillie Paul N and Jack Cooper DR 473 P 263 E 10a SW£ SE^ 10a 2250 SECTION 21-45-8 , John B Hawley Jr Tr #1 Doc 429763 CCP NE? Lts 3 and 4 20.50a 4500 John B Hawley Jr Tr #1 Doc 429763 CCP NE? Lt 5 14.50a 3260 Thomas H George B and Vera B Kane CCP NE^ Lt 6 Doc 42G114 5a 7410 John B Hawley Jr Tr #1 Doc 429763 CCP NE? N oa Lt 7 5a 1130 Joseph and Sophie Zieniba (Ex S442.63')(Ex N5a) Lt 7 (Ex E 7 rds) (Ex S 459.13') CCP Lt 11 NE? Doc 419712 and Doc 418536 19.15a 10450 John and Stella Zelek Doc 418936 CCP (Ex E 7rds) S 459.13' lt 11 NE? 12.42 a 12850 John B Hawley Jr Tr #1 Doc 429763 CCP NE4 Lt 8 10a Maivina Breyer DR 531 P 128 CCP NE^ (EX W 1 rd) Lt 10 9.77a Walter and Sophie Harasiniowic S 410.97' of E 7 rds SW^ SE4 NE4 DR 071 P 309 1.09a Peter and Estelle Tatera DR 582P318 (Ex S 410.97') E 7 rds SW-| SE4 NE? .66a Anton Freels EjNE-4 NW^ DR 354 P 330 20a 13660 McHenry Loyal Order of Moose Lodge #691 S 442.03' Lot 7 SW\ NE4 6.73a Loren- O Martin et al (Ex Ej NE? NW4) NW4 DR ' 145 P 288 and Doc 451638 { 140a 31500 Loren O Martin et al NW? SW^ DR 145 P 288 and Doc 451638 40.00a 9000 Mi-Henry American Legion Inc S 18a N 28a NE4 SW4 Doc 452734 18a 11660 Joseph and Anne E Janda DR 458 P 382 (Ex N 921.5'.) W^ NE4 SW4 and 5 20' N 941.5' E-} NE? SW4 5.84a 10010 Theo and Anna M Garrelts (Ex DR458 P148) S 12a NEi SW^ DR 276 P 028 6 16a 1390 Theo and Anna MGarrelts (Ex DR468 P156) NE? SE4 SW^ DR 276 P 628. 5a 1130 Gene D and Lorraine I Johnson DR 468 P 156 S 5a NE? SE? SW^ 5a 10970 , McHenry State Bank Tr #125 Doc 417859 SE?SE? S^4 9.88a 2980 Norman and Gertrude Anderson DR 415 P 153 SW4 SW^ and W^SE^ SW4 60a 28140 Garfield C Benson DR224 P 52 (Ex DR 625 P 585) (Ex W 3a) N 10a NE?SW? 6.58a 8860 Edw and Lois Jornd Pc E of and adj and E la W 2a N 10a NE? SW^ DR 607 P 452 and DR 624 P 272 1.21a 1200 Robt L and Bernadine M Benson E 160' W 452.38' N 10a NE? SW? DR 625 P 585 1.21a 13640 Edw and Lois Jornd DR 469 P 383 W la N 10a NEi SWi la 12190 Polish Natl Union Dist 6 Camp DR 496 P 511 W 285' NE 412.5' NE? SE? 2.70a 13340 Wm E and Elfreda B Dreyr er DR 543 P 158 Pt NE? SE? .80a 5340 Theo and Anna MGarrelts DR 276 P 628 S 1040' N 1452.5' W 335.08'W|SE? (Ex DR 596 P 165) (Ex N 326') (Ex Doc 460960) 3.04a 12770 Richard A Garrelts DR 596 P165S 160'N 1452.5' W 335.8' W| SEi 1.23a 12110 Polish Natl Union Dist 6 Camp DR 496 P 511 S 16.5' Wi NE? and N 412.5' W| SE? (Ex DR 665 P 148) 12.24a 2750 Alvin and Jean Blake DR 528 P 68 pt WjSE? 2.50a 12540 Richard A and Joanne M Garrelts Doc 460960 S 160' N 1292.5' W 335.8' W| SE? 1.23a 1200 SECTfON 22-45-8 Bradford T and Marjorie Scott DR 671 P 297 CCP • Lt 1 19.04a 4280 Northern Pump Co (Ex McCullom Lk E^ts) and (Rx DR 627 P 489YCCP Lt 2 DR 578 P 313'4.16a 940 H H and Neva L Mass Doc 457276 Pt E pt NE? 9800 8620 Hwy NW? and (Ex N pt) (Ex McCm Lke Est) CCP Lt 2 NE? 39.43a 84900 Kenneth C Petersen (Ex DR 365 P 344) CCP Lt 3 DR 358 P 79 45.64a 10270 Bradford T and Marjorie Scott PT E^ NE? pt CCP Lot 3 DR 671 P297 14.83 __a 3340 H H and Neva l Mass CCP Lt 4 14.75a 3320 Double H Farm Inc Doc 457276 CCP Pt Lt 6 and (Ex 25' x 150' strp) Lt 5 27.91a 6280 Alvin P and Alfred W Colby DR 492 P 84 25' x 15,0' strip CCP Pt Lt 5 SE? •09a 300 E W H Arvidson and Wife CCP pt Lt 6 DR 383 P 366 .26a 11710 Sigfred V and Marlys Johnson Doc 465500 CCP pt Lt 6 .26a 10080 Nick Tabor CC P pt Lt 6 DR 1 338 P 308 .30a Frank Godina DR 374 P 120 75' x 175' CCP pt Lt 6 .30a Alfred W and Alvin P Colby DR 145P94(Ex DR 258 Pgs 309 and 310 311 and 313 and DR 242 P 479 and DR 430 Pgs 21 and 22 and DR 471 P 68 and DR 262 Pgs 224 and 225 and DR 262 Pgs 472 and 513 and 514 and 541 and DR 268 Pgs 154 and 488 and DR .229 P 12 Ex Plat Ex DR 383 Pgs 364 and 366 and DR 492 P 88) CCP pt Lt 6 21.71a 8480 Jos and Anna Krettler DR 268 P 488 and DR 471 P 08 CCP pt Lt 6 .21a 400 Frank and Teresa Godina DR 430 Pgs 21 and 22 CCP pt Lt 6 SE\ .22a 400 Edward and Marion Kane CCP Pt Lt 6 SE4 Doc 430834 1.95a 750 Edw E and Marion J Kane Pt SW{ SE? DR 034 P 273 .11a 200 August G Lakeberg DR 310 P 399 (Ex DR 367 P 603 and DR 322 P 69 and DR 312 P 563 and DR 323 P 540and DR 527 Pgs 614 and 617) CCP pt Lt6 1.04a * 400 Jos I and Catherine Haley CCP pt Lt 6 DR 367 P 603 .18a 200 Byron L Covalt CCP ptLt 6 DR 312 P 503 ,08a 200 Edw E and Marion J Kane Pt SW^ SE4 DR 034 P 273 .14a 1390 Clarence N Olsen CCP pt n Lt 0 DR 306 P 320 (Ex DR 308 P 287) .86a 600 Louis C and Florence L Totli CCP pt Lt 6 DR686 P 25 .10a 350 Byron L Covalt CCP pt Lt C DR 308 P 287 .14a 350 Joseph I Halev CCP pt Lt 6 DR 277 Ps 84 and 86 .16a 1330 Byron L Covalt and Wife CCP pt Lt 0 DR 282 P 133 .11a 350 August G and Olga Lakeberg CCP pt Lt 0 DR 422 P 36 and DR 258 P 310 • 10a 830 Walter and Mary A Drewko Doc 445607 CCP ptLt 6 .08a 950 McHenry Svgs and Loan Assoc CCP pt Lt 6 Doc 413430 .06a 350 Ben H Arvidson CCP ptLt 6 DR 284 P 552 ,08a 1080 Arthur W and Frieda O Anderson CCP pt Lt 6 DR 262 P 514 .05a 940 Walter and Bernadine Czosnyka et al CCP pt Lt 0 DR 519 P 023 .07a 350 Joseph M Jr and Geraldine F Moerscbaecher DR 582 P 277 CCP Pt Lt 0 .10a 1040 Louis C and Florence L . Toth CCP pt Lt 6 DR686 P 25 .14a 350 Clarence N Olson CCP pt Lt 0 DR 258 P 546 .13a' 350 Esther Ewald and Emma Raymon CCP pt Lt 6 Doc 422912 .08a 1140 State Bank of Wdstk Tr # 1418 Doc 420719 CCP pc approx 50'X150' pt Lt 6 .17a 8190 Robt J and Marion Mc- . Shane CCP pt Lt6 DR 502 P 271 .44a 9360 Kenneth C and Beatrice W Petersen CCP ptLt 7Bet RR and hwy and pt NW4 SE^ Doc 413417 37.19a 8370 Walter C and Carol N Bender Doc 443 3 71 E} SE4 CCP pt Lt 7 2.29a 9780 Kenneth C and Beatrice W Petersen CCP Pt N of Hwy Lot 7 DR 358 P 79 19.25a 22290 Leo J and Mae King CCP Lot 8 DR 319 P3203.26a 730 Bradford T and Marjorie Scott CCP Pt 7 and pt lt 9 DR 671 P 297 15.35a 3330 Bradford T and Marjorie Scott CCP Lt 10 DR 671 P 297 11.16a 2510 Northern Pump Co NE of hwy NW? DR 578 P 313 (Ex DR 627 P 489) 41.41 a 22280 Malvina Breyer DR 531 P 128 and Doc 423428 N of Flanders Sub Pt SW? NW? 6.15a 1940 Rose T Frisa DR 474 P 394. S of Flanders Sub pt S 20a SW? NW? 7.92a 160 Mzhvina Breyer (Ex DR 410 P479) SW? DR 242 P 245 (Ex Doc 43 2838) 1.87a 100 Edward J and Harriet L Hammer Doc 432838 Tri pc NW Gor SW? 1.87a partial 8550 Lakeland Park Property Owner's' Assoc Doc 457721 (Ex pc NW cor) "SW4 156.26a ~ 3T0' SECTION 23-45-8 Bernard N and Helen Smith E| NEi DR 267 P 485 80a 38110 George P Blake NW{ NE? DR 314 P 475 40a 9000 Joseph Blake SW?Nfc^DR 323 P 38 40a 21290 Ben Connor pt NE| NW? DR 245 P 108 la 7180 Helen M Miller pt NEz NW? DR 449 P 415 2a 8630 Ge.orge F Blake (Ex DR 239 P543 la DR 199 P 237) N| NW? DR 314 P 475 77a 34030 Kenneth C Petersen SW^ NWj DR 358 P 79 40a 9000 Joseph Blake SE?NW^DR 323 P 38 40a 9000 Bernard s N and Helen Smith CCP Lot 1 SE?DR 267 P 485 9.42a 2120 Bernard and Florence Blake CCP Lot 2 SE? DR 279 P 544 102a 37800 Edw and Ethel Blake CCP Lot 3 SW\ DR 465 P 319 79.62 29240 Dorothy Stolfel Doc 448313 pt W}SW^ 2.41a 6910 Martin J and Dorothy Stoffel Doc 462954 and Doc 419651 Pt W| SW? (Ex . Doc 462952) 1.86a 13450 Leo J King (Ex DR 387 P 629 and DR 313 P 397 and DR 422 P 152 and DR 344 P 431 and Ex N 20a) CCP W| Lt 4 SW^ DR 319P320^44.46a 26730 Vernon A and . Norma E Thompson Doc 419207 Pt W| SW^ 3a 14190 Vincent Charles Doc 462952 and DR 422 P 152 CCP pt W| SW? (Ex Doc 462954) 1.27a 13200 Dorothy Olson DR 313 P 397 CCP Pt W| SW^ 2a 9170 Kenneth C Petersen N 20a CCP w£ SW4 DR 358 P 79 20a 4500 Susie Schaeier CCP Lot 5 SE? DR 269 P 420 5.18a 143 4 0 Bernard and Florence Blake CCP Lot 6 SE? DR 279 P 544 10.35a 2430 Lee Gladstone Pc N of and adj and Lt 7 SE4 CCP Doc 438192 19.24a 13080 John Streetz CCP pt Lt 8 , SE3 DR 225 P 628 (Ex DR 080 P 253 DR 490 P 210 DR 293 P 57 and DR 041 P381) .75a ' 1000 Jolin M and Cynthia A Knox CCP pt Lt 8 SE4 DR 680 Pgs 253 and 253 10.09a 16230 Lorraine T and Herman J Stel ies DR 496 P 210 CCP pt Lt 8 SE4 5a 14740 Henry J and Clara Stilling DR 498 P31 and DR 641 P 581 and Doc 438963 (Ex DR 462 P 44 and DR 641 P 580) Pt e£ SE4 .99a 6980 Dennis H and Vera M Schniitt Doc 417635 CCP Pt Lt 8 SE| ,50a 10870 State Bank of Wdstk Tr # 1037 DR 641P580 E 150' N 48.84' D 292' N 1486.32' SEj .17a 300 SECTION 24-45-8 Betty A Dalling CCP NE4 pt Lt 1 DR 574 P34 1.58a .1300 Bernard A and Anita Freund DR 188P 192 (Ex DR 279 P 184 Ex DR 239 P 526 and DR 50!T P 409) CCP NE? pt Lt 1 11.69a 2630 Joseph Stanek Jr DR 509 P 409 CCP NE-4 pt Lt 1 ,73a 1080 James C and Evelyn M Hoyte Pc 110'\290' CCP NE4 pt Lt 1 Doc 410018 .73a 7500 Henry M Schaefer DR 182 P 153 (Ex Plats) CCP NE? pt Lt 1 1.03a 1350 Francis M and Laura E Schmitt DR 624P490(Ex . DR 210 P 154 and Ex • Plats) CCP NEi pt Lt 2 9.10a 2050 Matthew H Rowe DR 254 P 294 CCP NE? pt Lt 4 .20a 0930 Matthew H Rowe DR331 P **418 CCP NE? pt Lt 4,20a 2250 Henry and Violet Mueller DR 329 P 136 CCP NE? pt Lt 4 DR 582P510 .28a 6880 Milton L and Myrtle L Smith DR 280 P 124 (Ex DR 614 P 572) CCP NE? pt Lt 4 72.88a 35170 Milton L and Myrtle L Smith Doc 449329 Lts 15- 16 17 Oakland Hills 1st Addn and Lts 47 and 48 Howell's Villa Sub and Lts 31 37 38 39 41 and 30' strp E of and adj Lots 1 2 20 21 replat Howell's Villa Sub and pt SW? NW? 19-45-9 and (Ex DR IIP 226) pt E|?24-45-8 40.98 a 57760 Milton L and Myrtle L Smith DR 328 P 316 and DR 277 P 156 Pc 62.92' x 224' CCP NE? pt Lt 4 .31a 990 Joseph and Elsie Zdenek DR 455 P 290 CCP NE? pt Lt 4 ,54a 11070 Oscar R and Myrtle M Adler CCP SE-? pt Lt 4 Doc 426359 .60a 15220 Phillip and Sybil Keith DR 468 P 314 CCP NE? pt Lt 4 .52a 13350 Robt A and Cell Nielubowski CCP pt Lt 4 (Ex Doc 412936) DR 696P538 .50 a 15170 Leo J and Wanda Brabenec CCP Pt Lt 4 W| SE^ Doc 412936 ,48a 13100 Wm and Florence Nellis CCP Pt Lot 4 DR 477 P 154 .28a 5730 Marvin D and Martha Mc- Crary DR 615 P 415 pc3 x 4 rds CCP Pt Lt 5 .08a 1330 Lyle W Turner DR 347 P 61 pc 3 x 4 rds CCP Lt 5 .08a 250 McHenry State Bank Tr # 168 Doc 446466 pc 3 sq rds in rear of Lt 20 Orchard Beach CCP pt Lt 5 ' .02a 150 Orchard Beach Ass'n Inc _ DR 455 P 7 pc 3 x 12 rds CCP. pt Lt 5 .22a 790 Marcus Judd and Eugene The McHenry Plaindealer, Friday Harner et al Doc 431894 CCP Pt Lot 5 SW? 56.60a 32840 Wm F and Frances DSeibel Doc 413883 S 198' N 1535.16' W 1320' SW£ 6.01a 15970 Dr P V Carelli DR 330 P 13 pc 3 x 8 rds CdP pt Lt 5 .15a 250 Martin W and VlastaJanci "DR 447 P 106 3 x 8 rds CCP pt Lt 5 .15a 250 Charles C and Lucille Conway DR 447 P 314 3 x 4 rds CCP pt Lt 5 .08a 250 Leslie B and Hazel Lilly DR 353 P 403 3 x 4 rds CCP pt Lt 5 .08a 250 Geo A and LorettaE Goetschel DR 431 P 527 3 x4 rds CCP pt Lt 5 .08a 250 Alfred and Johanna Hoefling and Virginia Sheneman DR 535 P 26 3 x 4 rds CCP pt Lt 5 .08a 250 Lillian Reed, etal DR 490 P 247 CCP pt Lt 5 2.21a 2060 State Bk of Wdstk Tr # 1037 N 1535.16' W 1320' SW? (Ex Doc 417636 and Dpc 413883) DR 680P251 (Ex 17.00a Country Acres) 17.06a 5120 Bernard M and Helen Smith CCP Lts 9 12 DR 267P485 55.70a 13930 Wheeling Tr and Svgs Bk Tr #309 Doc 426987 CCP pt Lt 10 and pt Lt 11 (Ex DR 261 P8 and DR 341 P540) 9.23a 2080 Robert H and Marie Schalz DR 341 «P 540 pt Lt 10 CCP pt Lt 11 10a 2250 Francis A and Marcella B Schafer DR 261 P 8 CCP pt Lt 11 5a 17730 Evelyn M Elmore DR 409 P 6 CCP pt Lt 13 NE? .12a 600 Wheeling Tr and Svgs Bk •Tr #309. Doc 426987 CCP pt Lt 13 N| (EX 39.19apt Boat and Saddle Sub) 19.63a 19750 Otto L and Frances A Larsen S 408' N 1535,1G' W 1320' SW^ (Ex S 198') Doc 417636 6.38a 19070 Charles AMearSDR347P 540 CCP pt Lt 13 NE? •20a 7620 Esco Hargis Nlelson DR 503 P 554 CCP pt Lt 13 , NE? ,17a 8100 Mae Angelo DR 279 P 593 CCP pt Lt 13 NEi .17a 6490 Jos A and Gladys M Gen- I eser (Ex DR 626 P 460) I Pc in rear oi Lts 5-6 and ! 7 Shorewood Sub CCP Pt •Lt 13 NE? DR 276P308 and DR 308 P 515 (Ex Doc 448435) .09a 7140 Wm F and Marilyn Volkmar Doc 448435 Pt CCP Lt 13 NE? Pc in rear of Lt 7 Shorewood Sub .17a 1800 Rudolph P and Katherine Spies 25' x 150' rear Lt 5 Shorewood Sub Pt 13 NE? DR 626 P 460 . 08a 300 Vera Magnuson J)R 430 P 193 CCP pt Lt'lS NE^ . 1 6 a . . r 6 8 1 0 John 'and Lilllitn HoueVica DR 457 P 313 CCiPpt Lt 13 NE? .24a 740 Mgo Fed Svgs and Ln Assn DR 685 P491 CCP pt Lt 13 NE? .24a . 7460 Lloyd F and Evelyn F Etonaid DR 494 P 317 CCPpt Lt 13 NE? .29a 600 Joseph J Diedrlch Jr DR 253 P 424 S 40' Ely Fox River SE^ SW^ .13a 1800 Joseph J Diedrich, Jr N| NE? DR 326 P 404 80a 40900 Wm M Behm Tr #108 Doc 467305 and Doc 453064 S\ NE? (Ex S 40') (Ex W 1320') 38.73a 11620 James D and Mary -Lou Lyons DR 594 P 93 Pt SW^ SW? NE? (Ex Doc 420084) .49a 11660 James M Wolf DR 365 P 466 Pt SW^ SW^ NE?(Ex jpDoc 420085) .49a 10770 Edward Wolf Pt S| Wj W| SW^ NE? DR 697 P 605 (Ex Doc 420087) 3.73a 9280 Joseph J Diedrich JrCCP NW? Pt Lt 1 DR 326 P 404 (Ex Doc 420562) 52.82a 15850 Helen L and Rene F Suane and Agnes B and Henry G Reindl DR 524 P 584 and DR 580 P 411 CCP NW? Pt Lt 1 .75a 750 Robert G and Evelyn Beck DR 492 P 68 CCP NW? Pt Lt 1 .20a 500 Elsa L Krenzand Mathilde H Veatch CCP NW? pt Lt 1 DR 163 P347 and DR 166 P441 (Ex DR 189 P 462 and DR 284 P 446 and DR 263 P366 and DR 266 P445) 3.63a 1000 Lewis E and Lenore Besserud Doc 467307 (Ex W 330' S 660') (Ex S 40') W 660' S£ NE? 14.72a 4420 Carl W and Audrey E Brooke Doc 467306 (ExS 40') E 660' W 1320' S£ NE? 19.43a 17550 Edmund and Constance Barany DR. 419 P- 373 CCP NW? pt Lt 1 .61a 600 Clarence L and Jeanne Harkins Doc 462869 CCP NW? pt Lt 1 .13a 350 Fred and Ida W Basedow DR 274 P 402 CCP NW^ pt Lt l'.32a 500 Fred and Rose Wahl DR 351 P 67 CCP NW? pt Lt 2t .06a 150 Marcus Judd and Eugene Harner (Ex DR 351 P 67) CCP NW? pt Lt 2 Doc 431894 27.02a 16390 Glenn and Eileen Paulsen DR 641 P 335 CCP SW£ pt Lt 7 .40a 600 Ambrose H and Dorothy Schafer DR 354 P 599 CCP SW^ pt Lt 8 .92a 9310 Quentin E and Jean Jandt CCP SW? Pt Lot 8 DR 634 P -40 7.90a 1780 James H and Mary Ann Wegener CCP SW^Pt Lot k . Reb. 2,1968 Section 9 t 8 DR 444 P 26 .4& IoyIO S James H and Mary A Weg- 1 ' ener CCP SW-4 Pt Lot 8 ^ Doc 415937 .35a 6&Q: ^ James K Gardner CCP SW? Pt Lot 8 DR 425 P * 399 .80a , 8&0 Chairles Coles CCP SWl ^ Pt Lt 8 DR 626 P 279 . ^ .46a 7$o Gertrude M and Barbara^ J Miller and George S " Smith CCP SW^ Pt Lot 8 * Doc 408193 .24a 5ft) Margaret P fannenst ill. etal Doc 452820 CCP SW| Pt Lt 8 ,25a 500 Leo G and Marlon E Rothermel CCP SW^ Pt Lot 8 DR 518 P 362 .92a 223t0 Leonard and Julia Schiele DR 253 P 45 and DR 353 P 360 CCP SW£ pt Lt 8 vr .24a 500 James E and Florence Do- ' herty DR 315 P 106 CCP ; SW£ pt Lt 8 .35a 6Slo Gene and Alice Stangerone CCP SW£ Pt Lot 8 DR ': 438 P 16 .40a 740 Gene and Alice Stangerone DR 427 P 428 CCP SW^ pt Lt 8 ,40a 740 Charles J and Kaaren Gles Doc 450418 CCP SW| Pt Lot 8 ,40a 11580 Frank J and Avis S Gans CCP SW£ Pt Lot 8 DR 459 P 371 .40a 620 Frank J and Avis S Gans CCP SW^ Pt Lot 8 DR 459 " P 371 .40a 620 Margaret L and Ray Schomas CCP SW^ Pt Lt 8 Doc 409391 .40a 9780 McHenry State <3ank Tr #112 DR 665 P 100 CCP SWi pt Lt 8 .82a 12740 Wm M and Carrie E Molnaire DR 471 P 632 CCP SW? pt Lt 8 ,40a 7120 Elsa L Krenz and Mathilde K Veatch CCP pt Lot 10 NW of Hwy NE? Sw£ Doc 431423 .33a 740 Jos H and Adele Weber (Ex NW of hwy) NEiSWl and W 3.62 chs Nw| SE? ' - (Ex Doc 420989) DR 490 P427 (Ex DR 395 P 260 " • DR 612 P 315 DR 629 P 343 DR 650 P 235 DR 668 P 158) 23160 Daniel A Weber W 230' E 747.75' N 238.7' NE? SW$ DR 629 P 343 (Ex Doc 420938) 1.13a 11360 William N and Joan B Weber W 236.69' E 357.77' S 202.8' N 435.6' NE? SW£ DR 668P158 Co Clks Pit 1.10a 11710 John E and Virginia R Looze DR 554 P 231 Pt SWi SE? .47a 300 Twelve Acres Inc DR 470 P 519 (Ex 29.80a pt Eastwood Manor #2)(Ex 14.53 a Eastwood Manor #1 and 25.48a Eastwood Manor < #3) (Ex DR 474P33 and DR 554P231)(Ex W 3.62 chs) (Ex DR624 P 167 and DR 572 P 304 and DR 585P113 and DR563P116 and DR 580 P 370> (EX rM " 70.19a Eastwood Mahor# 4) SE? 2.03a 670 John S Iwanski et al and Anthony A Varese DR 563 P 116 Pt SW£ SE? 25- 45-8 and pt N of Rt 120 NW? NE? 36-45-8 1.10a 1000 William A Nye DR 572 P 304 pt Sw£ SE? .47a 500 LeRoy A and Lois J Wagner Doc 432365 pt SW£ SE? .47a 18920 Ellis S and Irene T Potter DR 585 P 113 ptSW? SE? .47a 500 A S Blake Building Corp Pt SW^ SE^ DOC 423202 .65a 6$0 Richard and Bertha Jager pt SE? SE? DR 474 P 33 .50a 740 Henry Kennebeck SE? SW? and W 3.62 chs sw| Se| (Ex DR 187 pgs 69 70) DR 124 P 570 47.07a 10590 Bernard M and Christina Kennebeck DR 560 P 212 pt NE? NWi 36-45-8 and Pt SE| SWi 25-45-8 .17a 8710 Harold J and Laura Ferwerda DR475 P323 Pt NE? NW? 36 45 8 and Pt SE? SW^ 25 45 8 .17a 8480 1st Nat'l Bk of Wdstk Tr #395 Pt W| SWi Doc 422367 .35a 9050 V.F.W. Veterans Club, Inc pt SW£ SW£ DR 315 P 102 13.72a 48520 SECTION 26-45-8 Lee Gladstone DR680 P 430 pt E| NE? (Ex Doc 446498) 37.71a 24890 Emil Lasch DR167 P429 and DR169 P532 and DR 257 P405 pt E£ NE? (Ex DR 289 P175 DR 371 P 239 DR 474 P 82 DR 608 P 118 DR 480 P 122 DR 614 P 540) .65a 500 Lee Gladstone Doc 438192 pt E pt NEi 24.69a 11550 Raymond and Marian T Kennebeck DR 380 P 536 pt E| NE? .25a 7090 Leo J King NW^ NW^ and NW cojj- NE? NW? DR319 P 320 40.05a 9010 Jacob and Rosie Freund SW£ NW£ DR 184 P 537 (Ex DR 635 P 202) (Ex Doc 456015) 39.79a 8950 Maurice Gladstone CCP N| all Lt 1 and (Ex DR 293 P 39d and S 13 rds) pt Lt 5 DR257 P446 (Ex DR661 P267) 49.16a 21990 Lee Gladstone CCP Pt Lot 5 NEi DR661 P 267 1.07a 1000 Francis G and Joanne V , . Higgins Doc 434728 (Ex DR 474 P 252) pc 95' x 132'W of Rt 31 SEiNWi .29a 5540 Jacob and Rosa Freund DR 474 P 252 CCP N^ W 235* S 132' E 330' W of Rt 31 - and NEi NWs (Ex Doc 456015) .48a 300 Herman A and Lorraine". " Wernicke E 10 rds W of Rt 31 l4 CCP N 8 rds S